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Rites)Gather (Introductory


Date: April 20, 2015

Feast: Easter liturgy

Focus: Let us be better

for our Lord
Group: Year 6 class

Place: In the
Time: Morning (Prayer
Classroom on the floor time 1-15 minutes)
in a circle
Required Props (Cross, candles, symbol etc):
Sheets with the colours of Easter; White and Gold (Catholic
Education, 2015)
A white and gold plastic candle (for safety)
Bible to read from
Paper and pencil
Large bowl
How will symbols be displayed/used? (What specific action?):
The sheets will placed in the middle of the circle and the candles inside
the sheets. The Paper and pen will be used for students to write down 2
things about what they feel they could do to be better for their school and
at home as a sign of appreciation for Jesus sacrifice. They will place their
piece of paper in the bowl and each day the teacher will pull out a piece
of paper and tell the class, so that they can strive to do that goal on that
We gather here today to celebrate the beginning
of the Easter season, in which we remember Jesus
and the sacrifice that he made for us. Easter is a
time that we remember Gods love for us and how
during this time, we show God our appreciation
for His love and Jesus His son for the joy he has
brought us. The theme for this time today is to
appreciate what we have and be better people for
Jesus and God, showing our love for Them. Let us
start with the sign of the cross
Gathering Hymn:
Shout to the Lord Darlene Zschech
Opening Prayer:
Let us pray,
Dear God, help us to be thankful for the life that
your son Jesus Christ has given us through his
sacrifice for our sins. Help us to be better people
in everything we do so that we can show you our
love and make our world a better place.
We ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen.

In the name of the

Father and of the Son
and of the Holy
Spirit, Amen.


Word)Listen (Liturgy of the

Respond Refect,Share,
Go & Tell

Luke 24: 50-53
A reading from the Gospel according to Luke:
The he led them out as far as Bethany, and,
lifting up his hands, he blessed them. While he
was blessing them, he withdrew from them and
was carried up into heaven. And they worshiped
him, and returned to Jerusalem with great joy;
and they were continually in the temple blessing

(Prior to this liturgy, the students will have been
made aware of the death and resurrection of
Jesus Christ and know that he died for our sins)
In this reading, Jesus ascended into heaven after
being resurrected and then seeing his disciples.
After Jesus had made his blessings and ascended,
the disciples felt a powerful emotion; Joy. With this
feeling of joy they went back and began to bless
God and praise Him in the temple.
So when the disciples given this new beginning,
what did they do?
Went to make a better world
How can we as a class try to do the same as the
disciples and show our joy and appreciation for
God and Jesus in a way that will make our world a
better place?
As a class, we will try to make this school a better
place for Jesus and his sacrifice.
The students will then write on two separate
pieces of paper two things that they can do to
make the world a better place for Jesus. They will
then place their goals into the bowl that will be
passed around.
Now that we have thought about what we can do
to show our joy for this new beginning, we will
pick a goal that we can strive for every day that
we have made.
This prayer time has finished. We will now go out
and show our joy and love for God and His son
through our words and our actions. Go now in

Ask the students

their opinions


Sign of the cross In the name of the Father and

of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Concluding Hymn:
Jesus my everything Matt Maher


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