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North American University

Education Department
M.Ed. in Educational Leadership & M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction
Name:___Bilal Kucukyilmaz___

Date: __7/16/2015

This template is adapted from


The plan should guide the LEAs use of education technology for the next three

List specific start and end dates (7/1/xx to 6/30/xx). Provide a brief overview
of the LEA, its location and demographics and/or share a link to the LEAs
Start & End Dates: 9/1/2015-5/25/2018
LEA title: Dove Science Academy- Tulsa
City, State, Zip Code: Tulsa, Oklahoma, 74112
Phone: (918)-834-3936
Fax: (918)-834-3352
E-mail: dsatulsa@dsatulsa.org
Number of Students: 400
District: Tulsa Public Schools

Describe how a variety of stakeholders from within the LEA and the
community-at-large participated in the planning process.
As the insider stakeholders within LEA the Principal, Vice principal, IT
Department and school`s computer teacher set up a meeting with community
stakeholders such as parents, instructional coaches, team leads, department
chairs, and teachers. On that meeting all of the participants share their ideas on
their new Technology Plan for that school year. Those meetings are arranged
regularly making sure the plan is updated periodically.

Summarize the relevant research and describe how it supports the plan's
curricular and professional development goals.
1. Summarize the plans major curricular and professional development
outcomes that are supported by research.
Various research studies have proven numerous times that one of the
main and most important outcomes of Technology Plan is the
improvement in students` educational growth.
2. Describe and cite the relevant research that supports the plans
Large-Scale Research Study on Technology in K12 Schools: Technology
Integration as It Relates to the National Technology Standards (2014)
Book could be purchased at
3. Describe the connection between the research and the plans goals.
The research is done on a much broader scale than just one school
district, that`s why there are lots of connections between it and Technology
Plan`s goals. There are two the main ways the research and Tech-Plan
are similar: both are working towards making teachers` job easier, faster,
more productive, both are helping students progress their learning and
grow education wise.
4. Describe information gathered from site visits, including best practices.
School administrators do visit other schools to get some more ideas and
practices to better their own school. The ideas like getting a new Tech-Tool
in schools, or appropriate care for the Tech-tools already owned are added
to next year`s Technology Plan.


The Plan must establish clear goals and realistic strategy for using
telecommunications and information technology to improve education services.
(Answer at least 2 questions for each subsection below)

Describe teachers' current access to instructional technology and

current use of digital tools.

What technology is currently available to all teachers?

Currently every teacher and administrator have a laptop and a smartphone that`s
given to them for a term of 1 school year as long as they stay employed at that
school. In every classroom (regardless of the subject) there are desktop
computers, overhead projectors, document readers, and clickers. In addition to
that there is a set of tablets and a fully equipped TV stand with DVD players that
is available for check out by teachers at any time during the school year, and that
is not counting the printers located in teacher`s lounge and front office. Teachers
take full advantage of all Tech-Tools, that`s why lots of them are updated and/or
renewed every other year.
How are hardware and software currently being used in classrooms at each
grade level and in each content area?
Our areas of concentration are middle and high schools. In both cases hardware
and software used are exactly the same, the level of difficulty are different.
Students of all grades have an equal chance of using tablets, and computer lab
PCs. In math and science classes clickers are used to review before a quiz or
Software wise for math, science and reading we use Study Island for all grade
levels. For computer class Typing.com, for History and Geography lots of
Discovery Education and for Music and Art YouTube are used the most. We also
have additional programs like Accelerated Reader and ACT Practice. These
software could be accessed in and outside of school, which makes the number
one reason why schools love using them.

Describe students' current access to instructional technology and current use of

digital tools. Include a description about the LEA policy, practices, and/or
replacement policy that ensures equitable technology access for all students.
Is technology currently available to all students?
All of our technology tools are open and available to all grade levels equally.
Sometimes the school`s tablet sets and computer labs are on first come first
serve basis, other than that any student can take advantage of school
What replacement cycle has been built into the plan; and what funding is
needed to support the replacement policy?
In the beginning of the school year a student and their parent sign a paper for
you break it you buy it agreement. In case a computer or tablet is damaged
student gets a temporary replacement while the damaged item is being sent to
the insurance. If the insurance company refuses to fix the damage for any reason
or the student damages the temporary device also, then that student is
responsible to pay the full value of the damaged device. However if insurance
does take care of it with no problem then the student wont have to pay anything.

Describe goals and an implementation plan, with annual activities, for using
technology to improve teaching and learning. Describe how these goals align to
the LEA's curricular goals that are supported by other plans. Describe how the
LEA's budget (LCAP) supports these goals, and whether future funding
proposals or partnerships may be needed for successful implementation.
How will technology be used to create more powerful learning experiences
to improve student academic achievement?

For Science and Math classes once a week a Study Island quizzes will be
assigned. Students may work on in as homework at home or after school
in a computer lab.
Every teacher must use electronic devices while teaching lesson weather
it is simple as overhead projector or more advanced as tablets and
Computer Lab days must be reserved by all teachers at least twice in a
school year.
All stuff members must use their laptops for database, communication,
and even scheduling purposes.

What LEA adopted curriculum supports the acquisition of technology and

information literacy skills?
Tulsa City Public schools suggested for our school to use corestandards.org and
learning.com to educate students and their parents about benefits of technology
in education and how to be safe online.
Describe goals and an implementation plan, with annual activities, to address
Internet Safety and the appropriate and ethical use of technology in the
How will teachers be trained to deliver Internet safety and ethical use

In the beginning of the year all teachers and administrators of the school
have a mandatory professional development workshop, where they learn
about online safety and ethical use of internet resources.

All of the tablets, laptops, and desktop computer are equipped with the
latest safe search filtering and antivirus protection software.

How and when will teachers and/or librarians help students acquire Internet
safety skills?

It is every technology teacher`s responsibility to educate students about

online safety and ethical use of web content. First week of every computer
lab has to start with internet safety and proper technology maintain lesson.

Teachers of other subject must remind students of internet safety and

proper maintenance every time they assimilate technology in their lesson.

The Plan must have a professional development strategy to ensure that staff
understands how to use these new technologies to improve education services
(Answer at least 2 questions for each subsection below)

Summary of the teachers' and administrators' current technology proficiency and

integration skills and needs for professional development.
Are administrators able to support teachers with the integration of
technology into daily curriculum?
Administrators highly suggest incorporating technology in classrooms at least
every other class time. It is not obligatory for all subject teachers to do so
because not all subjects require use electronics every day.
What do teachers and administrators consider as their needs for
professional development?
One of the main concerns of all teachers is not knowing how to use a certain software
and/or hardware. On professional development workshops it is essential to educate
them on all important tech-tools and software so they can use it in its full potential.

Describe goals and an implementation plan, with annual activities, for providing
professional development opportunities based on your LEA needs assessment
data and the Curriculum Component of the plan.
What professional learning will be available so teachers and administrators
can make informed decisions using data to meet individual student
academic needs?
There are mandatory professional development programs and special workshops
arranged throughout the school year helping teachers in every aspect of their
lesson planning including technology use and proper software, applications, and
data examination implementation.
What professional learning will be available so teachers and administrators

can effectively use technology to assist with student assessment?

Attending workshops and professional development meetings will help teachers
answer any technology and software questions they or their students might have.
The Plan must include an assessment of the telecommunication services,
hardware, software, asset management, and other services that will be needed to
improve education services.
(Answer at least 2 questions for each subsection below)

Describe the existing hardware, Internet access, electronic learning resources,

technical support, and asset management already in the LEA that will be used to
support the Curriculum and Professional Development Components of the plan.
What technologies are available to facilitate home/school communication
such as email, webpages, and voice mail?
Our school has a weekly updated website, where students can view school
calendar, events, activities, photos, and school contact information. The website
also lets students log in to see their grades, absences, homework, and
standardized test scores. There is also an smartphone and/or tablet application
that allows parents to trach their kids` progress at school. Every time something
is entered into students database parents get a notification from their App. Other
than web tools we have an automated home calls, where phone call comes from
school letting parents know of any school cancelation, lock downs, or just regular
absences of their student.
Is the current Internet service provider/Wide Area Network Connection
speeds able to meet the LEAs needs?
For our school we use AT&T overall the speed is fast enough to meet the LEA`s
needs. Our school does offer WiFi signal for staff members only, however it is so
unbearably slow that lots of times teachers avoid using it.
Describe the technology hardware, electronic learning resources, networking and
telecommunications infrastructure, physical plant modifications, technical
support, and asset management needed by the LEA's teachers, students, and
administrators to support the activities in the Curriculum and Professional
Development components of the plan.
What technology is needed to implement the Curriculum and Professional
Development components for students and staff?
Most essential technology in classrooms is teachers desktop computer,
speakers, and overhead projectors. Those are the very basic tools that all subject
teachers need. Tablets, clickers, and laptops are just extras that enhance
students` educational growth.
Can existing equipment be modified to meet certain needs identified in the

Some of our hardware might be old but the software is always up to date. We
annually upgrade all of PC software, tablet applications, safe search and
antivirus protections.
The plan must include an evaluation process that enables the school to monitor
progress toward the specific goals and make mid-course corrections in response
to new developments and opportunities as they arise.
(Answer at least 2 questions for each subsection below)

Describe the process for evaluating the plan's overall progress and impact on
teaching and learning.
Who will participate in the monitoring and evaluation process?
It is school administrations duty to monitor and evaluate and provide feedback
on the process.
What criteria will be used to measure success (e.g., test scores, student
portfolios, percentage of students attaining grade-level content standards,
attendance, dropout rate, matriculation to college, or full-time
Two of the main criteria used to measure success are repot cards and test scores. That
data is then compared to other schools to determine whether or not students have
reached and exceeded standards established by the district.

Describe the schedule for evaluating the effect of plan implementation, including
a description of the process and frequency of communicating evaluation results
to tech plan stakeholders.
How often will data be collected and summarized? Who is responsible?
It is the principals responsibility to collect summarized data at the end of every
school year. Relying on that data next year`s plan will be built.
How will technology success stories be documented and publicized?
Our technology success is our little victory, to documented we submit our scores
and data to our central office (school district), publicize it and deliver the news to
parents/guardians we share our good news on our website.

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