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I usually train my shoulders on sundays, because I've got lots of time and since
my shoulders have been a lagging bodypart
of mine for a long time, I like to spend at least 2 hours at the gym, literally
destroying them.
When working out my shoulders, I use a rep range between 10-15, sometimes i do a
max. of 6 reps on dumbbell shoulder
presses. But generally speaking, i love high reps/high volume on this muscle gro
A typical shoulder workout for me looks like this:
3x 12 pull ups supersetted with 20 dips as a warmup
5 sets standing dumbbell shoulder press suppersetted with rear delt dumbbell row
s (on a incline bench, face down)
5-8 sets dumbbell side laterals (hold on top for a second, no swinging)
4x barbell upright rows suppersetted with front cable raises
5x 15reps rear delt flies on the maschine
5x 15reps heavy dumbbell shrugs

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