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T h e Le a d in g M a n

Program Two
The Man In Demand: Managing Multiple Long-Term Relationships
How is it going gentlemen? This is Scot McKay from X & Y Communications and youre
listening to The Leading Man Relationship Management System. The title of this particular
audio program is The man in demand, How to Manage Multiple Long-Term Relationships,
and in this audio, were going to talk about the importance of dating multiple women versus
serial dating, how to honestly manage expectations early in the relationship, how to conduct
your lifestyle when dating multiple women and, of course, some key strategies for maximizing
your dating lifes potential. Now, as you imagine, this is one of the pivotal programs within
The Leading Man system, so be sure to listen very carefully and listen over and over again if
you need to.
Now considering the complexity and originality of the material Im about to share with you, I
am pretty much considering it a foregone conclusion that youre going to have questions. So,
please do send me those questions at scot@deservewhatyouwant.com. I will answer every
single one of them.
So, lets get the ball rolling here. Lets start by talking about the mindset that you have when
considering whether or not you want to date lots of women at the same time. Now even if you
want to meet one great woman, you pretty much master the art of multiple long-term
relationships in order to get there someday.
Now, my goal is not to influence you towards one type of particular lifestyle or another.
Rather, my goal is to help you lead a widely successful dating life.
So the first step here is to decide what it is you want from that successful dating life. We
talked about deciding your core beliefs in the Core Intro program. But what about what you
want from your dating life in particular?
Do you want to fill your schedule with a variety of women whose company you enjoy? Are
you on a mission to find one great woman right now, or are you anticipating enjoyment of a
busy dating life for awhile while maybe leaving the door open for finding the one when you
feel ready?
Have a serious time of reflection so you can clarify all of this in your own mind. Its really
important because then and only then can you plan a strategy and execute accordingly based
on the kinds of information Im planning to share with you in this audio program.
So, with that out of the way, lets talk about getting our head around this concept of dating
multiple women itself because deciding your desired outcome as weve discussed and
E-mail Scot McKay: scot@deservewhatyouwant.com
For More: www.deservewhatyouwant.com
Direct Coaching: www.dating-coaches.com


actually dating multiple women in the real world and having peace about it are completely
separate ideas. The subjective concept and the objective of reality have got to intersect in
your mind. Otherwise, youre going to be living in a civil war with yourself.
Lots of guys, you see, are in a mindset that you must date one woman at a time. Now first,
youve got to be okay with dating multiple women and know why youre doing so. Contrary to
what many believe, some guys dont necessarily equate the dating process with sex, yet
many of us, as guys, fall into that trap of believing that societal meme that if we are dating
someone, we must be having sex with that person.
Well, that doesnt have to be true at all. You make the rules here. If youre concerned about
women thinking youre a man whore or a player, some may indeed think that if you are
dating multiple women. But see, that perception is their problem, not yours. You are not a
player in the sense of being a dishonest guy who uses women simply because you have a
number of women in your life, and you need not lie to women nor be promiscuous if you dont
want to be. And yeah, if youre upfront about exactly what youre about, evaluating women so
that youll know what you want, then even the sharpest women tend to be understanding of
your position and perhaps even impressed by it.
What you do with your dating life is your business. Some guys have so many opportunities
that it doesnt even make sense to have sex with every possible woman. Can you think of
that? Can you imagine having so many women in your life that it doesnt even cross your
mind to try having sex with all of them? Well, thats within your reach.
Interestingly however, in my travels, Ive noted that this perception that dating more than one
woman is a bad thing It doesnt necessarily come from a guys own mindset at all. Rather,
its largely born of perception that this is the only way that women will have it. In other words,
women wont tolerate you dating several women at a time.
Now first of all, women will indeed accept it, even if they say otherwise up front. In fact, some
women pretty much fit the stereotype of what we consider guys to be. Some women are
looking for the quick lay or even a kind of polyamorous relationship.
Polyamory, of course, means loving multiple people and well be talking about that in detail
later. But if youre looking for an open relationship, there are lots of women out there who are
open. But again, youve just got to be honest up front.
Are you starting to see now how hiding your intent is just a bad idea no matter what that intent
is? Because there are women out there who are going to be looking for what you are looking
for. The idea is to get along with them. So being honest is the best policy.
Now, its indeed true even still that most women are driven by commitment. Sometimes, even
those women who are living a polyamorous lifestyle are driven by commitment too, just not at
that moment.
Even a woman who has been hurt in the past and is generally cynical about life-long
commitment will indeed take serious notice when theres a man who is worth committing to
E-mail Scot McKay: scot@deservewhatyouwant.com
For More: www.deservewhatyouwant.com
Direct Coaching: www.dating-coaches.com


who comes along in her life. But that doesnt mean that every woman is going to try to lock
you down the minute she meets you. Most women are indeed observant enough to note that
thats unlikely to happen anyway.
So, here is how you, as a relationship manager, make the right moves from the very
beginning when you need a woman.
Youve got to set expectations early. We talked about in the Core Intro program and also
were going to be talking about it a bit more in the Dreams Made Possible program. But I
want to expound upon it deeply here.
Youll often find that women are very level-headed when it comes to exclusive relationships
and, therefore, all it takes is that honesty from the very beginning. You dont have to tell her,
Youre the woman for me, or something like that and try to dupe her into believing theres
nobody else. Thats going to burn you when its not the truth. Youre just lying to women.
And as Ive mentioned before, even the sharpest women can be impressed with the mans
stance against rushed exclusivity. Theres a certain maturity about it when you present it in a
certain way.
Heres how you can successfully communicate your case from the beginning so as to affect
exactly that. Are you ready?
On the first date, you ask a woman what she wants from her dating life. Now, you may be
surprised to hear that she thinks a lot like you do, or she may even have more liberal views
than you. Youve just got to get rid of that stereotype that you the only thing that women want
is monogamy--right from the get-go--and wanting to lock you down, and have that boyfriendgirlfriend exclusive relationship immediately.
Now, if on the other hand, she does sound like she is one of those women who does want a
steady boyfriend quickly, dont panic and dont summarily excuse her. Remember, some
women are programmed to parrot those words by society simply because of that social
pressure we were talking about.
Now, no man or woman should ever take commitment lightly. Cheap commitment doesnt last
anyway. Youve probably heard me talk about how men are driven by sex and women are
driven by commitment. When you get outside of your head and try to be that guy who is the
fulfillment of what women want, which is going to be the Big Four--Confidence, masculinity,
inspiring confidence in a woman, and having the kind of character that shows youll do what
the right thing is even in private--youre going to be this kind of guy who attracts women who
want commitment.
Now, see, if a woman tries to lock you down quickly, she is just trying to get what she wants.
She is not really showing any real regard for you, your needs, or your wants. Its kind of like
the guy whos just trying to reel in the biscuit and get a quick lay with the woman, only the
woman version.
E-mail Scot McKay: scot@deservewhatyouwant.com
For More: www.deservewhatyouwant.com
Direct Coaching: www.dating-coaches.com


And see, that cheap commitment doesnt last anyway. You show me a woman who is trying
to lock down every guy she meets as quickly as possible; Ill show you a woman who has the
revolving door in her life--the female version. Think about that for a second. Its pretty true,
isnt it?
You can feel free to verbalize with women that you take exclusivity very seriously, and that
you believe an exclusive relationship is really for those who believe there could be a longterm plan for the future. In other words, you dont even get into an exclusive relationship with
one woman unless you see that she could possibly be the one for you. She is going to be
impressed by that, guys, because that shows some depth on your part.
Tell her also, rather quickly in the relationship--maybe even as soon as the second date--that
the ILY, you know, the I love you bomb, is major for you. You love big and you dont take
that at all lightly either.
See, a lot of women kind of throw away the I love you. Its almost like we learned this in
second or third grade when we were passing notes to each other, right? And it just gets
cheap after a while.
But it shouldnt be a throw away and you should serve notice to her that it shouldnt be for her
either a throw awayand that she shouldnt expect to manipulate you with the phrase, nor
should she expect to hear it from you very quickly. Its something thats earned because of
the strength of the relationship over the time that youre together, and very real feelings that
youre having for each other. Not this whimsical lust, you know, kind of this is it lust or is it
love kind of puppy love thing in the beginning. As you can see, like weve mentioned in the
Core Program, a lot of this guys really, really is, 20/20 foresight.
Now, lets talk a little bit about open relationships and polyamory because I think a lot of you
guys are going to want to hear what I have to say on that. So lets dive right into it.
Note first of all that theres a very big difference between dating multiple women and being
openly polyamorous. Dating women to find out what you want out of a woman or just to enjoy
the company of multiple women is very different than joining together with one woman to live
the swinging lifestyle or a lifestyle where she brings women into your circle and living that
lifestyle together.
Polyamory is more of a lifestyle whereas dating multiple women can have the purpose of you
just enjoying the company of women, like I said, or having this mission of finding the one
woman for you. So, its important to know the difference from the get-go.
You have to know what you want from your dating life like we said, but you know, when it
comes to polyamorous relationships--and deciding what you want there--its even deeper than
that. Thats because there are interesting dynamics potentially at play here.
We will be discussing harem management later in this program, but here is a foundational
premise tied to it all that starts becoming important in this context also and thats this: When
you are sex-focused, youre likely to attract sex-focused women. Whereas, the guy who can
E-mail Scot McKay: scot@deservewhatyouwant.com
For More: www.deservewhatyouwant.com
Direct Coaching: www.dating-coaches.com


get outside of his head and focus on being that man who women crave--you know, like we
talked about with the Big Four--that guy can get any type of woman, not just a sex-focused
The caveat, however, is that once you become the man who represents absolute fulfillment of
a womans deepest desires and fantasies associated with comfort, stability, and commitment,
you stop being seen as simply a boy toy for MILFs or some fun quick fling for the nymphos of
world, right?
Women start wanting you more deeply. You trigger the desire and then theyll keep you for
themselves and theyre not going to want to share you. And as a result, they become far
more likely to get really jealous about that as far as other women being around in your life.
Thats the differentiator. So yes, you become more desirable to more women, but you are
going to get fewer threesome opportunities, for example, as a result. You see how that
dynamic works?
Is what Im talking about here universally transferable to every woman in every situation?
Well, of course not. Very little is since women are each as unique as a snowflake. But as you
reflect what Im talking about here more and more in your life, youre going to be shocked at
how often it is true.
Now, like I said, this concept will be important to remember when we talk about harem
management later. But for now, consider how it affects any desire you may have for a
polyamorous lifestyle.
Guys, youve got to be really careful about showing the cards as the complete Big Four
man to just any woman. And realistically speaking, thats true in any situation regardless of
your intentions for your dating life, because its just not a good idea to get women to fall for
you so quickly. And if you are absolutely pouring it on full strength as a Big Four guy, youre
going to have women fall for you very quickly.
And if youre looking at a polyamorous lifestyle, its absolutely critical that you dont show
those cards. You may want to focus more on banter, having fun, and keeping a sense of
mystery about you should you want to explore that polyamorous lifestyle. And importantly,
youre going to have to choose your women wisely.
So, assuming polyamory is what you want and what youre leading towards, you need to be
honest up front. If you find yourself in an exclusive relationship with your nose pressed
against the glass, your efforts to retrain your girlfriend later into being polyamorous--or even
a swinger--are likely to be viewed as manipulation.
So, you cant really think about taking a woman youre in a monogamous relationship with and
turning her into someone who is polyamorous later. Youve got to make those decisions up
front to choose your woman wisely.
See, because even if you do turn a monogamous relationship into a polyamorous
relationship, if the woman stays she could be resentful and ultimately even bitter because
E-mail Scot McKay: scot@deservewhatyouwant.com
For More: www.deservewhatyouwant.com
Direct Coaching: www.dating-coaches.com


youre likely dealing with a woman suffering from low self-esteem in that situation anyway if
she didnt really want that and she resisted it, and is just staying in the relationship regardless
of whats going on because she doesnt want to lose you.
Ultimately, this is settling for you also--all because you didnt succeed at managing your
Because you didnt know what youve wanted up front, which is job one. If you want open
relationships, youve got to be honest about this up front like I just noted. You must prequalify the women who suit you and avoid cajoling unwilling women into that situation just to
appease your needs. As you improve your skills with women, youll be shocked at how many
women will compromise for you. But see, its going to kill them and thats not just good in the
long run.
Ultimately, you see, polyamory must be the womans idea--preferably from the beginning--and
again, you as a man will lead here. Starting, like I said, with your very choice in women
because if the woman is up for this and you dont have to push her at all. Like I said, if its
really her idea, then youre pretty much out of the woods in terms of this manipulation or even
having to guess (or second guess) yourself as to whether this woman really wants to be in
this lifestyle with you or whether she is just doing what she can to keep you.
And its not always easy to tell who is open to this from the beginning. As always, use the first
date to get to know a woman. You know, just checking for compatibility. But then, start
looking for signs that she is open to this kind of relationship. How does she feel about the
lifestyle? How does she feel about bisexuality? Does the sight of two women kissing turn
her on? How does she react to you telling her youd like to see her kiss another girl? These
are ways to test her readiness to branch out.
Now, if youre already in a relationship listening to this program and feel like you must shift
gears when the relationships already going, you can ask similar questions of the woman. It
doesnt often happen that she is going to have had this latent readiness for it, but it could
happen. So go ahead and ask. Take her out of the town, for example. You can watch how
she reacts to flirtation from other women.
Sometimes when you go to the right club or a place where theres a real interactive vibe, like
some of these bars that have karaoke night and everybody is cheering for each other,
sometimes the girls will get up and dance and theyll kind of grind on each other. And
sometimes theyll kind of take other women by the hand and bring them up on stage with
them and start hugging them, and whacking them on the tail and so forth. See how she
reacts in those situations.
If she reacts positively, there could be some curiosity there. The secret is always not to
pressure her. Note that in most lifestyle situations its customary for women to make the first
contact with each other. So especially if youre looking into swinging or bringing other women
into your circle, she has got to not only be okay with the idea, but excited about making it
E-mail Scot McKay: scot@deservewhatyouwant.com
For More: www.deservewhatyouwant.com
Direct Coaching: www.dating-coaches.com


happen and being the initiator socially.

Also note that you may find out later you want to make the relationship exclusive. This is you
talking and she still will not. And you cant level an ultimatum there either without
compromising someone elses integrity.
So guys, again, to underscore the point: Know what you want. If you even think that you
dont know for sure what you want, stick to dating several women at once while leaving
options open, taking careful mental notes all the while before going after something
polyamorous or the like.
Now, lets move on to what actually happens when you first start dating multiple women-when you actually start doing it. The first rule at the top of the list is youve got to manage
how much time you see each woman and how much time you talk to each respective one on
the phone. Youll find out that were going to talk about this a little bit more in the Dreams
Made Possible program. Theyll start psychologically assuming exclusivity if you see them
more than once or twice a week and if you call them more than about three times a week.
You just cant lead a woman down that path because youre fooling her and youre fooling
yourself rather than being honest.
Exclusivity, in reality, must never be assumed either by you or by her. Dont give her any
reason to assume it, which of course, if youve had The Talk very soon in the relationship-you know that first level-setting conversation--it shouldnt be assumed. You and she should
both know exactly where you stand as well as maybe where youd potentially like to stand
somewhere in the future.
Once you start dating multiple women, youre going to very quickly realize that the sales
principle people buy on the approval of others is very, very true. Where common guy logic
would state that women should actually be turned off by a guy who has lots of women, they in
fact are turned on by the social proof associated with it.
Let me talk to you a bit here about what I mean.
Women will invariably say that they hate competition, right? But time and time again, its been
demonstrated that they most certainly will compete for you. When a guy appears to represent
what women want and hes that man in demand, women recognize that hes rare and theyll
stop at nothing to get him. You need to be that guy. In other words, theyre going to stop at
nothing to get you when you are him.
Now, when you find yourself under this kind of pressure, its important to remain true to your
initial conversation with that woman where you level-set things--unless you are well-practiced,
have dated lots of women, and you are really quite confident that youre standing in front of
that one truly exceptional woman who is going to change your entire life.
Otherwise, dont let yourself get roped in. And of course, what Im saying here is once you
are this man in demand and women start wanting to buy you, as it were, on the approval of
others Once you start dating two women, youre going to quickly be dating more until you
E-mail Scot McKay: scot@deservewhatyouwant.com
For More: www.deservewhatyouwant.com
Direct Coaching: www.dating-coaches.com


have a serious management problemwhich is of course a high-quality issue for sure.

But this isnt only due to the social proof afforded by being in demand. Its also significantly
due to a natural increase in confidence youre going to have in dealing with other sharp
women you meet. You have much less on the line on those interactions because you have
other women in your life already. So, its no longer do or die when you talk to a potentially
nice woman to add to your list of those you are dating. That confidence is attractive, guys,
and youre more fluent in your interaction. Youre taking more risks, so you arrange a meeting
with her and bingoyoure now dating a third, fourth, or fifth woman.
All you really have to have happen is that momentum that starts coming naturally once you
start dating that second woman. Because you see, guys, when youre dating only one
woman and youre a serial dater, you have this certain level of desperation thats always
going to be tied to that scenario. Because if you lose that woman, what happens? You have
to start all over again with another woman. So, theres always more on the line. Theres
more to lose.
When youre dating two women, you can say, Hey look, you know what, I could theoretically
lose one and Id still have someone to go out with. This gives you that natural confidence
and this gives you also the ability to say, Hey, you know what, I can get these women to go
out with me. Getting that first woman to go out with me may feel like a fluke, but when I can
get two women, I can say to myself, You know, I could probably get three.
So, you start talking to women more fluently. Like I said, they like you because youre the
man in demand. They like you because youre a man whos confident and masculine
exhibiting the Big Four, and really the ball just starts getting rolling.
And thats the point where we need to start talking about what I call, harem management.
Now, its here where some guys believe that any group of women youre dating is a harem.
And typically where Ive seen harems talked about in the Seduction Community, it refers
specifically to multiple women youre having sex with. Well, I tend to define it a bit differently.
Heres what I mean.
Remember I spoke earlier when talking about polyamory about how a man who exhibits the
Big Four becomes the very embodiment of all that great women hope for and dream of from
a long-term relationship. Essentially, this gives women a very similar emotional reaction to
you that you feel when you see a woman who represents ultimate sexual fulfillment to you.
Women chase commitment as men chase sex. So, when you become this man who
represents fulfillment of a womans deepest desires, women may do anythingliterally--to win
you. Youre rare and you are a highly valuable commodity to great women. You want real
verifiable proof--tangible proof were talking about here--that men can be the choosers and
women the chasers? Thats exactly what Im talking about here.
So now, theyre not going to want to share you. But heres the payoff when you become that
kind of guy as it relates to dating multiple women, and in it the solid basis on how I define a
E-mail Scot McKay: scot@deservewhatyouwant.com
For More: www.deservewhatyouwant.com
Direct Coaching: www.dating-coaches.com


true harem.
A harem is a group of women who are all faithful to you and to you only.
Now think about it. When youve read about the old days about how guys had harems--these
rich guys in the Middle East or whatever--they werent exactly sharing those women with
other guys. All of those women were faithful to the one guy. Thats the way your harem will
look also when youre one of these guys who exhibits the Big Four.
This happens when youre truly the most fantastic man in any one of those womens
respective lives, and theyve collectively forsaken all other dating opportunities in an attempt
to win you. In fact, it not only can happen but I would say it usually happens--without you
ever even having asked for it, let alone intentionally arranging things like that.
Now, this (as you can imagine) is actually potentially dangerous, but if youre a man who truly
understands what women want and you have focused yourself on being the kind of man that
a woman wants to commit to, then what Im talking about here will naturally happen.
See, youre not a sex-focused guy. Thats the opposite of what shes actually craving. What
you are instead is a man who exhibits the Big Four and you are a man worthy of
commitment. You are giving a woman what she wants rather than demanding up front in the
relationship that she serve your needs. Thats when this happens naturally.
Now, if youre affected by the Madonna-Whore Complex, then this is your dream come true
because of course, Madonna-Whore Complex is where a guy says, Well either she is a slut
or she is pristine.
Now, granted that mindset is not necessarily the healthiest one in the world because no
woman can really live up to that. Its kind of having a double standard for a womans sexual
enjoyment and sexual experience compared to what you hold for yourself. But if that is
something that you believe in and if thats something that is pretty much indicative of how you
operate psychologically when it comes to the women in your life, this is your dream come
true. But Im telling you, it can still prove to be a nightmare once the dust settlesif that dust
ever does settle.
Prepare to constantly level-set women whom youve already told exclusivity will be a long time
coming for, as we touched upon in the Core Intro program. But if you remain honest as you
should, how they conduct their social lives apart from you is indeed their business.
But youve got to pay close attention to the feelings of these women because theyre going to
start falling for you. Again, youre not telling them they must be faithful to you. Heck, you may
even be telling these women to go out and find some other guys to date--especially if youre
not that Madonna-Whore Complex mindset kind of guy.
But see, if you get I love yous, you cant reciprocate too early. Or if these women become
too pushy, even after having agreed to non-exclusivity, youre going to have to let them go
from your life and thats going to be hard for you. But because youre the guy who is really
E-mail Scot McKay: scot@deservewhatyouwant.com
For More: www.deservewhatyouwant.com
Direct Coaching: www.dating-coaches.com


representing what women want, this is going to start happening a lot.

Think of what its like for a beautiful woman, especially like online, for example. She has
beautiful pictures. Guys are writing her saying, My gosh, I dreamed of you. Youre the
greatest woman Ive (n)ever met. I think I already want to marry you. Youre going to get a
window on how difficult that is for beautiful women because the same psychological reaction
guys have towards these beautiful women who represent sexual fulfillment is going to be what
youre driving in woman after woman in your life.
Importantly, think about it like this. Dropping an I love you, for example, is typically
associated with exclusivity and often starts happening shortly after an exclusive relationship is
agreed upon. So something is seriously out of whack when a woman drops ILYs on you
quickly or too casually.
The ethical thing there is to free them up to find the man who will appreciate their particular
goals better than you. This is, of course, something we talked about at great length in the
Core Intro program and well be talking about it a bit more in the Crisis Management
program specifically as pertaining to women youve just met but didnt like. But either way,
such a woman is someone elses dream girl, not yours. And youve got to respect her that
way. And you know what, youve got to respect that future guy that she meets and falls in
love with as such also.
As we discussed in the Dreams Made Possible program, its a mistake to think all women
will rush you in to exclusivity. There are also indeed women who will be perfectly okay with
the casual and may in fact try to keep in you check about that even when youre dating
multiple women.
Assuming theyre just as honest about it as you are, these women can be real gems. Theyre
great girlfriend material, but theyre just not in the frame of mind of wanting a relationship
Or, they could have the presence of mind you do regarding the gravitas of potential exclusivity
and dropping the ILYs too soon. These women are great to have in a situation like this
because they may actually be faithful to you as part of this true harem, or they may actually
say, Okay, you know what, I think I do want to date some other guys. But the important
thing is they have the same mindset you do.
Other women are indeed female players. Youve got to know the difference between the
female players and the women who are really just girlfriend material and are interested in
dating some other guys until they know what they wantthe woman who respects exclusivity
the way we talked about and these women who are going to be faithful to you really because
theyre chasing you. Youve got to know the difference.
We talked briefly about female players in the Core Intro program. Female players arent
really long-term material, so consider whether you simply enjoy the company of various
women versus whether youre interested in quickly weeding out women who arent viable
long-term material. Remember, the choices are yours. You simply have to know what you
E-mail Scot McKay: scot@deservewhatyouwant.com
For More: www.deservewhatyouwant.com
Direct Coaching: www.dating-coaches.com

- 10 -

Lets turn our attention now to how many women to date. This is a question that vexes a lot of
guys, especially when theyre first starting out with this. As I mentioned, when you start dating
two women, things start moving pretty quickly. Thats all it really takes to get the ball rolling.
If you got a particularly effective system for meeting women in place--for example youre
online and doing well with it, you have a deep and vibrant social circle, you work in a public
place, or maybe youre in a job where you get lots of interaction with women who dont work
for the company you work for, such as the UPS guy or if youre an outside salesperson If
this is the case, the number of women youre dating can get out of control fast. Now,
personally, I used online dating mostly to date up to 16 women at once at one particular time.
Id simply meet more and more women and feel good about the possibility of seeing them
Truth be told, I just wasnt strong enough to say No! when I met even a decent woman in
person. There was no filter whatsoever. So, if a woman represented to me someone who I
thought was at least mildly attractive, and I might want to have a second date with her
potentially, I kept her in the black book as it were.
Well, although this was a nice ego boost and I certainly felt no desperation whatsoever about
meeting women, it was a highly flawed arrangement. Simply put, there are just not enough
hours in a day to accommodate a reasonable relationship with all those women. You see,
were I not to keep in touch at least once every five days or so, thereabouts, these women
might call me all upset wondering why they were neglected.
See, women really just cant compute the fact that a guy might be seeing 16 women. And
obviously, I dont advocate sharing all these numbers with every woman youre dating
because, you know, theres no exclusivity there. Thats all they need to know, right? You
have a situation where youre dating multiple women, youre trying to see what it is you want
out of the women in your life, but its really on you to manage that number.
Women arent going to understand that you may actually like them, but there just isnt enough
time in your schedule to keep in touch with everybody you need to keep in touch with.
Crazily, you know, these women Im talking about in this situation wouldnt walk away under
those circumstances since they truly looked forward to the next date. And while none of them
appeared to have any pretense that there would be an exclusive relationship soon because
Id had The Talk with all of them, the bottom line was that I felt as if I was being unfair to
most of the women. It was just unmanageable.
Even if I saw one woman every day, it would be longer than two weeks before the next time
came around. And, of course, you can see two or three women in one day, but thats going to
eat your lunch from a scheduling perspective also.
The ego boosts quickly--and I mean within a matter of couple of weeks to a month max--gave
way to serious hassle. If felt more like a job than something fun to me. And heres the
kickerId be out with a certain woman on the list, all the while daydreaming of being with
E-mail Scot McKay: scot@deservewhatyouwant.com
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- 11 -

some of the others. You see, clearly with 16 women around, I favored some over the others.
There was this Totem Pole Effect you might call it.
So the truth of matter was I really wasnt doing what I enjoyed. There were certain women I
would rather spend time with than the other ones on the list, but I was just going through the
whole rotation--really out of obligation because I had them all in my life. So what I did was
I divided the list into to two: Ones I could be happy seeing on any given night, and the alsorans. Now the women who I figured to be also-rans were put into the just-be-friends zone.
Now imagine that, a guy putting women into the just-be-friends zone. But get use to it, guys,
because you are going to be the one calling the shots in your relationships and youre going
to have to do it.
Now, we talked about exactly how to put a woman in the just-be-friends zone the right way-and even take that just-be-friends talk and modify it some depending on whether youd really
like to remain friends with her, whether youd like to just kind of dismiss her from your life in a
nice way, or even leave the option open of rekindling that relationship later.
We talked about all those different ways of giving the just-be-friends zone talk in the
Situational Conversation program, so consult that for more. But after putting seven women
in the JBF zone out of 16, I still had nine women. I other words, I had nine women I wanted to
see and seven that were also-ransand even nine proves to be too many to manage.
My thought process then turned to arriving at a certain number that was manageable. That
number would also represent a field-tested figure that would be almost 100% sure to
guarantee there would be no strike-out nights.
In other words, with this certain number of women, Id be all but assured female company at
any time whenever I so chose with the women I wanted to be with--importantly without having
to juggle all these other women who I really didnt want to see as much as maybe some of the
other women on the list. It really was an optimum number I was looking for.
That number for me turned out to be six.
So, I cut out the three women out of the nine I was seeing who I could live without, and I
JBFed them. Now six women could be seen once a week on average, leaving room for what
I called a wild card day. Calling them a time or two during the week was also not a major
challenge. So, it was all very manageable. And best of all, I was only hanging out with the
women I really liked.
Now see, youre mileage may vary here, but its uncanny how many guys in similar positions I
talked to--guys who I know to be really, really effective with women and like to date multiple
women--regularly arrived at a number somewhere between four and six.
Again, it has a lot to do with if you have a very busy schedule, what your job entails, and also-as were about to find about when we talk about types of long-term relationships next--how
E-mail Scot McKay: scot@deservewhatyouwant.com
For More: www.deservewhatyouwant.com
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- 12 -

you position those women, where they are even in proximity to where you live, and what your
expectations are for each individual relationship. Because every time you meet a woman and
you have her in your life, that relationship is going to look slightly different than your
relationships with other women.
So, then, lets turn our attention to talking about the different kinds of relationships you can
have with a woman.
Now, if you meet a woman online, and you decide to have coffee with her and youre meeting
for the first time, you may decide that youre not even attracted to her. And see now, that
wasnt even a date or any kind of real relationship at all. Its sort of over as quickly as it
started, but thats the first type of interaction with women that could theoretically have led to a
relationship, so thats why were going to start with this discussion.
Theres no relationship there. If youre not really attracted to a woman, it was just a meeting.
It was meeting created to see how things go.
From there, theres whats called the one-night stand. Arguably, this doesnt involve
relationship management per se, but I think it does because youre relating to a woman if
youre having a one-night stand with her. Mostly, its something youve got to manage vis-vis other multiple long-term relationships. Obviously, when youre having a one-night stand
with a woman, if thats youre thing, thats going to be something thats mutually understood
up front.
Now, sometimes, you may meet a woman and the sex isnt very good, even though it
happens quickly. And then you decide maybe that is a one-night standafter the fact. But if
youre having this rotation of women in and our of your life, purely by choice as opposed to
having that revolving door of women that we talked about not by choice, thats something that
youre going to be deciding with women as you meet them.
Now, you also have to decide if are you going to be having one-night stands in the context of
having other multiple long-term relationships. Well if so, then you just manage each
relationship individually.
And remember guys, theres nothing here that says you cant be creative. As long as youre
having The Talk with women and setting expectations from a ground level of honesty every
single time you meet a woman, you can structure relationships with women in different ways
based on how do you feel towards a woman, what her personality type is like, and what her
expectations are. Its just something youve got to manage to, and thats why were talking
about these different types of relationships here.
Also, I want to differentiate between whats commonly known as an FB or a bed buddy and
a friends-with-benefit relationship. Now a bed buddy is someone you would just have a
purely sexual relationship with. Its like a booty call. She just wants to get off, you just want to
get off. Youre there either because youre both on the rebound or you both just like sex. Its
a relationship that you set up purely for sex purposes.
E-mail Scot McKay: scot@deservewhatyouwant.com
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- 13 -

Now, a friend with benefits is more someone that you can get along with and hang out with
socially. Theres no expectation that theres ever going to be something exclusive in the
future. This isnt even something that you were trying out on those bases, maybe heading
towards exclusivity. Youve probably already figured out shes not long-term material, but you
enjoy her company, you enjoy her friendship, and you enjoy the sex. That is a friends-withbenefits situation.
It is important to note the difference between those two because those are two clearly
different styles of relationships. If either of these are your style, youve got to ride herd on
emotions. Thats a commonality between the FB and the friend with benefits.
If a womans emotions start getting too strong for you, youve got to cut her out of your life.
And youve also got to be safe. Youve got to make sure you use protection and youve got to
make sure that youre not going to get into a situation where she can play the pregnancy card
on you like we talked about in some of these other programs here on The Leading Man.
This brings up how to handle the concept of actually having sex with multiple women. If
youre unprotected, youve got to disclose this to other women. If youre having sex without a
condom, women have the right to know that youre doing that. And if youre managing several
FBs or friends with benefits, I think open discussion of your sexual habits can be avoided if
you, again, set the expectation upfront. There is no reason to tell all these women what
youre doing with other women as long as you have told them with a blanket statement up
front that you will be having relationships with other women that could potentially turn sexual.
And, if shes an FB or shes a friend-with-benefits, obviously, shes afforded those same
rights. This is something you have to talk about up front and, again, make sure you have an
equivocal mindset. Your mindset and her mindset are equal. The two of you are on the same
Now, in my mind, the slippery slope occurs when you have some women who are FBs or
friends-with-benefits in your life, and you are in a relationship or relationships with at least
one other woman whom you feel has long-term potential in your life. Remember, guys, you
dont want to poison your own pond.
Your casual behavior may not be able to peacefully coexist even for an interim period with a
sexual (or celibate, for that matter) relationship with someone you see as a viable contender
for a long future together. Especially if you suspect shes going to be the right one for you
forever, youre going to have to put your money where your mouth is and start weeding out
the others who are going nowhere except to the bedroom. Its my educated opinion that the
longer you keep them around when you have an exceptional quality woman in your life who is
being faithful to you, the more you jeopardize the relationship thats going to matter the most
to you long-term.
Now, again, when it comes to harem management, you might very well have women in your
life that you dont particularly see a future with yet. You may in the future, right? But, they are
going to be faithful to you by choice, even though you havent demanded it. Now, in that
situation, you may choose to have either a bed buddy or friends-with-benefits along with
E-mail Scot McKay: scot@deservewhatyouwant.com
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- 14 -

those women who you are in that kind of relationship with where theyre being faithful to you.
But, youre really seeing most of those women as friends with benefits--regardless of how
they see themselves vis--vis you and your future with them, if that makes sense. I hope it
does. Because what Im talking about here is you keeping control over your relationships.
You see, when youre a guy who represents the Big Four, these women are going to want
you to commit to them. but just like the woman who cant have sex with every guy who thinks
she is so sexually hot, youre not going to commit to every woman who wants you to be
faithful to her even as shes choosing to be faithful to you.
But see, when you have a woman that you do see a future with, youve got to start planning
accordingly. Youve got to stop playing around and start saying to yourself, You know what?
Maybe its time for me to get rid of these other sexual relationships in my life that could
theoretically cause this woman I really care about to think that Im not taking her as seriously
as I should be at this point in the relationship.
Now see, you might not be exclusive yet. Matter of fact, I hope youre not, if youre still having
sex with other women.
But, if you see yourself moving in that direction, I would say start getting your house in order-starting first with those relationships that are purely casual sexually. Now, naturally youre
going to have a pecking order of women in your life, no matter what. Some may be in a
virtual tie with one another, but its reasonable that youre going to favor some more than
others at least slightly, even if you dont think youve found the right woman for your forever
And of course, the woman who is your first choice on a particular night to hang out with might
not even be available. So, thats where the number of women you date also allows for
choosing a second or third choice on any given day while still making sure not to see any one
woman too much. I, like I said, found somewhere between four and six--for me six-to be that
number, because that way youre never dateless, and if you dont have the first choice down
for a certain night or for a certain time that you want to see a woman, you can always go to
another woman--the second or third choice.
Now, another thing to think about here is youre going to have these women who are further
down your Totem Pole who are going to start figuring out very quickly that they are not
getting weekend time, they are not getting primetime with you, and youre starting to call them
at the last minute a lot--because theyre further down the list. There are probably three
women, maybe even two, or one, that you would like to hang out with the most.
And by the way, guys, if its getting down to one, thats a great indicator to start thinking about
an exclusive relationship. But, when you have these women who are kind of down the Totem
Pole, and they start figuring it out, youre going to have to figure out whether you want to
keep them in your life or not. It may be time to rotate them out, and were going to be talking
about that a little bit later.

E-mail Scot McKay: scot@deservewhatyouwant.com

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- 15 -

But, again, be ready for the drama that comes up when women who you dont particularly
favor as much as your first choices start figuring that out. Because at that point, you really
are going to have to say, Look, if I want this woman in my life, I do have to start making more
quality time for her during primetime hours on primetime daysor youre going to just have
to move on.
And, whatever the nature of your relationships with various women, your preferences
probably should naturally revolve equally around all the women youre seeing--at least in
terms of how often you see them. Otherwise, youre probably--like I said--headed for an
exclusive relationship if you favor one or even two over the others.
Ideally, you have a variety of women in your life who represent the opportunity to have the
right woman join you for whatever you have in mind to door, to be frank, based on your
eclectic taste in women. For example, its perfectly okay to arrange the mix of women in your
life so that their actual appearances are different, according to your taste. Dont let anyone
tell you that thats not okay. These are the women you want in your life.
I personally added women to the rotation simply because they were different in a way I was
curious about, and this to the exclusion of other women who may have been more similar in
appearance to some of the other women on my list.
And this, of course, can apply to personality, too. You might have a spunky one, a quieter
one, a more intellectual oneyou know, any kind of woman whose personality interests you,
any kind of woman whose appearance interests you. What this does is it really helps you
figure out more about how women are, and also really helps you find out what you want from
a woman compared to what you thought you wanted.
Now, in terms of selecting women based on their appearance so that you have some variety
there, you may--like I do--have a primary type of woman that you tend to like. For me, its
petite brunettes. For you it could be something different, but you have a passing interest in
other kinds of women and decide you want to try to see what its like to date them also. For
me, I had a blondie, I had a Hispanic woman, I had a Pacific Islander woman, I had some
women who were heavier versus slender, some who were athletic and some who were softer
in their femininity, etc.
Or, you know, the role that these women may play in your dating life may actually be different.
Kind of like you have role players on an NBA basketball team. I had one chick who loved
mountain biking, so she and I would go mountain biking together. Another woman was a very
good singer and enjoyed karaoke, so she was always my pick when I wanted to go and do
There was even one woman that I got to know who was very intellectual and liked playing
trivia. We had a standing date together every Monday night to go play trivia together and
enjoy each others company. In fact, that wasnt a very serious relationship. There was
nothing even sexual there. I just enjoyed her company and I had enough options in my life
that I kept her in the rotation because there was nothing like having Monday nights sewn up,
E-mail Scot McKay: scot@deservewhatyouwant.com
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- 16 -

Be careful to consider geography, also. This is very important and often overlooked. The
proximity of a womans home to yours is absolutely crucial. I personally had it so that I had
two women who lived within five minutes of my home. So, it was very easy to have them be
an offhand choice just to call and to say, Hey, come join me for dinner, Lets go do our food
shopping together, and things like that.
And I had a couple other women who lived about a half-an-hour away. And I had one who
was about an hour away, but who I liked quite a bit. So, obviously, the ones who were farther
away were written into the calendar well ahead of time and typically on weekends--because
since they were farther away, I obviously liked them enough to keep them in my life.
I liked the two who lived near me, but I also knew that they were both usually very accessible.
That was another thing about the two women that Im thinking of right now--other than
hanging out with me, they were pretty much homebodies. They went to work, they would get
tired, theyd come home and not have a whole lot to do. So I could just pick up the phone and
have them come over. It was a very, very good solid place to be for me, because I had those
two women who, if all else failed, I could go out with. And yeah, I liked them. I liked them
pretty much as much as I liked the other ones in my life.
So, those two women who were living a little farther away--they ended up actually getting
scheduling priority when I knew I had a full evening, because obviously this had to be planned
because of the travel. And the two near me, like I said, got a lot of calls to do something
casual and off-the-cuff. I didnt want to slight them. So, I did indeed weave in some
preplanned high-quality primetime with them like I did with the other ones.
And, of course, the woman who lived farther away, you know, wed maybe see each other for
a day or two at a time since we got to see each other less.
And overall, the schedule got balanced.
Now, to be honest, as you might imagine, that seventh wild card day typically ended up
getting filled by one of the women who lived closest to me. So, lest that they start thinking
that things were headed towards exclusivity, I had to keep that to a minimum and I had to ride
herd on those relationships so that the expectations were still kept in check. And even still,
you know, these other relationships in my life werent always immune to that, either.
Every relationship needs to be monitored very closely because there were times where I
would be in another part of the city for work or whatever and I knew a woman that I was
seeing lived over in that part of town, and I would be able to have lunch with her, you know.
So these different things can happen where you can really start seeing women quite a bit
during the week.
I mentioned having six women typically. Many times, the fifth and sixth one or maybe just the
sixth one would indeed be a woman who I really liked but who was from out of town. She
may, like I said, come in for a weekend or vice-versa, even above and beyond just spending
E-mail Scot McKay: scot@deservewhatyouwant.com
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- 17 -

the whole day together if she just lived like an hour away or so forth. That happened several
times and it was really nice to have women like that in my life.
If you play your cards right, you can actually have several out-of-town women who visit
occasionally, and in these cases it is absolutely mission-critical to keep feelings of potential
attachment in check.
Otherwise, youre going to slip into one of those long-distance relationships where you get
somehow disappointed. Youre either going to get disappointed because you cant see each
other enough and you really like each other, or youre just going to get disappointed because
you dont get to spend enough time together to really evaluate whether you are truly
compatibleyet, you are starting to get feelings for each other.
So, yes, this situation can prove very dangerous if youre not up to the challenge of keeping
everything on the level as far as the emotions go. And I would say, also, dont just go
traipsing around the world meeting women that you meet online or whatever simply because
they appear interesting. Stick to your metro area if you can.
Now, there is one exception that Im going to talk about and this represents a particularly
advanced level of gaming out-of-town women. And this called Virtual Hub Creation. This is
when you actually set up multiple long-term relationships with women in other metro areas
that you routinely visit for work, etc. Now, thats the key differentiator. These are places
youre going to be anyway. So, you live in New York City, but you have offices in Chicago and
Los Angeles and you visit those offices maybe once or twice a month.
What you do is you tighten up your online game. Your online game has got to be very, very
solid here and you start meeting women in other metro areas and you just let them know that
youre going to be there. You find them attractive, interesting, whatever you say to them that
interests them online and you start building multiple long-term relationships in those cities you
visit elsewhere.
That way when you go visit these other cities on business or whatever, youre not left hanging
out with the engineers in the hotel lobby drinking beer. Youre out visiting great-looking
women and interesting women that youre having a good time with, and youre doing this
repeatedly all over the world in places that youre going to be visiting anyway.
Again, I want to make that differentiation. Youre not going to be building long-term
relationships with women in random places. What youre doing is youre making it so that
when you have to leave your hometown, you dont have to leave the presence of high-quality
women in your life.
Again, youve got to ride herd on the emotions but this is a very, very fulfilling way to enjoy
being single. Its really a nice life having this well-designed plan for getting the right number
of women you can handle and have it being very manageable--although far from being on
autopilot. You always got to ride herd on all of these.

E-mail Scot McKay: scot@deservewhatyouwant.com

For More: www.deservewhatyouwant.com
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- 18 -

And, dont be misled. Dating even the right number of women does indeed involve frequent
direct input, careful planning, and regular monitoring. Welcome to a bonus reason why being
honest with women is so important. Imagine trying to figure out who you lied to about what all
the time.
Now, on that note, it may seem humorous, but pay extra attention to who is with you and
anchor her to the event or moment when youre dating multiple women. Its just not a good
thing when you bring up a date memory with the wrong woman, right? Its kind of like sending
a text message to the wrong woman or IMing, you know, in the wrong window, right?
Although, its usually recoverable in a strange way Ive noticed (because, yeah, Ive made this
mistake myself, if Im going to be honest with you) especially if theres some water under the
bridge since the event happened. Chalk that up to non-exclusivity. And by the way, if it
happens with some of the women youre seeing, laugh it off also. Dont take it personally.
Now, for the next two parts of this audio program, Im going to run the risk of sounding more
like Im talking about tire care than relationship care. But that notwithstanding, lets talk about
balance and rotation--two very important critical parts of relationship management.
First, balance. I talked a little bit previously about how things got out of control when I was
dating too many women. The bottom line is this: Dating can be like a drug. It can be more
addictive than heroin, especially if youre discovering loads of high-quality female attention
where none has existed previously. Youre in very real danger of watching all sense of
balance in your life decay rapidly. Its kind of like you may feel like youre playing catch-up
after years of unfortunate neglect of your real potential with women. Think about it.
Most guys who are great with women are not dating gurus. Why is that? Well, they are too
busy with women. Personally, I didnt devote full time to what I do for a living now until after I
had found Emily.
And here are the warning signs that you actually have to look for.
First of all, all of your hobbies start gathering dust. Your golf clubs are unused. Your
mountain bikes are just lying on their side in the garage. Youre not really keeping up with
stuff anymore. Youre not even enjoying it as much.
Then, youre quality time with your friends starts to suffer. Youre not returning their calls and
they may even stop calling you. Then, you stop going to the gym and, continuing on that
theme, your diet starts suffering. So your health starts suffering because youre not working
out and youre not eating right.
After all, youre going out with women to these dinners and youre probably drinking more
than you used to because youre going out so muchand your health is not doing well.
Then, if youre a single parent, you may even start fudging on your time with kids--which is not
good. Then, finally, youre job performance suffers. You wont be doing as well at work. You
may even lose your job.
E-mail Scot McKay: scot@deservewhatyouwant.com
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- 19 -

So, see guys, youve got to prioritize these things ahead of your time with women. I know its
not going to be something that may even make sense to you because youve got these great
women in your life, but its something thats going to have to be important. You cant let your
brain get clouded. Youve got to prioritize all those other things in your life that are still
important. Otherwise, its all going to go away --and it will go away with a quickness, too.
Ironically, the adventures, your fitness, your good health, your sense of being a provider and a
father that women love about you--thats all going to go away, too. Then, one day you wake
up and youre not so attractive to women anymore. Then, the very source of what it is that is
causing women to be attracted to you is gone away. And then, the next thing around the
corner is the women start going away and youll be left with nothing.
So, youve got to pay attention to all of these. You cant let the women in your life and your
interactions with them become really an addiction for you. If youve arrived at what you feel is
a manageable number of women in your life and youre still slipping elsewhere, simply put,
the number of women in your life needs to come down. It cant be six for you. It may be three
for you. It may be two for you.
For some of you, guys, out there, ultimately, you may have to end up being serial daters,
although I dont recommend it. But, if you are just absolutely all over the highway with all your
other commitments, you may have a hard time fitting even one woman in your life.
And, with that in mind, heres a side note on that very subject.
When your dating life is out of control like that, you are more likely to get what I would call a
false positive telling you youre actually ready to settle down and stop dating. You may be in
danger of settling for one of the women in your life even if she really isnt the right one for you,
just to end all the dating drama. That is something that youve really, really got to pay
attention to because if dating is starting to feel more like work and youre starting to see the
rest of your life suffer, you may have even a subliminal inkling in your mind that all of this is
not fun anymore for you. And thats when what Im talking about is in danger of happening.
Okay, so weve talked about balance. Lets talk about rotation, keeping on that tire theme,
right? Assuming you do have balance and are dating the right number of women, certain
women are going to fall out of favor with you over time. Youll need to have a carefully
orchestrated plan for rotating women in and out of your life as necessary. I noticed that if a
woman could keep my attention for about a month to six weeks--remember, seeing her on
average about once a week--shell have a good chance of remaining in my life indefinitely.
The others, in my life, I would JBF or replace--because if Im already bored of her after just a
couple of times seeing her, chances are its not really going anywhere.
And having chosen largely high-quality women as we cover extensively elsewhere within The
Leading Man, I rarely had cases where a woman did me wrong and needed to be cut out on
the spot. Still, it happens to the best of us, but when a woman has done something heinous,
heyits time to get her out of the rotation and go find another woman to see and to hang out
E-mail Scot McKay: scot@deservewhatyouwant.com
For More: www.deservewhatyouwant.com
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- 20 -

No matter what, the principle remains, there are going to be women on your--again, which is
probably a number between four and six for most guys--who will need to be rotated out.
Online dating is a great way to meet other high-quality women fast, and its devastatingly easy
to manage according to your schedule with regard to rotating women out of your life.
When I was ready to JBF a woman, I could predictably go online, select three to five of the
highest-potential women who were new since the last time I was online and predictably raise
the bar with a new woman in my life. If this amazes you, its absolutely true. I invite you to
check out my other program, Online Dating Domination for the full game plan on how to be
able to pull such consistent results online. But, make no mistake. You should be taking
numbers and making friends with interesting women for future reference all the time, unless
youre in an exclusive relationship.
Sometimes, youll even meet one who you already know will outshine any other woman
youre seeing, and then you can rotate her into your life, while JBFing another woman right
down the spot. Again, the key really is balance. And while were at it, lets talk about
rethreads also. This is kind of an important theme, come to think of it.
Sometimes, a woman will tell you she is unwilling to deal with your arrangement of things.
Then, two days later, she will call and apologize after youve told her, Well, hey, you know
what, youre probably not the right woman for me. I want to free you up to find the guy you
really want. The woman will call you, like I said, two days later--after youve broken up--and
she will tell you, Well, you know what, I overreacted. Maybe, you are right after all.
Now, when you get this call from a woman, youve really got to make the judgment based on
the specific situation. If you think she did overreact, then go ahead and move forward, if she
has come to your way of thinking. But most of the time, I think, when youve broken up with a
woman, its probably the right thing to have done. If its a case of low self-esteem, if its an
issue with that and she really is compromising herself, stick to your guns and encourage her
to do the same.
A key way to diagnose this is when you tell her, No, about being exclusive with her or
meeting her demands to stay in the relationship or whatever, she offers to cheapen her end of
the bargain.
You know, for example, I met a woman one time, who the first time I met her she said, Look,
Im not that kind of girl. Dont even think about getting your grubby mitts on me. Dont touch
me. Okay. And I simply said, Okay, Im going to respect that. Well, after a brief while, I
decided maybe to raise the bar and to JBF her and bring another woman into my life.
Well, the range of calls started with, Well, you know what, maybe I overreacted. And after I
kept encouraging her to stick to her guns, it finally degenerated to, Can I just come over and
have sex every day with you after work? Literally, thats a true story. Dont do that. Dont let
a woman lose self-respect like thatbecause youre just using her. Encourage her to go on
and find a guy who she is going to be happy with.

E-mail Scot McKay: scot@deservewhatyouwant.com

For More: www.deservewhatyouwant.com
Direct Coaching: www.dating-coaches.com

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And, you know, this all goes double for women you excuse for just cause or women who
dumped you. And by the way, women who need to be excused for just cause--who cheated
on you--or women who dumped you, thats going to happen here and there no matter how
over inflated your ego gets or how good your game gets. So, be ready for it.
Okay. No more tire analogies.
On to the last part here, which I call, Avoiding Awkwardness. Now, unless you specialize in
dating bisexual women who already know each other, Id have to advise against making backto-back meetings with women. For example, you have a woman over your house in the
afternoon and you have another one scheduled to come over for dinner. Now invariably,
according to Murphys Law, that first meeting ends up going long or you just have flat-out the
situation where she is just not in a position to leave for some reason. This is going to prove
awkward. So, dont even think about scheduling that where it might happen.
And also, tell women not to come over your house unannounced, because its rude. Because
see, otherwise, if women feel free to come over and knock on your door anytime, you may
theoretically have a time where she knocks when youre with another woman and thats going
to be awkward turtles, also.
Above all, dont tell women to meet you at your place when theres any possibility someone
else would still be there. In other words, even if youre leaving with her later, if you think
maybe a woman is still going to be there, dont tell her to drop by. And if you do tell a woman
to drop by, remember you did that and dont invite another woman over later and have her still
be there when that woman shows up.
Another thing that can happen thats awkward is when youre out in public and another
woman youre dating is there when youve shown up with another woman. The way to handle
this is, first of all, realize that the woman you walked in with isnt going to know this unless
either you or the other woman makes a production out of it. Do you see that?
So, what you do is when youve seated yourself--lets say youre at a restaurant--excuse
yourself to the bathroom and go say hello to the other womanbecause you dont want to
be rude.
Now, if its just in the presence of this other woman that you have to do that, keep the
interaction short then go to the bathroom. That way, youve acknowledged the woman. Then
you come back and hang out with the woman youre with.
There is no way to avoid being awkward, but if you flat-out ignored the other woman, who you
know and whom youre dating, then youre going to have trouble. Either way, like I said, its
going to be sort of a tough situation to deal with, but if the other woman at least knows you
didnt ignore her, then all shes left with is the awkwardness of having seen you with another
woman youre dating. And shes going to have to get over that, ultimately, because she
knows that the two of you arent exclusive.

E-mail Scot McKay: scot@deservewhatyouwant.com

For More: www.deservewhatyouwant.com
Direct Coaching: www.dating-coaches.com

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Now, if youve been lying to women saying each one of them is the only one, look at the
situation youve just caused for yourself. Youll probably end up losing both of those women
in that situation. Multiple long-term relationships, guys, are all about having control of your
dating life, being The Leading Man and being a relationship manager.
Its like being the leader of a team. And as we have seen, its a lot easier to be the point
guard on a basketball court with four other players than the quarterback of a football team
with eleven other players, right? Especially in the case like were talking about here with
Your questions, your comments, your emails--again, I welcome them. My email address is
scot@deservewhatyouwant.com. Send me your special situations. Ask me about anything in
this program that seems to be a little nebulous to you. If you have other situations that have
come to mind that I did not cover in this program, dont hesitate to email me.
I think weve been pretty comprehensive here, but invariably, when it comes to dating multiple
women, there are always very unique situations that come up. Talk to me. I will return every
email that you send me.
This is Scot McKay from X & Y Communications. Youre listening to The Leading Man
Relationship Management System. Until I talk to you again soon, be good.

E-mail Scot McKay: scot@deservewhatyouwant.com

For More: www.deservewhatyouwant.com
Direct Coaching: www.dating-coaches.com

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