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TESOL Certificate Programs

Observation Notebook

Reader comments on each report

1. Your objectives are well-written and your notes are very clear.
However, it is not clear from your reflections about this lesson or its
potential application in your future teaching context that you
understand how pronunciation can contribute to learners overall
communicative competence.
2. Your reflection on the class activities would be more effective if you
had included references to outside sources to explain how an
inductive/deductive approach can contribute to the effectiveness of the
3. Your reflection on this lesson suggest that you understand the
importance of using different techniques to tap into students different
multiple intelligences. You also suggest that technology makes this
process somewhat easier.

4. You provided a very detailed description of the game and the

instructor used to review vocabulary. You correctly observe that
a game allows student practice in a way that lowers student
apprehension about learning. How would you use this in your
own classroom?
5. Your reflection on this lesson would have been more effective if you
have more completely explained why a task-based language teaching
approach was especially effective for this lesson and how using taskbased language teaching will enable you to combine skills in a Korean
6. It is clear from your reflection on this lesson that you believe its
extremely important for an instructor to create a positive learning
environment so that students will be motivated to participate. One
weakness in your observation report was the presence of grammatical
errors which attracted from the overall quality of the observation.
7. Your observation about the usefulness of sentence strips as an
inexpensive and effective resource for teaching students about
sentence structure is correct. I was also impressed by your
observation that a fantasy family tree avoids the possibility that some
students would have to account for actual family members who might
not be part of their lives.
8. Great objectives! It sounds like a very interesting class. However,
your reflection about what took place in the class is somewhat unclear.
This is because you suggest that knowing how to keep a conversation
moving is an important aspect of American culture; however, you
need a more complete discussion of how the instructor was effective
in teaching this concept.
9. While your reflection about the lesson captures the fact the students
clearly enjoyed the activity, it does not communicate as clearly as it
could how the use of both games and a song enabled the instructor to
meet the objective of the lesson.
10. While your objectives were well-worded and your notes were clear,
your reflection about this class couldve been improved had you

Score / 10






TESOL Certificate Programs

Observation Notebook
expanded your discussion about the characteristics of content-based
instruction by providing one or two examples that you observed
during the class where students expanded their linguistic or cultural
knowledge while completing this activity

TESOL Certificate Programs

Observation Notebook

Observation Notebook Grade Form

Required: 10 observation reports that evidence effort and increase in awareness / understanding
of the teaching process.
Student: ____Boyoung Kang_____________________
Date of completion: ___5-25-15_____________

Exceptional A
Above Average B
Average - C
Below Average - D
Fail - F
Please see the Observation Rubric for an explanation of each level.

You did several things quite well in this observation notebook. Your objectives were
very well-constructed, and our observations of what took place in the different classes
was often quite detailed. They were well-organized and clear. In your reflections, you
often included connections to TESOL theory and methods. However, your reflections
lacked discussion of whether the instruction you observed was effective or not, or this
discussion was not very detailed. One of the most effective ways in which teachers
improve their instruction is through reflection. This reflection necessarily involves the
analysis of what was effective and what was not within a lesson.

Evaluator Name: ____Bill Baker___________________________

Date: ______May 25, 2015__________________
Grade: ______84% / B________________

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