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US History Syllabus

Fall 2015

Teacher Information
Alex Elliott
Tutorial Days: Tuesday/Wednesday 3:45-5:30

Room 1259

II. Materials
3-ring binder (see interactive notebook sheet)
III. Grading Policy: Assignment categories
Class Assignments 15%
Test 35%
Quizzes 20%
Projects 25%
Homework 5%
There will be three tests in this class (fall semester) with a final exam being the fourth.
Each test will require the students to answer a variety of multiple choice and document
based questions.
A quiz will be given once a week unless otherwise noted. The quiz will be given either on
the Thursday or Friday of each week. The quiz will cover any and all material that has
been covered over the past week. Quizzes may not be multiple choice. They could be
document based questions or short answer also.
Homework will be assigned weekly with all assignments being due on Friday (even if I do
not have your class on that Friday, you must still drop your homework off). If you are
absent on Friday of that week, homework will be accepted on that Monday or the first
day you return to school. Homework may be turned in electronically.
Georgia Milestone:
Students will take the US History Georgia Milestone the first week of May.
Your final exam will be given on the last day of class. It will be comprehensive.
IV. Classroom Layout
ALL STUDENTS must have binders for JUST the class. If a student does not have a
binder they must speak to the teacher and a solution will be found. If the student does
not have a binder for JUST this class it will be very hard to pass the binder check. The
binder should be organized with a completed table of contents that the teacher will

Warm-Up and Today In History

Everyday students will complete a warm up. It is expected that the student will write out
the warm up and the correct answer as well as the Today In History that is verbally
stated to them. Both of these serve as review activities that will help the student succeed
in class.
I offer two tutorial days (Tuesday/Wednesdays). Wednesdays are designed for students
who need extra practice. Tuesdays are designed for people who have missed class.
Late Work
Students will be able to turn assignments in and/or make up missing assignments (this
includes unit exams) up to two weeks following the due date of said assignment WITH a
penalty. After the two week deadline students wishing to turn in missing assignments
must go before a board of administrators to appeal the deadline. The board will then
decide if student can still make up assignment through a standards based assessment.
V. Expectations and Rules
Deficiency Notices and Grade Progress Reports
The student will periodically receive from the teacher GRADE PROGRESS reports and
DEFICIENCY NOTICES. You should review with your parent(s) or guardian(s) and they
should sign and return both the GRADE PROGRESS REPORT and DEFICIENCY NOTICE
on or before the assigned due date. Student grades will be posted on the back bulletin
board very two weeks.
Expectation for Technology:
There will be times when the teacher will ask for you to provide your own technology for
part of the lesson. This can include using a smart phone, tablet, or laptop. Students will
be provided with the days in which this will be required. On days that technology is not
required, no technology will be allowed in the classroom.
1. Respect yourself, teacher, and peers.
2. Tardiness If you are tardy you must report to the academy leader to receive a
tardy slip. There will be an administrative detention assigned to you.
3. Dress Code If you are not in uniform, you will not be allowed in the classroom.
4. Be on tasked and be focused
5. Follow all APS rules laid out in the student handbook.

Parent Signature

Student Name

Parent phone number, e-mail, or both (whatever is your preference)

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