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Linguagens, Cdigos e suas

Tecnologias Ingls
Ensino Fundamental, 9 Ano

Defining relative clauses

(who, which, where, whose, when)

Lngua Inglesa, 9 Ano

Relative Pronouns

Relative Pronouns
um conectivo que une uma orao a outra.
Ele evita a repetio de termos.
Muitas das vezes so traduzidos como QUE, DE

This is the doctor. He helped you.

This is the doctor who helped you.
( Este o mdico que te ajudou.)

Veja algumas formas em ingls nos slides


Lngua Inglesa, 9 Ano

Relative Pronouns




Usado para referir-se a

termos antecedentes que
sejam PESSOAS.

Lngua Inglesa, 9 Ano

Relative Pronouns




Usado para referir-se a

termos antecedentes que
sejam PESSOAS.

Usado da mesma forma que

WHO, contudo mais
frequente o uso quando vem
aps preposies.

Lngua Inglesa, 9 Ano

Relative Pronouns




Usado para referir-se a

termos antecedentes que
sejam PESSOAS.

Usado da mesma forma que

WHO, contudo mais
frequente o uso quando vem
aps preposies.

Usado para referir-se a

ser usado entre vrgulas ou
com preposies.

Lngua Inglesa, 9 Ano

Relative Pronouns




Usado para referir-se a

termos antecedentes que
sejam PESSOAS.

Usado da mesma forma que

WHO, contudo mais
frequente o uso quando vem
aps preposies.

Usado para referir-se a

ser usado entre vrgulas ou
com preposies.

o que,
o (a) qual,
os (as) quais

Lngua Inglesa, 9 Ano

Relative Pronouns

Fill in the blanks below with WHO, WHOM or WHICH.
That is the psychologist _____ was talking to me.
( Aquele o psiclogo que estava conversando comigo.)
The lady for _____ you asked is my aunt.
( A senhora por quem voc perguntou minha tia.)
Mrs. Brown, _____ was helped by me, traveled to London yesterday.
( A senhora Brown, que foi ajudada por mim, viajou para Londres ontem.)
The movie _____ I was watching wasTwilight.
( O filme a que eu estava assistindo era Crepsculo.)
The pencilcase in _____ I put my rubber isnt that one.
( O estojo no qual eu coloquei minha borracha no aquele.)

Lngua Inglesa, 9 Ano

Relative Pronouns

Fill in the blanks below with WHO, WHOM or WHICH.
That is the psychologist WHO was talking to me.
( Aquele o psiclogo que estava conversando comigo.)
The lady for _____ you asked is my aunt.
( A senhora por quem voc perguntou minha tia.)
Mrs. Brown, _____ was helped by me, traveled to London yesterday.
( A senhora Brown, que foi ajudada por mim, viajou para Londres ontem.)
The movie _____ I was watching wasTwilight.
( O filme a que eu estava assistindo era Crepsculo.)
The pencilcase in _____ I put my rubber isnt that one.
( O estojo no qual eu coloquei minha borracha no aquele.)

Lngua Inglesa, 9 Ano

Relative Pronouns

Fill in the blanks below with WHO, WHOM or WHICH
That is the psychologist WHO was talking to me.
( Aquele o psiclogo que estava conversando comigo.)
The lady for _____ you asked is my aunt.
( A senhora por quem voc perguntou minha tia.)
Mrs. Brown, _____ was helped by me, traveled to London yesterday.
( A senhora Brown, que foi ajudada por mim, viajou para Londres ontem.)
The movie _____ I was watching wasTwilight.
( O filme a que eu estava assistindo era Crepsculo.)
The pencilcase in _____ I put my rubber isnt that one.
( O estojo no qual eu coloquei minha borracha no aquele.)

Lngua Inglesa, 9 Ano

Relative Pronouns

Fill in the blanks below with WHO, WHOM or WHICH
That is the psychologist WHO was talking to me.
( Aquele o psiclogo que estava conversando comigo.)
The lady for WHOM you asked is my aunt.
( A senhora por quem voc perguntou minha tia.)
Mrs. Brown, _____ was helped by me, traveled to London yesterday.
( A senhora Brown, que foi ajudada por mim, viajou para Londres ontem.)
The movie _____ I was watching wasTwilight.
( O filme a que eu estava assistindo era Crepsculo.)
The pencilcase in _____ I put my rubber isnt that one.
( O estojo no qual eu coloquei minha borracha no aquele.)

Lngua Inglesa, 9 Ano

Relative Pronouns

Fill in the blanks below with WHO, WHOM or WHICH
That is the psychologist WHO was talking to me.
( Aquele o psiclogo que estava conversando comigo.)
The lady for WHOM you asked is my aunt.
( A senhora por quem voc perguntou minha tia.)
Mrs. Brown, _____ was helped by me, traveled to London yesterday.
( A senhora Brown, que foi ajudada por mim, viajou para Londres ontem.)
The movie _____ I was watching wasTwilight.
( O filme a que eu estava assistindo era Crepsculo.)
The pencilcase in _____ I put my rubber isnt that one.
( O estojo no qual eu coloquei minha borracha no aquele.)

Lngua Inglesa, 9 Ano

Relative Pronouns

Fill in the blanks below with WHO, WHOM or WHICH
That is the psychologist WHO was talking to me.
( Aquele o psiclogo que estava conversando comigo.)
The lady for WHOM you asked is my aunt.
( A senhora por quem voc perguntou minha tia.)
Mrs. Brown, WHO was helped by me, traveled to London yesterday.
( A senhora Brown, que foi ajudada por mim, viajou para Londres ontem.)
The movie _____ I was watching wasTwilight.
( O filme a que eu estava assistindo era Crepsculo.)
The pencilcase in _____ I put my rubber isnt that one.
( O estojo no qual eu coloquei minha borracha no aquele.)

Lngua Inglesa, 9 Ano

Relative Pronouns

Fill in the blanks below with WHO, WHOM or WHICH
That is the psychologist WHO was talking to me.
( Aquele o psiclogo que estava conversando comigo.)
The lady for WHOM you asked is my aunt.
( A senhora por quem voc perguntou minha tia.)
Mrs. Brown, WHO was helped by me, traveled to London yesterday.
( A senhora Brown, que foi ajudada por mim, viajou para Londres ontem.)
The movie _____ I was watching wasTwilight.
( O filme a que eu estava assistindo era Crepsculo.)
The pencilcase in _____ I put my rubber isnt that one.
( O estojo no qual eu coloquei minha borracha no aquele.)

Lngua Inglesa, 9 Ano

Relative Pronouns

Fill in the blanks below with WHO, WHOM or WHICH
That is the psychologist WHO was talking to me.
( Aquele o psiclogo que estava conversando comigo.)
The lady for WHOM you asked is my aunt.
( A senhora por quem voc perguntou minha tia.)
Mrs. Brown, WHO was helped by me, traveled to London yesterday.
( A senhora Brown, que foi ajudada por mim, viajou para Londres ontem.)
The movie WHICH I was watching wasTwilight.
( O filme a que eu estava assistindo era Crepsculo.)
The pencilcase in _____ I put my rubber isnt that one.
( O estojo no qual eu coloquei minha borracha no aquele.)

Lngua Inglesa, 9 Ano

Relative Pronouns

Fill in the blanks below with WHO, WHOM or WHICH
That is the psychologist WHO was talking to me.
( Aquele o psiclogo que estava conversando comigo.)
The lady for WHOM you asked is my aunt.
( A senhora por quem voc perguntou minha tia.)
Mrs. Brown, WHO was helped by me, traveled to London yesterday.
( A senhora Brown, que foi ajudada por mim, viajou para Londres ontem.)
The movie WHICH I was watching wasTwilight.
( O filme a que eu estava assistindo era Crepsculo.)
The pencilcase in _____ I put my rubber isnt that one.
( O estojo no qual eu coloquei minha borracha no aquele.)

Lngua Inglesa, 9 Ano

Relative Pronouns

Fill in the blanks below with WHO, WHOM or WHICH
That is the psychologist WHO was talking to me.
( Aquele o psiclogo que estava conversando comigo.)
The lady for WHOM you asked is my aunt.
( A senhora por quem voc perguntou minha tia.)
Mrs. Brown, WHO was helped by me, traveled to London yesterday.
( A senhora Brown, que foi ajudada por mim, viajou para Londres ontem.)
The movie WHICH I was watching wasTwilight.
( O filme que eu estava assistindo era Crepsculo.)
The pencilcase in WHICHI put my rubber isnt that one.
( O estojo no qual eu coloquei minha borracha no aquele.)

Lngua Inglesa, 9 Ano

Relative Pronouns

Fill in the blanks below with WHO, WHOM or WHICH
That is the psychologist WHO was talking to me.
( Aquele o psiclogo que estava conversando comigo.)
The lady for WHOM you asked is my aunt.
( A senhora por quem voc perguntou minha tia.)
Mrs. Brown, WHO was helped by me, traveled to London yesterday.
( A senhora Brown, que foi ajudada por mim, viajou para Londres ontem.)
The movie WHICH I was watching wasTwilight.
( O filme a que eu estava assistindo era Crepsculo.)
The pencilcase in WHICHI put my rubber isnt that one.
( O estojo no qual eu coloquei minha borracha no aquele.)

Lngua Inglesa, 9 Ano

Relative Pronouns





Usado para termos

antecedentes que sejam
Pode substituir, em muitos
casos, WHO, WHOM ou WHICH;


NO pode ser utilizado ENTRE

VRGULAS ou com
AT, FROM, OF, TO, WITH...)..

Lngua Inglesa, 9 Ano

Relative Pronouns

In which sentences below the Relative Pronoun may be replaced by THAT.
That is the psychologist WHO was talking to me.
( Aquele o psiclogo que estava conversando comigo.)
The lady for WHOM you asked is my aunt.
( A senhora por quem voc perguntou minha tia.)
Mrs. Brown, WHO was helped by me, traveled to London yesterday.
( A senhora Brown, que foi ajudada por mim, viajou para Londres ontem.)
The movie WHICH I was watching wasTwilight.
( O filme a que eu estava assistindo era Crepsculo.)
The pencilcase in WHICHI put my rubber isnt that one.
( O estojo no qual eu coloquei minha borracha no aquele.)

Lngua Inglesa, 9 Ano

Relative Pronouns

In which sentences below the Relative Pronoun may be replaced by THAT.
That is the psychologist WHO / THAT was talking to me.
( Aquele o psiclogo que estava conversando comigo.)
The lady for WHOM you asked is my aunt.
( A senhora por quem voc perguntou minha tia.)
Mrs. Brown, WHO was helped by me, traveled to London yesterday.
( A senhora Brown, que foi ajudada por mim, viajou para Londres ontem.)
The movie WHICH I was watching wasTwilight.
( O filme a que eu estava assistindo era Crepsculo.)
The pencilcase in WHICHI put my rubber isnt that one.
( O estojo no qual eu coloquei minha borracha no aquele.)

Lngua Inglesa, 9 Ano

Relative Pronouns

In which sentences below the Relative Pronoun may be replaced by THAT.
That is the psychologist WHO / THAT was talking to me.
( Aquele o psiclogo que estava conversando comigo.)
The lady for WHOM you asked is my aunt.
( A senhora por quem voc perguntou minha tia.)
Mrs. Brown, WHO was helped by me, traveled to London yesterday.
( A senhora Brown, que foi ajudada por mim, viajou para Londres ontem.)
The movie WHICH / THAT I was watching wasTwilight.
( O filme a que eu estava assistindo era Crepsculo.)
The pencilcase in WHICH I put my rubber isnt that one.
( O estojo no qual eu coloquei minha borracha no aquele.)

Lngua Inglesa, 9 Ano

Relative Pronouns

Practicing -


In which sentences below the Relative Pronoun may be replaced by THAT.

That is the psychologist WHO / THAT was talking to me.
( Aquele o psiclogo que estava conversando comigo.)
The lady for WHOM you asked is my aunt.
( A senhora por quem voc perguntou minha tia.)


Mrs. Brown, WHO was helped by me, traveled to London yesterday.

( A senhora Brown, que foi ajudada por mim, viajou para Londres ontem.)
The movie WHICH / THATI was watching wasTwilight.
( O filme a que eu estava assistindo era Crepsculo.)
The pencilcase in WHICHI put my rubber isnt that one.
( O estojo no qual eu coloquei minha borracha no aquele.)

Lngua Inglesa, 9 Ano

Relative Pronouns

Practicing -


In which sentences below the Relative Pronoun may be replaced by THAT.

That is the psychologist WHO / THAT was talking to me.
( Aquele o psiclogo que estava conversando comigo.)
The lady for WHOM you asked is my aunt.
( A senhora por quem voc perguntou minha tia.)


Mrs. Brown, WHO was helped by me, traveled to London yesterday.
( A senhora Brown, que foi ajudada por mim, viajou para Londres ontem.)
The movie WHICH / THATI was watching wasTwilight.
( O filme a que eu estava assistindo era Crepsculo.)
The pencilcase in WHICHI put my rubber isnt that one.
( O estojo no qual eu coloquei minha borracha no aquele.)

Lngua Inglesa, 9 Ano

Relative Pronouns

Practicing -


In which sentences below the Relative Pronoun may be replaced by THAT.

That is the psychologist WHO / THAT was talking to me.
( Aquele o psiclogo que estava conversando comigo.)
The lady for WHOM you asked is my aunt.
( A senhora por quem voc perguntou minha tia.)


Mrs. Brown, WHO was helped by me, traveled to London yesterday.
( A senhora Brown, que foi ajudada por mim, viajou para Londres ontem.)
The movie WHICH / THATI was watching wasTwilight.
( O filme a que eu estava assistindo era Crepsculo.)

The pencilcase in WHICH I put my rubber isnt that one.

( O estojo no qual eu coloquei minha borracha no aquele.)

Lngua Inglesa, 9 Ano

Relative Pronouns

Some More Relative Pronouns



Usado numa relao de

Refere-se ao possuidor;
Nunca pode ser
substitudo e precede
sempre um substantivo.

Lngua Inglesa, 9 Ano

Relative Pronouns

Some More Relative Pronouns




Usado numa relao de

Refere-se ao possuidor;
Nunca pode ser
substitudo e precede
sempre um substantivo.


Usado para designar /

descrever LUGARES;
Nunca pode ser

Lngua Inglesa, 9 Ano

Relative Pronouns

My friend whose father is in hospital is very
( Meu amigo cujo pai est no hospital est muito triste.)

Australia is a country where you see a lot

( Austrlia um pas no qual voc pode ver muitos

Lngua Inglesa, 9 Ano

Relative Pronouns

My friend whose father is in hospital is very
( Meu amigo cujo pai est no hospital est muito triste.)

Australia is a country where you see a lot

( Austrlia um pas no qual voc pode ver muitos

Lngua Inglesa, 9 Ano

Relative Pronouns

Use the correct Relative Pronoun to

complete each sentence below.

A referee is a
person ______
manages a
Imagem: Rick Dikeman / GNU Free Documentation License

Lngua Inglesa, 9 Ano

Relative Pronouns

Use the correct Relative Pronoun to

complete each sentence below.

A referee is a
person who
manages a
Imagem: Rick Dikeman / GNU Free Documentation License

Lngua Inglesa, 9 Ano

Relative Pronouns

Use the correct Relative Pronoun to

complete each sentence below.

A referee is a
person who /
that manages a
Imagem: Rick Dikeman / GNU Free Documentation License

Lngua Inglesa, 9 Ano

Relative Pronouns

Use the correct Relative Pronoun to

complete each sentence below.

Imagem: Bene16 / GNU Free Documentation License

A snack bar is a
place _____
buy snack, food...

Lngua Inglesa, 9 Ano

Relative Pronouns

Use the correct Relative Pronoun to

complete each sentence below.

Imagem: Bene16 / GNU Free Documentation License

A snack bar is a
place where
buy snack, food...

Lngua Inglesa, 9 Ano

Relative Pronouns

Mark an X on the right

Chess, ___ is an ancient game,
has unknow origin.
a) who
b) which
c) where
d) whose
e) that

Imagem: Jaapvanderkooij / GNU Free Documentation License.

Lngua Inglesa, 9 Ano

Relative Pronouns

Mark an X on the right

Chess, ___ is an ancient game,

Imagem: Jaapvanderkooij / GNU Free Documentation License.

has unknow origin.

a) who
b) which
c) where
d) whose
e) that
Harry is the man ____ son plays
extremely well.
a) who
b) which
c) where
d) whose
e) that

Lngua Inglesa, 9 Ano

Relative Pronouns

Mark an X on the right

Chess, ___ is an ancient game, has
unknow origin.
a) who
b) which
c) where
d) whose
e) that
Harry is the man ____ son plays
extremely well.
a) who
b) which
c) where
d) whose
e) That

Lngua Inglesa, 9 Ano

Relative Pronouns
Listen to the song below Take a Look At Me Now by Mariah Carey and
complete the blanks with Relative Pronouns:
How can I just let you walk away, just let you leave
without a trace
When I stand here taking every breath with you, ooh
You're the only one _______ really knew me at all
How can you just walk away from me,
when all I can do is watch you leave
'Cause we've shared the laughter and the pain and even
shared the tears
You're the only one _______ really knew me at all
So take a look at me now, _______ has just an empty
And there's nothing left here to remind me, just the
memory of your face
Well take a look at me now, ______has just an empty space
And you coming back to me is against the odds and that's
_______ I've got to face
I wish I could just make you turn around,
turn around to see me cry
There's so much I need to say to you,
so many reasons why
You're the only one _______ really knew me at all

So take a look at me now, _______ has just an

empty space
And there's nothing left here to remind me, just
the memory of your face
Now take a look at me now, 'cause there's just an
empty space
But to wait for you, is all I can do and that's what
I've gotta face
Take a good look at me now, 'cause I'll still be
standing here
And you coming back to me is against all odds
It's the chance I've gotta take
Take a look at me now



Lngua Inglesa, 9 Ano

Relative Pronouns
How can I just let you walk away, just let you leave
without a trace
When I stand here taking every breath with you, ooh
You're the only one who really knew me at all
How can you just walk away from me,
when all I can do is watch you leave
'Cause we've shared the laughter and the pain and even
shared the tears
You're the only one who really knew me at all
So take a look at me now, who has just an empty space
And there's nothing left here to remind me, just the
memory of your face
Well take a look at me now, who has just an empty space
And you coming back to me is against the odds and that's
what I've got to face
I wish I could just make you turn around,
turn around to see me cry
There's so much I need to say to you,
so many reasons why
You're the only one who really knew me at all

So take a look at me now, who has just an empty

And there's nothing left here to remind me, just
the memory of your face
Now take a look at me now, 'cause there's just an
empty space
But to wait for you, is all I can do and that's what
I've gotta face
Take a good look at me now, 'cause I'll still be
standing here
And you coming back to me is against all odds
It's the chance I've gotta take
Take a look at me now


Lngua Inglesa, 9 Ano

Relative Pronouns


Para aprofundar o vocabulrio ou aproximar da realidade do

aluno, o professor pode realizar a seguinte atividade:

2- Cola basto
3- Tesoura sem bico
4- Vrios lpis coloridos
5- Jornais e revistas (COM MUITAS IMAGENS)
Dividir a sala em trs categorias (
Cada categoria com dois grupos (dois para

Aps identificar o vocabulrio a ser pesquisado, os
grupos devero formular frases referentes a cada uma
das palavras encontradas. (Opo do professor se as
frases devero ser bilngues. No vejo como
necessrio, pois a imagem vai auxiliar na
BAKERY- A bakery is a place where I buy bread.
Pegar todas as palavras, frases e associar a uma
imagem retirada de recorte de jornal ou revista.
Colar de forma harmnica e coerente frase e figura.
Expor em uma parte da sala destinada exposio de

Tabela de Imagens
n do direito da imagem como est
ao lado da foto

29 Rick Dikeman / GNU Free
Documentation License.
30 Rick Dikeman / GNU Free
Documentation License.
31 Rick Dikeman / GNU Free
Documentation License.
32 Bene16 / GNU Free Documentation
33 Bene16 / GNU Free Documentation
34 Jaapvanderkooij / GNU Free
Documentation License.
35 Jaapvanderkooij / GNU Free
Documentation License.
36 Jaapvanderkooij / GNU Free
Documentation License.

link do site onde se consegiu a


Data do

http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:R 31/08/2012
http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:R 31/08/2012
http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:R 31/08/2012
http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:A 31/08/2012
http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:A 31/08/2012
http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File: 31/08/2012
http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File: 31/08/2012
http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File: 31/08/2012

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