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1. What was the main driving cause for your purchase of refrigerator?
a) Status Symbol
b) Need
d) Any other reason, please specify______________________
2. Reasons for choosing the brand
a) Quality of product perceived
b) Servicing facility available close to home
c) Word-of-mouth
d) Experience of relative/ neighbour
e) Any other reason, please specify______________________
3. How did you gather information about the product?
a) Internet
b) Opinion leader
c) Family/friends
d) Magazines
e) Newspaper
f) Any other reason, please specify______________________
4. How long did you take for deciding to go for the brand?

5. Which brands did you evaluate before finally choosing the brand?

6. Which factors led you to choose the brand over the alternatives? Please elaborate with

7. How did you buy the product?

a) E-commerce
b) Mall purchase
c) Retail store
d) Any other reason, please specify______________________
8. Did the product meet your expectations?

9. Does the brand properly communicate its aspects in its advertisements?

10. Which aspects of the brand/product do you see being properly communicated through
its advertisements, post the purchase?

11. What incoherencies do you find between the advantages stated in the advertisements

and your experience?

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