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Investigating the Worlds Move to Sustainable Energy, the Possible Solar

Solution, and Siting Concentrated Solar Plants

Going Green? Sustainable Energy? Solar Energy? Why?

If one were to look through a magazine, flip through channels on a television set, or go
to their Google home page, they would most likely be bombarded with advertisements or
messages concerning the environment. The concept of going green is one that is sweeping
the globe with tremendous force, and is on the tongues of every major politician in the world.
Global warming, the rising price of gas, Al Gores The Inconvenient Truth, and posters of
polar bears standing on chunks of slowly melting ice have influenced every social aspect of
living, whether it be cars, clothing, or food. At the bottom of this global concern, stand carbon
emissions (CO2). According to the Environmental Protection Agency, fossil fuel combustion is
the largest contributing factor to carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere. Burning these
fossil fuels causes CO2 concentrations to rise, which have been proven to contribute to the
worldwide climate change. We need energy, but we also need to change our energy source if
we are to halt this process of global climate change. So, a question must be posed, How do
we reduce CO2 emissions and supply all of our large energy needs?
The answer to this question is one that the world has already been slowly moving
towards, and that is sustainable, renewable, and clean energy. Of all the possible choices for
clean energy sources, one seems to be ahead of the rest, and much more realistic: solar power.
We receive plenty of solar radiation to provide for all the worlds energy needs, the problem is
harnessing this power effectively. Israel has been, since the early 1990s, placing solar powered
water heaters on the tops of every new building constructed. Germany utilizes feed-in tariffs
to become the worlds solar power leader, generating 3,830 megawatts of energy in 2007 alone.
Japan is the largest solar cell producer in the world and is able to integrate them into homes
for relatively low value-added. So, it is clear to see that the move towards solar energy has
already begun, and will only gain speed from now. It has also been recognized that the most
efficient way to harness this energy is not using individual, commercial solar panels, but large
scale, concentrated solar power plants.

The Technology Involved: Concentrated Solar Power (CSP)

Many people are familiar with solar panels on a small, commercial level; however few
are aware of the large-scale solar power plants that exist. Concentrated solar power plants
utilize mirrors to focus the suns energy and then convert into high-temperature heat, or
steam. This steam is then passed through a generator that converts the steam to both usable

heat and/or electricity. The specific mirror configurations used to harness the incoming solar
energy, vary from trough to dish/engine systems. However, all of their purposes are similar
in that they convert large amounts of solar energy into extensive amounts of usable electricity
and heat.
For more information concerning solar technology visit:

The Specifics: the Purpose of this Exercise

It is no surprise that the United States is dependent on other areas around the globe for
its energy needs. We import large amounts of petroleum from the Middle East, Canada, Latin
America, and Africa, and as such, we are dependent on these areas for supplementing our
energy needs. It would be wonderful if we were capable of decreasing our dependency on
foreign oil, and it is rumored that solar energy could be the possible solution. Some solar
companies, such as Ausra, claim that the energy needs of the U.S. can be met with a concise
area of land, with high solar exposure, where one could place a CSP plant.
The aim of this exercise is to utilize GIS, by factoring in a range of variables, to
determine the best location to place a CSP plant. Where, in the continental United States, is the
optimum place to build a CSP plant that could ultimately, if there is any truth to the claims,
provide for the entirety of the United States energy consumption? That is the question that we
are trying to answer, and weve already determined the prime area to be within the southwest
United States, however we must narrow down this region further.
The Solar Model
We built a model that turned our raw, variable data into a final map that shows the
premium locations to develop a CSP plant. These plants are built on a massive scale, and
require ample amount of land, not to mention exposure to high levels of solar radiation. Not
only is available land an important issue, but there are several other variables that must be
taken into account. The variables we used were:
1. Population density
2. Location of power lines
3. Location of water in the Western United States
4. A digital elevation model of the United States (to determine topography)
5. Areas of protected land (federal land)

6. Solar intensity (Good Sun)

This raw data was then put through a series of tools that sifted out all of the unwanted
information, and left only what was pertinent to our investigation. The Euclidean Distance
tool was used on both the FEMA Power lines and Population Density dataset to determine the
distance from cities and power lines. From the Protected Area Database dataset, we used the
Select tool to select federal lands that are less protected and available for development
opportunities. The digital elevation model went through the Slope tool, which then produced
a detailed map of the slope and elevation. The Reclassify tool was used on all of the variables,
in order to make all of the variables comparable to one another. The Plus tool adds two
features (variables) together to make a new feature that encompasses both previous variables.
For example, adding the FEMA power lines feature to the Good Sun feature leads to a new
feature: Sunny Areas near Power lines. The Times tool multiplies a variable and a mask
together to form a new feature. By multiplying the Western Water Mask with the Flat Land
feature, we created a new feature entitled: Flat and Dry Land. Ultimately, by combining all
of these altered and refined variables, we developed the final map, which show the best areas
to site CSP plants.

The Raw Variable Maps

Solar Intensity Map
A very important dataset is the distribution of solar radiation across the country. The
intensity of the radiation varies from strong (in red) to weak (in blue). It is clear to see that the
largest concentration of solar radiation occurs in the southwestern United States. This
information is imperative for this investigation, because it shows the areas of the United States
that receive the most sun, and this gives us a basis to compare other variables.

Population Density Map

A CSP plant is only beneficial if it is capable of supplying power to people. The farther
away the plant is away from a population, the more expensive it will be to transport the
electricity. The following map displays population density across the United States, with
heavier concentrations in brown, fading to sparser concentrations in green. I am not implying
that a major city like Phoenix or LA should forfeit a large amount of land purely to solar
energy, but that open, federal land near a population is preferred. This is an example of
another layer that is added onto the solar intensity map to further refine our analysis.

Digital Elevation & Hillshade Map

Elevation has a great effect on the amount of solar energy a given area receives. This DEM
map displays elevation in a gradient from light (high elevation) to dark (low elevation).
Overlaid on top of this DEM, is a layer of hillshade. The hillshade is the culmination of taking
the information concerning elevation from the DEM, and converting it into visible surface
topography. If an area lies in the shade of a mountain, it will obviously receive less solar
radiation via indirect rays. However, if an area is at a higher elevation, and has no obstacles
blocking the rays, it receives a greater amount of solar energy. This does not mean that the
ideal spot for a plant would be on top of a mountain, on the contrary, flat land is preferred.
Again, this is an additional map feature that can be placed onto the current map layers to
input topographic variables concerning the best land areas.

Distance from FEMA Power lines Map

Even if a CSP plant is capable of producing massive amounts of power, it is useless if it is
incapable of reaching the consumer. Relatively close proximity to power lines is imperative to
the success of solar energy plants. The bright yellow lines sprawling across the U.S. are the
power lines themselves, and the distance from these power lines increase as the colors change
from yellow (close) to blue (distant). As the power lines become more and more concentrated,
it is safe to assume that the area of concentration is a city or major town. So, one cannot place
a plant directly on a convergence of power lines, and that isnt needed. Access to power lines
is all that a CSP plant needs to be successful. If we were to place this on top of all the previous
map layers, it would factor in proximity to power lines into the already refined model.

Federal Less Protected Lands Map

It is preferred that federal lands are used for the placement of this CSP plant. Federal lands
range from highly protected, examples being Yellowstone and national parks, to less
protected, former federal land now being unused. If we were to use federal lands, they would
have to be less protected, because development is strictly prohibited on protected lands. We
assigned the federal lands a scale of protection, where anything less than a three is considered
less protected. All lands less than three are shown in green on the following map. This
layer is practically a cookie cutter on top of all of the previous layers. Everything within the
boundaries of the less protected lands can be considered as viable area for constructing a CSP

Integrating Maps
United States Topography & Flat vs. Dry Land
An important factor to take into account when determining a good location is the
topography of the proposed area. Placing a plant on top of a mountain or in the middle of a
lake would not be the wisest of choices, and we are capable of concluding what regions to
disregard by examining a topographic map. It is clear to see that a large percentage of western
land falls into the mountainous category, and there are several significant lakes. These
particular areas are unsuitable for solar plants, so it further narrows down our possible list of

However, wouldnt it just be easier to rule out places if we combined all of the unwanted
locations under a single feature? In the Flat and Dry Areas map, we simply combined areas
with a slope greater than three and bodies of water to create a single layer of undesired locales.
Areas displayed in blue are considered too mountainous or are bodies of water, and areas in
brown are flat and dry. Although placing a plant in a lake is highly improbable, water does
serve an important purpose to the solar energy process. Massive amounts of water are
required in order to cool down their power plants, so proximity to a body of water would be
most useful, however not a priority. This layer could again act as a cookie cutter, disregarding
and removing all areas that fall into the mountainous or water category.

Solar Siting Map

The map entitled Areas for Solar Siting in the United States is the culmination of all of
the variables, with the exception of the DEM and water mask. By considering all aspects
surrounding optimum solar energy: distance from power lines and cities, solar intensity, and
federal lands, we were capable of coming up with a map that shows the prime places for CSP
plant development. On a scale from most suitable (red/hot) to least suitable (blue/cold), this
graphic shows that many of the premium locations are situated within Arizona, New Mexico,
Nevada, Utah and California. However, this map doesnt display whether or not these
locations are on top of mountains, or at the deepest center of body of water. To improve upon
this map, we had to add yet another, and final, layer.

The Finished Product: Optimum Solar Siting Map

By combining the two previous maps: Flat and Dry Areas and Areas for Solar Siting in
the United States, we came up with the final map: Areas Suitable for Siting Concentrated
Solar Power Plants. This graphic combines all of the previous layers and variables, to
produce a readable map that displays the best areas on a scale from most suitable (deep red) to
least suitable (light red). This map differs from the Solar Siting Map in that it omits bodies of
water, and areas considered too steep. Again, the heaviest concentration appears in Arizona,
New Mexico, Utah, California, and Nevada. So, it is clear to see that the American Southwest
has ample land available for development that is of high quality in terms of potential for solar

Implications: Government Target Sites and Solar Policy

Bureau of Land Management Study Zones
The idea of placing solar power plants in the southwestern United States isnt a new
concept, considering that the BLM have been targeting possible study areas for quite some
time. Areas include zones within San Bernadino County, CA, Maricopa County, AZ, and
Sandoval County, NM. These counties and study areas are all within close proximity to major
cities including Los Angeles, Phoenix, and Albuquerque respectively.
We overlaid the BLM study zones on top of the Optimum Solar Map, to show whether or
not the areas the government were targeting were of value. Indeed, all zones appear within
the realm of most suitable according to the assigned scale.

Solar Policy
So, we have determined that it is plausible for the U.S. to be successful in developing
concentrated solar power plants. We have also targeted the best areas for placing these
hypothetical plants, and it appears as though our government has as well. However, there still
remains a lack of solar power plants, and it is due to our nations somewhat impassive attitude
concerning the progression of sustainable energy. It is not that we are opposed to renewable
energy; our president would be disgusted to entertain that idea, but rather our lack of
legislation and action.
Many solar-forward countries, like Germany and Japan, have feed-in tariffs that require
utility companies to pay customers a guaranteed rate for any energy they feed back into the
grid. Israel has required, since the early 1990s, that all new buildings have a solar powered
water heater atop their roof. China is using a large sum of their economic stimulus money to
fund incentives for solar farms and residential solar users. What these countries all have in
common, besides their firm belief in solar energy, is that they have all pledged to reduce their
CO2 emissions and to increase their percentage of natural energy. The United States remains
absent from this group.

There are many possible reasons as to why the United States has refrained from
excelling in this particular race. For instance, for the past few months, the only policies that
have been on the tongues of Americans are the policies referring to a nationalized health plan.
Also, although we are a united country, the majority of the legislation pertaining to solar
energy occurs on the state level, with California and Hawaii leading the way. We must also
remember that this technology is very new, and very expensive. Large-scale solar power
plants run upwards to tens of millions of dollars, and require much planning.
Although the United States appears to be lagging behind, I wouldnt put us out of the
race just yet. President Obama has made it known that he is a strong supporter of renewable
energy, and he plans on attending to it before his job is done. The land is there, the science is
ready, and all we need is that political push to get the ball rolling.
Summing Things Up
I think it is safe to say that no country has been more affected socially by this global
commitment to going green, than the United States. Thanks to a large amount of somewhat
exaggerated projections and media hype, the rising levels of CO2 emissions, disintegration of
the ozone layer, and warming of the climate are on the forefront of global problems to be
solved. Seeing as how energy consumption appears to be a large culprit, the world is turning
its eye towards renewable, sustainable, clean energy, like solar power.
Todays technology, which includes concentrated solar power plants, allow us to
harness the suns power on a large scale, and convert it into usable energy. By utilizing GIS,
we were capable of inputting various factors into a program that gave us visual information as
to where good locations are for solar plant development. It was deemed that the southwestern
United States was the optimum region, and removing unwanted areas further narrowed it
down. Ultimately, we concluded that it is possible for the United States to build large CSP
plants that would contribute considerable amounts of energy, which would in turn reduce our
CO2 emissions.
The only area that appears to be lacking on the solar front, is our governments lack of
action and policy. It appears to be the combination of cost, the overshadowing of other
policies, and absence of action on the federal level that is contributing to our ultimate delay in
execution. However, it is on both the agenda of our president, and of the American people to
put an end to our insatiable ways
If this exercise accomplished anything, it was that it made the prospect of solar energy
tangible to its audience. Sustainable, renewable energy is no longer a whisper of an idea, but a
full-blown movement with the technology and credibility to back it up. More specifically,
solar energy is a positive change that society can believe in because it is a field proven to excel
as long as our sun shines. If technology keeps improving at its current rate, and the green
movement gains even more strength, it is entirely possible that we could all be living on
sunshine very soon.


The majority of the data used for the exercise is courtesy of the National Renewable
Energy Laboratory, the United States Department of Energy, and the Midwest Research
Institute. (developed by December 31, 2005)
Information pertaining to the Bureau of Land Managements study areas is courtesy of
the Solar Energy Development Programmatic EIS
All other data was provided by the University of St. Thomas Geography Department

Galbraith, Kate. "Europes Way of Encouraging Solar Power Arrives in the U.S." New York Times 12
Mar. 2009. Print.
McKay, David. Sustainable Energy: Without all the Hot Air. Cambridge: UIT Cambridge Ltd., 2009.
Print. (LINK HERE)
Woody, Todd. "BrightSource Expands Land Deal in Nevada." New York Times 19 Oct. 2009. Print.

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