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2015-2016 AP Physics 1 Syllabus

Mr. Segura
Conference: 3rd period
Phone: 281-284-1700
E-Mail: jsegurajr@ccisd.net

Grade Calculation
Major Grades
Minor Grades


Course Expectations
AP Physics 1 is a college level course that follows the standards set by the College Board. Students will be
held to these standards. This is not an easy course and is not the Pre-AP course that was taught in the past. Students
will be given the opportunity and resources to succeed in this class, as well as the AP exam. However, the purpose
of this course isnt solely to pass the AP test. This course is here to induce curiosity, build problem solving skills, and
make you an overall better learner.
Not all assignments given will be graded, but will benefit the student if done correctly. There will be weekly
quizzes consisting of AP level questions. Each exam will be at the level of an AP exam. Therefore, students will be
graded by the AP standards. Many of the labs will be inquiry based, which means that you will be expected to use
problem solving skills rather than be guided step by step. I expect you to have a lot of questions, and I expect you to
be able to solve most of those questions on your own.
Many of you will come into this course with little to no background of physics, which means that there will
be a steep learning curve. Due to the limited amount of time and rapid pace of the course it is expected that you be
able to take responsibility for part of your learning outside of class. It is up to you to complete supplemental problems,
pre-lecture readings, and any other practice given by me. There is a possibility that you will fail an assignment, quiz,
lab, or exam. This class is built to grow you as a learner, and as such you will be expected to learn from your failures
and mistakes.
The following materials should be brought to class each day:
Graphing Calculator (TI-84, TI-89, etc.)
Notebook (I recommend a composition notebook)
Binder (to keep track of notes, handouts, homework, and in-class assignments)
Writing utensils: a pencil for taking notes and working on assignments and a red pen or marker for grading.
Tablet or Laptop (fully charged)
College Physics: A Strategic Approach 3rd Edition, Randall Knight
Not all notes and homework assignments will come from the textbook. However, it should be used as a reference
and can be used to work extra practice problems. Students can access their book online through MasteringPhysics.
Class Website
The website segurasclassroom.weebly.com has been created as a resource for students. Notes, assignments, videos,
lab handouts, etc. will be posted and updated regularly, as well as announcements and a calendar of important
events. All students are encouraged to check the site at least once a week for important announcements.
Class Rules/Student Expectations:
1. Show respect to everyone and everything in the classroom.
2. Always use proper safety procedures in the classroom/lab.
3. All work is to be turned in on time and the original product of the student.

AP Physics 1 Course Syllabus

Class Procedures
Make-Up Work/ Late Work/Grading
All guidelines set forth by CCISD regarding grading, make-up work, and late work will be followed. The most
recent CCISD Instructional, Grading, and Reporting procedures may be found at http://goo.gl/WUtn9n

It is the responsibility of the student to inform the teacher of any absences ahead of time. If a test is to be
given on the day the student is absent, they should schedule a time to make up the test before they are
absent. The student has 3 school days from the day they were absent to schedule a time to take the test.
The test may not be taken during class time, and must be done in tutorials or during another class period.
When absent, a student should to check the Missed Work crate for any assignments that were given during the
period of absence, as well as speak with the teacher. The student should also check the website for any
announcements or class assignments.
Student Honor Code / Academic Dishonesty
The district has developed a student honor code in response to an increase in reports of academic dishonesty by
students. Following is an excerpt from the honor code, detailing the consequences should a student engage in an act
of academic dishonesty. The complete honor code can be found at http://goo.gl/ZB8adh
This is to be taken very seriously by all students, and should a student be caught engaging in academic dishonesty
in AP Physics, they will be reported and held to all of the consequences described in the honor code above.
AP Test
The AP Physics 1 Test will be administered Tuesday, May 3rd, 2016 @ 12:00pm.
The dates for all AP Tests this year can be found at:
The complete AP Physics 1 Course Description can be found at:
Tentative Outline of Topics Covered

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