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Science 10 Course Outline

Welcome to Science 10! This course is designed to help enhance your scientific literacy and give you a solid
foundation from which you can continue into the sciences of chemistry, biology, and physics.
This course will cover the following topics:
Unit 1 - Chemical Reactions (25%)
Investigating chemical reactions is a key to understanding nature
An introduction to formula writing
A qualitative introduction to rates of chemical reactions
Some of the effects of industrialization and associated pollution
Unit 2 - Motion (25%)
Investigate velocity
Investigate the relationship between velocity, time and acceleration
Technological improvements based on design testing and analysis
Present and future development
Unit 3 - Sustainability of Ecosystems (25%)
How does sustainability fit into your paradigm and societys paradigm
Factors affecting the sustainability of an ecosystem
Sustainability Issues in an Ecosystem
Unit 4 - Weather Dynamics (25%)
How changes in the hydrosphere and atmosphere are observed and measured
Energy sources that drive the water cycle
Heat energy, its transfer, and Weather DynamicsIs there a Connection?
Accurate weather forecastingWhat is its impact

Assessment is the process of gathering information that reflects how well a student is achieving.
Formative assessment shows growth over time and helps the student and class move forward appropriately.
Summative assessment is a tool used to determine how much learning was done (usually at the end.)
Evaluation in this course refers to the final exam,worth 20% of the final.
Learning & Assessment Strategies that may be used in Science 10:
Projects/Research Papers, Observations, Q&A Sessions, Posters, Active Listening, Presentations
Student/Teacher Conferences, Class Participation, Group work, Independent Work, Tests, Quizzes
Exams, Models

Student Expectations/Responsibilities:

Missed class time/evaluations: If a student misses a quiz, presentation or other in-class work, he/she will be expected to
complete the missed component on the first day he/she returns to class. Students are responsible for getting the work they
missed when they return (all class notes, assignments, homework). Students should also check PowerSchool regularly.
Late assignments: Assignments must be completed by the given due date. A final extended deadline may be requested in
advance of the original due date if needed. Once an assignment has been marked and returned to the class, it must be
completed during extra help at lunch, which is a great opportunity to meet missed outcomes.
Plagiarism: Any form of plagiarism is not acceptable. Plagiarism is taking the thoughts and/or writings of others and
presenting them as your own. Cheating is sharing information during a test, exam or individual assignment.
Extra Help: Extra help will be given at lunch time from 12:15 12:45 on Wednesdays and Fridays. If you need help
outside of this time you can schedule a time to do so but advance notice must be given. Students are encouraged to attend
extra help to finish assignments, discuss course material, assignments, tests, missed classes, etc.
In Class Behaviour Expectations:
Cell phones and other electronics are allowed only when they are needed to access information and help your
learning. Disruptive use will result in losing this privilege.
Please arrive on time for class. KNOCK if youre late and the door is closed. Use good manners.
*Note: Students are expected to follow the code of conduct as outlined by the province.
Mark Break Down:
Semester Work
+ Final Exam

20% (exemptible if you meet criteria)

I am here to help you! If you have any difficulties, please let me know right away so we can keep you on track for a
successful semester.
Website for assignments, due dates and assessment dates:
Email: LMacDougall@hrsb.ca
Phone: 384-2320 ext. 780-2303
Ms. MacDougall

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