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Listening and Attention

I can turn towards familiar sounds and
locate a range of sounds with accuracy.

I stop and look when I hear my own

I communicate my needs and feelings in
different ways including crying and babbling.

Birth - 11 months

I can listen to, distinguish & respond to

intonations and sounds of voices.
I make my own sounds in response when a
familiar adult talks to me.

I react to interaction with others by

smiling, looking and moving.
I quieten or alert to the sound of speech.
I look intently at a person talking, but
stop responding if they turn away.

I am starting to understand familiar

gestures, words and sounds.

I listen to familiar sounds, words or finger


I lift my arms in antipication of being

picked up.

I am practising and developing babbling to

communicate with adults. baba, nono, gogo.

I show fleeting attention. New things

take my whole attention.

8 - 20 months

I move my whole body to sounds I enjoy,

such as music or a regular beat.

I am starting to follow others body

language, including pointing and gesture.

I use sounds when I am playing, e.g. brrm

for a toy car.
I am using single words.

I have a strong exploratory impulse.

I respond to different things said to me

when in a familiar context with a special
person. Wheres mummy?, Wheres your nose?.

I concentrate intently on an object or

activity of my choosing, for short periods.

I pay attention to the dominant stimulus.

I am easily distracted by noises or talking.

I often imitate words and sounds.

I enjoy babbling and am using sounds and
words to communicate for different reasons.

My understanding of single words in

context is developing, e.g. cup, daddy.

I use pointing with eye gaze to make

requests and to share an interest.
I am creating personal words as I begin
to develop language.



Listening and Attention

16 - 26 months

I listen to and enjoy rhythmic patterns in

rhymes and stories.

I select familiar objects by name and will
go and find objects when asked. I can also
pick objects out of a group.

I copy familiar expressions, e.g. oh dear
and all gone.

I am beginning to put two words together

(e.g. want ball and more juice).
I enjoy rhymes and show I am listening by
trying to join in with actions or by vocalising.
I understand simple sentences, e.g. throw
the ball.

I use different types of everyday words

(e.g. banana, sleep, hot - adjectives, verbs).

I am beginning to ask simple questions.

I have rigid attention - may appear not to


I am beginning to talk about things and

people that are not present.

22 - 36 months

I listen with interest to the noises adults

make when they read stories.

I can identify action words by pointing to

the right picture, e.g. Whos jumping?.

I use language as a powerful way of

sharing feelings, experiences and thoughts.
I can hold a conversation, jumping from
topic to topic.

I recognise and respond to familiar sounds

e.g. turning to a knock at the door.

I understand more complex sentences, e.g.

Put your toys away and then well read.

I am showing interest in play with sounds,

songs and rhymes.

I understand who, what and where in

simple questions. Whos that?.

I have single-channelled attention. I can

move to a different task if my full attention
is obtained (using my name helps me to focus).

I am developing understanding of simple

concepts (e.g. big and little).

I learn new words very quickly and use

them when talking to others.
I use gestures, sometimes with limited talk
e.g. reaches for toy, saying I have it.
I use a variety of questions (e.g. what,
where and who).
I am using simple sentences (e.g. mummy
gone work).
I am beginning to use word endings (e.g.
cats, going).



Listening and Attention

30 - 50 months

I listen to others, one to one or in small

groups, when the conversation interests me.

I am listening to stories with increasing

attention and recall.

I understand the use of objects (e.g.

What do we use to cut things?)

I am showing an understanding of
prepositions such as under or behind by
carrying out an action or selecting a picture.

I respond to simple instructions, e.g. to get

or put away an object when asked.
I am able to focus my attention - still
listen or do but can shift my own attention.

I can listen to stories, often knowing what

will happen next.
I can listen closely in different places and
I respond to what I hear with meaningful
comments, questions or actions
I pay attention to what others say and
can reply whilst doing another activity.

I am beginning to use more complex
sentences to link thoughts (and, because).
I can retell a simple past event in the right
order (went down slide, hurt finger).

I join in with repeated refrains and

anticipate key events & phrases in rhymes
and stories.

I can follow directions (if I am not intently

focussed on the activity I chose).

40 - 60 months


I can use talk to connect ideas, explain

whats happening & what might happen next.
I question why things happen and give
explanations. Asks who, what, when and how.
I use a range of tenses (played, playing,
play, I will play).
I use intonation, rhythm and phrasing to
make my meaning more clear to others.
I use vocabulary focussed on objects and
people that are important to me.

I am beginning to understanding why and

how questions.

I am building up vocabulary that reflects

the different experiences I have had.
I use talk when pretending that objects
are other things. This box is my castle.

I can follow instructions which have lots of

different ideas or actions.
I can answer How? and Why? questions
about my experiences.
I can answer How? and Why? questions
about stories and events.

I express myself well. I am aware of my

listeners needs.
I use yesterday, today and tomorrow
correctly when talking about events.
I can connect ideas and events, to help
create stories and explanations.


Moving and Handling

I can turn my head in response to sights and sounds.

Health and Self-Care

I respond to and thrive on warm, sensitive physical contact and care.

Birth - 11 months

I am gradually developing the ability to hold up my own head.

I am making movements with my arms and legs which are becoming controlled.
I can roll over from front to back and from back to front.

I can express discomfort, hunger and thirst.

When I lye on my tummy I can lift my head and my chest, with straight arms.
I watch and explore my hands and feet (grabs feet when lying on my back).

I anticipate food routines with interest.

I am reaching for, touching and beginning to hold objects.

I explore objects with my mouth.

I can sit unsupported on the floor. I can lean forward to pick up small toys.

I can open my mouth for a spoon.

8 - 20 months

I can pull myself to stand, holding onto furniture or a person for support.
I can crawl, bottom shuffle or roll to continuously move around.
I walk around furniture lifting one foot and stepping sideways. I can walk
with one or both hands held by an adult.

I can hold my own bottle or cup.

I can grasp finger foods and bring them to my mouth.

I can take my first few steps independently.

I can pass toys from one hand to the other as pick up small objects between
thumb and fingers.
I can hold an object in each hand and bring them together in the middle.

I can attempt to use a spoon: I can guide towards mouth but food often falls.

I actively co-operate during nappy changing (I keep still & hold my legs up).

I enjoy the sensory experience of making marks in damp sand, paste or paint.
I can hold a pen or crayon using a whole hand grasp and make marks with
different strokes.

I am starting to communicate when I am having a wee or a poo.


Moving and Handling

16 - 26 months

I can walk upstairs, holding the hand of an adult.

I am developing my own likes and dislikes in drinks and food.

I am willing to try new food textures and tastes.

I can come downstairs backwards on my knees (crawling).

I can hold a cup with both hands and drink without much spilling.
I am clearly communicating when my nappy or pants are wet or soiled.

I am beginning to balance blocks to build a small tower.

I am showing some awareness of when I need to go for a wee or poo.
I am beginning to make connections between my movements and the marks I

I can run safely on my whole foot.

I can squat with steadiness to rest or play on the ground & rise to my feet
without using my hands.
I can climb confidently and begin to pull myself up onto climbing equipment.

22 - 36 months

Health and Self-Care

I can kick a large ball.

I am aware of what a potty and toilet is used for.

I want to help with dressing, undressing and other hygiene routines.

I can feed myself competently with a spoon.

I can drink well without spilling.

I can clearly communicate when I need to use the potty or toilet.

I can turn the pages in a book, sometimes several at once.

I am showing control in holding and using jugs to pour, hammers, books and
mark making tools.

I am beginning to recognise danger and look for the support of adults I know
for help.

I am beginning to use three fingers to hold writing tools.

I can imitate drawing simple shapes such as circles and lines.
I can walk upstairs or downstairs holding onto a rail, two feet to a step.
I may be beginning to show preference for a dominant hand.

I help with clothing, e.g. puts on hat, unzips and zips up coat, takes off
unbuttoned shirt.

I am beginning to be independent in self-care, but still often needs adult



Moving and Handling

I move freely, with pleasure & confidence in range of ways, such as skipping.

Health and Self-Care

I am developing my own likes and dislikes in drinks and food.

I can mount the stairs, steps or climbing equipment using alternate feet.

30 - 50 months

I can walk downstairs, two feet to each step while carrying a small object.

I am willing to try new food textures and tastes.

I can catch a large ball.

I can stand for a moment on one foot when I am shown how.
I can run skilfully and negotiate space, adjusting speed and direction to
avoid obstacles.

I can hold a cup with both hands and drink without much spilling.

I am clearly communicating when my nappy or pants are wet or soiled.

I can draw lines and circles using gross motor movements.

I can use one-handed toold and equipment, e.g. make snips in paper.
I can hold a pencil between my thumb and two fingers, no longer using a
whole hand grasp.
I can hold a pencil near the point between my first two fingers and thumb
and use it with good control.

I am showing some awareness of when I need to go for a wee or poo.

I am aware of what a potty and toilet is used for.

I can copy some letters, e.g. letters from my name.

40 - 60 months

I can hold a pencil and other writing tools correctly when mark making.

I can go to the toilet, dress myself and carry out hygienic tasks by myself.

I can use equipment and toold appropriately and confidently.

I show control and co-ordination in big and small movements.
I move confidently in lots of different ways and move about safely.

I can talk about how I can stay healthy and safe.


I know that exercise and healthy food helps to keep my body fit and healthy.



Self-Confidence & Self-Awareness

8 - 20 months

Birth - 11 months

I laugh and gurgle, e.g. show pleasure in

being tickled and other physical interactions.

Managing Feelings & Behaviour

I am comforted by touch, peoples faces and

I seek physical and emotional comfort by

snuggling in to trusted adults.

I calm from being upset when held, rocked,

spoken or sung to with a soothing voice.
I use my voice, gestures, eye contact and
facial expressions to interact with people.

I am showing a range of emotions such as:

pleasure, fear and excitment.

Making Relationships
I enjoy the company of others & seek contact
with others from the moment Im born.
I gaze at faces and copy facial movements,
e.g. sticking out my tongue.
I respond when talked to, e.g. I move my
arms and legs or make mouth movements.
I recognise and respond the most when I
hear my main carers voice.
I respond to what my carer is paying
attention to (following their gaze).

I react emotionally to other peoples

emotions, e.g. I smile when I am smiled at.

I like cuddles and being held. It calms me,

makes me smile and gaze at my carers face.

I enjoy finding my nose, eyes or tummy as

part of naming games.

I use familiar adults to share feelings such as

excitment and for emotional refuelling when I
am feeling tired, stressed or frustrated.

I seek to gain attention in different ways,

drawing others into social interaction.

I am learning that my own voice and actions

have effects on others.

I am showing a growing ability to soothe

myself. Sometimes a soothing object helps.

I can build relationships with special people.

I am wary of people I dont know.

I am using pointing and eye gaze to make
requests and to share an interest.

I can engage another person to help achieve

a goal, e.g. to get an object out of reach.

I am co-operating with caregiving experiences

e.g. dressing.

I am beginning to understand yes and no

and some boundaries.

I can interact with others and explore new

situations when Im supported by someone I
I show interest in other peoples activities
and respond different to children & adults.



Self-Confidence & Self-Awareness

16 - 26 months

I explore new toys and environments but

check in regularly with familiar adults.

I am gradually able to engage in pretend

play with toys.

Managing Feelings & Behaviour

I am aware of others feelings, e.g. I look
concerned if I hear crying.
I am showing will & determination which
sometimes causes feelinsg of anger and
frustrations (I may have tantrums).
I am able to respond to a few boundaries
with encouragement and support.

I am demonstrating a sense of self as an

individual, e.g. I want to do things on my own.

I can seperate myself from my main carer

with support & encouragement from an adult
I know.

I am beginning to learn that some things are

mine, some things are shared and some
belong to others.

I can seek comfort from adults I know, when


Making Relationships
I can play alongside others.

I use an adult I know as a secure base to

explore from in new environments, e.g. I go
away to play and interact with others but
return for a cuddle if I become anxious.

I can play co-operatively with a familiar adult

e.g. rolling a ball back and forth.

I am interested in others play and starting

to join in.

22 - 36 months

I can express my own feelings such as: sad,

happy, cross, scared and worried.
I can respond to the feelings and wishes of

I seek out others to share experiences.

I am aware that some actions can hurt or

harm others.
I am able to express my own preferences
and interests.

I try to help or give comfort when others

are distressed.

I show affection and concern towards people

who are special to me.

I show understanding and co-operate with

some boundaries and routines.
I can stop my own actions and behaviours,
e.g. stop when I know something is wrong.
I am starting to distract myself when I am
upset e.g. by joining in a new activity.

I may form a special friendship with another




Self-Confidence & Self-Awareness

30 - 50 months

I can select and use activities and resoures

with help.
I welcome and value praise for what I have
I enjoy the responsibility of carrying out
small tasks.
I am more outgoing towards people I dont
know and more confident in new situations.
I am confident to talk to other children when
playing and can talk about my home.
I am showing confidence when asking
adults for help.

40 - 60 months

I am able to say when I dont need any



I can choose the resources I need for my

chosen activity.


I can speak in a group I know and talk about

my ideas.

I like to try new activities and can say why
I like some more than others.


Managing Feelings & Behaviour

Making Relationships

I am aware of my own feelings and know that

some actions and words can hurt others.

I can play in a group, extending play ideas,

e.g. making up a role-play activity with others.

I am beginning to accept the needs of others

and can take turns and share resources,
sometimes with support from others.

I can initiate play, asking my friends to join


I am able to be patient and understand that

my requests and needs may not be met
straight away. I understand my wishes may
not always be met.

I can usually adapt my behaviour to suit

different events, social situations and changes
in routine.

I can talk about how my friends and I show


I can talk about how I behave and understand
what happens when people misbehave.


I can work as part of a group by

understanding and following the rules.

I change how I behave when we are in
different places. Change doesnt bother me.


I can keep playing going by responding to

what others are saying or doing.

I am a friendly person, starting conversations

and forming good relationships with other
children and adults I know.

I can form good relationships with other

children and with adults.


I can be sensitive to the needs and feelings

of others.


I can organise an activity with help and

ideas from my friends.

I can play co-operatively, taking turns with


Birth - 11

I handle books and other printed material with interest.

I am interested in books and rhymes and may have favourites.

22 - 36 months

I enjoy looking at books and other printed material with people I know.

8 - 20


16 - 26


I have some favourite stories, rhymes, songs, poems and jingles.

I am able to distinguish between the different marks that I make.

I am able to repeat words or phrases from familiar stories.

I fill in the missing words or phrases from well known rhymes & stories.

I enjoy rhyming and rhythmic activities.

30 - 50 months


I am showing awareness of rhyme and alliteration.

I can recognise rhythm in spoken words.

I listen to and join in with stories and poems, one to one and in groups.

I join in with repeated refrains and anticipate events & phrases in stories.

I sometimes give meaning to marks as I draw and paint.


I am beginning to show awareness of the way stories stories are structured.

I ascribe meanings to marks that I see in different places.

30 - 50 months cont...

I am able to make suggestions on how the story might end.

I am listening to stories with increasing attention and recall.
I can describe main story settings, characters and events.
I am showing an interest in illustrations and print in books & around me.
I recognise familiar words and signs such as my own name and logos.
I like to look at books by myself.
I am able to handle books carefully.
I know that information is often displayed in print form.
I can hold a book the right way up and turn the pages.

40 - 60 months

I know that print carries meaning and that English is read from left to right
and from top to bottom.

I can share my feelings and ideas about what I have read with others.

I can read and understand simple sentences.

I am able to read some irregular common words.

I use phonics to help decode regular words and read them outloud correctly.


I can write words that are phonetically correct, e.g. poetree (poetry).

I can write some irregular common words.

When I am writing, some of the words are spelt correctly, others are
phonetically correct.


I can write simple sentences which my friends and I can read.


I notice changes in a number of objects or sounds in a group of up to 3.

16 - 26 months

8 - 20

Birth - 11


I am developing an awareness of number names through my enjoyment of

action rhymes and songs that relate to my experience of numbers.

Shape, Space and Measure

I recognise big things and small things in meaningful contexts.

I have some understanding that things exist, even when they are out of sight.

I am getting to know and enjoying daily routines such as getting up, meal
times and nappy time.

I know that things exist, even when they are out of sight.

I attempt, sometimes successfully, to fit shapes into spaces, e.g. jigsaws.

I use blocks to create my own simple structures and arrangements.

I am beginning to organise and categorise objects, e.g. putting all my teddy

bears together or teddies and cars in seperate piles.

I say some counting words randomly.

I enjoy filling and emptying containers.

I associate a sequence of actions with daily routines.
I am beginning to understand that things might happen now.

22 - 36 months

I can select a small number of objects from a group when asked to.
I can recite some number names in sequence.
I create and experiment with symbols and marks showing ideas of number.

I notice simple shapes and patterns in pictures.

I am beginning to catergorise objects according to things like shape and size.

I am beginning to use language relating to size.

I am beginning to make comparisons of quantities.

I use some language of quantities, such as more and a lot.
I know that a group of things changes in quantity when something is added
or taken away.

I understand some talk about present, past and future, e.g. before, later.

I anticipate specific time-based events such as mealtimes or home time.


I use some number names and number language spontaneously.

Shape, Space and Measure

I am showing an interest in shape and space by playing with shapes or
making arrangements with objects.

I use some number names accurately when I am playing.

I can recite numbers in the correct order to 10.

I am showing an awareness of similarities of shapes in the environment.

I know that numbers tell me how many objects are in a set.

30 - 50 months

I am starting to represent numbers using fingers, marks on paper or pictures.

I use positional language such as the turle is under the box.

I sometimes match numbers and quantities correctly.

I show curiousity about numbers by offering comments or asking questions.

I show an interest in shape through construction activities or by talking

about shapes and arrangements.

I can compare 2 groups of objects, saying when they have the same number.

I am showing an interest in number problems.

I am showing interest in shapes in the world around me.

I can seperate a group of 3 or 4 objects in different ways, beginning to

recognise that the total is still the same.
I show an interest in numberals in the world around me.

I can use shapes appropriately for tasks.

I show an interest in representing numbers.

I realise that anything can be counted, including steps, claps and jumps.

I am beginning to talk about the shape of everyday objects, e.g. round

and tall.


I can count reliably with numbers from 1-20.


Shape, Space and Measure

I notice and describe everyday shapes and objects using mathematical words.


I can recognise, create and describe patterns.

I can place the numbers 1-20 in the correct order.

40 - 60 months


I can use everyday words such as tall or heavy to talk about size and


I can say which number is one more or one less that the number given to me
(up to 20).

I can use everyday words to talk about capacity.


I can use everyday words such as under and over to talk about position.

Using objects to help, I can add 2 single-digit numbers and count on to find
the answer.


I can use everyday words to talk about time and distance.


I can use everyday words such as 10p to talk about money.

Using objects to help, I can subtract 2 single-digiti numbers and count back
to find the answer.



I can compare objects and quantities and use them to solve problems.




People and Communities

The World

Birth - 11 months

I can move my eyes, then head, to follow

moving objects.

I react with abrupt change when a face or

object suddenly disappears from view.

I look around a room with interest: scans

my environment for interesting things.

I smile with pleasure at toys that I can


I repeat actions that have an effect, e.g.

kicking a mobile or shaking a rattle.

8 - 20 months

I closely watch what animals, people and

vehicles do.

I watch toys being hidden and then try to

find them.

I look for objects when they drop.

I become absorbed in joining two objects,

e.g. banging 2 objects.

I know things are used in different ways,

e.g. a ball is for rolling, a car is for pushing.




People and Communities

16 - 26 months

I am curious about people and show interest

in stories about myself and my family.

I explore objects by trying different

approaches, e.g. shaking, hitting, looking,
feeling, tasting, pulling, turning and poking.

I anticipate repeating sounds, sights and
actions, e.g. when an adult shows an action
toy several times.

I remember where objects belong.

I enjoy pictures and stories about myself
and my family.

I show an interest in toys with buttons,

flaps and simple mechanisms and I am
beginning to learn how to use them.
I can match parts of objects that fit
together, e.g. putting the lid on a teapot.

I have a sense of my own immediate family

and relations.

22 - 36 months

The World

I enjoy playing with small-world models

such as a farm, a garage or a train track.

I am seeking to learn basic skills in turning

on and using some ICT equipment.

I notice detailed features of objects in

their environment.

I can operate mechanical toys, e.g. turn the

knob on a wind-up toy.

In pretend play, I imitate everyday actions

and events from my own family and cultural
background, e.g. making a cup of tea.

I am beginning to have my own friends.

I am learning that I have similarities and

differences that connect me to and
distinguish me from others.


30 - 50 months


People and Communities


I show interest in the lives of people who

are familiar to me.

I comment and ask questions about aspects

of my world such as where I live.

I know how to operate simple equipment,

e.g. turning on a CD player.

I remember and talk about significant

events in my own experience.

I can talk about some of the things I have

seen such as plants and animals.

I show an interest in technological toys

with knobs or pulleys, or real objects such
as mobile phones and cameras.

I recognise and describe special times and

events for my family or friends.
I show an interest in different jobs and
ways of life.
I know some of the things that make me
unique and can talk about some of the
similarities and differences in relation to
friends and family.

I can talk about events involving myself

and my family (old and new).


40 - 60 months

The World

I know my friends dont always enjoy or do

the same things that I do and we talk
about this.

I know that there are similarities and
differences between myself and others.


I know about different communities and

traditions and those that are similar to
my own.


I can talk about why things happen and

how things work.

I am developing an understanding of growth,

decay and changes over time.

I show care and concern for living things

and the environment.

I know about similarities and differences for

places, objects, materials and living things.


I show skill in making toys work by pressing

parts or lifting flaps, to achieve effects
such as sound or movement.

I know that information can be retrieved

from a computer.

I know that there is lots of technology

used at home and at my school.


I can talk about the features of where I

live and how other places might be different.

I can make observations of plants and

I can explain why some things happens and
talk about changes.


I can select the technology around me and

use it in my learning.



Exploring and Using Media and Materials

Being Imaginative

Birth - 11


22 - 36 months

16 - 26 months

8 - 20 months

I explore and experiment with a range of media through sensory

exploration and using my whole body.

I move my whole body to sounds I enjoy, such as music or a regular beat.

I imitate and improvise actions I have seen, e.g. waving or clapping.

I am beginning to move to music, listen to and join in rhymes and songs.

I express myself through physical actions and sound.

I notice and am interested in the effects of making movement which leave


I pretend that one object represents another, especially when objects

have charactistics in common.

I join in with singing my favourite songs.

I am beginning to use representation to communicate, e.g. drawing a line

and saying thats me.

I can create sounds by banging, shaking, tapping or blowing.

I show an interest in the way musical instruments sound.

I like experimenting with blocks, colours and marks.

I am beginning to make believe by pretending.



Exploring and Using Media and Materials

I enjoy joining in with dancing and ring games.

I can sing a few familiar songs.

Being Imaginative
I am developing preferences in relation to forms of expression

I am using movement to express my feelings.

I am beginning to move rhythmically.

I am creating movement in response to music.
I like to imitate movement in response to music.

30 - 50 months

I can tap out simple repeated rhythms.

I can explore and learn how sounds can be changed.

I can explore colour and how colours can be changed.

I understand that I can use lines to enclose a space and then use these
shapes to represent objects.

I sing songs to myself and make up simple songs.

I like to make up rhythms.

I notice what adults do, imitate what I see and then do it randomly
when they are not around.

I join in imaginative role-play based on my own first-hand experiences.

I am beginning to show interest in and describe the texture of things.

I am able to use various construction materials.

I am beginning to construct, stacking blocks, making enclosures and spaces.

I can join construction pieces together to build and balance.

I have realised that tools can be used for a purpose.

I build stories around toys, e.g. farm animals needing rescue from a cliff.

I use the available resources ro create props to support my role-play.

I capture experiences and responses with a range of media such as music,

dance and paint.



Exploring and Using Media and Materials

I experiment with colour, design, texture, form and function.


Being Imaginative
I can represent my own ideas, thoughts and feelings using stories.


I can represent my own ideas, thoughts and feelings using role-play.

I can dance and play around with ways of changing my dance.



40 - 60 months

I can represent my own ideas, thoughts and feelings using dance.

I can make music and play around with ways of changing it.


I can represent my own ideas, thoughts and feelings using music.


I can represent my own ideas, thoughts and feelings using art.

I can sing songs and play around with ways of changing them


I can represent my own ideas, thoughts and feelings using design and

I safely use and explore lots of different materials, tools and techniques.


I use what I have learnt in original ways, thinking about uses and


Teachers Pet 2013 www.tpet.co.uk

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