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4. The Evaluation of the Grid Quality The evaluations of the grid quality are based on the observation and criteria given by ANSYS-Fluent [1]. Some of them are: A. Skewness One of the major quality measures for a mesh is the skewness, It determines how close to ideal a face or a cell is. It is expressed by values in a range between 0 — 1 as shown in Table 4.1. Highly skewed faces and cells are unacceptable because the equations being solved assume that the cells are relatively equilateral/equiangular Figure 4.1 shows the ideal and skewed triangles and quadrilaterals. Table 4.1, Valu of Skewness Value of Shewness Call Quality 1 Degenerate 09-41 Bad (alnver) 07-09 Poor 08-078 Fa 025-05 Good 20-028 “Excilleat a Equilateral \~ quiateral Tangle Highly Skewed Tangle Equilaterel Quad Highly Skewed Quad igure 41 eal and skewed tangles and quadrats. B. Element Quality The element quality i expressed by a value in the ange of O10 1, A value of 1 indicates a perfect cube or square while a value of 0 indicates thatthe element has 3 ‘eo or negative value. ©. Orthogonal Quality ‘he range for enthazonal quality is 0— 1, where a value of 0 is worst and 1 & the bes, D, Aspect Ratio Aspect ratio is differentiated into two types which are the triangles and ‘quadrilsterals. Both are expressed by a value of number start rom 1. A value of 1 indicates the best shape of an equisieral triangles ora square. Figure &2 shows the ‘speet ratio for trans and quidriaterals, J\ | | Figure 4.2, Aspect ratio for triangles and quadrilaterals Jacobian Ratio ‘The Jacobian ratio is computed and tested for all elements and expressed by a value of number stat from 1, An illustration for different values of Jacobian ratio is shown in Figure 4.3. Several domains have been generated and compared in order to obtain the best option, Generated domains and grids types are differentiated inta faur types. Each type will be presented and the evaluation of the grid quality is presenied in tabulation form as sherwn in Table 4.2,

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