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Raft Task Card

ROLE (student)
Presentation of the

Your Peers


Planets in our

Row 1
solar system

solar system
Another student as

Row 2

Student pretend to be

Venn Diagram

a planet (Mars)

similar and how

a planet (pluto)

Row 3

How are we

do we differ

Student pretending to

Your peers

be (Earth)

pretending to be

Journal Entry

How you move


the sun

RAFT Row 1
Objective: Main objective is to ensure the students are understand the majority of
the planets, sizes, and facts pertaining to each one.
Student Role: Presentation on the Solar System
Audience: Peers
Format: Model
Topic: Planets in our Solar System

Directions: Create a Model of the planets in our solar system based on the
information we have been going over in class. You can be creative, as you like or as
basic as you feel need to be.

Assessment: Students will be issued bonus points based on the creative and artistic
demonstration. I want at least 2 facts about each planet when presenting and also
the size of the planet compared the Earth.

RAFT Row 2
Objective: The objective is to have a one on one conversation with your partner
about the information you have learned about your particular planet that needed to
be researched. Talk to your partner about the things you have in common and also
what you have in differences.

Student Role: Student pretending to be planet Pluto

Audience: Student pretending to be planet Mars
Format: Venn Diagram
Topic: Similarities and differences

Directions: Take about 20 minutes and break off into groups to discuss what you
have learned about your particular planet of choice. Talk to your partner about
differences and comparisons.
Assessment: You will be graded based on your group participation and the amount
of information you gathered to discuss.

RAFT Row 3
Objective: The objective is to quietly write about how the Sun moves the Earth in
our Solar System.
Student Role: Student pretending to be Earth
Audience: Your peers pretending to be the sun
Format: Journal Entry
Topic: How you move me

Directions: We will take about 20 minutes to write our journal entries to our sun
about how he moves us in our solar system. What are some things the Sun does for
us to continue to go around in orbit and also what does the sun have to do with our

Assessment: You will be graded on you completion on this assignment and also your
ability to creatively write about this topic. I want to see the comparison of the sun
and the earth and what helps keep us in orbit.

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