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1. Definition:
Adjuncts of respect are adjuncts that express the respect in
which the truth value of a sentence is being claimed.
2. Position in a sentence:
Respect adjuncts were found to occur in end position in over
80% of the cases. A small handful occur in medial position,
mainly as a consequence of the syntactic weight of a following
obligatory constituent.
3. Examples:
a) The finding of Rothwell (1985, p.375) are not encouraging in
this regard, showing decisions on technology to be usually
top-down in character, to the extent that supervisors and
end-users are often the last to know about the nature of the
changes proposes.
b) We thanked them for a lovely evening.
c) He is working in a (nearby) factory.

1. Definition:
With contingency relations, adjuncts are often used for reason
and its correlate purpose, both of which can be elicited by the
same question forms, Why? What.for?
2. Classification:
a) Reason adjuncts:
- As well as by finite clauses, reason adjuncts are realized by
prepositional phrases and nonfinite clauses
- Examples:
She died of cancer
He bought the book because of his interest in Maths
With him being so nice to me, I cant help falling in love
with him.
b) Purpose adjuncts:
- Purpose adjuncts are realized by nonfinite clauses. For
He goes to the gym every day to keep fit.
Shes having a low cab diet in order to lose weight.
- Purpose adjuncts can also be realized by finite clauses. For
We should bring an umbrella in case it rains

Im taking an English course, so that I will improve my

English faster.
c) Result adjuncts:
Used to show a result of effect.
It rained so heavily that we couldnt go out.
We felt hungry, so we stopped to have some
d) Conditional adjuncts:
If you lend me some money, Ill pay it back to you soon.
You can be absent from school provided that you do all
the home work.
I dont care who you are or where youre from as long
as you love me.
e) Concession adjuncts:
When the concessive relation is expressed by an adjunct,
this takes the form of a prepositional phrase.
He went to class although he was sick.
He bought the ring for her despite his lack of money.
Are you somewhere feeling lonely even though hes
right beside you?

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