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The greater the agitation, the more unsaturated solvent passes over the
drug. Therefore the faster the formation of the solution
b. Talc powder may be used by adding \ ounce of it to the cloudy mixture (such as is
formed by shaking up 3ss. of ol. anethi and 3ij. of S.V.R. in a quart of water) and filtering
through paper, or a talc filter may be prepared in the following manner : Make a double
filter out of white filtering-paper and insert it in a glass funnel; mix about \ ounce of talc
with 1 pint of hot water in a bottle, shake well and pour upon the filter, taking care so to
distribute the mixture that the entire filter from bottom to top is evenly covered with the
fine powder ; the water will rapidly pass off perfectly clear, after which the filter is ready
for filtering any cloudy mixture.
Read more:http://chestofbooks.com/health/materia-medicadrugs/Prescription/Extemporaneous-AromaticWaters.html#.VLeMy_mUde8#ixzz3OslBXVr0
d.it is the most commonly used method for the prep of aromatic waters. The volatile
substances is throughlly mixed withn the iner substances like talc or purified siliceous
earth and water is added and agitaed for some time. The solution is filtered until a clear
filtrate is obtained.

Some of the uses of aromatic waters for your health include:

skin care


pain control



hair rinses

digestive complaints.

Uses: It is used as a flavoring agent, solvent or as a perfumed vehicle.

The talc is impregnated with the essential oils, which aids in the solution of the oil by causing its division
into very small particles. Anisi and Carui are two. the filtering medium.

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