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see Saude ee Revisdo Atividade fisica e sua intervencao junto a depressao Physical activity and your intervention in the depression I suzete Neves Pessi Ribeiro DDoutoranda na Universidade Complutense de Madd RESUMO O propésito da presente revisdo fol de acessar os possves efeitos antidepressivos do exercicofsico em pacientes cam depressio Unipolar Entre as caracteristcas positiva da atvidade isica observadas se pode resslta os benef fisiol6gics (aumento temporério vicioso> en la depresisn. in: Psicosomatica: manual de psiquiatria, v5, p.104-107, 1980, GRAEF, FG. & BRANDAO, M.L. Neurobiologia das doengas mentais, So Paulo: Lemos, 1993, GRIMA, LR.S. Preseripeién del ejercicio fisico para la salud. Barcelona: Editorial Paidatribo, 1996, GUZ, |. Depressi: 0 que é, como se diagnostica trata, ‘Sao Paulo: Roca, 1990, LEITH, LM. & TAYLOR, A.H. Psychological aspects of exercise: a decade literature review. Journal of Sport Behaviour, v.13, n4, p.219-234, 1990, MAROULAKIS, E, & ZERVAS, Y. Effects of aerobic exereise on mood of adult women. Perceptual and ‘Motor Skills, v.76, p.795-801, 1993, MARTINSEN, E.W. Benefits of exercise forthe treatment of depression, Sports Medicine, ¥:9. n.6, p.380-389,, 1990. MARTINSEN, E.Weet al. Comparing aerobie with non-acrobic forms of exercise in the treatment of clinical depression: a randomized wial Comprehensive Psychiatry, v.30, 9.4, p.324-331 19 MARTINSEN, EW. etal. Effects of aerobic exercise on depression: a controlled study. British Medical Journal, v.291, p.109, 1985, MARTINSEN, E.W. etal. Physical fitness level in patients h anxiety and depressive disorders. International ‘nal of Sports Medicine, v.10, n-1, p.58-61, 1989. J MARTINSEN, E.W. Physical activity and depression: clinical experience. ACTA Psychiatrica Scandinavica, v.89, n.377, p.23-27, 1994 MARTINSEN, E,W. The role of aerobic in the treatment of depression. Stress Medicine, v.3, p.93-100, 1987 McCANN, LL. & HOLMES, DS, Influence of aerobic exercise on depression, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, v.46, n.5, p.1142-I147, 1984 MENDELEWICZ, J. Psiquia Masson, 1990, biolégica, Barcelons: MORGAN, W-P. Affective beneficience of vigorous physical activity. Medicine and Science in Sports and, Exercise, v.17, p.94-100, 1985. ‘Atvidade fisicae sua intervengio junto @ depresséo MORGAN, W.P. Physical activity, fitness, and depression, in: Physical activity, fitness and health: International proceedings and consensus statement, BOUCHARD, Cy SHEPHARD, RJ. & STEPHENS, T. Toronto: Human Kinetics. 1994, NETO, MR.Letal. Psiquiatria bisica, Porto Alegre: Ares Médicas, 1995, NICOLOFF, G. & SCHWENK, TL. Usingexercise to ward off depression. The Physician and Sportsmedicine, v.23, n.9, p241-251, 1995, NORTH, LC. et al. Effect of exercise on depression, Exercise Sport Science Review, v.18, .379-418, 1990. RANSFORD, CP. A role for amines in the antidepressant elfect of exercise: a review. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, v.14, n.1, p.1-10, 1982. ROCANIN, J.C.F. & FORNEIRO, J.C. Locura 0 normalidad: {Una frontera facil de traspasar? Madrid: Feales, 1997, SIMONS, A.D. tal. Exercise asa treatment for depression nupdate. Clinical Psychology Review, v5, p.553-568, 1985, ‘SMITH, SF. & SMITH, CM. Personal health choices Boston: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 1990, ‘THIRLAWAY, K. & BENTON, D, Participation in physical activity and cardiovascular fitness have difforent effects, ‘on mental health and mood. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, v.36, n.7, p.657-665, 1992. Serre Universidade Complutense de Madrid C: nun, 25 -5°B 26.008 - Madrid Espafia Volume 3 + Numero 2 + 1998 79

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