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Drama Curriculum

Mrs. Christy Medley

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed as an introduction to acting and stage
production. Numerous assignments and activities will help students develop the skills used in
theatre arts. Most importantly, it provides students the necessary public speaking skills
needed in all careers today.
1. Project your voice so you can be heard in a large room
2. Enunciate so as to be heard clearly
3. Speak with expression appropriate for the mood you wish to convey
4. Verbalize, before a group, your thoughts and the written words of others with
increased confidence and poise
5. Exhibit correct posture and appropriate body language when speaking
6. Work with others to prepare and deliver an effective presentation. Be a productive
member of your theatre group
7. Value thorough preparation for presentations to any audience
8. Demonstrate the qualities of a polite, attentive audience member
Be Respect
Be Responsibility
Be Ready
This course uses a variety of assignments that include, but are not limited to the following:
dramatic reading, broadcasts, pantomimes, charades, skits and one act plays.
A portion of each students grade is based on the following:
Practicing and improving the 8 skills listed above
Planning and participation in the assignments listed above
Team work
Four quizzes concerning theatre terminology (covered in the first five weeks of class)
Homework will be a combination of theatre terminology definitions and applications, class
work, journals, and production preparations. A students responsibilities will vary from one
production to the next. Students are required to fulfill these responsibilities whether they
involve costumes, props, scenery, line memorization and/or character relation development.
The amount of homework a student has each week will vary depending on the role(s) he/she
has in a particular production.
The terminology the students are expected to learn will mostly be unfamiliar. However,
they are terms that the students need to know in order to put on a successful production. I
feel that if a student does not receive a 70% or above on an assignment, quiz, and/or test,
s/he should have the opportunity to retake the test to master more of the terms/project.
If your child chooses to redo an assignment or retake a quiz, the paper must be signed by a
guardian at home and return to me by the retake day. The highest score the student can

achieve on a retake is 70% due to the fact that I do not permit students scoring above 70%
to retake it.
~Students will need a pair of ear plugs for the course to practice voice projection.
~While it is not a requirement, we will work to put on one live performance. In the event
that such
performances occur, ALL FAMILY MEMBERS ARE WELCOME TO ATTEND!!!!!!!!!
~We are usually fortunate enough to have a family member who is kind enough to videotape
performance and make a few copies for the class. This will enable parents who can't
attend the
performance to still have an opportunity to see their child's work.
~If you ever have questions or concerns, don't hesitate to contact me. You will receive the
fastest response through email. cmedley@abs.misd.net

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