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Minutes of Serra Club Meeting

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Members present: Leon Gentrup, Nancy Rice, Ree Riley, Marianne Wright, Kathleen OBrien, Cathy Berlage, Marilyn Kathol, Pat and Jerry Schmit,
Dave and Mary Lux, Paul and Sue Weeder, Linda Kerkman, Fr. Ross Burkhalter and Kristi Steffen. Guest: Ray and Sally Moser

The meeting was opened by President Linda Kerkman. The meeting began with Installation of the New Officers. Bob Campney, Region
9 governor, conducted the installation of the new officers.
: The speaker, Sr. Fidelis Marie of Immaculata Monastery, spoke on her desire to become a sister and how her vocation was
formed. In regard to promoting vocations, Sister focused on the importance of 1) exposure to the religious, as a child, 2) a strong prayer
life, 3) evangelization, and 4) discernment. She stressed the importance of faith in the home. Linda Kerkman mentioned Vision
Magazine, a publication containing information about a myriad of congregations and articles about discernment. Bob Campney
offered that there are videos on the Archdiocesan website that explain Discernment. He also introduced a book,
, which is a
guide to Parish Vocation Ministry
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved having been sent out by email prior to the meeting.
Kathleen OBrien shared
Treasurers Report for May:
Opening balance $6,563.39 in May
Income: Dues received $550
Expenses were in July: $1,797
Final balance $5,316.39 now
Reports of vice presidents:
Kathy Steffensmeier, not present
the manuals for each VP will be reviewed at the next meeting to refresh the duties and expectations
Membership: Linda Kerkman encouraged each Serran to be responsible for recruiting new members. A lively discussion followed about
several names of people to be contacted. Dave will contact Lefflers, West Point, Linda, the Mosers from Clearwater, and Theresa, the
Millers in Norfolk. Kathleen will be contacting by letter those members who need to pay dues.
Programs: Dave Lux has scheduled Fr. Matt Niggemeyer to speak at the Sept. meeting. He will also offer Holy Mass for us since Fr. Ross
will not be available. Fr. Dave Korth will be our speaker at the Priest Appreciation Dinner on November 12th.

Old Business:
We will ask the Omaha Serra club to put a link to our website on their webpage.
New Business:
A letter was received from Margaret Quinn, VP Vocations of Serra Club of Omaha, asking approval of the letter they plan to send to all
the parish councils asking them to remember to celebrate Priesthood Sunday, October 25th
. The letter includes a website for ideas of
how to celebrate.
In an effort to grow our Serra Club, the idea was discussed of contacting the priests in our area and ask them recommend 1 or 2 people
from their parish who might be potential Serrans. This will be discussed further. Also to ask for funds to support our club.
Omaha Archdiocese will be celebrating the canonization of Blessed Junipero Serra with a Mass at the Cathedral in Omaha on Tuesday,
October 13th
, at 7 PM. All members are encouraged to attend.
On October 2-4, 2015 Bishop Emeritus, Fabian Bruskewitz, will offer a retreat entitled: Holy Vocations: In the Footsteps of St. Junipero
Serra at Our Lady of Good Counsel Retreat Center, in Waverly.
for more information and to register.
The Des Moines Regional Convention is Sept. 18-20th
. Kathleen OBrien and Linda Kerkman will be attending.
Chaplains comments
: Fr. Ross expressed his gratitude for the fans of the I-80 Collar Series. It was an awesome event to promote
vocations and it raised over $50,000. How great to see so many people join together for the cause of supporting vocations!

Next Meeting:
September 17th
. Food schedule
: September: Catherine Berlage and Rod Wiebelhaus, October: Linda Kerkman, December: Kristi Steffen and
Beth and Leon Gentrup

The meeting was closed with Prayer for the Perseverance of Vocations.
Respectfully submitted,
Kristi Steffen

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