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Null hypothesis, research hypothesis, scientific method

2. Mendelian genetics, Mendels Law of Segregation, Mendels Law
of Independent Assortment
3. Name the four main evolutionary forces that may lead to allele
frequency change over time
4. Evolutionary systematics, cladistics, anagenesis, cladogenesis
5. Uniformitarianism and who is associated with this
6. Macroevoluton, microevolution, extinction, migration, gene flow
7. Homology, homoplasy, synapomorphy, autapomorphy
8. Difference between Old World and New World monkeys
9. Platyrrhine, catarrhine, haplorrhine, strepsirhine
10. K-selection, r- selection
11. Life history paradigm (for humans and Great Apes)
12. Grandmother Hypothesis, Mother Hypothesis
13. Homebox genes, regulatory genes, RNA bases, DNA bases
14. Dental arcade (in Old World vs. New World primates), what are
each of the types of teeth used for, heterodont, homeodont
15. Encephalization quotient, cephalic index
16. Mitosis, meiosis, chromosomes, alleles, loci (locus), polar bodies
17. Role of proteins in biological structures
18. Y-DNA, mitochondrial DNA
19. Obligate biped, facultative biped, quadruped
20. Homeotherms
21. Monogamy, polyandry, polygyny, polygamy
22. Affiliative behaviors, agonistic behaviors
23. Human gestation and childbirth, infancy, childhood, adolescence,
24. Introns, exons
25. Primate behavioral ecology

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