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The semicolon can be used to construct arrays, suppress output from a Matlab
command, or to separate commands entered on the same line.
2. The percent sig is most commonly used to indicate non executable text within
the body of a program. This text is normally used to include comments in your co
de. Some functions also interpret the percent sign as a conversion specifier.
3. Clc clears all input and output from the command window display, giving you a
"clean screen". After using clc, you cannot use the scroll bar to see the histo
ry of functions, but you, still can use the up arrow key, to recall statements f
rom the command history.
4. Clear removes all variables from the current workspace, releasing them from s
ystem memory.
5. o ^ often represents power . For example, the higher the B and A ^ B .
6. Cosine of argument in degrees.
Y=cosd(x) returns the cosine of the elements of X, which are expressed in degree
7. Matlab is not completely case sensitive. Matlab is case sensitive for variabl
e names and built-in function. For a scripts and functions stored is a Matlab fi
le which a.m extension, case sensitivity is preserved on unix platforms but not
or windows platforms.
8. A valid variable name starts with a letter, followed by letters, digits, or u
nderscores. MATLAB is case sensitive, so A and a are not the same variable. The
maximum length of a variable name is the value that the namelengthmax command re
9. Because i and j are both functions denoting the imaginary unit:
So a variable called i or j will override them, potentially silently breaking co
de that does complex maths.
Possible solutions include using ii and jj as loop variables instead, or using 1
i whenever i is required to represent the imaginary unit

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