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Roll Call: 4:00

Delta Upsilon: 3-----Yes

Kappa Alpha Order: 5 -----Yes
Lambda Chi Alpha: 3-----Yes
Phi Delta Theta: 4-----No vote (Yes)
Pi Kappa Alpha: 1-----Yes
Sigma Chi: 5-----Yes
Kappa Sigma: 4-----Yes
Sigma Beta Rho: 0
Sigma Nu: 2-----Yes
Old Minutes: Available on the UTC IFC Website.

Guest Speakers: None

Advisor Report: Aubrey- There is a few chapters that havent given Aubrey the
new member education packet and rosters. Get chapter presidents to email roster.
This is due 10 days before the new member education process begins. Remind
presidents to send active member rosters to Aubrey. Student organization
leadership institute for student organizations are required to go with different
educational programs that affect them on campus and is put on by Austin Arias and
the DOS. FSLA Academy is September 25th and 2-3 people have to go (at Camp
Lookout) and its paid for with meals included. Remind chapter presidents to look for
that email with all the information. Take back the night is October 7 th for the
womens center and there will be a walk in the Fortwood neighborhood, and its
purpose is to prevent sexual violence against women. Look for emails to participate.

On September 22nd at 6:30-7:00 Katie Kesner is talking about consent in relation to

sexual abuse in the UC Auditorium. Look for emails and flyers around campus. New
member 101 sessions are tonight and all new members are required to go to this.
There will be New member session 102 in October.

Officer Reports:
-VP of Records (Tyler Pelot): Updating the website because all of the minutes were
deleted. Email me directly at tbb638 if you want the minutes directly.
-VP of Finance (Kyle Hixson): None; Caleb: Get checks to Caleb tonight for new
members; late fees will be charged if checks are not given by tonight. We are an
official chartered NIC IFC chapter.
-VP of Recruitment (Daniel Henson): Pictures from Rush can be sent to tbb638 if you
want them on the website.
-VP of Judicial Affairs (Austin Wilson): Going to vote on the by-laws and have chapter
presidents meet with Austin after the meeting. If anyone would like to claim an
event and add it to the calendar, then we will collaborate with panhellenic so we
can all be on the same page.
-President (Caleb Davis): None

Chair Reports:
-Community Service Chair- Womens center service events are having four different
events; first event will be October 1st to sign the I consent banner and one member
from ifc and nphc will need to be in attendance. You can also table October 1 st in the
UC. You earn points with the members attendance and signing the banner. Next

event is high heel relay and is October 6 th. . Tale back the night will be the last
-Homecoming: Theme is Back to Scenic City and packets will come out October 21 st
regarding homecoming and can be found on OrgSync. This will be where points are
totaled up and we will see what fraternity had the most points.
-Intramurals: None
Old Business: None
New Business: We will hold elections for a new intramural chair next meeting. Phi
Delta Theta nominated Taylor Parker. We do not have anything holding each chapter
accountable as far as academics goes so we will motion to adopt/amend/discuss
this matter. VOTE passed into by laws.
Chapter Reports:
-Delta Upsilon: New member education starts next week.
-Kappa Alpha Order: Big brother night is next week and after that nationals coming
into town to give presentations and we are getting ready for homecoming.
Volunteered at susan g koman race this Sunday so we can have an event with them
next year for IFC to help out.
-Lambda Chi Alpha: In the middle of chop week and today from 5-10 is grilling at
the house ($4) and volleyball tournament and finishing out the week with a banquet
award event and Saturday is the watermelon bust from 1-4 at challenger field and
there is an associate member ceremony is sunday night at 8 and nationals will be in
town in two weeks
-Phi Delta Theta: volunteered at barn town auction and they are tabling in the uc
with no texting and driving; increased library hours and want fraternities to compete
in philanthropy events.

-Pi Kappa Alpha: No report

-Sigma Chi: h=Had service event and chose to run in the adopt a thon at petsmart
and had almost 40 guys show up to two locations. Paying risk management bill and
paying that per brother to insure the house around $12,000 to check fire safety etc.
-Kappa Sigma: Selling discount cards in the uc for $5
-Sigma Beta Rho: None
-Sigma Nu: Event tonight to know more people on campus that are not Greek

Meeting adjourned at 4:34 PM

Next Meeting: September 30, 2015

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