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Escola Estadual Nossa Senhora da Penha

Aluno(a):_____________________________________________________________________ N______
Gameleira, ______ de junho de 2013
Professora: Mrcia Oliveira da Silva
Ano: 2 C Ensino Mdio

Avaliao de Ingls -II BIMESTRE

Listen and Answer in Portuguese according to the text.
Martin Luther King was born in Atlanta, Georgia on January 15,
1929. He believed all people had the right to freedom and equality.
Martin Luther King didn`t believe in violence. He worked and
studied hard in school. His goal was to make the world a better
place to live. While at college, Martin studied about a man named
Gandhi. When Dr. King became the pastor, he became active in civil
rights. In 1963, over 250,000 people marched in Washington, D.C.
where Dr. King gave his most famous speech, I Have a Dream.
On the morning of April 4, 1968. Martin Luther King was
assassinated. He was just thirty-nine years old.
right: direito
goal: objetivo
freedom: liberdade;
believed: acreditava
speech: discurso
didn`t believe:no acreditava
tomake: fazer
world a better: mundo melhor
to live:viver
When: quando
his: dele
marched: marcharam
became active:tornou-se ativista all people: todas as pessoas
I have a dream: eu tenho um sonho

was just: tinha apenas

was born: nasceu
and: e
over: cerca de
gave: deu, fez
While at college: enquanto na faculdade
most famous speech: mais famoso discurso

01. Quando e onde Martin Luther King nasceu?

02. Qual era sua ocupao?
03. Em que Martin Luther King acreditava?
04. Qual o nome de seu famoso discurso?
05. O que aconteceu em 4 de abril de 1968?
06. The objective of this text is to
A) describe characteristics of a country.
B) enumerate aspects of a process.
C) narrate facts of a persons life.
D) reporting experience.
E) sell a product.

07. What was goal of the Martin Luther King?


08. Match the questions in column A with the answers in column B.



Whats your full name?
Whats her name?
Where are you from?
Whats your e-mail address?
Whats your occupation?
) Im form Madrid, Spain.
) My full name is Phillip Willis.
) Im a engineer.
) Her name is Karen Willis.
) Its Willis@yahoo.com

Read this advert.

09. The general idea of the text is:

A) combater a violncia contra idosos
B) combater a violncia contra mulher.
C) denunciar a falta de assistncia mdica ao idoso.
D) comemorar os 40 anos de felicidade do casal.
E) divulgar os direitos dos idosos.

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