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Technolory Craze

Technology Craze


Technology today is advanced enough that it would confuse adult, but simple for children
to comprehend. Today teachers must know how to use different types of technology and use
those in everyday lessons. There are six types of National Education Technology Standards:

Creativity and Innovation; Communication and Collaboration; Research and Information

Fluency; Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making; Digital Citizenship; and
Technology Operations and Concepts.
Creativity and Innovation is when students show creative thinking, productive
knowledge, and develop inventive products using technology. Students do not like to just sit
around and take notes all day, they should be out creating new things while learning. One
example students can do is, "Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or
processes" (NETs For Student s 2007


When students use what they know to generate new

it shows them that they can really do something great. They can also hypothesize different

possibilities of their ideas or products, which makes the leaming process that much more
valuable. Creativity is a good trait to have and it can brirg something fun to a boring situation.

Communication and Collaboration means students work and communicate, ata distance,

it helps the individual with learning and others to learn


well. Technology has opened the doors

to so many opportunities. For instance two teachers from two different schools could collaborate
together for a project their classes could do together. They could use video chat and many other
aspects that a computer, tablet, or IPad can do. Another example is from a real a teacher, "The

Flat Classroom Project is a global collaboration using Web 2.0 tools. It sffesses responsible,
independent learning using online collaboration and commtrnication....students used information

literacy skills, ethical decision making, and critical thinking skills and displayed effective digital

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