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Amanda Studdard

Megan Salazar
Faith Mewmaw
Abstract: In this experiment we wanted to find out whether abbreviating texts affects
students writing in school.We went around asking students and teachers if they thought
that texting made their writing worse. We found out that half the people we asked think
that texting does harm their writing skills.
Introduction: We would like to find out if abbreviating texts affect real life writing skills. In
order to find the data of this experiment we are asking students and teachers around the school
if abbreviating while texting affects their writing. Examples of abbreviation while texting would be
instead of typing out you theyd just type u, and along with other abbreviations that may be
used while texting. Our expected result is that it will affect their writing.
https://languagedebates.wordpress.com/ said how important it is to teach the english language
in schools. Now that texting is such a big thing, kids forget how to properly speak and write.

Question and Hypothesis: We predict that abbreviating texts will affect students writing. We
predict that abbreviating texts will affect students writing because weve seen students
accidently abbreviate in their school work.

Methods and Materials: 1.Does texting affect your writing skills? We attempted to answer

this question because we realized that in our writing we used abbreviations similar to what we
used while texting and wanted to see if other people did it too.
2.Our test subjects included teachers and students of chose at random by asking a teacher if
we can have 10 students from their class to survey.
3.We surveyed the teachers and students. We insured this by asking the same amount of
students as teachers and got the percentages of who said texting affects their writing.
Our sources. Our materials were the students and teachers of Animas High School, a binder to
write on, a lined piece of paper and something to write with.

Results: The results ended up being that 20/40 people that we surveyed said yes,
abbreviating while texting does affect your writing skills. It affected their writing skills when they
would accidently abbreviate their words while writing in school or writing something





1. no

1. no

1. no

1. yes

2. yes

2. no

2. yes

2. yes

3. yes

3. no

3. no

3. no

4. yes

4. yes

4. no

4. no

5. yes

5. yes

5. no

5. yes

6. yes

6. no

6. no

6. yes

7. no

7. yes

7. no

7. yes

8. no

8. no

8. no

8. no

9. yes

9. yes

9. yes

9. no

10. no

10. yes

10. yes

10. yes


Discussion: We wanted to find out if abbreviating texts affect real life writing skills. Our
expected results was that it would affect the students writing. The results were that 20/40
students and teachers said yes, abbreviating texts affects their writing. Our hypothesis was
correct, because we originally thought that abbreviating texts did affect students writing. We are
not very confident in our results, instead of the survey that we did, we could find heavy texter
students, and students that dont text a lot, and use samples of their work to show how it affects
their writing.

Bibliography: Students and teachers of Animas High School.


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