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the story begin when jack and Carly are two lovers adolescents both are
childhood friends and share a destination very similar jack his father and
Carly to his mother, everything changes when the father 0of Carly marries
another woman who brings her children to live in the house of Carly, the
ambitious silke and Joy is unleashed a series of conflicts when the brother
begins to show romantic feelings toward Carly silke is doing everything
possible to remove the boyfriend (jack) to his half-sister(Carly)
years later she has an accident caused by his half-sister which loses its
memory completely forgetting to jack who promised him that i'd go back just
for to its side. And finally they return and marry out of all his past leaving
behind everything a new beginning, jack time after they make a deal with its
multi-million dollar company in which works well live better, have a family and
now travel around the world with his little ellie knowing new cultures

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