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The palm leaf libraries and their predictions for the future of Europe

The palm leaf readers wanted by this text, apparently warning of an impending event that would be of
global significance. But let us speak then I transferred to German translation for themselves:

On 11 Day of the ninth month of the year 2001 after the Western calendar will come to a crime of
hitherto unknown. It is meant in the most important city on the east coast on the northern area of the
western continent, double (is North America, the territory of present-day United States, specifically the
city of New York - n. G. Sh.) Happened.

The aim of this crime is a very large building, which is considered an important symbol of the Western
world. This building consists of two high towers. These towers are of Vimanas (the ancient Indian
term for aircraft, n. G. Sh. Attacked). This fall, two Vimanas into the towers and causing much
destruction. The towers will collapse, but not by the impact of Vimanas, but by preparing and targeted
explosions inside the towers. Thousands of people are killed in these attacks. People all over the
world will be monstrous as if frozen in shock about this happening.

But it is not over yet. In the capital of the country where the crime (happens is meant Washington,
Note G. Sh.), Will occur a further attack. In the building of the commander of the army of this country
a heaven arrow on (ancient Indian name for proposing a rocket projectile, n. G. Sh.). In public,
however, states that a Vimana had rushed into the building, which the name "Five Star" carries (the
reference is to the Pentagon, n. G. Sh.). This official statement is false, as well as a report after a
Vimana was abducted by enemy soldiers, but defended the crew and passengers of the Vimana
together against this war, and the Vimana thereby brought to a crash. This Vimana is shot in truth,
when they one quarter of the regent of that country is approaching (In retrospect, interpret this
statement as referring to perhaps the plane crashed near Pittsburgh is meant, which was on its way to
Camp David - n. Th . R.).

The regent of the country shortly after the events have already accused conspirators in the Arab world
and to proclaim this act of war intentions against some of these countries, which he will later be put
into practice. His allegations are false. In reality, he knows about the planned attack, involving also a
person who is in his service. Not what he called conspirators, using the crime, but the Regent but it
will not help, because at that time among his subjects, there is considerable doubt whether he had
arrived on a legal path to power. Following the attacks, this suspicion will be dropped. The crime is fit
for purpose. It will give the Regents an opportunity to start in the following years, several wars, it will
lead to the enforcement of its power interests and the interests of the people who support him. These
wars are officially listed in the name of peace, security and freedom, but in reality it is the attackers
only for land and raw materials.

The U.S. war against Afghanistan Ganeshbabu Shastri obviously considered significant as an
event.The Prophecy of the frond for this war reads like this:

On 7 Day of the 10th Month in 2001 after the Western calendar will begin the armed forces of the
United States with a large air force in the war against Afghanistan. As justification for the Regent of
the United States will give up the fight against the enemies of freedom and security of his country. But
in reality it is just to bring land and resources under the control of the United States. In this project, the
U.S. troops working with Afghan warlords. Therefore, the Armed Forces of the United States are only
small losses in this war have, however, the bigger the Afghans. In addition, they squander the future
of their country to foreign masters. Especially the elderly, women and children will suffer horribly in
these conflicts. For decades to come will be no peace reign in this country, which is destroyed by the
war almost entirely. Poverty, hunger and disease among the people of everyday life.

Children are not playing, but his soldiers and to kill. The words are empty rhetoric of peace, the
country remains embroiled in a long civil war. Conflicts will flare up again and again, where there are
numerous casualties. A new government of Afghanistan is apparently chosen after lengthy efforts by
the people of the country, but this government is just a stooge of foreign masters. Other countries
than the United States, including Germany, will participate in the missions in Afghanistan, although
not as a war powers. It is also among the German soldiers in numerous deaths and injuries (currently
to be deplored, the German troops in Afghanistan as a whole already been 16 deaths - Amn. T.
R.).The war against Afghanistan will bring the gentlemen of the United States out of luck. Their plans
seem to be fulfilled first, but fail in the long run. The foreign troops will have left in the period 2008 to
2012 on the Western calendar Afghanistan, and realize that they have failed.

In the statements of the palm-leaf manuscript on the attacks of 11 September 2001 there were also
indications of further military action by the U.S. administration. The text was to price the following

Early on the morning of the 20th Day of the third month of the year 2003 according to the Western
calendar, the U.S. will begin with a very strong attack by units of Vimanas (fighters) on the territory of
the capital of Iraq and on military targets. This war, the Americans have prepared well in advance.You
just sit down here over the objections of other nations and their representatives. The official reason for
the beginning of the war will be the message of the regents of the U.S. that threaten the Iraqi
government under its tyrannical ruler of the peace of the world, and especially the United States.The
Iraqi army possesses a secret and highly lethal weapons. Therefore, it is necessary to defeat Iraq
militarily, and to overthrow his government. These statements will prove out to be a lie. Neither the
Iraqi tyrant had something to do with the attacks of 11 September in the year 2001 to the cities in the
U.S., nor his army has really over the threatening weapons of death. The words of the rulers of the
United States do not trust most other people and their representatives.

The U.S. will take only a few allies in its war-willed. From Europe will participate mainly British, Polish,
Italian and Spanish troops in the war. These nations will soon regret, however, that they have joined
the United States. Germany and France will refuse allegiance to the U.S. open and
steadfast.Throughout the world there will be protests against the actions of the American
government. But these protests will be useless. The war is yet to begin. Many Iraqi soldiers and more
civilians will die in the fighting. At the beginning everything will look like after a very quick victory for
the Americans and their allies. After a few weeks, it will seem as if destroyed the entire Iraqi army,
fled the tyrant and his henchmen. The Regent of the United States will declare the war officially
over. But then the killing will begin in earnest. The Iraqis are not only fighting against the occupiers,
but also among themselves for power. There will be a large degree of anarchy, and never
experienced violence. Death is commonplace in this country. The war will take many years, longer
than the term of the regents of the United States takes, who had started the war. Also, this war is not
a struggle for freedom and justice, it is a war in which deals with raw materials and land to expand
U.S. influence in the area, which houses Iraq. But the U.S. will not win this war. They have suffered
decades earlier in another country a similarly devastating defeat as in store for them in Iraq. In 2008,
the western calendar, the 5th Month, they will have to leave the country ignominiously.

It will avail them nothing that they want to make the world believe that they had taken the tyrant of Iraq
prisoner and his sons were dead, too, is a lie. The man, whom they will play a tribunal is not the Iraqi
ruler, but a double. The ruler is in a neighboring country in safety, his two sons likewise. But they will
never regain power in Iraq. In this country for many years, different parties will be fighting for power,
before gradually from the year 2021 begins a period of internal stabilization of the country.

The palm-leaf manuscript described that even in Europe this unprecedented terrorist attacks were
imminent. In 2004, Spain was to meet:

On 11 Day of the 3rd Month of 2004, the Western calendar will happen in the capital of Spain, several
attacks that are carried out with explosives. These attacks take four trains of urban transport in
Madrid. It will find over two hundred people died, thousands are injured. The bomb attacks are
associated with the use of Spanish soldiers in Iraq. They will lead to the government, which had
ordered this operation, can not keep himself in power. The subsequent government will withdraw the
Spanish troops from Iraq. However, this attack will be only one of several that will take in subsequent
years, Spain.

Before the Madrid bombings, I had warned as early as 2002 in a well as in various magazines
published on the Internet contribute to the prophecies of the Indian palm leaf libraries. But even with
other radical events palm-leaf manuscript containing the information. It was said about the natural
disasters of recent years:
In the eighth month of 2002, the Western calendar of east and south of Germany will be affected by
heavy rains, the rain down in the neighboring countries. As a result of unusually high rainfall for the
summer many rivers rising in the areas of eastern and southern Germany so much that it flooded the
surrounding land. These floods occur very rapidly and unexpectedly. It is aimed at very great damage,
destroying houses, bridges and roads. Many people lose their homes and their possessions. But by
the great helpfulness of the people in Germany in this situation and by government measures
succeed very quickly to alleviate the distress. The damage will be completely removed in the course
of two to three years. State aid helps the government, which is located at this time in power, much
more trust and respect book. This government will not lose their standing in the following years,
through many bad decisions again, so that they will rather give up their office, than is provided by the

It is noteworthy, however, the compound which is taken in palm-leaf manuscript of a much larger
disaster, not so lightly departed as the flood of August 2002:

In the last month of the year 2004, six days before the end of which is a huge catastrophe occurring in
the Southeast Asian region. Under the sea west of the island of Sumatra, the earth will quake as
strong as it has happened not long ago. This submarine earthquake will result in huge tidal waves that
devastated the coasts of Smatra, Thailand, Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, the islands of the Maldives
and the coast of East Africa. More than two hundred thousand people will die, foreigners, Europeans,
including German nationals among them, but it will hit hardest on the simple population of coastal
towns. Several million people lose their homes and all their belongings. Their suffering will lead to
people all over the world who have learned through the media by this disaster to provide assistance to
those affected in different ways, be it with money, material support or through the personal
involvement on the ground. Mainly from Germany to the disaster region much help is given, because
the Germans have the flooding in their country not to forget two years ago.

However, it will take more than 3 years, until the damages are fixed in the most affected regions.Many
relief supplies do not reach the truly needy, but are becoming a commodity. Particularly in Sumatra,
the reconstruction of the devastated regions will take a long time, since in these areas and a raging
civil war that has been interrupted by natural disaster, but not finished. There will be suspicions that a
superpower, the USA, the devastating earthquake by testing a new weapon may be artificially
raised. However, a proof will not be found (unfortunately). The Sumatra earthquake is only the
beginning of a series of natural disasters, the haunt Asia, but also the rest of the world in the coming

For 2005, prophesied the ancient Indian texts is another significant event that has already occurred:

A week after the largest religious festival of the two major Christian churches (Easter is for the
Catholic part of Christianity, at least from a theological point of view is still the greatest religious
festival - R. n. Th), the more than two decades, acting head of this Church death (Pope John Paul II
died on 02.04.2005 - a week after Easter, R. Note Th). His death will cause great sadness and
concern among the faithful of this church, but also show that this man was also taken from other
religions (The funeral of John Paul II was one of the largest funerals in Christian history. More than
half a million pilgrims , numerous statesmen, and also the spiritual leaders of other world religions
were there present - R. n. Th). The successor of the deceased as the head of this Christian church, a
man will be elected, who the deceased was very close and even looked for a long time in a very high
position of this church. His election will take place quickly and seem surprising, but not in reality as it
is the tradition of his church, just as connected as the deceased. The new head of the church will
come from Germany and with the name "The Blessed". His term will last about 8 years.

The manuscript begins with a brief description of the Hindu calendar in accordance with the present
prevailing Kali Yuga, the darkest of the four world ages:

They worshiped only the wealth, passion is the only tie between the sexes. In litigation falsehood is
the only means for success. Women are seen only as objects for sensual gratification. Violent rulers
of countries and decay of moral values, voluntary abortion of children, neglect of the divine laws,
agnosticism among men. Danche follows a new, better era.
For the future of Germany in the period ahead, further states that

In the autumn of 2005, following the Western calendar, there will be a change in government. The
government so far have terminated their work, although they could rule according to the law for one
year on. They hope thereby creating a new and clear situation for the people of the country, which will
now decide how to proceed with their land. But people have lost confidence in all those who want to
rule the country as they begin to realize that their interests are long gone, the interests of them with
the exercise of domination are representative. They are willing to tend to believe those who promise
easy solutions in difficult times.

There will be new rulers, but their deeds will be no better than the previous rulers. They will promise
the people before it came to power is also much that they can not keep and do not want to keep. The
difference between the many who are poor, the many people who are impoverished and the wealthy
few will be in the time of the new government bigger and bigger, faster even than it has hitherto been
the case. Fewer and fewer people will have jobs because they were no longer needed. Machines take
over their activities. In the next few years it will be a luxury to have work, and are not provided by the
state. However, this situation occurs not only in Germany but also in other European countries, yes,
this trend is even observed worldwide.

Here the burden on ordinary people, taxes, levies and other burdens, will be disproportionate to the
income generated. The rulers have promised before it came to power differently, but they can not be
measured on these promises. But those are where the big factories and shops around the world to act
to make good business, and continually away from the mass of the population. For them, it will be like
a new and glorious age, meeting all their desires and hopes. They will turn freely and do as they
please. No country will be safe from them. You will see the people as their slaves, and build their
plants only where they have to pay people as little reward for their work, where they have for the
country and its inhabitants no commitments, and where are they by the rulers of the countries major
Gifts to enable them their factories and trading houses settle there. Thus they become the real power
in the world. They are long on this path, but only now are beginning to ordinary people to see it clearly
and to understand. And they will have to recognize that this path is wrong.

In the Western world, there will be in the coming years more and more people less and less, that they
can afford. Most will be busy trying to secure their everyday existence. You will be pleased, therefore,
accept the offers of facilities that are known in the West "media" to disperse and deflect attention from
their struggle for survival. They are in music, sports, television, in (computer) games (if those terms
are interpretations of the Old tamischen Descriptions - R. n. Th), cheaper, the lower instincts of man
satisfying entertainment to create sensations and apparent adventures in a alternate reality, which
makes them the hard life bearable. The company is divided into those who can afford it because of
their income, what they want, and those for whom remains an unattainable fulfillment of their wishes,
because they have to live on lowest incomes. However, the wishes will be no real needs, but only an
illusion, created by the media and those who can produce and act to prevent people from what is
really important for their development, and bind them in the fetters of matter . It will be the time when
the Maya (the Indian term for deception and fraud - R. n. Th) triumphs.

The generally be felt increasingly deteriorating situation in Germany leads to significant

uncertainty.Most people will know that the system, in which they lived, no longer works. This is
heralded not only here but throughout the world at a time of great upheaval. This is in the wheel of
yugas (the way the world age - n. R. Th) through the transition from the Kali Yuga (the darkest of the
four world ages - R. n. Th) in a new Sathya-yuga (golden or spiritual age - n. R. Th) determined. But
the end of the Kali Yuga is unrest, combined strong resistance against a further development,
increasing violence and seeming hopelessness. This is because most people involved in the bondage
of matter and the illusions of Maya. You see no way out of crisis, so please take my eyes back and
yearn for times past, which they now perceive as better, because they fear the future and expect
anything good from it. But this view is not the solution.

Many people also hope for a strong, wise autocrat who cleaned up the bad conditions in the country
and punish those responsible with a hard hand. In fact, will occur at a later stage of the decline in
Germany and Europe for a time such autocratic rulers, because the people have brought it to threaten
in a world that is submerged in violence and insecurity, as re-establishing order. This will be the
period from the year 2019 by the Western calendar to the year 2046 by the Western calendar is the
case. But people will also recognize that this solution is no longer referred to their time. They are
beginning to understand that only they themselves through their own personal responsibility for their
lives, their family and to the lives of people with whom they can come into contact to change their
circumstances for the better. But up to this view, the people in Germany and in Europe have a long
way to go, and even further from the path of this knowledge is to its implementation in everyday life. A
new company in Germany and Europe will not emerge before the year 2048 the Western
calendar.Until then, the development of the decline and ultimate dissolution of the existing system is
characterized. While people initially try to own or even at the expense of their fellow human beings to
survive, they will then come together when the need is great enough to understand that they can
survive only together this time. The country in which they live, will no longer be able to save your
livelihood. Mutual Aid and the closer together the families will mark this decade.

Germany is involved in a system of politics and economics, which includes most of the nations of
Europe now. This community was originally founded by six European countries with the aim of
improving the living conditions of people to enhance trade between countries and promote the general
economy. This community of European countries has grown over time and become more
powerful.Several regents from Germany have joined to strengthen this union deserving. In 2002, the
Western calendar will bring all member countries of a common currency. But with their increasing
size, it becomes increasingly difficult to draw the community, and its tasks to adapt the needs of the
people of each country of this community. The community becomes independent, will end in itself and
no longer serve more people in the countries that are members of this community. The bodies of the
Union, its laws and its power to serve only the economically and socially powerful who enforce that
their goals.

In 2004, the western calendar this community is again extended to many members. The new
countries will come from eastern Europe, and we all had until 1989 the Western calendar and a
different economic system of values as the foundation of their society. Many people in these countries
are poor. They are hoping for membership in the community because they believe that their lives will
improve. But this will remain a dream. Those in power will take advantage of this extension of the
community in order to enrich themselves recklessly at the expense of ordinary people, and play these
people in the struggle for existence and work against each other. They will all promise to attract
wealth and thus to approximate the conditions of life in the community throughout. But they will not
say that this new equality an equality in poverty for most of the inhabitants of the countries will be that

The plans of the powerful can not be fulfilled, however, because the signs of the times show the
approaching end of the Kali-Yuga, show maturity and decline. While the rulers of the various countries
of the Commonwealth at odds as to whether they would be followed by the United States has already
started in 2001 and 2003 further led wars against countries in the East, will be among the first resistor
ordinary people move. In 2005, the mighty of the economy and society think it is time to let the whole
community into a single law to be valid. But the introduction of this uniform law will fail.In two
neighboring countries of Germany, the people refuse to recognize this law (in fact, both French and
Dutch voted in a referendum against the introduction of the European constitution - n. R. Th).Thus
began a protracted crisis in this community that will eventually lead to the disintegration of this system
in its existing form.

Since the livelihoods deteriorate steadily in the countries involved, it will come from the western
calendar year 2004 increased social tensions in Germany. People are trying to tackle the growing
burden. They will initially do not exist in the protection of their families, and where they withdraw into
the protective circle of friends. At the same flames in the neighboring countries, but also in Germany
to repeatedly protests that are directed against people who belong to foreign nations, but live in
Germany or other countries of the Community.

From 2007 on the Western calendar, it will come in the big cities of Germany intensified protests of
ordinary people against the government's policy and against the economically powerful. Initially, it
would seem as if these protests have an impact on the actions of the regents, but this is only an
illusion. The claims and arguments of the protesters to be talked to death and exposed to
ridicule.People who will be speaking publicly against the powerful, degraded, stripped of their
existence, or portrayed as criminals and condemned. The situation in society is getting worse from the
spring of 2007 on the Western calendar more and more. Violence and insecurity reign, especially in
the major places where the problem is most urgent. The regents are no longer able to provide for the
protection and safety of people in their countries. The situation deteriorating, because during this time
many people from other continents to Europe. They are fleeing from famine, war and great drought
which their lands turned into deserts. The Community of Europe, but also the societies of each
country begin to crumble from within.

It will be in 2011, the Western calendar, when announcing major economic difficulties. First, in the
U.S., but then in Europe, the money will lose value faster and stronger. This development is the result
of a failed economic and monetary policy based on the system of compound interest and the belief in
unlimited economic development opportunities. The mighty of the society in the United States and
Europe have believed for decades that the world is a playground of their greed, their selfishness, they
can herrichten to any to their liking. They believed there would be more of everything. But they are
disappointed to see from the snares of the Maya, because greed has blinded their minds. The earthly
world is not infinite and there will be unlimited happiness in this world, never, never unlimited
growth.Your system will show its limits.

In the autumn of 2012 will suffer in the U.S. financial system collapse. The state will continue its
commitments to the staff of the State no longer able to meet. There will be no pay for soldiers, no
wages for civil servants, as the money is worth nothing. This situation will bring society into great
confusion. Numerous shops and factories, as well as banks will have to close, many people lose their
jobs and their livelihoods. There will be looting and unrest, especially in the cities, armed townspeople
will plunder the country. When the riots many people will come to death. The government will try to
gain control of the situation by using its military forces still loyal again. This is only partly the case.The
collapse of the U.S. economy leads to civil unrest that will persist into the second half of 2017thThen,
military units of the northern neighboring country will intervene in the conflict and bring it largely under
control. It is the biggest conflict in the United States since the Civil War in the 19th His century. The
front-line across the country. However, in contrast to the first civil war not to fight the North against the
South, but the East against the West.

From the decline of the American economy and the decline of the money, the countries of Europe are
concerned, in particular Germany, given its economic structure. It will also come to a devaluation of
money, but not to the same extent as in the United States. Nevertheless, the consequences of this
development, especially for the ordinary people are very serious. Many will lose their livelihood and
live in poverty. In the large cities, there will be riots against buildings and representatives of state and
economic power as well as looting. The level of violence that prevails in the U.S., is not achieved,
because in Germany are so many guns in private hands, and it will not come to a collapse of security
institutions like the police or army. In America, however, will revolt unpaid soldiers and policemen and
shrink even before the use of force.

In European cities, there will be riots that will depend to a large extent against resident
aliens.Particularly bloody battles are taking place in Paris and Rome, but also in Madrid, London and
Prague. In Rome, the seat of the head of the Catholic Church was stormed. Numerous dignitaries die
in the looting, including the Pope, who can fly, although at first, but outside of Rome in an ambush
comes from looters. The least affected by the crisis are Russia, India and China, which supported
each other's economies.

The unrest in Germany and Europe are to continue in the autumn of the year 2016th The civil war
period in Europe is ended through the use of protecting Russian and Chinese troops, who by the
regents of Europe are called to help.

Until the collapse of the American monetary system and the economy amerikansischen the powerful
of this country and its allies will do everything possible to halt the impending decline. As mentioned
twice in the 20th Happen century Western calendar, to revive the war and destruction in other
countries and continents, America's economy. Thus the U.S. armed forces are, with their allies from
Europe and other continents continue waging war around the world. Officially, the regents to establish
the missions to save peace and freedom, but they are doing to the country and makes. Also feels the
Regent of the United States, in January of 2005, his 2nd Term began to rely on the God in whom he
believes to spread the Christian religion in the world. Several times he will make that claim publicly
clear. But some in the affected countries, in Afghanistan and Iraq, there are people who believe their
religion is the only true, would follow that everyone in this world. They also call for a "holy war".

The Americans are planning for the invasion of Iraq, conquered the neighboring country of Iran as
well, but frightened by the possible weapons that might set back Iran. These weapons are those who
can use the Americans, equal in its deadly effect. Therefore, the U.S. initially built in most neighboring
countries of Iran bases to threaten the country in this way from all pages. In the 6th Month of 2005 the
Western calendar then comes a man in Iran unexpectedly to power, which is a thorn in the
Americans. This man is a shrewd politician who can prevent that the American attack on Iran will take
place in 2005. The Regent of the United States moves to attack the following year.

His army will undertake in the years to 2011, numerous other military operations directed against
countries in Africa, and Asia. Applications will be Somalia, and Sudan, as well as Yemen, Syria,
Libya, Indonesia, Malaysia, North Korea and Saudi Arabia. This military action will lead to a further
polarization of the world. The countries of Europe are split into different camps, one that supports
American policy, while the other refused allegiance to the Americans. From the fall of 2005 on the
Western calendar will once again lean towards the rulers of Germany strengthened the
Americans.However, their support will never be as unreservedly as the other countries. The American
army will indeed carry the war into all the world, but such a conflict, as it twice in the 20th Century, the
Western calendar, there will not experience the world. Nevertheless, there will be many places limited
military action, in Europe especially in the area of the Balkans, Albania, Serbia and Bosnia-
Herzegovina. These conflicts will continue intermittently until 2040. In central Africa, there will be
serious clashes, forcing many people to flee. Also in Central Asia, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and
Tajikistan, there will be long-lasting civil wars. From 2008 blaze in eastern Turkey today again
riots.From 2009 onwards, the Western calendar will be conducted in parts of Africa and Asia, the war
no longer about land and booty, but for water.

In the Middle East is the conflict between the Palestinians and Israel to expand after a period of
relaxation by the apparent murder of a Palestinian high dignitary to a new war in the neighboring
countries are also involved, such as Syria and Jordan. This will be the case in 2011.

In Central Europe, there will be no war at this time, but the people are feeling in these countries, the
consequences of wars in other parts of the world. Higher fees and taxes, price increases for food and
raw materials, but also countless immigrants from the countries concerned, particularly from Africa,
the Middle East and Turkey, the implications are.

Central and Western Europe will be like the U.S. target for terrorist activities. The number of attacks in
this will be relatively small, their impact all the more devastating.

In the seventh month of the year 2005, the seventh day following the Western calendar, the capital of
England is plagued by attacks. These attacks are made using the model of the terrorist attacks in
Madrid. In public transport, which is meant under the ground run (in this case probably the London
Metro - R. n. Th) will take place at several places explosions in the vehicles. The entire underground
transport will grind to a halt. There are many people dying and being injured even more. Another
explosion will take place in a public transport, (above ground may be wrong in a bus? - R. n.
Th).There too many people will die or be injured. The scale of the Madrid attacks will not reach what
is happening in London, however.

In 2007, during the second week of the eighth month in Denmark will make an attack the capital.Here
are several explosions in the city center will be held in public buildings and the harbor. Public life is
paralyzed for several days. The attack is very surprising. There are many dead and many more

In the same year, only one months later, Norway will be the target of attacks. Here are the attacks
against civilian ships and oil facilities in that country against the judge. An oil rig off the southern coast
of Norway is destroyed by a massive explosion.
Early on the same day, a passenger ship with many people on board, the (rest there, probably a
cruise ship - ed R. Th) in the largest fjord in Norway, one of the narrowest points of the bay with
explosive bullets is attacked by water ( mines or a torpedo attack? - R. n. Th). The ship is sinking
rapidly. Since that time, most people sleep on board the ship, there are very many dead. Only a few
will survive the sinking of the ship.

Even Germany is not immune from terrorist attacks. In the spring the year 2008, during the first week
of the fourth month there will be two major cities in Germany, attacks in the capital of the country and
in the city, which is considered the capital of the money trade (Berlin and Frankfurt / Main - n. Th
R.).In the capital, public transport will be the target of attacks. There will be explosions at six different
places under the earth. The entire public life is lame be laid. An explosion occurred near the
government quarter, another in a place that has been in recent years as the new center of the capital
(possibly the Potsdamer Platz - n. Th, R.).

In the capital of the money market (Frankfurt), there will be attacks on public transport. Here,
however, found only four explosions take place in the underground. That explosive devices exploded
in two large buildings, in which banks maintain their offices. Here, as in the capital of Germany there
will be devastation, with many deaths and many injuries. These attacks can exceed the level of the
terrorist attacks in Madrid.

Increasingly, these attacks also recreational areas, especially in Spain and Italy also be
affected.Where it will come in 2007 summer and 2010, again in the metropolis of Spain to large
losses of human life. An increasing number of attacks will be religiously motivated. But it will also give
people who make such attacks in the name of protecting the earth. This organization, which will
connect the first time in the year 2008 phenomenon affects especially nuclear-driven ships, nuclear
power, genetically modified crops, oil rigs and fishing fleets. It will be "commando earth call
(Ganeshbabu Shastri transferred the name of the environmentally-motivated bomb as" Earth
Commandos "in English - ed Thomas Ritter).

Above all, Europe will suffer from the massive immigration movements that trigger the wars in other
parts of the world. The European welfare systems will be overwhelmed with the integration of millions
of refugees, so that the infrastructure of Europe reached its limit. This is true not only for Germany but
also for the central European neighbors. Only in Northern Europe, the impact of the immigration
movement will be less.

With very similar problems to the United States faced. This leads to a progressive destabilization of
the economies and currency of the Western industrialized nations. This trend will result in 2012 to the
aforementioned collapse of the U.S. currency. This will be both in the U.S. and in Europe, triggered
major riots, which assume civil war. This leads to a protracted crisis of Western societies, to sink into
the consequence that the United States in foreign policy irrelevance. In the years to 2014, the
American troops to withdraw almost entirely from abroad.

In Europe affects mainly Italy, Spain and France from civil strife, which are held especially in the
cities. But in Germany there will be civil war situations, especially in Berlin, Munich, Frankfurt,
Hamburg, the Rhineland and the Ruhr. The entry of the called to the aid of Russian and Chinese
Associations in Central Europe will stop this happening. Many people in the occupied countries will
see the foreign troops, but not as collaborators but as occupiers.

The rulers use the new situation in order to consolidate their position, and succeeded for some time.In
the form of monarchies and dictatorships arise from the year 2018 new, strictly hierarchically
structured societies in which the traditions of their own nation dominates. The Community of
European countries continue to disintegrate. New alliances formed .. These types of companies, first
in fact lead to calm the situation and will make it possible that Europe's economy but also the United
States will stabilize. People will be willing to give up the security of their existence, a large part of their
personal freedoms.

But times from the year 2017 will be only apparent calm. New dangers threaten. Not by war but by a
rapidly progressive change in world climate. The annual average temperatures continue to rise. Thus
the Gulf Stream, the billions of liters of water in the tropical north is pumping lose their power to
change its direction and suddenly collapse. Due to the enormous quantities of fresh water, which are
released from melting glaciers and polar ice, loses much of the Gulf Stream within a few years in
power. The result will be devastating drought in the southern U.S. and floods in China. Scandinavia is
transformed into an ice desert, densely populated coastal states such as Holland or Bangladesh will
be flooded. Millions of starving refugees leave their homeland and forced into the rich
countries. These events will take place in the years 2029 to 2034 on the Western calendar. Icy winds
then rushes across Northern Europe, devastating storms and floods ravage the coasts. The forests
are dying, the plains of North and Baltic Sea to the freezing tundra.

The dramatic climate change, bringing people and governments in need fuel is scarce, the few
remaining eroded peacekeeping alliances. Bloody conflicts break out, wars over resources and food
ravage the continent. Within a few years the world will come to the brink of total anarchy.

Countries with unstable government like Pakistan will be tempted to use its nuclear arsenal to fight for
food or raw materials. So it will come between Pakistan and India in 2029 also lead to renewed armed
conflict. There is the likelihood that the fighting will be played even with nuclear weapons, which will
lead to a far-reaching devastation of parts of India and Pakistan.

That there are sufficient stocks in Central Europe hardly put an authoritarian ruler of synthetic
poisons, to bring about population reduction, as is seen in that time, the problem of overpopulation by
refugees as the main cause of the problems. For use primarily in the UK comes a Thanaton called
funds, which will allow for a painless death.

By a rapid cooling of the Earth's atmosphere, caused by the collapse of the Gulf Stream and the
freezing of large areas is mainly in the north of the USA and Scandinavia, after several years of the
cycle of the Gulf Stream, start again and lead to climate stabilization. It will start from the year
2035.Coupled with this are again better harvests and a steady improvement in social
conditions. During the years of turmoil and natural disasters occur around the world new, but also
long believed vanquished diseases at once and call millions of deaths.

In addition to diseases such as plague and cholera, which raged in the days of civil war because of
poor hygienic conditions, climate change also provides for the increase in health risks. While global
warming will occur primarily in Africa and Asia, but also in the many areas of Europe to a significant
increase in solar radiation, which strengthens skin problems and tumors in humans as in animals

Refugees from Africa carry a deadly disease from 2023 to Europe, called the Kunu is. The patients
suffer from high fever, her internal organs decompose within a few days. The disease is almost
always fatal, and spreads like the flu.

Already two years ago to connect the blood worms. These are tiny roundworms to the internal organs
of human beings affected mainly the heart and liver, and destroy them within a short time. The
infected rarely survive longer than a week. Blood worms are transmitted from animal foods (primarily
through beef and pork, now there is this disease in domestic animals such as dogs or cats. It is
thought not - yet - transmitted to humans - n. Th R).

In the years from 2018 a strange disease in the U.S. but also in Europe and Asia, killing hundreds of
thousands. The infected are vulnerable to any disease, harmless in themselves, like colds or
infections of even the smallest wounds, which may cause you, however, serious infections and even
death. The forces of ill disappear very quickly, it rarely lasts more than three days until death
(Ganeshbabu Shastri called this illness in his notes RISC - Rapid immune system collapse -
accelerated collapse of the body's immune system - Editor's note R. Th). The mortality rate among
those infected is very high. It was only after decades in the period after the year 2048, will be aware
that it was for RISC to a biological weapon that was released at the instigation of influential circles in
the U.S. to address the population growth.

A highlight of the disaster will be the year 2046th from astronomers around the world unnoticed, there
is a great celestial bodies from the depths of space on the ground. There will be, where an asteroid
which is on its way through the solar system very close to the earth. Its orbit passes between the orbit
of the moon and the earth's orbit round. A few days before his passing by these heavenly bodies will
be visible to the naked eye. This process will take place in late autumn of 2046th by the attraction of
the asteroid, it will be the world's major earthquakes and floods. California experienced the biggest
earthquake in living memory, but also Japan and China are concerned. Large parts of these regions
sink into the ocean. In Germany are subject to powerful earthquakes in the Vogtland and in the
Eifel.The neighboring countries of Germany are affected by natural disasters. On the coasts of North
and Baltic Sea leads to severe flooding, which extend far inland. Even France and Britain, as well as
the Mediterranean countries are plagued by earthquakes and floods. In Italy and Greece, many
volcanoes erupt. However, the dormant volcanoes in Bohemia are awakened to new activity and
devastate the environment with large outbreaks. In the tectonic activity in addition to lava and volcanic
ash, large quantities of fumes and gases are released, some of which are very toxic. For these
clouds, precipitation aggressive condense highly corrosive liquids. By the sea and earthquakes
around the world millions of people lost their lives. In the affected regions of Central Europe will be
destroyed, especially in the cities much structure.

Soon after the disaster, the survivors will begin the cleanup. Countless corpses and animal carcasses
must be disposed of in order to counteract disease. Gradually, the economy gets going, there is still a
great demand as a result of the destruction in all areas.

After the disaster, the warming climate in Central Europe and much reminiscent of the climate of the
Mediterranean. Snow in the winter it will be only in the mountains. Agriculture is favored by the
climate and brings good returns. Due to the tectonic changes, has also changed the geography of the
earth. Many former coastal areas and islands, part of Japan and California, the east coast of North
America and areas of England are sunk in the sea, especially while in the area of the Atlantic, new
country is grown up.

The reconstruction, which is proceeding apace, especially in Germany, is facing the problem of the
badly damaged to primary industry. Many important resources are scarce.

At that time, also will begin the formation of a new society in Europe. This new company, whose role
will be to create the next Sathya Yuga, will be marked by great personal freedom of the individual, but
connected and subordinate to its obligation to the common good. Up to events taking place at that
time to teach men how destructive selfishness at the expense of the community. This new company
will be an extension of the western coast of Europe to have the way to the eastern coast of Asia, but
they carry very regional. The people will decide the important things to them on the spot, without
waiting for the approval of a distant authority must. A new constitution guarantees all areas that join
the new Eurasian Union's external security and internal sovereignty.

Economic basis of the new company will be an interest-free money system, which will be introduced
and tested from the year 2048 and (Arab banks are already working in the allocation of interest-free
loans because the interest prohibition in the Koran, and instead collect a service fee. The Bible also
contains a way prohibition of interest - Editor's note R. Th).

Likewise, at the beginning of the 20th will Century, discovered and explored the western calendar, but
they are not yet widely used energy form the basis for the prosperity of this society. They will name
them after their discoverer of energy (most likely here is the so-called Tesla meant energy - n. R.
Th).This energy does not harm the earth, as it did previously related forms of energy. There will be no
shortage of energy on this. Their application is for the individual no longer be associated with costs.

Land and water resources are no longer in private ownership, as will prevail on the recognition that
nobody has a right to acquire what existed before him, and what is just there for him. But everyone
will have the right to a home or other buildings he has created or acquired, to call his own.

From the year 2049 will enforce the worldwide recognition that people are not alone in the universe. In
the reconstruction work in Europe but also in the Middle East artifacts are discovered, the
nichtirdischen origin. This finding has very broad implications for religions and philosophies.

The era from 2048 will be the beginning of a new, spiritually-oriented era of the coming Sathya-yuga.

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