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Julie Palmisano

Lessons 10 and 11

School Reading Problems Lesson Reflection


Teaching Strategy

(Descriptive evidence objective was met)

Read with sufficient accuracy and
fluency to support comprehension.
Read with sufficient accuracy and
fluency to support comprehension.
TSWBAT read nonsense word
sentences smoothly based on
color-coded chunks and
TSWBAT chunk words and phrases
to orally read a passage smoothly.

The reading nonsense word

Though the student was able to

strategy had strengths and

read the words smoothly, she did

weaknesses. This activity helped

not read them with color-coded

the student read with a smoother

chunks and punctuation. This

tone and as she read she fell into a

shows us that in the future we will

rhythm and became more

work on punctuation more to

comfortable with the text.

determine if the difficulty was with

However, when she was reading

punctuation in general or just with

the passage with the nonsense

the nonsense words.

The student was able to express the

TSWBAT explain the key features

of fluency (rate, expression,
punctuation, and accuracy).

words she completely ignored the

TSWBAT identify correct sentence

structure with capitalization and

punctuation, even when reminded.

different components of fluency in

This might have been due to the

her own words without the help of

fact that she was only using

a teacher or the poster, so we know

nonsense words, however I think it

that she understands these

would be better not to use this

concepts. This is useful because we

strategy in the future just to avoid

can spend less time discussing each

practicing bad habits. Before this

of the components and more time

activity, we did express the

developing each of the necessary

importance of punctuation and

The student was also able to correct

even modeled using it while

the sentences without help from the

reading, but the student repeated it

teacher, so we know that this

in a song-like rhythm.
Giving the student an unedited

objective was met. In the future we

sentence for her to edit was a

sentences, or we can focus our time

successful strategy. In this activity,

on areas with more need.

can give her more difficult

the student was able to add all the

major punctuation, including a
comma, which was punctuation we
had not gone over. In the future I
think we will be able to either give
more difficult activities, or spend
less time on identifying

Determine the main idea of a text;
recount the key details and explain
how they support the main idea.
Explain how specific aspects of a
text's illustrations contribute to
what is conveyed by the words in a
story (e.g., create mood, emphasize
aspects of a character or setting)
TSWBAT describe the connection
between fluency and
TSWBAT identify the main idea
within a paragraph.
TSWBAT match main ideas with

punctuation in sentences.
Using the graphic organizer to help

The student was able to identify the

the student understand main idea

main idea within the paragraph,

was very helpful to the student

and we were able to tell this

because she was able to see how

objective was met because it was a

the different ideas connected. By

vast improvement from the

using an ice cream cone, which is

previous week. In the future we can

something she enjoys, we were

move on to identifying the main

able to connect the concept with

idea of the whole story, and

her interests. Furthermore, using

identifying the theme.

The student was able to describe

the cone as the main idea and the

ice cream scoops as the details

the connection between fluency

gave her a relatable metaphor that

and comprehension with minimal

appropriate supporting details.

TSWBAT complete a main idea

graphic organizer about the
beginning of the story, using the
text to provide at least three
supporting details.

TSWBAT identify context clues in

a text need for making inferences.
TSWBAT answer questions in the
text to choose important clues for
TSWBAT wrap up the story by
making inferences on the text using
schema and text details.

she could apply to the topic.

By introducing main idea using

prompting. Since we have not

small paragraphs and then building

comprehension is and instead just

up to a couple pages, we were able

worked on the skills, this was very

to gradually help the student

successful. This also gave her a

understand main idea. In the past,

bigger purpose while reading

she was unable to identify the main

because she understood why she

previously discussed what

idea of the text. This strategy

helped her because it gave her the

was working on these skills.

The student was able to complete

concept on a much smaller scale,

the matching activity without a

and then we were able to increase it

problem, and she was able to

as she understood it better.

One strategy in particular that was

explain her reasoning for each of

most effective for making

objective was met successfully.

The student was able to answer

inferences was the Whats in Miss

the matches, so we know that this

Julies backpack? game. Having

questions for inferences; however

her pull items out of my bag was an

she did need some prompting. This

engaging way to help her

shows that further instruction might

understand inferences in an

be needed to help her understand

authentic setting. However, one

the concept better.

thing I did notice is that when she

seemed to get the answer correct,
we continued pushing her for more.
Though normally this would be
okay, I think in this case it actually
confused her. If we could repeat

this activity, I think that just

encouraging her over the smaller
inferences at first would be more

Write opinion pieces on topics or
texts, supporting a point of view
with reasons.
Write narratives to develop real or
imagined experiences or events
using effective technique,
descriptive detail and event
With guidance and support from
peers and adults, develop and
strengthen writing as needed by
planning, revising and editing.
TSWBAT make predictions about
the story based on prior reading,
keywords, and pictures.

The student was able to describe

her prediction and explain why

because she is able to think

with supporting details from the

critically about possible scenarios

text, so we know that this objective

based on what she has already read

was met. Though she could explain

along with the pictures. By giving

without looking at the text, she also

her keywords from the upcoming

knew exactly where evidence could

text, we were able to guide her

be found in the text. This showed

thinking in the direction that the

us that her reading for meaning has

story was going. In this case, the

increased over the past few weeks,

students prediction was not

and that she understands what she

created the motivation and the

successful strategy for the student

identical to the actual text, but it

TSWBAT write at least three

supporting details to provide
evidence for her prediction.
TSWBAT understand the writing
process and the steps needed to
take to complete each section.
TSWBAT add descriptive detail to
the narrative and eliminate useless

Writing predictions has been a very

is reading.
The student was able to add some

curiosity to continue reading on her

descriptive detail to her writing, but

free time. Since we are trying to

this took a lot of prompting and

encourage her reading on her own

produced very small results. This

time, I think that this was very

shows us that more help in targeted

Going back to the revising portion

areas is necessary before we can

of the writing process was an

effective strategy for the student

move on to a new activity.

because in rereading her rough

draft, she noticed several details
that she wanted to add to her
writing. However, it took a lot of
time to add even a single sentence
to her work, so in the future I think
it will be important to target
specific sections where detail
should be added (for example,

Know and apply grade-level
phonics and word analysis skills in
decoding words.
TSWBAT read vocabulary words
and identify which vowel team is in
each word.

TSWBAT classify third grade

vocabulary words based on their
vowel team (ow, oo, ea)
TSWBAT read third grade sight
words with fluency.
TSWBAT identify difficult words
and their definitions.

character or transition words).

Word Study
Completing a closed word sort

We know that the student was

with the student was definitely an

successful in completing the vowel

effective strategy. Working with

team objectives because we were

word sorts helps the student to see

able to observe her sorting the

the different categories and work

different words. As she did so, we

with each individual wordshe

watched as she read these words to

gets to see the bigger picture while

herself, then compared it to the

working with each word. In this

previous word. Modeling this

case, we were able to build upon

exercise definitely helped because

her knowledge of vowel teams,

it gave her the opportunity to watch

which I think was very successful.

our strategy in reading the word, so

By the end, she was able to sort

that she was able to use it

these words without any difficulty.

Unfortunately, we did not get to

Unfortunately we were not able to

complete the third grade sight word

see her read the sight words, but we

activity, but we will make sure to

will be sure to do it next week.

do so next week.

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