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Using the Selection tool (the black arrow), click on your text and control-click (right-click) on

the text and mouse down to Create Outlines. Or Type >Create Outlines (Shift-Ctrl-O)

Right Click again to ungroup or Object>Ungroup (Shift Ctrl-G)

Go up to View>Show Ruler and drag a guide down or you can use
View>Show Grid

Notice the ruler on this slide shows points. There are 72 points in an inch

Select the P and Right Click again to bring up the Transform>Scale and
click on Preview and change the Uniform to 150%

Select the H and press Ctrl-D (this duplicates the effect)

Add and subtract parts from the letters.

Example add a thin rectangle to the bottom of the P. To align the two objects, select
both and press the Horizontal Align Left (You could always open
Pathfinder(Window>Pathfinder) and then click on the alignment tools.
Horizontal Align Left

Join the two parts by selecting both objects and then Pathfinder>Unite
Use the direct selection to modify the anchors. To select more than one anchor, click
on one anchor and then press and hold Ctrl and click on another anchor.

You can adjust the tail on the P by dragging the left bottom anchor up and
converting it to a smooth

To add a swirl go to the Spiral tool and drag out a spiral. Make it into a shape by
going up to Object>Expand (Expand Appearance if there is tapered stroke)

The radius determines the size of the swirl. If you enter 80 in this field, you will have
a large swirl. If you enter 20 in this field, you will have a small swirl. The decay field
determines how curly the swirl will be. The higher the number, the curlier the swirl.
The segments field determines how many points you will have in the swirl. The more
points, the more swirls you will have.

Create a brush.
Drag out a small perfect black fill (no stroke) circle (hold down shift). Click on the right
anchor and drag it straight to the right. Since the anchor should still be selected convert it
to a corner

Use the selection tool to make it smaller and perhaps skinnier, drag this into your
brushes icon, by A. holding down the mouse until the brushes palette opens or first
clicking on the palette and then dragging it into. You will see a + sign and drop it in

A new brush will pop up and make sure you click on art brush.

Change colorization to Hue Shift. Note: You can always keep default and after you
expand on the brush, you change the color like any other object.

Now when you create a spiral, you can apply the new brush and of course change the
stroke size. And as you have done before you can go to Object>Expand Appearance

With your new brush you can also create swooshes. Simply go to your Brush tool (B)
and the top toolbar choose from the dropdown stroke types, your new brush. If you
made your brush and chose Hue Shift, you can go to the stroke and change the color.

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