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How does Europe react to the

French Revolution and Napoleon?

4 Effects in Europe from

French Revolution

Congress of Vienna

Rise in Nationalism


Unification of Countries

Where did we leave off?

Napoleon lost in his attempt to dominate


Now there was a fear of revolutions

starting all over Europe

Industrial Revolution is beginning

Social Classes divide even more

Urbanization begins (more cities grow)

4 Effects in Europe from

French Revolution

Congress of Vienna

Congress of Vienna1814


After Napoleon was exiled for the final time,

European leaders met in Vienna to come up
with a plan for the 19th century

They had a basic agenda:

Decide what to do with France and figure
out how to maintain a balance in power

It was not an easy task but the end product

resulted in a peaceful Europe for 100 years

Why did the monarchs of

Europe need a conference?

They wanted to go BACK to 1789

Before the French Revolution

Monarchs wanted to go
BACK to 1789

B= Balance in Power

No country in Europe should have more power than


A= A New Map

A new map of Europe was drawn

Goal= To make France weaker!

C= Conferences of Peace

Agreements to meet yearly to discuss how to keep

peace in Europe

K= Kings RULE!

Wanted to restore the power to monarchs

Congress of Vienna

What was it?

A conference or congress where the
monarchs of Europe met to talk about

When was it?

1814-1815, after Napoleon

Where was it?

Vienna, a city in Austria

Congress of Vienna

Who came?

Great Britain, Austria, Prussia and Russia


Take away any freedoms people had gained

Placing the ruling families back on the throne

Monarchs wanted peace


Save the monarchies!

Monarchs were afraid of losing power

Were the monarchs of Europe

conservative or liberal?


They do not want change
(revolution), they want a return to
the good ol days.

Birth of Conservatism and


The Revolutions after The Enlightenment

resulted in the birth of Conservatism and

Conservatives were the Monarchs

Liberals were the Revolutionaries

Never before had people revolted against

their government and formed drastic
political opinions

T h e F r e n c h R e v o lu t io n

L ib e r a lis m A
p o lit ic a l v ie w
W ant CH A N G E.
R e v o lt !

C au sed

C o n s e r v a t is m A
p o lit ic a l v ie w
W hat stay the S A M E
o r G O B A C K an d
k e e p t r a d it io n .

T oday

L ib e r a lis m
W ant Change.
M o r e r ig h t s a n d
r e g u la t io n s f o r m o r e
p e o p le

C o n s e r v a t is m
W a n t L it t le C h a n g e .
S y s t e m is f in e , o n ly
s m a ll d e c is io n s n e e d
to be m ade.

Results of Congress of

Balance of Powers

The Congress of Vienna resulted in keeping

any ONE country from dominating Europe for
100 years

New Political Ideals

Birth of Conservatism and Liberalism

King in France

A King is put back on the throne in France

Map of Europe

Borders changed throughout Europe

Results of Congress of

Principle of Intervention
A rule established at the Congress of
Vienna that said monarchs of Europe
had the authority to put down
revolution and restore government

Concert of Europe
The monarchs at the Congress of
Vienna agreed to all continuously meet
every year to talk about how to keep
things under control in Europe

4 Effects in Europe from

French Revolution

Congress of Vienna

Rise in Nationalism

Rise in Nationalism


Belief that each nationality should have its

own government/country and/or pride of being
part of a community, institution, culture,
custom, language, etc.

An extreme version of patriotism

EXTREME love of ones nationality

Example of the time: Hungarians no longer

wanted to be ruled by an Austrian Emperor

What are some modern day examples of


I s ra e li P a le s tin ia n C o n flic t

Types of Nationalism

Ethnic Nationalism (Native Americas, German


Civic Nationalism (Italian Fascism)

Everything in the State, Nothing Outside the

State, Nothing Against the State- Mussolini

Cultural Nationalism (Nationalism of Quebec or

Flanders in Canada)

Religious Nationalism (Zionism, Palestinian


4 Effects in Europe from

French Revolution

Congress of Vienna

Rise in Nationalism


a Rise in MORE

A lot of revolutions begin in Europe

All happened in 1848


French Revolution

After the 1st French Revolution and

Napoleons exiles, a new King was put on the
throne of France

This did not last long or sit well with the

French people

In 1848, the new King was overthrown

Napoleons son, Charles Louis Napoleon

Bonaparte, was elected ruler of France in


No more King! (Again)

A new constitution was made which allowed:

All men could vote in France
There were now elected officials in France
with 4 year terms

The 2nd French Revolution sparked other

citizens around Europe to revolt against
their repressive governments

Revolutions of 1848

2nd French Revolution

German Revolution

Austrian Revolution

Italian Revolution

C o n g re ss o f

V ie n n a
i n 18 15 r e c o g n i z e d
38 in d ep en d en t
G e rm a n s ta te s /
P rin c ip a litie s .
R e v o lu ti o n fo r
u n ifie d
G e rm a n fa ile d .
K in g F re d e ric k
W illia m
I V tu rn e d d o w n
th e
c r o w n to b e
e m p ero r
o f a ll o f G e rm a n y
P ru ssia w a s 2nd
la rg e s t
G e rm a n S ta te

G e rm a n R e v o lu tio n

A u s tria n
R e v o lu tio n

A u s tria n E m p ire c o n ta in e d
G e rm a n s , C z e c h s , S lo v a k s ,
H u n g a ria n s , S e rb s , P o le s ,
S lo v e n e s , I ta lia n s , e tc .

A n o th e r fa ile d re v o lu tio n a s th e A u s tri a n fo rc e s , jo i n e d w i th th e R u s s ia n s

d e fe a te d R e v o lu tio n a rie s

- C o n g ress o f

I ta lia n R e v o lu tio n

V i e n n a i n 18 15
re c o g n iz e d n in e
s ta te s o f I ta ly .
L o m b a rd y a n d
V e n e tia , h o w e v e r,
s till fe ll w ith in th e
A u s tria n E m p ire
b o rd e rs.
- I ta lia n
N a tio n a lis ts /
R e v o lu tio n a r ie s
s o u g h t a n u n ifie d
I ta lia n n a tio n , b u t
A u s tria n p u t d o w n
re v o lu tio n a tte m p t

4 Effects in Europe from

French Revolution

Congress of Vienna

Rise in Nationalism


Unification of Countries

After all the revolutions


There is a new strength in the


Countries are unified


Unification means to become one

Most countries in Europe during the early

1800s were not countries yet. They were
areas of land divided up by small states
or principalities

Examples of Unification in Europe after

the Revolutions:
Italy becomes united by the year 1870
Germany becomes united by the year


European powers try to get back their power

and set up requirements to prevent
successful revolutions at the Congress of

There is a rise in Nationalism

There is an outbreak of Revolutions in 1848,

but they fail

Monarchs become more powerful and

countries become more unified

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