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This week in FLK..

We continued to add to our partially built egg

carton house. Please continue sending in empty egg
(dozen size)
We hope to do a Buddy Activity that requires each
child to have a wooden Clementine box. Please send
in any that you acquire.
In Language: We continued with our Jolly Phonics and learned the letter name and
sounds of Gg and Oo. The First Years continued in their Jolly Phonics booklets
while the Second Years added labels and/or sentences to their super heroes, Goo
Girl and Odour Officer! We continued rhyming, clapping syllables, identifying
beginning and end sounds, blending consonant vowel consonant words and
identifying letter sounds and names. We began substituting beginning, middle and
end sounds in consonant vowel consonant words, ex. change mat to cat, pin to pit
and man to men. Those vowels are TOUGH!
We also continued our Surprise Bag Show n Share items. Kessler shared his Iron
Man and Graysen shared his Batman. Well done !
All 2nd year students have had their first star Day and we have moved into the 1 st
year group. If your child is having any concern or anxiety about being the Star,
please let us know and we will try to offset it. Its exciting, but it can be
overwhelming too! Let us know.
We practiced the Nursery Rhyme, Mary Had a Little Lamb, and reviewed Humpty
Dumpty concentrating on rhyming words.

Gym: After some beanbag work, we played several games with the parachute.
Religion: We talked about PEACE and being PEACEMAKERS. We discussed several
symbols of peace: the dove, the poppy, the peace sign, 2 fingers, and the rainbow.
We read and discussed Noahs Ark the significance of the rainbow and the dove.
We attended the school Remembrance Day Ceremony to honour and thank the
soldiers who gave us the Canada that we know. We attended school mass. We wrote
about how each of us can be kind and aimed to do at least one good deed for a
classmate for International Kindness Day.
Science: We had no official science this week
In Art: Miss Angenent worked with the children to create tie-dyed peace signs.
In Music, Drama and Dance: Miss Angenent continues with Musical Lunches and
dance parties. We learned to sign to the song Teaching Peace.
In Mathematics: We continued the 100 days of school.adding fish to our
fishbowl and straws to our collection. We counted by 1,2,5, and 10. We finished up
patterning and began individual assessments.
In Personal and Social Development: We discussed tattling. We decided we
tattle to get someone in trouble. We concluded it is better to mind our own
business. We also discussed the difference between hurting a friend accidently
and on purpose and the importance of having to apologize even if it is an accident.
If we dont apologize, our friend might presume we did it on purpose. As well we
had a very frank class discussion about creating a class scapegoat..we discussed
how to be kind and understanding and helpful and forgiving.
In Inquiry/Directed Play: Miss Angenent worked with the children to make green
glittery Ggs, Doves, Arks, and Oos orbiting in outer space.
Mrs. McKane came in for our very first Roots of Empathy visit. Roots of Empathy
is a program that is designed to foster empathy in children using a (real live) baby
in the class. Our Roots Baby this year is Paxtons baby sister, Alicia.

Upcoming Events:

Monday November 16 Photo day

Wednesday November 18 - hot lunch for those who ordered
Friday November 20 PD Day no school for students
Wednesday November 25- hot lunch for those who ordered
Into December:
Wednesday December 16 St. Mark Family Advent Mass 6pm St. Michael Church

Tentative Dates: I will confirm ASAP and send any info required
Wednesday December 9 (12:30 to 2:30 ish)- Christmas with the Animals
Fanshawe Park
Tuesday Deember 15 - FDK Christmas Concert 9:15a.m. St. Mark Gym

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