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Teacher Candidate:

Camila Celis

Date: September 14, 2015

Cooperating Teacher:
Group Size:

Coop. Initials

20- 30 Allotted Time

Subject or Topic:



Grade Level Third


3.3.7A1. Define the basic features of a rock cycle.
3.3.1.A1. Observe, describe and sort earth materials. Compare the composition of
different soils.
I. Performance Objectives
The third grade students will breakdown the rock cycle by analyzing each of the
different rocks in the cycle.
II. Instructional Materials
A. Handouts
Guided notes for the video
Picture of the different types of rocks
Worksheet with different rocks
B. YouTube videos
v=9lyCYXXIHT0&list=PLi5QzSWHkNQ4vKfv_HXLw0XrAsydp0xd&index=1Other Websites

III. Subject Matter/Content

A. Prerequisite skills
1. Basic understanding of the cycles
B. Key Vocabulary
1. Sedimentary- A rock that is formed by deposition of sediment
2. Metamorphic-pertaining to or exhibiting structural change or
3. Igneous- produce under conditions involving intense heat, as rocks of
volcanic origin or rock crystallized from molten magma
4. Cycle- a series of event that repeat or are repeated.
C. Big Idea
1. What is a cycle?
2. What is a rock cycle?
3. What are the different rocks in the rock cycle?
D. Additional content
1. A cycle is a series of events that are repeated in the same order.
a. We know it is a cycle because it happens over and over.
2. Rocks first start as sediments and through the rock cycle they turn into
sedimentary rocks, because of heat and pressure the turn into
metamorphic. Then turning into igneous rocks, and this is because
melting and cooling. This cycle is repeated over and over sometimes
metamorphic rocks can turn into sedimentary and igneous to
metamorphic. (See attachment)
IV. Implementation
A. Introduction1. To introduce this lesson the teacher will say Boys and girls remember
you where asked to think what is a cycle over the weekend? Pause and
allow them to discuss. Teacher will then tell the students what a cycle is a
cycle is a series of event that occur over and over. Can you guys think of any

B. Development1. The teacher will read a book from an online website to introduce the
rock cycle to students.
2. The teacher will play a video from YouTube while the students fill out
the guided note worksheet. (See attached)
3. The teacher will then go over the guided worksheet and display it on the
overhead. Ensuring that students have the right word in the blanks.
4. The teacher is to ask, Are there any questions?
5. The teacher will now write the rocks on the board separating them with
them lines. (See attached)
6. The teacher do you guys remember that was said about sedimentary
rocks? You are to do this until the students have listed characteristics
about each of the rocks.
7. The teacher is to say if anything isnt listed here just raise your hand
through out the lesson and we will add it to the category.
8. Students will hear the song We Will Rock You this is a song about
9. To keep students engaged they will stomp and clap. (It is to the beat of
we will rock you)
10. The teacher will then play the rock cycle game with all the class on the
smart board. Reinforcing the rock cycle and the different types of rocks.
(http://www.oum.ox.ac.uk/thezone/rocks/games/level1.htm )
11. The teacher is to ask the students is there anything we should add to
the list
12. Students will now be spilt into groups and they will be given out a
worksheet that they are to fill out listing all the characteristics of the
rocks. (See attached)
13. The teacher is to hand out the picture of the three different types of rocks
14. Students are to cut the pictures and glue them besides the description of
the rock.

C. Closure
1. The teacher will read Rocks: Hard, Smooth and Rough by Natalie M.
The teacher will say now remember tomorrow we will talk about
each of the types of rocks! We will even talk about volcanoes!
D. Accommodations/Differentiation
1.To accommodate Monica an ELL guided notes will be given in her
native language. So that important vocabulary will be understood.
2. Guided notes and detailed instructions will be provided to all students.
E. Assessment/Evaluation Plan
Formative1.The teacher will collect the worksheet where the listed all the
characteristics of the rocks. (The worksheet where they drew each of the
rocks and described it.)
This will be graded by making sure the students have at least 5
things listed under each of the rocks and pictures are accurate
Summative1. The student will have a unit test an end of week.
V. Reflective Response
A. Report of Student Performance in Terms of Stated Objectives (Reflection on
student performance written after lesson is taught, includes remediation for
students who fail to meet acceptable level of achievement)
Remediation Plan
B. Personal Reflection
1.Will the song help the students understand the content?
2. Should I bring more material that isnt online? More (material that
is from textbook, worksheets)

VI. Resources (in APA format)

Rock Cycle Diagram
Online Game

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