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Blackfoot vs. England: Religion.

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-England was Catholic and solely Catholic for around 900 years until King Henry VIII created a
new church mainly so he could remarry and have a male heir. The Catholic church was and still
is against the idea of divorce and because Henry VIII wanted to marry a woman who could give
him a son, he separated the Church of England from Rome and the Vatican. He was then
recognized as the leading figure of the Church of England. The Church of England was
protestant and while Protestantism is quite like Catholicism a few key beliefs are different and
Protestants believed there was rampant corruption in the Church and Vatican. England was
firmly Protestant during colonial times.
-The Blackfoot religion was extremely complex but like most Native American belief systems, it
was heavily connected to the spirits and nature. They believed all animals had their own powers
and that it was crucial to use every part of an animal and not waste it. Certain animals such as
buffalos and eagles were considered to have spiritual significance and the main spirit was the
sun. However besides the sun there was Napi or Old Man. He was created by the Creator (A
sort of God which created the universe) and was known for being a trickster and departing
knowledge upon humans.
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-Protestantism is quiet like Catholicism except for the differing beliefs on the authority of the
Pope and whether or not priest are necessary. Protestants believe in one God who created the
universe and holds a total power and love over us. They also believe that in order to remember
us of our sins, God took a corporeal form in Jesus and sacrificed himself. Jesus is Gods son
but hes also a part of God.
-The blackfoot believed in a multitude of spirits in nature. They believed all animals had
supernatural ties and had their own spiritual power. They also believed in the Creator. The
Creator was a form of God who created the Earth and everything in it. The Creator also created
Napi, a trickster who played tricks and gave humans knowledge. He was an incredibly
respected spirit.
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-Protestants go to church every Sunday where they receive communion and are lead it prayer
together. It is held in a sacred place of worship.

-The Blackfoot had many ceremonies after and during important events like solstices and
harvest times. During these festivals they held large community dances, told stories, and sang
songs all honouring and thanking the spirits for their good fortune.
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-In Protestantism the most important ceremonies are the sacraments. These are special
ceremonies that act as initiation rites where you prove your devotion to God and the church.
Examples are baptism, communion, confirmation, and reconciliation.
-The sun dance was the Blackfoots most important ceremony. It was held in honor of the sun
spirit. In this ceremonies there were large dances and songs. Many large events happened
during this time like marriage or sharing of property. The community would thank the sun and
ask it for continued prosperity.
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-Protestants do not believe in the idea of priests or the Pope being closer to God. They believe
that religion is a personal relationship between a person and God without a middleman.
Ministers are responsible for running churches and performing certain sacraments.
-In Blackfoot communities shawmen were chosen at birth as people who were spiritually
inclined and who were visited or given visions by spirits. The helped organize festivals and also
served as the tribe's main connection to the spirits and the creator. They also acted as healers
for those who became sick or wounded.
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-Protestants pass down their teachings through writing and scriptures. Prayers and stories were
written down and passed from generation to generation. The most notable example being the
Bible. The Bible contains the fundamental teachings that the Protestant faith is based upon.
-The Blackfoot, like many other native American tribes, passed down their stories, culture, and
traditions orally through stories, dances, or teachings. These would be passed on for
generations. However, this poses an issue for when Native Americans were barred from
practicing their religion, many of the traditions were lost or forgotten.
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-Both cultures believed religion was an essential part of community and culture. They held
strongly to their beliefs even in times of persecution. The Blackfeet were persecuted when
settlers came over implementing the Indian act and deeming all the Blackfeet religious practices
to be barbaric and illegal. In England however the continuous switch between Catholicism and

Protestantism created tensions and if England had a Catholic monarch, those who practiced
Protestantism were imprisoned and often killed for their beliefs.
-Both cultures respect religious leaders and held them in high regard.
-Both cultures had special ceremonies for different seasons and different points in a persons
life. For example while the Blackfoot held ceremonies to celebrate a successful buffalo hunt,
Protestants held ceremonies to celebrate the birth of their messiah.
-Both cultures passed down religious teachings throughout generations .
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-The Blackfoots religion was deeply connected to nature unlike European Protestantism.
-Protestantism stresses the importance of only having one God and that God having three
forms; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Blackfoots religion believed in multitude of
spirits that all were incredibly important.
-Protestants often shunned other religions, especially Catholicism in their own country. Also they
burned Catholics at the stake sometimes. Not a nice thing to do.They believed in converting
people in order to save them so they often would send missionaries to new lands.
-The Blackfoots religion was incredibly festive. It included long ceremonies the entire
community took part in with dances, songs, feasts, and stories.
-On the flipside, the Protestant religion was very formal with solemn ceremonies and many rules
to abide by in order to truly follow the religion.
-The Protestant religion has many necessary rules outlined in the various scriptures. For
example the ten commandments and the book of Leviticus outline what sin is and why you must
repent in order to go to heaven or repair your relationship with God.

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