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Your Name:


French Language

Course Level

French II (Novice-Mid, Novice-High/Cal World

Language Stds-Stage I)

Stage 1 Desired Results

Standards (CA, Natl, CCSS ELA/Literacy Tech Subjects) and Skill Sets (21st Century, World Readiness)

California WL Standards:
Stage I
Content 1.1 Students address discrete elements of daily life, including:
g. Leisure, hobbies and activities, songs, toys and games, sports
1.1 Engage in oral, written, or signed (ASL) conversations.
1.2 Interpret written, spoken, or signed (ASL) language.
1.3 Present to an audience of listeners, readers, or ASL viewers.
1.4 List, name, identify, and enumerate.
1.5 Identify learned words, signs (ASL), and phrases in authentic texts.
1.6 Reproduce and present a written, oral, or signed (ASL) product in a culturally authentic way
World Readiness Standards:
Communication-Students engage in interpersonal, interpretive and presentational communication in the target language
Cultures- Learners use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the relationship between the practices and
perspectives of the cultures studied.
Connections- Learners build, reinforce, and expand their knowledge of other disciplines while using the language to develop
critical thinking and to solve problems creativelyHealth(activities for stress relief/enrichment/mental wellbeing/social
and physical development), Social Studies (changing trends)
Comparisons- Cultural Comparisons: Learners use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the concept of culture
through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own.
Communities- Lifelong Learning: Learners set goals and reflect on their progress in using languages for enjoyment, enrichment,
and advancement.
CCSS Anchors

Your Name:
R1 Read closely, make inferences, and cite evidence from the text.
R2 Identify and analyze main ideas and summarize supporting details
R10 Read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts independently and proficiently.
W9 Draw evidence from texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.
SL1 Prepare for and participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on
others' ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.
SL2 Integrate and evaluate information presented in diverse media and formats, including visually, quantitatively, and orally.
SL4 Present information, findings, and supporting evidence such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the
organization, development, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience

Skill Sets:
21st Century:
Communication- Students as effective communicators use languages to engage in meaningful conversation, to understand and
interpret spoken language and written text, and to present information, concepts, and ideas.
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving- Students as inquirers frame, analyze, and synthesize information as well as negotiate
meaning across language and culture in order to explore problems and issues from their own and different perspectives.
Information Literacy-Students as informed global citizens access, manage, and effectively use culturally authentic sources in
ethical and legal ways.


Lifestyle Choices


Leisure and Recreation

Knowledge: What students will know

Essential Question

How do the choices for leisure and

recreation in our culture differ from
and relate to those choices in the
French speaking world?
Skills: What students will be able to do

Your Name:

Students will understand and reflect on the differences

in leisure and recreation activities and the cultural
motivations behind those trends and choices between
our country and the French speaking world.

Students will be able to:

Describe different leisure and recreation activities in French
Communicate personal choices for leisure and recreation activities in
Analyze and understand the reasons and motivations behind the
differences in leisure and recreation activities between our two
Present information on these choices and activities in French to an

Stage 2 Assessment Evidence

IPA Overview
Interpretive Task
Students will read/watch/listen to, understand and analyze authentic resources from French media, publications and people
regarding leisure and recreational activities. These tasks will serve to not only assess student understanding of key vocabulary,
grammar and sentence frames presented during the unit, but will also serve as a means of gathering preliminary information
and research for their presentational task regarding these activities.
1. Students will read a blog post by a French high schooler regarding his/her activities during leisure time, in other words, what
they like to do for fun or in their spare time. Students will respond to questions after the reading to measure comprehension as
well as a few questions asking them to compare their preferences with that of the French high schooler. Responses will be in
2. Students will watch two brief news reports about French leisure and recreation trends from Canal+ and from TF1. Students will
respond to questions after the news reports to measure comprehension as well as answer questions analyzing and giving
reasons why these trends are occurring or why these trends have changed.

Your Name:
Interpersonal Task
Students will be tasked with engaging in oral
conversation with a group or with a partner regarding
leisure and recreation activities. This will be used to
measure students knowledge of key vocabulary,
grammar and sentence frames presented during the
unit and their ability to use this language in a
spontaneous and unpracticed setting.
1. Students will be tasked with conversing with a
partner about their leisure activities. Each student will
give at least 3 activities which they enjoy doing and will
explain why they enjoy doing each. Each student will
ask the other what they enjoy doing. Finally each
student will choose one of their partners preferred
activities and explain why they personally dont enjoy
that activity.
2. In a group of 4, students will act out the following
scenario orally:
You are a group of friends planning your activities for
today, Saturday. Each of you have your own preferences
and ideas and want to share them with the group. You
each name 2 activities that you will like to do and why
you wish to do them. If you agree with a students idea,
express your agreement and why you would like to do
that activity and then give one other activity you wish
to do and why.

Presentational Task
Students will be tasked with presenting information about a leisure
activity/sport or recreational activity. Students will present information
regarding the percentage of people who engage in this activity in the
French speaking world, frequency of activity, benefits of the activity,
changes overtime of the number of people who perform this activity
and why and finally comparisons of this information with that of this
activity in the United States. This task will serve as a summation of
previous exposure to trends throughout the unit and a measure of
ability to engage in the language regarding describing these trends
and activities in a rehearsed and practiced setting.

Stage 3 Learning Plan

Toolbox (Section 3A)
Language Functions

Related Structures /


Vocabulary Expansion

Your Name:

Compare lifestyle
Describe recreational
Describe leisure
Describe frequency
Analyze and contrast
tendencies between
people/groups of
Comment on why
there are certain

Jaime faire du/de

Je naime pas
Plus que, moins
que, aussi que
Je fais/joue du/de
la/au/ la (+
Mais (but), mme
si (although),
(despite this), par
Parce que
( because), peuttre
levidence indique
( the evidence
(according to)
Tout le temps,
tous les jours,
chaque jour,
chaque semaine

I jogJe jogging (incorrect)

Using English grammar to
describe activities instead
of je fais (I do) +activity

Confusion between
pourquoi (why) and parce
que (because). Inteference
of Spanish (porque and
por que)
Jaimer faire or Jaime fais
(incorrect), confusions
with double-verb
Je naime faire pas
(incorrect), incorrect
placement of the negation

Tier 1
Le football, le basketball, lire, nager,
voir la tl, faire du hiking, sports and
adverbs of frequency
Tier 2:
La bonne sant (good health)
La nourriture bio(organic food)
Avoir la tendance de faire (the
tendancy to do)
Faire de+activity/sport (do an
activity/play a sport)
Samuser ( to have fun)
La joie de vivre
Quest que tu fais (what do you do ?
francophone countries focus on more
hobbies and recreation when asking
this in contrast to America where
education and career is the focus of
this question)
La recreation
Retrouver la forme ( to get fit)
Perdre du poids/ maigrir (to lose
Tier 3:
La crise ( the recession)
Leconomie globale (global economy)
La culture (cultivation)
Lobsit (obesity)
Etre soucieux de la sant (to be

Key Learning Activities/Formative Assessments (Section 38)

(representative samples from

How does this activity

support the unit goals
or performance tasks?

Mode of


Your Name:
beginning to end of unit)


Input/Note Taking On Key
Vocabulary (Day 1)

This activity supports the

unit goals of describing
activities in the target
language by giving them
the new vocabulary to use
in communicating



Comprehensible Input/
Assessment: Faire +
Activity/Sport and
Jouer+Sport. Review of
the Verbs Faire and
Jouer(Worksheet) (Day 2)

This supports the goal of

using the key vocabulary
and describing personal
choices of leisure activities



l Formative Assessment:
Expressions of Frequency
+ faire and
(Day 3)

Supports the goal of

describing frequency of
activities by giving
students the sentence
structures for describing



Interpretative Formative
Assessment-Reading of
Discussion Board on Le
Monde regarding
nutrition (Day 4)

Supports the goal of

learning more about
personal choices and
lifestyle tendencies of the
target culture through
authentic resources



Your Name:
l Formative Assessment:
Expressions giving
(parce que, peut-tre
etc.) (Day 5)

Supports the goal of

describing and comparing
lifestyle choices by giving
students the sentence
structures for how to give
reasoning for personal

Intrepretative Formative
Assessment-Reading of
Discussion Board on Le
Monde regarding workfree Sundays (Day 6)

Supports the goal of

comparing lifestyle choices
and opinions of healthy
lifestyles between the
native and target cultures

Comprehensible Input/Note
Taking/Interpersonal Assessment:
Expressions of comparison (plus
que, moins que, aussi que) (Day 7)

Supports the goal of

describing and comparing
lifestyle choices by giving
students the sentence
structures for how to
compare tendencies and



Presentational Assessment:
Students give a summary of an
article on Le Monde regarding
health/leisure/nutrition and general
well-being/lifestyle. Students
research and compare these
trends/opinions with American
lifestyles. (Day 8/9)

Supports the goal of

describing and comparing
lifestyle choices between
the native and target
cultures by having students
research and present
information using the
linguistic structures they
have learned







Your Name:

Les Activits et le Loisir

Your Name:

Revision des verbes FAIRE et JOUER


les activits= FAIRE+DE

Your Name:



le jogging, le surfing
la planche voile,
lalpinisme etc.

Ex :
Je _________ du ski
Il _______ du jogging
Il _______ beau


les sports= JOUER +

le foot, le football amricain
le tennis, le basketball

Ex :
Tu _________ au foot
Elle _______ au tennis
Nous _______ au football amricain

Les adverbes de frquence


Exemples :

encore une fois




Your Name:















de temps en temps


tous les jours (mois, ans, etc)


toutes les semaines (heures, etc)

tout le temps



une fois, deux fois


trois, quatre... fois


Pour donner de lvidence/des raisons

Parce que
Lvidence indique que.

Your Name:

Mettez le bon mot dans les blancs :

1. Jacques est paresseux ______________il ne travaille jamais !
2. ________ je vais lire un magazine aujourdhui
3. _________ larticle, le football est le sport le plus populaire du monde.
4. Aprs avoir lu larticle, _____________le rchauffement plantaire est vrai.
5. Nous voulons manger de la pizza ____________ nous avons faim.
6. Ils sont des tudiants Western ___________.
7. _________ les nouvelles, il va faire chaud demain.
8. ________ je suis dans la classe de franais, je parle franais.
9. Tu veux des gteaux ? _____________.
Je vais rater lexamen ____________ je ntudie pas.

Pour comparer la frquence des activits

Plus que
Moins que
Aussi que
Ne pas plus que

Your Name:

Ne pas moins que

Ne pas aussi que

Mettez la bonne xpression dans les blancs :

1. Je fais du ski __________ Marcel. Il ne va jamais aux montagnes
2. Nous tudions_________ les autres tudiants. Nous recevons les mmes notes.
3. Tu aimes le football ___________moi. Je vais au stade chaque semaine.
4. Vous naimez pas la pizza ________nous. Nous mangeons une par jour
5. Vous naimez pas la pizza____________ nous. Nous mangeons la mme quantit
6. Il ne parle pas _________que nous. Il parle tout le temps.
7. Ils regardent les films __________que vous. Ils vont au cinma chaque jour.
8. Tu manges des gteaux _____________ moi. Cest pour a que tu es gros !
9. Il mange des gteaux ________lui. Cest pour a quil est plus maigre
Il court _______moi. Nous avons le mme record.

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