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Decrease The Use of Unnecessary Animal Testing

Immanuel Kant, a German philosopher, once said, He who is cruel to animals becomes
hard also in his dealings with men. We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of
animals (Brain Quote). Over 100 million animals are burned, crippled, poisoned, and abused
in US labs every year (11 Facts About Animal Testing). Animal testing remains controversial
today, and has a history full of debates and controversy. The abuse of animal testing became
public in the 1900s due to a rapid increase in animal testing; numerous agencies throughout the
mid nineteenth century tried to stop animal testing, which publicized the issue. Even though
some people believe animal testing saves the lives of people and should remain legal,
unnecessary animal testing should not be legal because test results from animal testing are
inaccurate, expensive, and frequently does not lead to useful results, in addition to being
Test results from animal testing are not accurate; because of this, testing on animals
is ineffective. Scientists believe that because animals and humans have almost the same body
functions, results from animal testing can apply to human conditions. However, 92 out of every
100 drugs that pass animal tests fail in humans (PETA). Most of the drugs tested on animals
in labs fail in human trails. Testing on animals is not close to accurate; most of the results passed
on animals but not on humans. Also, species differences are so huge that the animal testing
results are a very poor guess of what will happen on humans. Species differences are so vast that
animal results are, at best, a very poor approximation of what will happen in humans or, at worst,
dangerously misleading. This is because humans do not have the same health/conditions as

Paul Furlong, a professor of Clinical Neuroimaging, stated that "it's very hard to
create an animal model that even equates closely to what we're trying to achieve in the human.
Humans in general, have longer lives than most nonhuman species, living substances are
different because they are exposed to different environment and factors in their lifetime.
According to the national Anti-Vivisection Society Humans and nonhumans species do not
adapt to the same environment as humans over decades, the life span changes differently than
non-humans (The Failure of the Animal Model). Test results for animal testing is not accurate
because humans do not have the same health issues and diseases as humans.
In fact, some drugs were deemed safe in animal testing but were later found to be
lethal to humans. Stated by In America there are 106,000 deaths every year from
pharmaceutical drugs (Star field).The drug Vioxx killed more Americans than died in the
Vietnam War, yet it was deemed safe using six different animal species in eight studies.
According to Bloomberg business Many drugs have had severe and even lethal effects in people
after demonstrating safety in animal tests (Businessweek) .The drug used for the Vietnam
war ,which was a big event in American history, it didn't work on humans and killed the
Americans in the Vietnam war. This is evident that a drug that failed in a big history event killed
people. Also animal testing waste money on experimenting on drugs that mostly falsely fails.
Animal testing is expensive and frequently does not lead to useful results. Every year
with the report how congress is putting the country in more debt due to animal testing. PETA
states It takes $16 billion in U.S taxpayer money wasted annually on animal testing (PETA).
PETA is People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals its an American animal rights organization.
It highlights how billions and billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars are being wasted annually. This

explains how taxpayers are wasting a lot of money on animal testing, when the results of animal
testing are mostly not accurate. Money is also being wasted on cocaine drug experiments.
Care2 explains how John Mccain pointed out not only is animal testing ethically and
scientifically unsound its financially unsound. Care2 is a social network of millions of people
standing together to sign and support petitions. Care2 stated that a research facility in North
Carolina received over $71,000 dollars to feed cocaine to primates (The High Cost of Animal
Testing). This explains that they are wasting money on things like studying for addictive
substances, which waste millions of taxpayers money exposing animals to drugs. Research
facilities teaches themselves Useless drug experiment thats not really important and is taking
away our money.
Even in North Carolina, their facility waste $400,000 during the past several years to
conduct animal experiments. PETA also stated EPA has chosen to spend more than $400,000 to
fund toxicity studies in pigs in an attempt to estimate human exposures to arsenic and lead from
the soil of contaminated sites (Wasted Money, Wasted Lives. it waste countless taxpayer dollars
to fund cruel animal experiments. Its evident that in our own state (N.C) is wasting money on
animal testing. Animal testing is unsuccessful but in the U.S it still continuous.
Animal testing is inhumane. According to Neavs Humane Society Many animal
experiments utilize restraining devices, designed to prevent an animal from moving (Harm and
Suffering). Researchers claimed these experiments had similarities to human anxiety and
depression. People who search and find information about things, they say are similar to
humane fear, stress and depression. Animals have almost the same emotional pain and physical
pain as humans. When they are unable to move for a long period of time it can be stressful.

Neavs Humane Society also stated In research and testing, animals are subjected to
experiments that can include everything from testing new drugs to infecting with diseases
(Harm and Suffering). Mainly, if not most, animals die before the end of the study. Before the
results come back from the study, most of the animals die at the end. Animals are being suffered
severely during experiments, which most experiments fail anyways. Would you like to live
basically your whole life in a cage being abused? As Figure 1 shows, The number of animals in
research annually . Over 200,000 and 7 different variety of species of animals are being used in
experiments every year (Animal Testing Statistics).

Animals victims of animal testing spend their lives in barren cages, unable to make
choices or express natural behaviors. For all of the animals trapped in labs, their day-to-day
existence is traumatic in itself even without their forced participation in one painful experiment
after another. Animals that are always trapped in labs and cages are terrible and upsetting itself.
Also without the torture or forced experiments in one feared and hated rules of conduct.

Animal testing on cosmetics and personal care products are unnecessary. The Humane
Society Describes suffering and dying to test shampoo, mascara and other cosmetics? Terrified
mice, rabbits, rats and guinea pigs have substances forced down their throat, dripped into their
eyes or smeared onto their skin before they are killed ( [ Be Cruelty-Free]). This is an act that
does not need to be used in our society simply because it waste money on cosmetics such as
lipstick, to make humans look better. It also kills and hurt animals just for our own personal
wants but not actual needs.
Many people believe that animals should be tested , one reasoning is because they are using
animals as models to study diseases. According to the article why are animals are used.
Humans and animals share hundreds of illnesses, and consequently animals can act as models for
the study of human illness. Animals and Humans share the same amount of diseases, and animals
can be models to study and possible cure for illnesses. According to Speaking of Research,
Animals may share the same illnesses as humans but , Less than 2% of human illnesses are ever
seen in animals (Animal Rights Pseudoscience)
Another reasoning Is that animal testing is to ensure the safety of drugs and other
substances. Accoring to animalresearch.info New medicines require testing because
researchers must measure both the beneficial and the harmful effects of a compound on a whole
organism. Alot of the new medicines are required to be tested because researchers must find
out if the new drug is helpful, and works on organisms. But also the results of the researches
mostly fails. As I stated 92 out of every 100 drugs that pass animal tests fail in humans.
Researchers also find testing useful to learn the effects of substances in a living body.
Adding to scientific knowledge through basic biological research helps us understand how living
things work, and apply that understanding for the benefit of both humans and animals(why are

animals are used). Scientist need to know how the living works to understand the lives of
humans and animals. There are many evidence and researches on how the living works, no
reason to continue to test animals on things that we already know, and have been recorded
Because test results from animal testing are inaccurate, expensive and frequently does not
lead to useful results and inhumane actions, unnecessary animal testing should not be legal, even
though some people believe animal testing saves the lives of people and should stay legalized. To
stop animal testing is very important because the pain and suffering of experimenting on animals
are not worth any possible benefits for humans. Innocent animals should be able to live naturally
in their natural habitat not in cages. Knowing that the results of animal testing does not always
accurately translate to humans. It can save suffering of animals and also humans thats been killed
and ill from drugs that were calmed to be safe.

"Animal Testing Statistics." Statistic Brain RSS. Web. 15 May 2015.

"ANIMALS IN SCIENCE." The Failure of the Animal Model. Web. 01 Apr. 2015.
Bloomberg Business Week. Bloomberg. Web. 01 Apr. 2015.
"8 Reasons Why Animal Testing Doesn't Help Humans." PETA 8 Reasons Why Animal Testing Doesnt
Help Humans Comments. Web. 20 Mar. 2015.
"The Escalating Cost of Animal Experimentation: The National Institutes of Health Funding Scandal Articles Concerning World Laboratory Animal Liberation Week." The Escalating Cost of Animal
Experimentation: The National Institutes of Health Funding Scandal - Articles Concerning
World Laboratory Animal Liberation Week. Web. 20 Mar. 2015.
"Harm and Suffering | Animal Use in Research." Harm and Suffering | Animal Use in Research. Web.
11 Feb. 2015.
"The High Cost of Animal Testing." The High Cost of Animal Testing. Web. 17 Mar. 2015.
"More Than $16 Billion in Taxpayer Money Wasted Annually on Animal Testing." PETA. Web. 13 Mar.
M.P.H., Aysha Akhtar M.D. "Why Animal Experimentation Doesn't Work -- Reason 2: Animals Don't
Get Human Diseases." The Huffington Post. TheHuffingtonPost.com. Web. 19 Mar. 2015.
"106,000 Deaths a Year From Pharmaceutical Drugs - War Is Crime." War Is Crime. 09 Oct. 2013.
Web. 11 May 2015.
"Shock: Comparing Deaths from Medical Drugs, Vitamins, and All US Wars." Jon Rappoports Blog.
07 Oct. 2013. Web. 04 May 2015.
"U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)." PETA. Web. 01 Apr. 2015.
"Wasted Money, Wasted Lives." PETA Wasted Money Wasted Lives Comments. Web. 05 Apr. 2015.
"Why Animals Are Used." Read the Four Main Reasons Why Animals Are Used in Medical Research.
Web. 02 Mar. 2015.

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