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8 kindredspirit

This is a powerful and complex tool

for seeing, at a fundamental level,
a blueprint of who we are as a
consciousness in form.
Richard Beaumont takes us on
a tour of some of the possibilities
revealed in this system, which is
introduced in this issues
free CD-ROM

ost readers will be

familiar with
astrology, and
probably have
some knowledge of
the 12 astrological
sun signs. We have now taken on board
many of its ideas, for example, that
Capricorns are hard working career-based
people who mature later in life, or that
Taureans have a natural ability to gravitate
to what is comfortable for them, or that
Leos are proud beings who like to be the
centre of attention. For those of you with
a deeper knowledge of your own
astrological chart youll know the specifics
relating to which planets you have in
which astrological house and therefore
know those propensities you exhibit as a
result of those planetary positions.
It is taken for granted in astrological
analysis that the day and time of your
birth must be known in order to access
this information. Certainly, those
readers who have experimented with
the free astrological software attached
to last issues cover will have used
such data to get computer generated
readings on themselves and their
friends and family and will see how
accurate such astrological analysis can
be. But what if I told you that the very
same data could reveal to you the
unique genetic blueprint of who you
are! A map, if you will, that can
describe not only your unique
personality traits, as in astrology, but
also the specific underlying motivations
that are unconscious in you, and yet
affect the way you lead your life. The
tenets of The Human Design system
are based in genetics and there is a
direct correlation between the I Ching
and the codons in genetics. As a
synthesis of The I Ching, Astrology,
Kabbalah, Tarot and genetics the
Human Design system is a complete
system in and of itself that transcends
the scope of any one of these bodies
of knowledge.

Above: The generic Human Design wheel showing the I Ching

hexagrams, the gates, the astrological houses, the centres, and the
channels all of which provide the keys to a unique map that
accurately describes each one of us, as we each have our own
unique differentiation of this complete blueprint.
On the face of it, it seems to be a
great arrogance to state that a Human
Design analysis can tell you who you
are. So let me be clear from the
outset, Human Design is about our
fundamental mechanics, the
programming we receive from the
planets (through a neutrino imprint
neutrinos have mass, as they pass
through our bodies, and those of our
mother, they imprint us with a unique
and specific pattern), through our
incarnation in this material realm. The
specific content of our lifes experience,
our own deep interiority and spiritual
and psychological level of awareness,
cannot be known that is an intensely
private affair, to do with our own
personal development, and the degree
to which we have taken responsibility
for our life.
But in a rigorous investigation of
thousands of charts over many years,
I can confirm that the mechanics of
who we are, as described in the
Human Design system, without fail,
provide an accurate container for the
content of our lives. It describes the
direction of our lives, the kind of people
and experiences we are drawn to,
indeed, even the way we speak!
I am not drawn to outrageous
claims. I have seen countless systems
through the seventeen and half years of
being editor-in-chief of Kindred Spirit,
(not to mention more than a decade of

investigation and experimentation I

undertook before doing the magazine),
and I have developed a cautious, even
sceptical, initial approach to new
information. So many systems are
incomplete and ultimately, inaccurate or
superficial. And yet, my investigation of
the Human Design system has led me
to a depth of understanding that can
only be described as something akin to
the revelations seen by those who saw
beneath The Matrix in the film of the
same name. To see myself, the world,
and its inhabitants march relentlessly to
a program they are unaware of, is
humbling, and even a little scary. When
I first realized that it really was true at
more than an intellectual level I was
shocked. The effect has been a
compassionate acceptance of who
I am, as seen through this system, and
all those I come in contact with. In this
short article I shall attempt to give you
some idea of the insights available
through understanding this system.

The Basic Mechanics

of Human Design
Simply put we are all unique. The
specific mechanics of that uniqueness can
be seen by a study of your Human Design
chart. How? Through type, definition,
profile, and line. All these terms are
described below, and each of them has
numerous keynotes phrases or words
that can be accurately applied to them.
kindredspirit 9

The Centres



Just as there are four blood types and

four basic codons in genetics, so there are
four basic types of human being:
Manifestors, Generators, Projectors and
Reflectors. This is the first level of
differentiation and is of greatest
importance to everyone. Knowing which
type you are leads you to a basic strategy
for making the decisions that are correct
for you in this life. Previous articles and
information on the websites referred to, as
well as the CD, will be a good source for
you on this most basic and important



solar plexus
heart /ego

Head (Pressure Centre) fuel

of inspiration
Ajna (Awareness Centre)
The Mind, mental
conceptualizing and source of
anxiety - great for research,
but bad as an authority over
ones own life direction.
Throat (Centre of
Manifestation) Metamorphic
centre of action and talking.
G Centre Direction, Love,
and a sense of self identity
come from here.
Heart / Ego / WIll (Motor)
Source of sustained will and
ego power.
Sacral (Motor) The centre of
life force, sexuality and fertility.
Full of sounds.
Root (Pressure Centre and
Motor) the source of
adrenalin and stress.
Spleen Intuition, instinct
and fear. Feel good factor.
Solar Plexus (Awareness
centre and Motor) All three
emotional waves come from
here back again feelings,
emotions and sensitivity.
10 kindredspirit

The vast majority of us will have

various centres (the squares, triangles
and geometric shapes) in our chart linked
by a channel. A channel is where two
gates (or hexagrams from the I Ching)
are joined together. Each gate
represents a hexagram and is
accented by a line of that
hexagram. See figure. 1 here
the 29-46 channel is present.
This is the Channel of
Discovery. It is a red channel
in this example in other
words anyone who has
this red in their chart
has it as part of their
programming and
will not be able to
access this
part of
figure. 1
If it is
black in
your chart, then you will be aware of the
keynote tendencies in your life as
described. The 29th gate is about saying
yes almost automatically, as a knee-jerk
reaction people with this gate have the
power to commit themselves to a process
without the need to know where it will
take them. It is about saying yes to a
whole new cycle. Part of their journey in
life is to learn how to distinguish between
what is worth committing to and what is
not. They run the danger of overcommitting their energies. Gate 46 is the
gate of determination or pushing upward.
Known also as the gate of serendipity of
being in the right place at the right time.
Of course, we live in a binary, yin-yang
world, so occasionally someone with this
in their chart can also be in the wrong
place at the wrong time. But generally it is
regarded as being a gate of good fortune.
It is about respecting the rightness of
every experience, even the unpleasant
ones. Gate 46 also has the keynote of

love of the body and sensuality. If you

have either of these gates in your chart
(red or black) they are potentialities that
can be activated by others who come in
contact with you who have the other gate.
If you have them both, and therefore have
the whole channel, the gates become alive
in you and give birth to a life force that
transcends the particular attributes of
each gate, becoming the Channel of
Discovery. These people have a tendency
to lose themselves in their experiences
and only discover what their experiences
are really about after the experience is
over. If they are only half-committed to
their experience and pull out before the
experience is over, they will learn nothing.
If they stay the course they can discover
new things and as a result can succeed
where others fail.

Profiles and Lines

Just as in astrology where we have
12 sun signs, so in the Human
Design system there are 12 basic
characters delineated by the
following numbers: 1.3; 1.4;
2.4; 2.5; 3.5; 3.6; 4.1; 4.6;
5.1; 5.2; 6.2 and 6.3. These
are called profiles.
Comprising just six
numbers, each number
has a whole range of
keynote attributes:
the first number
represents the
personality of
the persons
character and
the second,
underlying motivation of the person. Each
number relates to a particular line in a
hexagram (which has six lines).
Heres a short list of keynotes for the
1st Line Investigators Anyone with a
first line in their profile is basically insecure
and will find themselves building a secure
foundation of knowledge based upon their
own investigations through research and/or
experience. As leaders their very insecurity
can lead to authoritarian tendencies. They
are a wealth of knowledge in their chosen
field and they jump from one deep
foundation to another.
2nd Line Hermits These are inherently
self-motivated people. You cannot get them
to do what they dont want to do, and if you
force them they will not do it well. They
basically want to be left alone to do
whatever it is they want to do. Some refer
to them as lazy, but youll be amazed at
how they can dedicate themselves to their
chosen subject. They are naturals at what

they do and will share their gifts only if

called out by others who see in them the
gifts that they themselves can be unaware
of. They are initially shy, but underneath
they are missionaries. Once you call them
out, be prepared to hear all about it,
whether it is spirituality, cars, sport, love of
animals or whatever. They have a
particular gift with children as they carry an
essential innocence within them and are
often seen to be eternally young.
3rd Line Martyrs They learn by trial
and error, and continually make mistakes.
Learning by experience, they can learn
from their mistakes. Most of all they learn
what doesnt work, but they also can
discover things that are rarely known. Be
forgiving with these people and theyll save
you a lot of time by telling you what to
avoid. Naturally pessimistic, they can also
be great sources of humour in the telling
of their tales of experience. They have the
tendency to make and break bonds with
others and learn by bumping into people
and things.
4th line Opportunists These people
are always looking for an opportunity to
externalize what they learnt from their
childhood. Opportunities come to them
only from friends or acquaintances. They
are inherently fixed in their nature and will
break rather than bend. This very
fixedness means they can be incredibly
influential and are great networkers. They
operate on a brotherhood-sisterhood
basis and are often as friendly or as mean
as only a sibling can be. They can be
friends for life.
5th Lines Heretics Everything is
about reputation for these beings. They
can affect the lives of strangers and
always there will be those that will love
them and those that will hate them. They
are here to universalize to others and can
have a large impact on a large number of
people. They have a projection field
around them always and have to bear the
burden of expectations (and projections)
from others who see in them that they
have the potentiality to fulfil their
expectations. When they dont, they can
be burned at the stake from the
disappointment. They are naturally
paranoid as a result. Another key word for
them is practical as long as they keep
their sharing to what is practical, they will
have a largely good reputation.
6th Lines Role Models They have
three stages in their life up to their
Saturn Return (28-29 years old roughly)
they learn by trial and error and live an
intense life, usually full of mistakes. Up to
their Chiron return (28-9 to 50-51 years
old) they move to an aloof state, living
their life almost as if it were someone
elses. Here they watch everything and

it exists to free those of us who

are living our conditioning

rather than our true

learn great wisdom. People often come

to them as authorities. After their
Chiron Return they go through
another great change in their life and
come back into the intensity of
their lives. If theyve learnt from
their middle stage of life they will
be true role models of
themselves and will enjoy
their final stage of life as the
best time. Always they long for
perfection and are naturally optimistic.

Lines in the hexagrams

The lines above that correspond to your
particular profile or character can be
found in the sun and earth
configurations on your chart these
lines and hexagrams comprise 70%
of the planetary programming on
each of us. But there are lines
on each hexgram / gate in
your chart and they inform
the particular aspect of that hexagram as
applied to the specific planet. Referred to
in your Human Design chart as the little
numbers next to the big numbers, there
are many keynotes for each hexagram line
(see the Rave I Ching book available
from www.humandesign-uk.com and
Kindred Spirits mail order shop).

We live in a world of conditioning,
a world of auric overlapping
where other people fix (or
define) the centres we have
open. Whatever centres are open, or white
in your chart, shows you where you are
affected by others. For instance, if you
have a solar plexus centre that is white,
you will amplify the emotions of others,
and as they move up and down
continually on an emotional wave
from hope to pain, and back again,
you will be left reeling from the
emotional intensity of their
negative emotions. Our genes
want only one thing


difference. The program of the genes is to

make more. So we are always drawn to
those who have different definitions and
opposite gates to us, and more often
than not, we create children who
have a radically different design to
their parents. This knowledge is
based in chemistry. It is also
about timing the planets also
condition us as they move, so
new definitions enter the world on a daily
basis, and we find ourselves being
influenced by planetary transits. Knowing
your own chart, and specific strategy and
where you can be conditioned, is of
tremendous practical benefit. Not
knowing this leads us to live a life that is
not our own, where we are continually
being pushed and pulled in
directions that cause unnecessary
suffering and hardship.

This knowledge can be especially useful
in the parenting process. Knowing a
childs design means they can be
guided in the direction of their nature
rather than be forced to live according
to general non-specific standards. The
children I have met who have been
brought up by parents in this
knowledge are a rare delight of
natural wisdom and joy.
I have merely touched the
surface of this deep knowledge
there is mystical, financial,
health, relationship and
mysterious information available to you.
For example, each of us is born on an
incarnation cross that speaks of why and
for what we incarnated at this time. The
journey into the Human Design system
is ultimately one of transformation: it
exists to free those of us who are
living our conditioning rather than
our true self and who, at our
deepest core, know there is
a reason to our lives and a
place for our unique
contribution to manifest.

To book a reading with RIchard Beaumont, an experienced, fully qualified Human Design analyst ring 01803
861067. To learn more about Human Design go to www.humandesign-uk.com . Richard Beaumont is the
head of the national organisation for Human Design in the UK and is available for public talks and group
meetings to share more on this remarkable system.
Three articles have already appeared in Kindred Spirit issues 51, 52 and 60 the specific articles can be
sent to you at for 3 each. I have taken great care not to repeat in this article much of the basics reported
there. If you would like them please send a cheque made payable to Human Design Films Ltd and post to
Human Design UK, c/o Kindred Spirit, Sandwell Barns, Harberton, Totnes TQ9 7LJ


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