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The industrial training which is provided to all the students who are following Higher National
Diploma In Engineering, plays a major role in their career as well as job seeking opportunities.
This valuable opportunity was organized and monitored by the National Apprentice And
Industrial Training Authority (NAITA), for the students of Advanced Technological Institute
Colombo 15.
It is a good opportunity to experience practical industrial environment, work discipline, team
work, time management, quality controlling and to obtain a clear understanding of the theoretical
knowledge which I was able to gain in the ATI.
After the completion of industrial training for 24 weeks successfully, I was able to prepare this
training report to represent my training experience. I have included all the practical experience
that I have gained throughout this training session, also the technical knowledge, technical
details and specifications which is related to Civil Engineering.
I have tried my best to make sure that all the information are in detail and accurate. My intention
is to provide a good idea about my practical experience from the construction site and to satisfy
the requirements of the inspection officer or reader who will be evaluating my training
experience to complete my HNDE program successfully.


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