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LECTIA 5 — PARTEA INTAL Cade obicei, incepem aceasti lect cu recapitulares vocabularului invatat anterior, ‘A. Completa propozitile in limba englezd cu cuvintle de mai jos: 2.60n 6. letter 10. week, filtrul rogu. Care este a treia zi a siptamanii? Posta se inchide le ora sase. Lace ora se rezeste? Londra este capitala Angli Tara ineare locwim este Romania. Le voi sorie 0 scrisoare. ‘Am fost acolo lune trecuta [Nu pofi sé serii cu stloul acela, ‘Mancarea este preparata in bueatire, {nvajim o multime de tueruri din cart, Elestefiul celui mai bun prieten al meu. Ai veut o femeie sau un barbat? B, —Completati propociiile in limba engleza: ‘Nu au inteles. Ai vorbit cu el? Este o gridinita dregurs. ‘Num putut veni mai devreme. Este atria oara. ‘Sa ne ageziin aici? El ined 0 mai iubeste? Null citit inca, (Cred od are dreptate, Cinematografl este pe partea dreapt, Bi vorbese roméneste? 3. Romania 4, Bngland 7. book 8. pen 11, Monday 12, kitchen — What's the third day of the »veek? = The >postoffice closes at six. = >What time does he get up? — London is the capital of England. ~ The country we live in is >Romania, — 1 shall write a>etter to them. = We were there last >Monday. You can’t write with that >pen, = The food is cooked in the >kitchen. = We leam a lot from >books. = Heis the son of my bestfriend. = Did you see a woman or a>man? = They didn’t >anderstand. = Have you >alked to him? = IW’sanice>title garden. ~ Leouldn’t>come earlier. This isthe >tird time, Shall we sit down >here? = Does he still ove her? — Hehasn’t>tead ityet, = Lthink she >is tight — The cinema is >on the right. = Do they Sspeak Romanian? Jn acest exercitiu vom repeta pluralul substantivelor. Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza, acordind maxim’ atentie substantivelor cu forma de plural neregulata: S-a intimplet acum cinci ani. Acolo sunt multe fabrici? ‘Multe autobuze aveau intixziere. Am vizitat biserici ve Aceste birouri sunt noi, Casele sunt prea mici. “Ave nevoie de patru barbati pentru aceasta actvitate Cine sunt aceste femei? Ma cor picioarele. Dini i sunt foarte abi. If plac bapeter Sub podea sunt goarec. i maintacd doua pin pe zi Carfile sunt pe raft. Ai pistrat cele dou jumatati? ‘Au clzut toate funzele. Putem si venim cu soil? ase persoane s-aupierdut vig ‘Sa folosim cutitele. {fi plac ace cartosi? Aceste tomate sunt incl ver Ace copii sunt ai ei. In fer exists boi. Cprioarele sunt animale fromoase Ole sunt erescute pent nd, Salariile noastre vor creste. Continutal acest stcle este periclos. In fara dumneavoastra se eultiva oviz! Profitul nu este suficient. ‘De unde are toate aceste bogatii? > Ithappened five years ago. > Are there many factories there?“ > Many buses were late, > We visited old churches. > These offices are new. > The houses are too small > Weneed four men. to do the job. > Who are those women? > My feet hurt > Her teeth are very white, > Do you like geese? > There are mice under the floor > They cat two loaves of bread a day. > The books are on the shelves. > Have you kept the two halves? > All the leaves have fallen. > Cane bring our wives? > Six people lst ther lives. > Let's use (the) knives. > How do you like these potatoes? ® > These tomatoes are still green. > Those children are hers. > There are oxen in the form. > Deor ere beautfil animals. > Sheep are kept for their wool, > Our wages wil be raised. > The contents of this bottle are dangerous. > Ate oats grown in your conty? > The proceeds are not sufficient. > Where have his riches come from? Majoritatea cuvintelor din lecfie se refera la spatiu. Iaté primal grup de cuvinte. Citif-le eu voce tare, acordand maxima atentie pronuntiei balloon > (balun) ~ baton satellite > [seta] ~satelit fy > (fia = musca butterfly > [bata] ~ ftuture orbit > (0: it} = orbits spaceoraft >[opeishras] = nava spatial space shuttle > [speis gal] —naveta spatial rocket > [rokit] = racheté hhovereraft > {hover ft] ~ vebicul cu pert de aex ite > [kat] ~ zmeu (de hértie) planet >{plenit] ~ planeta gravity > [ge — gravitate, fort gravitafionala stmosphere > (Etmasta}] = atmosfera astronaut > [Bstrinot] ~ astronaut, cosmonaut ‘Si acum sA le repetim tntr-o alt ordine: planet >[plEnit} = planeta spacecraft > [speiskra:ft) naval spatial satellite >[sEtalat] ~satelit mosphere >[Etmisfier] ~ atmostra balloon > [balun] = balow rocket >[rokit] —rachet kite >[kait]) — zmeu (de hartie) butterfly >[bate'al] ~ future orbit >{o:"bit] ~ orbits fy >[Aai] = musca gravity >[erEviti] — gravitatie, for{a gravitationala sstronaut >(Estrino:t] = astronaut, cosmonaut hovercraft >{hovatkra:ft) = vehicubcu perk de aer space shuttle > spets gall] -naveta spatial 3 ‘Vom folosi acum aceste cuvinte in propozifi, Cititi-le gi retinetitraducerea in limba roméina: Gravity causes things > [erBviti cozziz Tinles — Obiectele cad din cauza to fall tufo:l] fori gravitationale What are the names of > [ot ax D'a neimz ay = Care sunt nutmele planetclor? the planets? D% plEnits] This space shuttle will return > [Dis speis atl ‘ilriti'n_— Aceasta navet8 spatial se va on the Barth in @ month. on Di &'Tina man?) Intoaree pe Pemfint peste o luna, Balloons are lighter than air. > {balu:nz a: lai’ D'En __— Baloanele stmt mai uyoare Dice] decat acral. ‘The Earth moves in an orbit > (D'ia"T'mu:vzinn obit — Pamantul se roteste pe o orbit round the sun. raund D4 san] tn jurul Soarelu. ‘The cat has caughtafly. «> [DAKEthEzkortdflai] _~ Pisica prins 0 misc, (Can you make a kite? >(kéniumenaker) ——-—Pofisafaciunzmen?- — @) Rockets need no air. > [rokits nisé nau 02") — Rachetele nu au nevoie de aer. Ahovercraftis much fester > [4 hova:‘kracft fz mats fasti:".~ Unvehiculoupemade aereste mult than a ship. D'Ena sip) mai rapid decat o amibercayiune: Werneed the atmosphere > ['inizd Di Etmesfia® ~ Avem nevoie de aer sf respiram. to breathe. tu br:D] ‘Avbutterfly lives for only > [a batafa live for unli—— Fluturitese pufi. a short time, ‘A gost tain] Alot of satellites are moving > [4 lot av sitlais a mn inf! — fn jurul Pamntului se rotese round the Earth. vaund Du aT] ‘o multime de satelit. ‘The spacecraft reached > [D'A speiskra:ftricts = Nava spatialé a gjuns pe Lund the moon after three days. D'imumn after" Tirisdeie} dupa tei zile. When did the first astronauts > [Yen did D*% fa’st Estrinosts ~ Cind au aterizat primi land on the moon? Ind on D2 mun) astronaufi pe Lund? Cu siguranfé nu veti intémpina nici o dificultate in rezolvarea exercifiului urmitor; completat propozifiile Mn limba englez& cu cuvintele noi: Paméntul parcurge orbita sa in jurul ‘Soareluiintr-un an Copii se joact cu zmeie, Un baton poate fi umplut ou aer cad. Lune este un setelit al Pamantuli. “Tupiter este cea mai mare planeta. Gravitatia mentine Luna pe orbitf, Flutuci 2boara din floare in floare. ~ The Earth makes its >orbit round the sun in one year. = The childeen ate playing with its. — A>balloon can be filled with hot ait. = The moon is ¢ satelite ofthe Earth, = Jupiter is the largest >planet. = >Gravity keeps the moon in its orbit. ~ > Butterflies go from flower to flower. Atmosfera este poluata de oameni. ‘Sunt multe femei-astronaut? Unavion poate fi dotat cu rachete. Erau multi pasageri in vehiculul cu pema de aer, ‘Nava spatialas-a intors cu bine de pe Luma. Jn cafeaua mea este o museca. Echipajul tocmai se imbarc& pe naveta spafiali, = The >atmosphere i polluted by man, ~ Are there many wémen among >astonauts? ~ An lroraftcan be armed with rockets, There were many passengers ‘on the >hovercrat. ~The >spacecraft has safely returned from. the moon. ~ There is a>ily in my coffee. ~ The crew are just boarding the >space shuttle. Acum vom introduce un alt grup de cuvinte noi. Cififile eu voce tare, acordénd o atentie deosebits pronuntiei corecte: solid > [solid] ~ solid, in stare solid to accomodate >[tu skomadeit] ‘caza; a avea capacitete (referitor la spatiu) liquid >liktid] “= lichid, tn stare tichida to wei >{tu el] ~acinlari, a avea preutatea de... powerful >{pa'e'hl] = puter; influent 10 hover >[tu hove") a pluti, a se mengine in aer natural > [nBtgaral] — natural 40 launch >[tu losts) ~alansa artificial >[astifistl] = artificial to put into orbit > [tu put intu 0: —aplasa pe orbitt red-hot >[redhot] incandescent to reenter > (tusienta'] ase intoaree, areintra ‘Traduceti urmatoarele propoziit i limba romana: ‘Some rockets use solid fuel. >[sam rokitsiuxzsolidfiual] — hreiemeieeaaiianenais “The hovereraft can > [D's hovétlaa:t KEn —In veicutul cu perné de aer accomodate a hundred Akomadeit & hand pot incdpea o suti passengers. psindja’] de pasageri, ‘Air can be made liquid. fei! kEn be meid lik'id] __— Aerul ponte fi lichefiat. ee less than on the Earth, les D*En on Dzi a"T*] mai putin decét pe Pamént. | Weneedamorepowerfil > ["inid 8 mo:"pa*a'fl ~ Avernevoie deoracheta * rocket. rokit] ‘mai putericd. i Avhelicopter can hover in > [8 helikopta" kEn hova" in — Blicopterele pot stationa one place. San pleis} ‘naer. “The moon is a natural > {D%munizanktyirat ——— Luna este satelitul natural | satelite of the Earth. sBtalaitav D4 aT) al Paméntulu. i ‘When was the rocket launched? > [en Yo2 D*8rokitlo:ntst) — Cnd a fost lansata racheta? ‘There are many artificial «> [Ded a: mEniattifigal — — Exist multi sateliti satellites, stilts] artificial A spacecraft will be put > [A speiskra:ft "il bi: put — O nava spatiala va fi 1 orbit. intu o:bit) plasati pe orbits ©) It ges red-hot in the >fit gets recht in Di ~ fn atmosfera devine { atmosphere, ‘Etmasfit') incandescent’. | Thecrew re-entered their >[D'&krucrienta!dD'es" —_— Echipajul st intors pe spacecraft speiskra:ft) nava spatiala. ‘Acum veti exersa singuri noile cuvinte, Completa spafile ibere din propozitile in limba engleza: Cte persoane pot fi cazate in acest hotel? = How many people can this hotel accomodate? Nu imi plac flrile artificial. = 1 don’t ike >atfical flowers. ‘Nava spatial reintrat = The spaceorefthas >re-entered i fnatmosfers. the stmosphere. | eso bess angen da neu ronal Ne weegedabeon>sligoamd gy | cu picioaele. agtin, i Ofelul « devenit incandescent = The ron was made> red-hot | \Vehiculul cu perna de aer pluteste la mic& ~ Ahovercraft>hoversa little {| distang de suprataa apd. distance over the water. i ate totes vy >powecl aan | Pe orbit a fost pasa tri satel. ~Thace sites have been >put into obit, Racket nu vai li atic. _ Troe vats te tance | Lao temperatura sub zero grade apa ~ At temperatures below zero water y su mal este lchids js no longer >liquid. Ce greviate ag avea pe Lunt? How much would 1>wveigh on the moon? | aioe alg a Sg as ET se cle Me amy Soe lin ‘Acum ne vor ocupa de sectiunea de gramatics, Vom discuta in aceasta parte 2 lectiei despre substantivele cate indied genul persoanelor $i animalelor. até eéteva perecht de substantive care ne ajutd sd facem distinctia there genul mascutin si feminin a pesoane sau animale, fn cazul elementelor noi de vocabular, am indicat intre parantezele drepte Pronuntia corecta: man boy brother woman sil sister ‘son, father daughter mother uncle > [anki] —unchi aunt > (arn) = matuga nephew > [nefia] = nepot (de unchi/ matusa) niece > [nics] — nepoata (de unchi/ matusd) actor > [Ekta] actor He actress > (Ektris] — actritt host > [us] ~ gaz (nase) hostess, ‘> [hdustis} = gazda (fem.) widower > [ridtue] ~viduy widow > (ridin) = vaduva fiancé > [fianser] — logodnic fiancée ‘> [fianser] — logodnica bull > [bul] = taur cow > [kau vaca stallion > [sttiin) amisar mare > [men] apa Jn multe alte cazuri nu exist’ decét un substantiv care denumeste atét persoana/animatul de gen feminin edt si pe cenicel de gen masculin, friend — prieten, prietena teacher ~ profesor, profesoara writer ~ scritor, seritoare doctor ~ doctor, doctor singer — cfintiret, cintireata nurse — asistent medical, asistenté medical worker = muncitor, muncitoare baby = bebelus Getta, baieyel | pest = mmusafirinvitet, musafirvinvitts \ river — sofer,goerips \ cousin > [kazn] vas, vergoara j servant > [sient] — servitor, servitoare ( journalist > (diav'nalist] — ziatist, ziarista j canary > [kBnati} — canar (mascul i femela) | Pentru a putea distinge intre masculin si feminin, aceste substantive sunt fnsogite side alte substantive care indicd genul, cum ar fi: This is my girl-friend. Come and have a look at our baby-boy. There are many women-workers in this factory. There were hardly any male guests. He hes aman-servant. This book is by # Romanian ‘woman-vwriter. was helped by awoman-nurse. He has a eoek-eanary. His female-cousin has a hen-canary. — Aceasta este prietena mea. = Vino sa-l vezi pe micupul nostru. ~ Sunt multe muncitosre in aceastt febrica. = Nu prea erau barbafi printre invita —Elareun servitor. ~ Aceasti carte este scrisi deo scriitoare roménea. — Am fost ajutat de o asistenti medical, Bl are un canar mascul, ~ Verigoara ei are un canar femela. | i ® Cand man sau woman preced substantivul al carui gen il precizeazd, ambele elemente ale acestor substantive compuse vor primi marca de plural: ' ‘a man-servant ~ three men-servants ‘a woman-teacher = three women-teachers oe Dacié man sau woman preced substantivul, dar nu pentru at indica genul, numai al doilea element «al acestor substantive compuse va primi marca de plural: ‘We konw that certain kinds of fish are ~ Stim 4 anumite specii de pesti sunt maneaters. devoratoare de oameni, ‘They are woman-haters. Bi sunt misogini. ‘Unmnatorul exerci va va ajuta'& verificati cat de bine v-afi insusit cumoptinjeleintroduse in aceasta parte a leetiei. Traduceti in limba engleza: ‘Tetdl meu este vaduv de cinci ani. ‘Multe muncitoare au fost concediate. Vérigoara mea sa cdsatort eu un brutar siptamfine trecuta, ‘Sora mea vrea si devina actrifa. Invitatele au plecat devreme, (Crezi ed acest taur este periculos? Aceasta iapa este foarte rapid, Sora lu este sofer de autobuz, Se spune e8 numai masculi-canar cnt, ‘Ua dinze profesourcle noasre ga perdutsujba. (Oziaristéa vrut si ma vada: “ E bine si ei mulfiprieteni. Poate si vind.cu logodnica lui? Cine este soful acelei seritoare? >My father has been a widower for five years >Many women-workers have been ited. >My cousin marcied a baker Inst week, >My sister wants to be an actress, >The female guests left early >Do you think this bull is dangerous? ~ > This mare is very fast. > His sisteris a bus-driver. > They say that only cock-canares sing, >One of our teachers has lost er jo. >A womansjoumalist wanted to see me. >It is good to have many friends. >Can he bring his fiancée? > Who is that writer's husband? Sa repetim cuvintele nou invijate tn aceasts lecte. Citi textul de mai jos, care se refer la spayiu! cosmic, i traduceft! singur: ‘SPACE Man has always been interested in space and has always wanted to find ‘out whether there was lie on other planets. The fist artificial Earth satelite ‘was put into orbit in 1957. Four years later the first astronaut was sent into space in a spacecraft. In 1969 the first astronauts landed on the moon. In the early 1980s Americans built the first space shuttle. A space shuttle is launched as a rocket and it re-enters the Earth's atmosphere and lands like an aeroplane. Jaf traducerea textului fo limba romana: SPATIUL COSMIC (Omul a fost intotdoauna interesat de epaliul cosmic sia vrut mereu sa stie dacd exist’ viata gi pe alte planete. Primul satelitertiicial al Parnéntulul a fost plasat pe orbita in 1987. Patru ani mai tru, primul cosmonaut a fost trimis in spatial ‘cosmic cu o nav spatial in 1969, primll cosmonaut au aterizat pe Lund. La Inceputul anilor *80, americanil au constrult prima naveta spatial. Naveta patiala este lansata ca 0 rachota si se intoarce in atmostera terestra, aterizand ‘ca un avion. : LECTIA 5 — PARTEA A DOUA Inante de va prezenta nou! material de stud, s8repetim euvintle pe care dea le eunoase ‘A. Completati propozitie in limba engleza cu cuvintele urmatoare: 4. daughter 2. baby 3.bed Aueyes 5. mouth 6. tomorow 7. months 8. desk ! liza filtrl rogu: | Bl are in permanenfa o figar® in gurd He alvayshasacigaretteinhis>mouts [| Ea are ochii tatalui sau. ~ She has the > eyes of her father, © {| Flica noastra are deja 18 ani. ~ Our> daughteris already 18, | Restul il vom face maine, — We shall do the rest >tomorrow \ Si pune pat col Lets patie >bed int comes | Scrie tonte scrisorile la biroul acela. ~ She weites all the letters at that > desk. Poti sa ai gr de bebelug pentru o zi? — Can you look after the >baby for a day? Anu are douteprezece luni. = There ae twelve > monthsina year ‘In exerefiul urmiétor va trebui s& completati din nou spatile libere din propoziiie in limba ‘englez8. Nu uitatis& citi apoi cu voce tare propozifile completate. ‘Sunt unsprezece jucdtori de fiecare parte. — There are >cleven players on each side. Putem caza doudsprezece persoanc. = We can accomodate >1welve people. ‘Sedinfa va incepe fntr-o or8. ~The meeting will start >in an hour. ‘Vorbirm chiar despre accident. ~ We are just talking >about the accident, ‘S& nu fi invita. — Let’s not invite >them. Clind ai de gind sa trimiti — When are you going to >send aceste serisori? ‘these letters? “Fi-au aratat nou! lor birou? = Did they >show you their new office? ‘Sambata viitoare lucrez acesd, —>Next Saturday I'm working at home. Mfine dupa-amiaza vom pleca —> Tomorrow afternoon weare leaving fn Norvegia. forNomway. 10 Urmeaza alt exercitiu recapitulativ, de data aceasta de gramatica. Traducefi urmatoarcle propozifiinlimbe englez, find ateni la plural neregulat al substantivelor: Le-am transmis mul{umirile noastre. ‘mprejurimile sunt frumoase. Toate economiile ei au fost furate. El nu poate si-gi giseasca pantalonii. Ai nevoie de 0 foarfeea. ‘Acesti ochelari sunt scumpi. Se vede mai bine cu un binoclu. Ea are douizeci de perechi de pantoft Afacerle au mers bine anul acest. Aceasti mobilé este foarte veche, Informatie au sosit prea tarziu, Cat sa progresat? Bra seit de puri, ‘Veniturile au fost fotosite bine. De unde provine aceasté marfa? Ela renunfat la toate proprietatile sale. EE Ia humai o mild gi jumétate de aici. CCinei persoane gi-au pierdut viata in timpal acelut uragan. oti ne vom conduce autoturismele (propri). ‘Tost lumea a teebuits tea in cas ‘A srebuit ea fecare st prezinte bit Ce varste au copii? Cite pereshi de panofi ai? Racboiul a duratgase ani Politia il cauta Tact, pe acest criminal u ‘>We gave them our thanks. >The surroundings are nice. >All her savings were stolen. >He can’t find his trousers. >You need a pair of scissors. > These spectacles are expensive. >You can see it better with a pair of binoculars. >She has twenty pairs of shoes. > Business has been good this year >This furniture is very old >The information was given too fate. >How much progress has been made? Her strength was exhausted. >The revenue was used well >Where does this mezehandise come from? >He has given away all his property. ‘tis only one mile and a half from here. ‘>Five people lost their lives in that hurricane. >We shall all drive our own cars. >All the people had to stay in their houses. >They all had to show thei tickets >What are the children’s ages? ‘>How many pairs of shoes have you got? ‘>The war lasted for six years. >The police are still looking for this criminal. solid silence radar heavenly body surface missile star radiation oxygen discovery solar system, surface Hiquid star discovery “solid solar system, silence heavenly body radiation ‘oxygen radar Sale mai citim o data, ‘Vom invaja cuvinte noi, care se referd fn principal tot Is spatiul cosmic: > [solid] > [sailans] > [reida4 > {hEvanli bod > (sts) > [misail} > [siet] > Lrvidieign) > [oksiitn} > (diskavari] > (slat sistann] Sn alta ordine: ~ solid, in stare solida ~linigte radar 1] corp cerese ~ supa — proiectil, rachett (teleghidatay = stea, astra ~radiatie = oxigen ~ descoperire ~ Sisterqul Solar > [sis] — suprafaya > [iki] = lichid, in stare Hichiéa > [star] — stea,astru > [diskavari} ~ descoperite > [mise] ~ proiectil, rachet (teleghidata) > [solid] — solid, in stare solid’ e > [sAule'sistam] _— Sistemul Solar > [sails] > (hBvanli boi) — comp cerese > freiieisn} = radiagie > Loksigjn ~ oxigen > (reida‘] ~ radar RD ‘Vefi italia’ acum euvintele noi in propoziti: ‘Waters a liquid, > [ota iz a likYig — Apa este un lichid. Giass isa solid. >{glas iz solid] ~ Sticla este un solid. ‘On the moon there is >{on Di mun Drea iz ~ Pe Tuna este liniste deplind. complete silence. kamplist saitans] Radars @ useful too. >{reida:! fz fussful — Radarul este un aparat folositor. ‘What heavenly bodies > [ot hEvanli-bodiz — Ce corpuri ceresti cunosti? do you know? du iw: nau) ‘The surface of some planets >[D'%si:is av sam plEnits ~ Suprafafa unor planete is liquid. iz liktid) ‘The sun is an average star, >[D*4 san iz an Evi ‘The plane is armed with missiles. > (Di ple izatmd SiTs misaitz) “We need oxygen to live. > [Mis nicd oksidjn tu liv] este lichida. ~ Soarele este 0 stea demirime medie. ij sta Avionul este fnarmat ‘ou proicetile. ~ Avem nevoie de oxigen entra ati Some kinds ofradiation _—_>[sam kaindz av refdiefgn_— Unele tipuri de radiatit are dangerous. ‘af deindjtris] sunt periculoase, Have you heard about > (NEV fu: had abaut ~ Aiaflat despre the latest discovery? 1D’ leitist diskavari] ultima descoperire? Is ours the only solar system? >[iz auis'z D¥i onli sult sistami) Pentru a verfica decd afi invatat cuvintele noi, completati urmatoarele propoziti fn Timba englez’. ~ Sisteimul nostrwsolar este singurul (din Univers)? Ca de obicei, nu uitati sa le cititi apoi eu voce tare, respectind pronungia corecté: (Onxigenul este prezent in aerul pe care il respirim. (Cu ajutorul radarului putem vedes in intuneric. ‘A fost nevoie doar de un proiectil pentru a distruge obiectival Care este cel mai apropiat comp ceresc? In Sistemul Solar sunt noua planete. Doctorul spune c8 nu pot consuma decat chide Suprafafa planetei Venus este invizibila in cauza notilor. ‘Mancau in thcere. B —>Oxygen is part ofthe air we breathe. — With >radar you can see in the dark. — Only one >missile was necessary to destroy the target. = What is the nearest >heavenly body? = There are nine planets in the >solar system. ~The doctor says I can only take liquids. ~The >surface of Venus is hidden by clouds. — They were eating in silence. La temperaturi sub zero grade apa este ~ Attemperatures below zero waters stare sola, >solid | I Primele stele erau deja viibile = The first >stars were already visible / pecer, in the sky. ' i Soarele emite toate tipurile ~ All kinds of >radiation are come it de radiagi. ‘rom the sun. I ‘Dupa ce s-a descoperit aur, mulfi au venit = After the >discovery of gold many people {| Inacest ora, came to this town, ; ‘Sa invajgm un nou set de cuvinte: to guide > [tw gaia) ~ a ghida, a indruma guided > Leaidid) ~ ghidat, eu ghid | to discover > [i diskavet] 4 descopert ® to be weightless > [tub Felis} ~ a i imponderabil to orbit > [mori ~ a gravita (pe o orbit) | ou eT GE radioactive > [reidiauEtiv] = adicactiv to explore > [tu iksplo:'] ~ a explora soler > [stult'] ~ solar toemit > [twimith ~ aemite, a iradia Iona > fluena’) — lunar | to reflect > [writes] ~areflecta ' Jafé acum noile cuvinte intr-un text scurt. Citifi cu atentie: ‘THE SOLAR SYSTEM | ‘The solar system is the sun and the heavenly bodies that orbit it The sun isa star. All the stars are radioactive and emitlight. The moon does not emit light; lunar ight is the light reflected from the sun. People and objects are weightless on the moon. Many instruments have been invented to explore space. Rockets can be guided from Earth ‘and almost every year new heavenly bodies are discovered. uo, Jatt gi traducerea propozitilor din text: ‘The'solar system is the sun and the heavenly > [Da sale sistam iz D'a san End D'a hEvanli ~ Sistemul Solar este format din Soare si compurile ceresti ‘bodies that orbit it bociz D°Et o:bit i) care graviteazi in jurul The sun is asta >[D'asaniza sta] ~ Soarele este 0 stea, All the stars are radioactive >[o'] D'asta"2 a seidiiuEktiv. ~ Toate stelle sunt radiosctive and emit light End imit lit) si omit lumi. ‘The moon does not > [D’A mun daz not ~ Lune nu emite lumina. cmt light. iit lat} lunar light isthe light > [luna lit iz D*8 ait ~ -- Luna reflect lumina de reflected from the sun. sifletid from D*& san) Ia Soare, People and objects are >Ipi ‘weightless on the moon, Seitlis on D'4 mun] imponderabili pe Luna, Many instruments have been >(mfni instrumants hE bisn ~ S-au inventat multe instrumente invented to explore space. Rockets can be guided from Earth. froma} ‘and almost every year new heavenly bodies are discovered. diskavard) in exercitiul care urmeazA veti putea verifica dacé ati retinut toate cuvintele inventi tu iksplo:” pets) > [rokits KEn bir gnidid > [End osImaust evri fat niu hEvanli badiz a pentru explorarea spatiului. — Rachetele pot fi ghidate dope Pamir... — -- $i aproape in flecare an sunt descoperite noi comput ceresti. Completati propozitile in limba englez’, folosind filtrul rogu: Cite planete graviteaza in jurul Soarelui? Sunetul este reflectat de perete. EL va va arita drumal prin padure. Avionul poate scipa de rachetele teleghidate? Lumina pe care o percepi acum a fost emis fn rma cu o suté de ani. ‘Am descoperit ea fusese furat. Oamenii folosesc tot mai malt caldura solar, E placut si fi imponderabil? ‘Ai grj@! Acest material este nck radioactiv. Regiumnea aceea nu a fost explorata niciodatd. ‘Malte lucruri au fost inventate in timpul rizboaielor. = How many planets >orbit the sun? = The sound is >reflected by that wall, — He will >guide you through the forest, Can a plane escape from >guided missiles? = The light you see now was emitted hundred years ago. — We >discovered that it had been stolen. — People are beginning to use >solar heat. = Isit pleasant to be >weightless? = Watch out! That material is still radioactive = That region has never been >explored. = Many new things were >invented during wars. 15 ‘Cunoastefi deja cdteva cuvinte care au aceeasi forma la singular gi la plural. lat acum altele din acceagi categorie: | ‘means > [minz] = mijloc/mijloace series > [sitrisz] ~ serielseri barracks > [bEraks] baraci/baréci, cazarma craft > [kraft] ~navalnave > [eira:] ~aparat/ aparate de zbor > (hovatkra:t] ~ vehicul/vehicule cupema de er Tat acum exemple de propozifii cu acestecuvinte: © ‘Va reamintti probabil aumele {ilor europene gi ale locuitoritor din aceste tari, Cand ne referim la ‘poporul care locuieste in fara respectiva, folosim urmitoarele substantive: We shal find another means of —Vom gts oats cae de fice doing it acest lure. @ ‘They have red ail possible means = Au inereat pe toate ile posible. have gotall he stamps ofthis series. ~ Am tate imbrele cin aceasta sere, “Thos serie are very expensive ~ Acest ser sunt fossescumpe. Is there a barracks inthis town? = Exit vr cazarm in rap? | ‘Three more barracks have been built. = $-au mai construit tei beri, | What kindof erate this? ~ Geel de mava ene acess? | “The soldiers were transported by ~ Sold au fost transport cu | all kinds of era, tot fell de nave i ‘The aireraftis out of order. —Acest avion este defect. \ | ‘cre these overeat Ogle Maal been built? co pema de ar? | | 1 | | the Irish > [Di airs) ~itlandezii I the Austrians > (Di ostrinz] — austria | the Spaniards > [D%spEnieés] ~ spanioli | the Germans > (D%oja'manz] ~ germanii I the Swedes > [Diastide] — suedeaii i | the Finns > (D'a fing] ~ filandezii t | the Greeks > (D% gritks) = grecii i I the Talins > [D%siehianz} = italienii \ | the Portuguese > [D'apov'gugi:z] ~ portughez ‘ i the Belgians > [Diabeldjanz] ~ belgionit | the Danes > {D*adeinz] = dancaii | I 16 { the French >{D/a fronts) = francezii the Norwegians > ID no-“igitne) = norvegieait the Swiss >1Dastis] the Dutch >[D*a dats] the English > [D4 in'®glig] the Romanians >[D%rumeinianz] ‘Dupa cum afi observat, toate aceste substantive sunt precedate de articolul hotarat the. ‘Sa ne intoarcem Ia substantive. Evista un grup de substantive, numite substantive colective care denumesc grupuri de oameni sau animale. Ele pot fi clasficate in doud categori 1. Substantive colective care pot fifoloste att eu un verb la plural ct si cu unut Ia singular Daca vrem sé ne referim la grup ca a un totunitar verbul va fla singular; dacd ne referin ta {fiecare individ din grup, atunci vom fotos un verb la plural Din aceastd categorie fac parte urmatoarele substantive: family amy crew enemy goverement >{govarnmant) ~ guvern public > [pablik] = public team > [tian] — cchipa flock > [ft] = torm herd > {hare = cireadt clergy > [REaia) — cler, reprezentanfi biseriit Tata exemple de propozifi cu substantive din aceasti categorie: “That family has lived here for — Familia aceea locuieste aici two centuries, de doua secole. ‘The family were enjoying the sun ~ Tofi din familie s-au bucurat de soare dupa after work. ‘ce au terminat trata. 2. A dowa categorie de substantive colective include substantive care sunt folosite fntotdeauna cu verbe ta plural: cattle people ‘vermin > [vii] ~ insecte si animale daunatoare Ita exemple de propozifiicu substantive din aceasta categori ‘The cattle are suffering from cold. ~ Vitele sufera de frig, Vermin are small animals that we do = Daundtorii sunt viequitoare mici, not like, : ezgustatoare, 7 | I | | | | | | | H | Substantivele colective care denumesc Iucruri sunt folosite cu un verb la singular atunet cfnd au forma de singular si cu un verb ta plural atunci cand au forma de plural: ‘This merchandise has not been insured. ‘The contents of this bottle are dangerous. —‘Aceastd marft nu a fost asigurata, ~ Continutul acestei sticle este periculos. Rezolvati acum ultimul exercitiu din aceasta lectie, care va va permite s& trecefi tn revista tot ‘materialul nou. Traducefi unndtoarele propozitii in limba engleza: ‘Numerita sa cumperi acest armaser Japa este femela calulu, Logodnica tui este céntareats. Mai avem nevoie de asistenti medical Ce giligie fac canarii acest! ‘Malte dinte aceste femei sunt muncitoare. Exista profesoare in aceasta scoala? Au fost o serie de accidente cu nave spatiale nul trecut Pece cai ona? ‘Aceste barici sunt murdare. Francezii fac vin bun, Danezii locuiese into fara de cémpie. [Echipajul este complet acum. Inamici au fost fortati st se predea. ‘oti membrii echipoi s-au pregitit bine. Reprezentantii bisericii ne-au dezamégit. ‘Oamenii spun cd nu este adevarat Polifigtii mu Iau prins inci. Acest mobilier este foarte modern. {n final, citi grupurite de cuvinte care m fa fo] fo] cousin orbit hover but call hot sun all not bus door rocket summer more stop > This stallion is not worth buying. >A mare isa female horse, > His fiancée is singer. > We need more male nurses. > What noise these canaries make! oe > Many of the women here ae factory workers. > Are there any women-teachers at this school? > There was a series of accidents with, spacecraft last year, > By what means do you intend 1 doit? > These barracks are dirty. > The French make good win. > The Danes live in a flat country. > The cree is complete now. > The enemy were forced to surrender. > The team have prepared well e > The clergy have disappointed us. > People sy it snot tue, >The police haven't eaught him yet > This furniture is very modern. ccomun un sunet sau un grup de sunete: lel weigh male day say pay 18 RECAPITULAREA LECTIEI 5 Sal. 52. 53. 54. 55. {in unele cazuti exista dous substantive diferite ca form& care ne ajutd 3 facem diferenya tntre feminin gi masculin, de exemplu: widower —vaduv widow = vaduva bull tour cow = vaca actor ~ actor actress = actrips nephew ~ nepot niece = nepoata {in multe cazuri exista un singur substantiv care denumeste atit femininul, eft si masculinul, ca de exempluz teacher = profesor, profesoard writer ~ soritor, scritoare friend = prieten, prietena doctor ~ doctor, doctor servant —servitor, servitgare nurse ~ asistent medical, asistenta medical Dacd este cazul, va fi folosit un alt cuvant care indicé genul substantivutui respectiv: women-doctors — doctorite girlfriend = prietena ‘Atunci end man sau woman este primul element al unui substantiv compus nu primese ‘marca de plural dacs nu precizeazi genul, de exemplu: ‘Those animals are maneaters. ~ Aceste animale sunt devoratoare de oameni. ‘Substantive cu aceeagi forma de singular gi de plural: means ~ caleleai, mijlochnijloace series ~ serie/serii barracks ~ bareci/barici; cazarma craft = neva/nave sireraft ~ aparat(e) de zbor hovercraft — vehicul(e) cu perma de aer Substantive colective care se acorda fie cu un verb Ia singular, fie cu unul la plural, ca de exempl ‘The crew have to work hard. ~ Membrii echipajulutrebuie st faca eforturi mati ‘The crew often changes. ~ Echipajului este schimbat adesea, Substantive colective care se acorda cu verbe la plural, ca de exemplu cattle, people (cu sensul de oameni, lume), vermin: ‘The cattle are grazing. = Vitele pase. ‘The vermin are damaging the crops. — Daundtorii prejudiciaza recoltele. Unele substantive cu sens colectiv se folosesc fie numai cu verbe la singular, fie numai cu verbe la plural: Their property has been sold ~ Bunurile lor au fost vandute. ‘The surroundings are beautiful, ~ Jmprejurimile sunt frumoase. 19 TEMA PENTRU ACASA 5 ‘A. Traduceti urmatoarele propoziii fn limba romana: 1 2 1 2 3 My niece visited-us lst week, ‘She no longer wants to be a téacher, Hr progress has been slow. He has always been @ woman-hater. What ace these aircraft used for? ‘The public don't know what to do. ‘Traducefi urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza: Tnformatia ire fost data de eatre logodnicul siu. Sunt multe ziariste? Salariile au crescut rapid. Averea lui este enor, ‘Arata a fost atacata in zor, ‘Aceasta actrits este vaduva. corespunzitoare flecarui cuvant: A Le 2 3. 4 5 mare cenary missile nephew herd 20 | ee B a.akind of bird one’s brother’s/sister’s son . female horse 4. group of animals of one kind ©. akind of weapon, ® Adresa: C.P: 61-15 EUROGOK ae ia profesorului TESTU EAOPEAN DE CURA FRN COREFONDENTA | in 1-H umes prenumele ‘cons: ENGLEZA PENTRU NIVELINTERMEDIAR ||| ‘Adve Ne teeter S | £ _¢odpoytal TTT] Lees A. Traduceti urmitoarele propozifii in limba romana: Observatite profesoruli: 1, My niece visited us last week. ® 2. She no longer wants to be a teacher. 3. Her progress has been slow. What are these aircraft used for? 6. The public don’t know what to do, |, B@peducot urmatoarele propozifi tm limba englezi: i | Informatia i-a fost data de catre logodnicul sau. | 2, Sunt multe ziariste? 3, Salariile au crescut rapid. 4, Averea lui este enonna. 5, Asmata a fost atacaté in 2ori. 6. Aceasti actrifé este vaduva. ATENTIE ! ‘Ghsenvalle proton C. Fieedruf cuvant de pe coloana A ii corespunde o explicatie de pe coloana B. Gisiti explicatia corespunzitoare fiecirul cuvant: A : B. ER 1 mare a.akind of bird Pe 2. canary », one’s brother's/sister’s son 3. missile c. female horse 4, nephew 4.2 group of animals of one kind 5. herd e.akind of weapon ® Semnitara profeoralae t were cone ent We PF RTRED TUT Be NITE BOY ARDC A TITMNT AVOASTR A! EUROCOR: TNSIRU EUROPEAN CE CURE PRD) CORESPONDENTA Adresa: Cc 1-15, Cod 75500 - sect. 4 Codul poole profesorului Namels prenumele “Ades OTD tes i {C0 po Namal cursantol VS traducegl urmitoarele propozifi tn limba rom 1. There are ten milion hungry people in that country. 2, She has some eight hundred books. 3. I saw that there were dozens of flies on the meat, 4, He will have to buy a few pieces of fumiture, '5, We went to a stall ninety-seat cinema. 6. What does a six-year-old child know of such thigs? 1. De cét timp ai aceasta firma? 4, Va trebui s& cumpere céteva piese de mobilier. B. Traduce{i urmatoarele propozitii in limba englezi curs: ENGLEZA PENTRU NIVEL INTERMEDIAR Ne Lect: 6 ‘Observe rokooroh ATENTIE ! Abs weererename oT 17 FE AUT TMM DY IOVPIMERD AT DE NTMI F GF ANRESA DTIMNEAVOASTRAT 5. Aceasta clidire are sute de ani. 6. Mute piese de mobiolier au fost pierdute in urma incendiulu. . Completaii propozitiile de mai jos alegind continuarea corecti: 1. We received two 2) information: ) pieces of information ©) information 2. We've seen .... birds flying over the lake. a) dozens ©) dozens of 3. The church was built four a) hundred years ago. ) hundreds 4. The spacecraft with a. a) three-man 5. Tt is just a... walk from here. a) “twomiles ‘Cheer poker LECTIA 6 — PARTEA INTAL j Ca de obicei, incepem o noua lecfie cu recepitularea vocabularului. A. Completatipropozitile in limba engleza eu cuvintele de mai jos: 1. sister, 2. hand 3. fish 4, animals: 5. garden 6. question 7, money, 8. 9. way 10, plane, ; Ai vizut vreun animal in padure? Did you see any >animals in the forest? | Port costumul cel nou duminica. —Lwear my newest >suit on Sundays. ‘Unica lui sora locuieste in Italia. = His only >sister lives in Italy. ‘Sunt o multime de pesti in acest lac. There is @ lot of >fish in this lake, | Nu am mers niciodata cu avionul. = 've never travelled by >plane, | [Nu avem nici un copac in gridina. ~ We haven’t got any trees in our >garden, Lt fyi tinea mana la spate, = She held her >band behind her back. ; ‘Nu prea am infeles intrebarea = Lhaven’t quite understood your | ‘pe care mi-ai pus-o, >question, | Puteti st ne spuneti cum ajungem la post? — Can you tell us the >way to the postoflice? ‘Acestia sunt fofi Bani pe care fi pott ~Is this all the >money you can spend? i cheltui? | B. —_Completati propozitile in limba englezi eu euvintele corespunzatoare: | ‘Adurmi cova de but — > Bring me something o drink, ; (Cat de des merg a Londia? = How often do you >fly to London? Caut o camer ieftnd. = I'mfooking fore >cheap room, ! ‘Au platit dejo? ~ Have they >paid yet? ; Citeodata este grew si continu. — It is >sometimes difficult to go on, ! Bl tia zimbit = He>smiled atyou, Unde tinei gainile? = Where do you >keep the hens? Nus auzitnimio, — He has >heard nothing incercat? = Have you >tried? Elare aceasta carte, der mu 0 d8 = He has this book >buthe doesn’t ; cu fmpromat. lend it. t a ‘Tiaduceti umatoarele propozt ‘Ai vizut masina Tui Jone? ‘Acesta este fiatle prictenului meu. ‘Acestea sunt cafilecopiitor Casa plsingilor me este mica Lei ses ri sunt amonse Perdeele din aceasts camer ‘nebuie spalate, El statea in picioare pe acoperigul casei ‘Sunt acestea stilourile fetelor? Hainele camenilor erau foarte vechi. Aceasta este 0 grescald a preotilor. Perefii camerei sunt abi. Biroul tn care lucra tatél meu a fost inchis. Have yousean ines? This iy fiendsbrotee ‘> These are the children's books. a > My pret Bouse sal >The kes ofthis outa eel > The curtains of this room need washing. > He was standing on the roof of the house. > Are these the pens of the giris? >The cites te people were very. OD > That is a mistake of the clergy. > The walls of the room are white. > My father's office has been closed. D) | } { ‘4 invajim cuvinte noi, care se refera la animale. Cititi cu atentie: predator tiger lion ostrich whale amphibian snake quadruped flesh elephant ‘mamamal ‘Sa Je mai citim o data, into alta ordine: sama lion flesh clephant tiger predator amphi estrich whale quadruped snake > Lpredata’] > [teat] > (aian) > [ast] > [ell] > [Emvfbian] > (ane > [Wodroped] > [es] > [elitant > [mEmal] > [Email] > [latin] > {es > [elifant] > (taice's > [pred > [Emfibian} > [ost] > [ve] > [kYodruped] > [sneak] 23 ~ animal de prac aaa ~ le ~ seu ~ balens = amfibie ~ supe ~ patruped = elefant = mamifer ~ mamifer = leu ~ came = elefant, tiga ~ animal de prada ~ amfibie = sit ~balent ~ patraped = sempe | I H I | | i { lata un dialog in care apar toate cuvintele noi, Personajele dialogului, Chris si Laura, viziteaza 0 gridin& zoologica. Cititi ou atentie: ATTHEZOO Ch: Here we are at the z00 entrance. Lz I like to see the predators first. LE Do you know if there are whales here? Ch: I'm atrald there aren't. But it would be great to see a blue whale. Yes, i's the largest mammel in the world. Ch: It's even the largest living animal. \ f Halen gi ath ala we | fb Cee eee ee eta yasmin seo) reese ta 0) Ch: That's interesting. We'll have to go and see It. { L: Are elephants flesh-eating animals? , Ch: No, they aren't. You kenw, | heard that this zoo had received two ostriches from a foreign z00. L: Ohy/'d love to see them. ! know one thing: | don't want to see the snakes. Ch: Butthey are justin the builéing infront of us. There are also frags and other amphibians. L: Let's net go there then. Pd prefer to see some birds and quadrupeds. ‘$4 exersim acum pronuntia fiec&rei propozifi din acest dialog, acordénd atentie traducerit in limba omit Here we are atthe 200, > [hata Bt Da a = Iet-ne la poarta grin entre. ents) zealoice ® TPallike to ee the predators > {aid lak tu si: D'a predata’z. ~ Ag vrea st vad animalele fist. ffs] de prod mai inti. All right. > [ora] ” = In regula. lui Ia stanga Wehaveto goleftto get > [Si MEv tu giu left tu get — Va trebui to the tigers and lions. tu D°8tnigh'z End D*2lavanz]_ ca si ajungem la tgs gla ei. Doyouknowifthereare > {duiu:niuifD¥eu'ex* __~ $i dacd sunt balene aici? ‘whales here? sera hia} Tmafiaid there aren't > [mated Dei afnt] — ~ Ma tem ef ma. Butit would be great to see > [batt ud bi: grettu si: — Dararfi grozav sa vedem blue whale, a blu: "ei] o bale albastra ‘Yea it the largest mammal > [ies its D'las'djist mE mal - Da, este cel mai mare mamifer inthe world. inDa*ad] in lume. It's even the largest living > [its vn D*a laxdjistlivin'®) | — Este chiar cel mai mare anime. Enimal] animal existent, Pa | read in a newspaper that an elephant was born in this 00a few weeks ago. We'll have to go and see it, ‘Are elephants flesh-eating animals? No, they aren't. ‘You know, [ heard that this 200 had received two ostriches froma foreign 200. 0h, I'd love to see them. know one thing: I don't ‘want to see the snakes. Bat they are justin the building in front of us ‘There are also frogs and ‘other amphibians, Let’s not go there then. Td prefer to see some birds and quadrupeds. > [at odin niuszpeipa D#Et — Am cit nte-unziar of scum fn elifint*oz bon in Ds eleva sfptamini sa nfscut un zu; a fu: “i:ks agdu} ‘elefantin aceasti gradini zoologica. > (DeEtsintisin'e] ~ Interesant > [41 hEy tu gau Bnd si: it] — Va webu st mergem stl veder, Hitants hsitin'® Enimalz] ~ Blefanti sunt animale carnivore? > (nia Def a:tnt] —Nu > [du nau af ha'd D*Et Dis zu: hE riskevd tu: ostritgiz froma forin 20] ~ Sti, am auzitc& aceasta gradina zoologicd a primit doi strui dela o gradina zoologic din strainatate. > [Buaid lav tusi:D'em] ——-— Mivarplcen sii vad. > [a nau tan Tin aj dant De un lucru sunt sigur’: “ont tu si: D* snerks) nu vreau s& vad gerpii. > [bat Dei ar‘ djast n'a ~ Dar sunt chiar in bildin® in front av as] clidirea din fafa noastra. — Mai sunt si broaste gi alte amfibi. > [D*cat a‘ olssu frogz End aD*a' Emflbianz] > [lets not gau Dea" Dien] — Atunei st nu mergem. > [oid prific'w si: sam bastde End kadrupedz) = Prefer i vid pastri i patrupede. Refineti expresia care confine cuvantul flesh: flesh-eating, Completati propozitile tn limba engleza cu cuvintele care lipsesc: Broastele sunt amfibii Fereste-te de gerpii din iarba, ‘Animalele de prada le ucid pe celelalte pentru ase hrinicu ele. ‘Siomul este un mamifer. Majoritatea balenelor traiese in mati gi oceane reci. Struul este 0 pasire cae poate alerge foarte repede, ~ Frogs are amphibians. — Watch out for >snakes inthe grass. — >Predators kill other animals for food. ~ Aman isa>mammal too. ~~ Most >whales live in cold seas and oceans. ~ An ostrich is bird that ean run very fast Camea caprei era calda tn. Leul este numit uneori regele animalelox. Blefanti igi pot aminti unele lucrus} dupa multa vreme, ‘Tigral se inrudeste cu pisica gi cu Teul, ‘SA nu-mi spui mic i rafele au pat picioare! laff un alt grup de cuvinte legate de animale. Citi ~The >lesh ofthe goat was still warm, ~ The >Tionis sometimes called the king ofall animals. = >Blephantscan remember things foralong time. ~ The >tigeris related to the eat and the lion. = Don't tell me that ducks are >quadrupeds! le cu atone: poisonous extinet tame wild migratory to hunt totame to migrate to abound to hibernate tobark cunning > [porztints) > Likstin®t] > [tem] > [Paild} > [inaigrti) > {ru hant] > {rates > [tamaigreit] > [tu abaund] > {tu ha‘batneit] > (tuber) > [kanin!®} ~ ottavitor, veninos ~ dispairut — immblanzit, dresat = satbatic ~ migrator ving =e imblinzi ~ amigre a abunds, a aven din belgug = a hibema = alta : = viclean, G etd acum exemple de propozifi in care apar noile euvinte: Do sparrows migrate? Not all snakes are poisonous. In what countries do tigers abound? Have you ever seen a tame lion? ‘A dog barked in the distance. Animals that are extinct are no longer found con the earth. > [du spEriuz maigreit) ~ Vitbiile migreaze? > [not ol snerks a: pofztnds] — Nu tofi gerpii sunt veninosi. > [in Yot kantriz du taiga'z baund]) > [Ev fu: eva sin a tefm laian) — In ce tari exist un numar mare de tigri? = Ai vizut vreodata un leu resat? > [a dog ba:kt in D* distans) — Un edine latra in departare, > (Enimnalz D*Et a ikstin(kt- ~ Animalele disparate af niu fon'®3" faund onDiiaT) ‘nu mat pot fi gasite, pe pimant, 6 Oo) A hibernating animal eats >| hazba'nestin'®) Enimal its — Un animal care hiberneaza hardly anything. basalt EniTin nu manainea mai deloc. ‘The fox is said to be > [D*Afoks iz sed tu bi ~ Se spune c& vulpea ‘ canning animal. 8 canin! Enimal] este un animal vielean. ‘There are no wild horsesin > [D¥eaa:'nau “ald hor'siz in — fo acensth fara nu mai exista this country any more. D's cant enimo:"] cai silbatici. Do you know any migratory > [du iu: nu eni maigratri_ — Cunosti veo pastre birds? baz] ‘migratoare? It is forbidden to hunt these >it iz 'bidan tu hant D*iz — Este interzis si vinezi aceste animals. Enimalz) ‘animale. Even a tiger can be tamed. > [i:yn 4 tage’ KEn bi: teimd] — Chiar gi igri pot fi dresati ‘Acum vet luera singuri cu noile cuvinte. Completati propozitile urmatoare: Dintotdeauna au existat multe vidre in acest lac. — Otters have always >abounded in this lake, ‘Multe specti de animale = Many kinds of animals au disparut hhave become >extinet. Unde migreaza gigtele salbatice? ~ Where do the wild geese >migrate? i prind goareei cu un vultur dresat ~ They catch rats with a tame eagle. ~ The dogs started >barking when they saw us. ‘Oamenii ined mai vineaza balene? — Do people still >hunt whales? {imi place s& privese animalele slbatice. ~ Like watching >wild animals. De ce hiberneaza unele animale? — Why do some kinds of animals >hibemate? [Nu manca! Este otrivitor! Don’t eat that! It is >poisonous. ‘Na imi plac camenii aceia. Sunt — don’t like those people. They are prea vicleni. too >cumning, ‘8i:nefntoarcem la problemele de gramaticd. Substantivele business gi property, pe care le cunoasteti deja, pot fi folosite pentru a denumi obiecte numarabile si pentru a crea forme de plural. In aceste A seventy-year-old man lost his wife in the accident, >All his businesses have been sold. >We are going on a three weeks’ holiday. >The properties of known yet. is liquid are not >Several articles of furniture have been damaged. > Thede pieces of information are not sufficient. >They crossed the ocean in a 300-passenger plane. >She has a two-seat car, >I got a five-page letter from him, Are you going to watch tomorrow's match? Asia >leia] = Asia Aftica _ >[ettika] ~ Africa America > [amerika] ~ America Australia >Lostretia] ~ Australia ‘The Baltic Sea >[D#A bozkik si] Marea Balticd ‘The North Sea >[D¥ano:T* si] — Marea Nordului ‘The Balkans >[D*aborlkinz] ~ Peninsula Baleanicd ‘The Carpathian Mountains >[D*4ka:'pe/T'ian mauntinz] _— Munfii Carpafi ‘The Mediterranean Sea >{D¥a meditiremian si] ~ Marea Mediterans ‘The Bleck Sea >{D‘a bIEK si] — Marea Neagra Moldavia >{moldeivi = Moldova ‘The Danube >{DeAdEnieb] — Dunicea Transylvania >[teBnsilveini] = Transilvania The Danube Delta > [Dea dEniub delta = Delta Dani Substantivele care urmeazé exprimd un anumit numdr; ele nu trec la plural dupd numerale sau dupa several sau a few: dozen > [daz] duzina gr088 > [ertus] —douisprezece duzini score > [skor] —doutizeci CCunintul gross este urmat de prepocitia of, dar in cazul tut dozen sia lui score, nu existd nici 0 intre acestea si substantivul pe care il desermind, ca de exemplu: five gross of pens = 720 de ereionne (51212) a few gross of pens ~ ctv zeci de duzini de ereioane thre seore years ~paizeci de ani ‘afew score years —cbteva zect de ani oO six dozen eggs — se dani de ova several dozen eggs ~citeve duzini de ond ‘Observatie: intruct fa limba roman nu exist substantive care s8 corespunda lui gross gi lui seore, ‘atunci cand le traducem nu putem deat s& calcula numarul exact de obiecte daca sunt precedate de ‘un numeral (exemplu: three score books ~ saizeci de arti; two gross ofpencils - 288 de creioane) sau 4 aproximam namarul, dac& sunt precedate de a few sau several (exemplu: several score cars - cciteva zeci de masini; a few gross of boxes ~ citeva sutelzeci de duzini de cutit) Cand aceste substantive nu sunt precedate nici de pronume, nici de numerale pot avea forma de plural: dozens of ducks = duzini (zeci) de raje scores of people ~2eci de oameni Cuvintele hundred, thousand, million mi apar fa plural atunci céind sunt precedate de un numeral) cardinal cu valoare de adjectiv two hundred colleagues ~ dows sute de colegi five hundred years ~cinei sute de ani cight million people opt milioane de oameni Daod aceste cuvinte sunt precedate de pronumale a few sau several, pot fi folosite fi la singular, fi Ja plural: 1 few hundred people —cdteva sute de oameni sau a few hundreds of people several thousand planes —cfteva mii de avioane sau: several thousands of planes few million cars ~céteva milioane de masini sau; a ew millions of cars 30 Cand aceste cievinte sunt precedate de pronumele some, ele sunt foloste fa plural si urmate de reporitia of. ca de exemplu: some hundreds of stamps ~cateva sute de timbre some thousands of prisoners —clteva mii de prizonieri Pronumele some poate fifolosit si cw valoare adverbial, cu sensul de: in jur de, aproximaiv. El este ‘apoi urmat de forma de singular, ca de exemplu: | have some thousand books in my room, ~ Am in jr deo mie de cart in camera mea, Hundred, thousand, million pot fifolosite gia plural, atunci cand nu sunt precedate de un pronume ‘sau de un numeral in acest caz, ele sunt urmate de prepozigia of: hnundreds of birds .__ —sute de pasar thousands of wasps mii de viespi millions of people milioane de oameni ‘SA ne oprim acum asupraultimulu grup de cuvinte noi din aceast lecfe. Sunt tot denumini geografice; citit-le eu voee tare: ‘The Indian Ocean > {D4 indidn apn] ~ Oceana Indian ‘The Pacific Ooean > [D4 pasifik augn] ~ Oceanul Pacific “The Arctic Ovean > [D4 avai gn] — Oceanul Arctic ‘The Caspian Sea > [D*akBspian si] ~ Marea Caspicd ‘The English Channel > [D4 ings tgEnal] = Canalul Minecii ‘The Red Sea > [D%redsi] — Marea Rosie Russia > [rast] Romania > [rumeinia) Hungary > {han'®gari] Bulgaria > [balgetria} ~ Bulgaria Rezolvaji acum ultimul exercijiu din aceasta parte a lecfic; traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza: De unde pot obfine informafii despre aceasta -_-> Where can I get the information about srédina zoologica? this 200? ‘Aceste firme vind animale silbatice. > These businesses sell wild animals. ‘Acest avion are un echipaj de opt persoane. > This airliner has an eight-man crew. 31 ‘Cunosti proprietile stcloi? ‘Nu mai este loc pentru ined ‘o piesk de mobilier. Milioane de pstri migreaza in mod regulst. Sedinfa de siptiména viitoare este importanta. Este o treaba de trei minute. ‘Ai traversat vreodata Marea Neagra? ‘Mii de balene sunt prinse fn ‘Oceanul Arctic. {in Dunare se gasese pesti din abundenta. {in Affica sunt din oe ince mai point Jei giclefant. Saizeci de serpi au fost ucigi intr-o singurd zi. ‘Sunt asteptafi patra sute de invites. Céteva mii de persoane au venit din Ungaria. Aproximativ zece nave au nauftagiat pe Marea Caspi ‘Aceste animale au disparut acum ‘cateva milioane de ani. > Do you know the properties of the glass? > There is no room for anotiser article of furniture, > Millions of birds migrate regularly. > Next week's meeting will be important. > Its only a ten minutes’ job. > Have you ever erossed the Black Sea? > Thousands of whales are caught in the Arctic Ocean. > Fish abound in the Danube. > There are fewerand fewer tions and elephants in Attica. oO > Tee score snakes were killed in one day. > Four hundred guests are expected > Several thousand people have come ‘from Hungary. > Some ten ships were wrecked on ‘the Caspian Sea. > A few million years ago those animals became extinet. jin incheiere, cdteva grupuri de cuvinte care au in comun acelagi suet: Cai] Cu] fei] tiger z00 tame wild ‘moon snake cbild blue break time through day 1 you ame (] ‘mammal and planet rat 2 LECTIA 6 - PARTEA A DOUA In aceasta parte a lectei vom incerca sa fixim in memorie materialul introdus pe percursul lector 5 si 6. Concentrati-va asupra exercitiului recapitulatiy, iar in cazul in care aveti czitari roveniti supra materialului din interior caietutui. Traduceti in limba engleza urmatoarele propozitii: Aceasti actrita apare fn zeci de filme, “Tauri au scapat de pe ‘pagunea fermierului Nu am cunoscut-o ined pe prietene fiului meu. ‘Nepoata ei locuieste in Transitvania, Sunt si ziaviste printre angajetii acestci reviste? Profesoara mea fn va imprumuta una din earfileci Servitori fui au dresat un tigra, Unele specii de gerpi sunt devoratoare de oameni, Ammasarul este calul mascul. Logodnica lui vrea sa fie seritoare, Finlandezii sunt buni alergatori pe distanfe lungi ‘Am locuit destul in aceasti barecl, ‘Au pus o lungi serie de intrebari. Vehiculele cu pema de eer sunt avioane sau ambareatiuni? Exista vreun alt mijloc de a reintra {in atmosfera terestra? In echipa noastra sunt tri spanioli, Tofi memibri echipajului sau inecat, Politgtiifolosesc aparate radar. Sumele incasate sunt folosite corespunzltor. Inamicul a fost complet suxprins. Nu s-a dat nici o informa despre descoperire. 33 > That actress can be seen in dozens of films. > The bulls escaped from the farmer's pasture. > [haven't met my son’s girlfriend yet > Mer niece lives in Transylvania. > Are there any women-journalists among the employees of this magazine? > My teacher will lend me one of her books. > His men-servants have tamed a tiger. > Some kinds of snakes are maneaters > A stallion is a male horse. > His fiancée wants to be a writer. > The Finns are good long-distance runners. > I have lived in this barracks long enough. > They asked a long series of questions. > Are hovererafl planes or ships? > Is there another means of re-entering. the atmosphere? > There’are three Spaniards in our team, > The crow were all drowned, > The police use radars. > The proceeds are used well > The enemy was completely suzprised. > No information was given about the discovery. {ata ultimul execif corespunzatoare: ‘Aceasta firma, care avea o activitate de ccincizeci de ani, a fost Inchist. ‘Stim care sunt proprietaile suprafejei kanare. ‘in nava spatiala poate tnctipea un echipaj de trei persoane. . Ce fel de companii se afla ‘pe acensti strada? Unica piest de mobilier era ‘omasa grea. ‘Am fost plasafi pe o orbit de o or i jumstate, Peninsula este vizitata de mii de turigt. De obicei ne petrecem vacan(sle la Marea Neagr’. Bi merg intr-o excursie de tei zile in ‘Muntii Carpati ‘Din casa mea cu cinci camere am 0 perspectiva frumoasd asupra Duna Existd multe obiective industriale in Moldova? El a descoperit aproximativ douazeci de corpuri cores Ei vor avea nevoie de doua duzini de pane. Cateva sute de invitati au fost prezenti 1a punta, ‘Sute de pastri morn fiecare en pe mirile poluste. Ocean Indian se afia intre Africa si Australia. Unde se afld Marea Rosie? Radarul i poate detecta de la 0 distanta de cinci sute de mile. al acestei lectii. Completati propozifile in limba englezi cu cuvintele = This >fity-yeor-oldbusiness has been closed. — We know the properties of the >lunar surface = The spacecraft can accomodate a> three-manerew. i — What kinds of >businessesare there F inthis see? = The only >piece of furniturewas a heavy table. = We were put into an> hour-and-a-halfor The >peninsulais visited by thousands of people. = We usually spend our holidays at the Black Sea = They are going on e three weeks” trp to the > Carpathian Mountains — From my > five-roomhouse Lhave a nice view of the > Danube Is there much industry in > Moldavid? —He discovered >sometwenty heavenly bodies. ~ They will need two > dozenloaves of bread. ~>Atewhundedguess were present @Q) ate wedting => Hundreds ofbirds die every year in the polluted seas. ~The> Indian Oceanis between Africa and Australia = Whereis the > Red Sei? = Radar can see them from a> five hundred miles'distance, 34 RECAPITULAREA LECTIEI 6 6. 62. 63. 64, 65. 66. Business si property au citeodat® forma de plural: ‘There are no businesses inthis street.» Nu exista nici o firm pe aceasta strada. ‘What are the properties of water? Care sunt proprietaile apei? Furniture si information pot fi folosite la plural cu ajutorul altor cuvinte care precizeazt numarul (article, bit, piece): He needs a few more pieces of furniture. _~ El msi are nevoie de céteva piese de mobilier. ‘That was the only bit of information we got. ~ Este singura informatie pe care o avem, Substantivul precedat de un numeral, fmpreund eu care formeazd un grup care determing un alt substantiv, nu primeste marca de plural: a five-year-old girl 0 fata (in virsta) de cinci ani a three-bedroom house 0 cast cu tei dormitoare Dozen, gross, score apar a singular dup numerale gi determinanfi precum: several, a few, ca de exemplu: five gross of pens = T0de creione afew score years, ~cfteva zeci de ani (Cénd aceste cuvinte nu sunt precedate de determinant, ele pot aparea la plural, ca fn exemplul: dozens of ducks ~2eci de rae Hundred, thousand, million nu pot fi folosite le plural dupa numerale gi determinanti de tipul: several, a few: - ‘two hundred colleagues dows sute de colegi 2 few hundred colleagues ~cfteva sute de colegi sau a few hundreds of colleagues —céteva bute de colegi ‘Atunei cfd nu sunt precedate de nici un determinant, pot apérea la plural: hundreds of birds —sute de pastri Some poate preceda hundred, thousand, million, in acest context avind sensu! de: “aproximatv”, “in jur de” Some thousand books are needed. — Este nevoie de aproximativ o mie de ear. 35 ‘TEMA PENTRU ACASA 6 ‘Traduceti ummatoarele cuvinte in limba roménd: ‘There are ten million hungry people in that country. She has some eight hundred books. I saw that there were dozens of fies on the meat. He will have to buy a few pieces of furniture. ‘We went toa small ninety-seat cinema. “What does a six-year-old child know of such things? Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza: De edt timp ai aceasta firma? Bi au ars efteva mii de cdi. ‘Aceasta descoperre fost fleuti cu zeci de ani in urma (folositi score). Ve trebui si cumpere céteva piese de mnobilier. ‘Aceasti cladire are sute de ani, ‘Multe piese de mobilier au fost pierdute in urma incendiului Completai propozitile de mai jos slegind varianta coreet 1 Wereceived two . 2) informations b) pieces of information ©) information ‘We've seen... birds flying over the lake. 2) dozens ») dozen ©) dozens of “The church was built four. years ago. 2) hundred ») hundreds ©) hundreds of “The spacecraft with a... crew was launched yesterday. a) three-man >) three-men ©) three-men’s Ieisjusta.. walk ftom here. 8) two miles b) twomile’s 3) twomiles? VOCABULARUL LECTIILOR 5 $I 6 to abound to accomodate actor actress Africa America amphibian Arctic Ocean article of furniture artificial Asia astronaut atraosphere aunt ustlia Balean Peninsula Baleans ballon Baltic Sea to bark bamacks bit of information Black Sea Bulgaria bull butertly canary Carpathian Mountains Caspian Sea clergy cock co craft cunning Danube Danube Delta to discover discovery > (1u abaund} > [tw akomadet] > [Ek] > [Ektrs] > [fika} > [amerika] > [Emfibian} > [astetik ug] > [ast af > [avtifigal] > Leia] > [Bstrtino:] > [Etmasfie) > [ant] > fostretlia] > {bo:tkén pintasful) > (D%bo:lkanz] > [alum] > [bork > [tu bak] > [Eras] > [bit av infvimeisa) > [bIEK si] > [balgestia] > [bul] > [batefai) > [kEnari} > [kepe/T*ian maunting} > [kspiaa si] > [Klas] > [kok] > [keen] > [lr] > [kania') > [dEniuby > (dBniub deta] > [tu diskavat] > [diskaveri] ise] 37 8 abunda in; « poseda din belpug, ‘a. nvea o cepacitate de, « cuprinde actor ~ actrita = Africa — America amfibie = Oceanul Arctic — piest de mobilier ~ astificiel = Asia — astronaut atmosfert = mituga ~ Australia — Peninsula Balcanic& ~ Baleanii = baton — Marea Beltica alata — areca, cazarma ~ informatie = Marea Neagra ~ Bulgaria = tour ~ fluture — canar (mascul sau femela) = Munfii Carpati ~ Marea Caspicd ~ reprezentantii biseriii,clenul —cocos var —navé, ambarcatiune = viclean, siret ~ Duntrea = Delta Dumarit —a descoperi — descoperire elephant toemit English Channel to explore extinct female fiancé fiancée flesh-eating fiesh flock fy government gravity gross to guide guided heavenly body herd to hibernate host hostess to hover hovercraft Hungary to hunt Indian Ooean to invent journalist Jupiter kite to launch > [elifant) >[tuimit] > [in gtis teal) > [tu ikspio:4] > [ikstinkt] >[fimell) > (fiansel] > [fiansed] > [Resin] > [fles) > [ftok] > [fla] > [gavatnmant) > (geBvitl] > [grius] > [tu gaia] >[gaidid] > [hevanli bod > (hav) > {ta haibb‘net] > haust] > [hustis} >[tuhove'] > [hova'lc A] > [bangarij > [tu ant] > [indian augn}) > [tw invent] > [ajnaist} > (@juspite’) >[kait) > [tu fonts) > (lian) 38 — elefant —aemite = Canalul Minecii =a explora ~ dispiirat ~ femela ~ logodnic —logodnica ~camnivor ~ came ~turma = muse = gue ~ gravitate = 12 duzini ~ a indruma, a ghida —cu ghid, ghidat ~ corp cerese — cireads a hiberna ~ gad ~ wazda (fem.) =a pluti — vehicul ou pei de aer = Ungaria ~avine = Oceanul Indian =a inventa —niarist = Jupiter ~ mou de hértie ~ a lansa leu liquid mans smaneater mare means Mediterrancen Sea to migrate migratory missile Moldavia natural nephew Nérth Sea oxbit to orbit ostrich oxygen Pacific Ocean page piece of information planet poisonous powerful + edie property public to put into orbit quadraped adar radiation radioactive red-hot Red Sea > (likeid) a) > [mei] > [mEmal] oo > [mEni:ta’] > [met] > [miznz] > fmeditaceinian si] > (tu maigreit} > [maigratar] > [anisail] > [moldeivial > [mB] > (nefiu:] > {nis} > (no: si] > [oztit) > [tu ozbit] > [ostrts] > [oksigjan) > [pasifi aun) > [peidil > [piss av infeimeign] > [plknit] > [poveinas} > [pavat fal) > [predata] > Epropatti] > [pablik] > [tu put intu o:it) > [ktadruped] > freida} > [reidieign] > (reidiaubktiv] > fredhos] > [red si] 39 ~lichid lunar ~corespondenta = manifer = devorator de oameni ~iepa = mijloc, mijloace; cae, ct ~Marea Mediterant ~amigra = migrator —proiectil — Moldova ~ natural = nepot —nepoati = Marea Nordului orbit —a gravita (pe orbitt) = strut — oxigen — Oceanul Pacific pagina ~ informatie — planet ~ otravitor, veninos ~ puteric, influent ~ animal de prada — proprictate; caracterisica = public —a plasa pe orbits ~ patruped ~redar —radiat = radioactiv ~ incandescent — Marea Rogie tore-enter to reflect rocket Romania room Russia satellite score, scores series servant several silence snake solar soler system solid spaceeraft space shuttle stallion star surface tame totame tiger ‘Transylvania uncle ‘Venus vermin to weigh to be weightless whale widow widower wild ‘woman-hater > [tarient’} > (tori) > fookid ‘> [rumefnia] > [ru] > feast) > [sealant > [sko- > [ako] > [siariz) > [sieved] > [sewral] > [sails] > [sneit] > [ste] > [siuli’sistim] > [solid] > [apeishe:t > [speis at] > (stn) > [sa] Ss) > [rein] > {rutein] > [alge] > [trEnsilveinia] > fan) > {vienas] > [okt in] > tte!) > [tu bi: “eitlis) > [Pell] > [dau] > [Midauat) > [ald] > (Yuman belts] 40 ~ areintr, areveni —areflecta ~ rach = Romania — camer Rusia ~ satelit — (set de) dowazeci = zeci ~ series seri — servitor, servitoare — cétiva, citeva = Hinigte ~ spe = solar ~ sistomul solar ~solid nava spafiaté — sonda spatialé — armtsar = stea — suprafata = imblénzit, dresat a imblinzi, a dresa tig = Transilvania unchi =Vems ~~ daunatori, viermi =a cantar —a fi imponderabil ~ balenst ~vaduva = viduy — salbatic, neimblénzit — misogin

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