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Ra 1

Graisy Ra (Jiyoon)
Ms. Manning
English, 9E
4 November 2015
Q: What negative aspect did prohibition and alcoholism brought to America?
Many thought that Prohibition of alcoholism would lessen the exposure of crime,
corruption, complex conflicts, tax burdens, poorhouses, and health issues in America. On the
early 1920s, the 18th amendment, the manufacture, sale or transportation of intoxicating
liquors were declared illegal. But the amendment didnt outlaw the consumption of alcohols and
the drinks that consisted alcohols were allowed at certain private places for people to enjoy
themselves. In addition, some wealthy drinkers built several liquor stores. The liquors became
popular since they were cheaper and more intense. However, numerous people died from
drinking the tainted liquor. This issue have changed the habits of the country by making it far
worse and causing people to suffer from the polluted environment.
Unexpectedly, there were some exceptions of banning the distribution of alcoholism.
Drugs or drinks that could possibly used as a medication or treatment were allowed to be
allocated. For example, wine that was called Sacramental wine was allowed for religious reasons
and some drug stores sold medical whiskey to cure toothaches. As a result, alcohols were
being described as a medicine that brings comfort to some exceptional special people by
protecting his/her mental distraction. A prohibition historian Daniel Okrent stated, windfalls
from legal alcohol sales helped the drug store chain Walgreens grow from around 20 locations to
more than 500 during the 1920s.

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Also, a plausible reason for why prohibition brought down the economical aspects was
that it gave harm to people financially, emotionally, and morally. Since unemployment was
also an issue during the prohibition, alcoholism truly added weight on businesses and economics.
The alcohol business had two options of finding a low pay work or becoming a criminal as a job.
Prohibition causing physical harm and changing ones identity as a negative effect of alcoholism
was widely known.
By the late 1920s, Money spent on alcohol drinks increased more than the black market
booze. There were over 30,000 speakeasies in New York. But when the shifting moved onto
Great Depression and Franklin D. Roosevelt won the election, Prohibition was executed after a
year by revoking the 18th Amendment and confirming the new 21st Amendment. After such
happenings, drinking decreased and Bar sponsors celebrated the repeal of Prohibition in 1933.

Works Cited

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"10 Things You Should Know About Prohibition." History.com. A&E Television Network, n.d.
Web. 6 Nov. 2015.
Florien, Daniel. "12 Bad Effects of Prohibition You Should Know." patheos.com. N.p., 11 Mar.
2009. Web. 6 Nov. 2015.
Feldman, Herman. Prohibition: Its Economic and Industrial Aspects. New York: D. Appleton,
1927. Print.

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