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NIPT (Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing) otherwise known as NIPD (Non-Invasive

Prenatal Diagnosis) is used to analyze the cell-free fetal DNA which is circulated
in maternal blood. This can detect any abnormal chromosomal activity in the
developing baby. This is a new way in prenatal screening and testing paradigm
for various fetal chromosomal aneuploidies. This test can detect the risk of
trisomy 21, trisomy 18, sex chromosomal abnormalities etc. The test can also
give information of Rhesus blood type and the sex of the baby. However, this test
is applicable only for women with risk factor.
The Non-Invasive Prenatal Diagnosis can benefit you with various factors and can
avoid other test which can risk the pregnancy. Only a health care provider or the
genetic counsellor can discuss on whether the NIPT is necessary for any patient
or not.
Period of NIPT TestGenerally, NIPT test is performed between 10-22 weeks of pregnancy. It is
necessary to surpass 10 weeks of pregnancy to get apt results. Results can take
up to one week or more.
Pros of NIPT
Executing NIPT can help you avoid various tests like Amniocentesis, Chorionic
Villus sampling (CVS). These tests carry slight risk of miscarriage whereas NIPT
Scan is a safe test.
Healthcare providers might recommend this if you have

Risk factor on baby diagnosed with chromosomal condition

You are a carrier of an X-linked recessive disorder
Your blood is an Rh negative blood type
Abnormal serum scan
Any family or personal history of aneuploidy
Advanced maternal age

These entire factors can be recognized during this test. For now the test is
recommend for women with high risk of carrying baby.
Side Effects
Non-invasive prenatal testing has no risk related to physical condition of the
women and baby. It might cause anxiety or may also result in extra monitoring
during pregnancy. It may not detect or screen few chromosomal or genetic
NIPT Testing
One can check with the healthcare provider if you can undergo NIPT scan or not.
If yes, then the provider explains various results and their meaning for you and
the baby. You should also clear all your concerns and questions before
undergoing this test.

Samples required for NT scan

For Non-Invasive prenatal testing (Down syndrome test), the maternal blood
stream sample is taken, analyzed with the maternal and fetal DNA in the blood
sample. Majorly a baby faces trisomy 21 most common down syndrome among
Results of the Harmony Test
The result of this NT Scan shall result in 3 different categories

Chromosomal conditions
Fetal sex
Rh Factor

Chromosomal condition If the chromosomal condition of the baby is normal, no further testing is required.
If some chromosomal condition is detected, then doctors might advise other test
like CVS and amniocentesis.
Fetal sex
If the patients have X-linked recessive disorder, the test will be screened and if
the woman is carrying a girl baby, no further testing is required. Perhaps if the
woman is carrying a boy baby, then further test like CVS or amniocentesis is
recommended to them. These tests can be used to diagnose other genetic
Rh factor
If the test results that you are Rh Negative and the baby too are Rh negative,
then no further testing is required. The body can produce Rh antibodies with no
harm. However, if mother is Rh negative and the baby is Rh positive, then the
baby is closely monitored for sensitized.
Therefore, this IONA test can be performed instead of CVS and amniocentesis
to avoid the risk of miscarriage and yet figure out the risk and result of both the
mother and child.

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