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Unit 3 Test: Europe

6th Grade Geography

Fill in the Blanks/Short Response:
1. Define infrastructure (5 pts)
set of resources that help an economy like roads, airports, and railroads (also hospitals, schools, factories,
malls, etc)
2. Define culture (5 pts)
set of beliefs, values, and practices that a group of people have in common
3. List the 5 Themes of Geography. (5 pts)
Location: where something is
Place: why is the place important
Region: places that look the same
Movement: how and why things and people move
Human Environment Interaction: how people use the environment!
4. Define communism in your own words. List 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages of having this type of government in
your country. (10 pts)
Communism is a type of government where the government owns and controls everything in order to share resources
equally. Some disadvantages are that things are not often shared equally because of corrupt and selfish leaders, and that
there is no private ownership or choice. Some advantages of communism is that there should not be any rich or poor
people technically and that you dont have to make your own decisions, everything is decided for you.
5. Pick 1 country in Europe/Russia that we have studied.
Explain in 4-5 sentences 2 physical features of that country, what type of government it has, 2 facts about its history and
culture, and one problem it is facing today. (HINT: This can be your project country.) (possible: 10 pts)
(pick your own project country if you want)

Multiple Choice
1. What are the highest mountains in Europe?

- the Alps
2. What are the two most important parts of Greek culture?
-church and family
3. The Roman Catholic Church is based in which country?:
- Italy
4. One reason that a part of the country might be poorer than another part would be because _______________.
- It has less infrastructure
5. A countrys architecture could be influenced by:
a) the religion of the people
b) other countries in the past that have conquered it
c) the amount of money and resources the country has
6. The Renaissance began in which country?
- Italy
7. The Greeks created _________________, which inspired the government that both Panama and the U.S. have today.
- democracy
8. What is the westernmost peninsula in Europe called?
- Iberia
9. What landform covers much of Switzerland and Austria?
- mountains
10. What type of climate happens around the Mediterranean Sea?
- Mediterranean climate
11. What capital city in West-Central Europe was divided after World War II?
12. Germanys economy is based on:
- industry
13. The country of ___________, led by Adolf Hitler, invaded both France and the Benelux countries during World War II:
14. The fall of this wall marked the end of communism in Germany
- Berlin Wall
15. The Benelux countries include Belgium, the Netherlands, and ____________.
- Luxembourg
16. The physical geography of Northern Europe
- is made up of low mountain ranges and jagged coastline
17. The seas and oceans of Northern Europe contain which useful resource:
- fish
18. The climate in Northern Europe is:
- surprisingly mild
19. Which of the following make up the United Kingdom?
- England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland
20. The Industrial Revolution helped
- the United Kingdom build a large empire

21. The governments of Ireland and the United Kingdom are

- monarchies
22. The conflict in Northern Ireland
- was about religion
23. All of the Scandinavian countries
- have strong economies and have good education systems
24. Tourists often come to Iceland to see
- volcanoes, glaciers, and geysers
25. The physical geography of Eastern Europe is made up of:
-plains, mountain ranges, and many rivers
26. The ________ River divides the city of Budapest.
27. Which of these is NOT a sea that surrounds the Balkan Peninsula
28. Estonia and Latvia had:
- small/poor kingdoms
29. On the other hand, Lithuania and Poland had:
-large/strong kingdoms
30. How is Poland related to WWI?
- Germans invaded Poland
31. Communism is:
- a government where everything is shared and it owns and controls almost everything
32. Communism typically does not work because:
a) corrupt leaders
b) violation of human rights
c) leaders who want all the power and money
33. The _____ ______ linked the Western and Eastern sides of Russia.
-Transcontinental Railroad
34. In a republic government:
- people elect their leaders
35. Which four civilizations influenced the countries in the Balkan peninsula:
-Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Turks
36. A reason that there is so much ethnic/cultural conflict in the Balkan countries is because:
- After WWI, the Allies drew country borders wherever they wanted
37. Which adjective describes the Balkans most accurately:
- poor
38. The main causes of WWI were:
a. Militarism: building up armies
b. Alliances: countries promised support to other countries; were friends
c. Nationalism: pride in ones country
d. Imperialism: countries wanted to conquer each other
e. Assassination of Franz Ferdinand of Austria Hungary

39. The event that sparked the conflict of WWI and made countries go to war with each other was:
-the heir to the Austria-Hungarian throne was killed
40. Main results of World War II in Europe were:
a. 6 million Jews were killed by Nazis
b. Nuclear bombs were used for the first time (on Hiroshima and Nagasaki)
c. Soviet and Democracy were divided

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