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Pavan Patel

(201) 850-0167


IE 673-851
Professor Paul Ranky
NJIT Fall 2015

What is quality?

Quality is a term that has been improved upon by businesses and sought by consumers
over the years. It has been growing since the late 1980s and over the years it can either lead a
business sky high or plummet to the ground. It is important that quality be applied as a standard
but it must be upheld proactively throughout ones business. It can be seen that in addition to
providing consumers with top notch quality products & services, every aspect of a business in
selling the quality of a company. From the dedication and perseverance of the production line
to ensure quality products are being made, to the supervisors/managers who make sure thing are
done right the first time.


What is TQM?

Total Quality Management is an effort by management to create a system where superior

value can be to products that are being used by consumers. It involves the idea that there are
many processes that takes place in providing total quality, which depends upon many variables.
For example, the main driver is the customer, therefore it relies on costumer focus to determine
whether a product is of quality use and is acceptable. Other supporting factors to the total quality
management approach include: the quality application is subject to being measured, quality is
instilled into products by individuals (employee empowerment) and lastly but not least, quality is
always on a constant trajectory of continuous improvement.


How can we achieve organizational excellence with quality?

To understand how organizational excellence works, organizations must be familiar with

and be able to apply the different methods and principles of total quality. Some include:
continually improving, quality of products, processes, services and costs. To elaborate into some
of the aforementioned principles, an organization must not only know what total quality is but
HOW to apply it, some examples: Total quality organizations would have

Broad strategic plan that will give a sustainable competitive advantage amongst
A customer focus, both inside and outside of the organization.
The demanding drive to always work towards and executing total quality.
A scientific approach to manage and monitor the total quality principle.

Pavan Patel
(201) 850-0167


IE 673-851
Professor Paul Ranky
NJIT Fall 2015

What is the Deming cycle?

One of the greatest contributors to the quality movement and inventors of the total quality
management system, W. Edwards Deming, developed a hand-in-hand operation that was based
on a continuous loop. The five steps of the cycle are: 1) Plan 2) Do 3) Check 4) Act 5) Analyze.
The cycle begins with the organization planning a product to produce by researching consumer
data. This is followed by the actual production of the product, to which is subject to being
checked to make sure its use is what their initial research had shown. Next step would be market
their product into the marketplace and analyze its progression in terms of cost, quality and
amongst other factors.


What are the most common errors when starting quality initiatives?

Successful organizations learn how to effectively about total quality principles by not
utilizing quality components as methods of fixing quick problems or shrugging them off as
management techniques. It is imperative to instill total quality methods into every aspect of the
organization that becomes the standard way to performing their business. Some common errors
that arise during implementing total quality are:


Some organizations would hire outside experts to handle a quality initiative

instead of internally delegating the job to get everyone involved.
While organizing teams can be useful, the approach to making teams should be
carefully thought out, and in most cases a corporate culture change must take
Never planning quality initiatives can lead to a failure of implementing them
effectively. Planning ahead would help an organization successfully integrate
initiatives into all the areas of an organization.
Applying and only depending on the Deming, Juran or Crosby approach can
impact an organization negatively as these methods cannot predict or are specific
to every and any organization. Therefore they only should be used to help an
organization develop skills to implement the different methods.

Explain the cost of poor quality.

In an effort to reduce costs, some businesses tend to cut cost in areas that affect their
performance and basic marketplace survival. Learning where to cut costs within the organization
is key, for example, cutting costs in departments such as quality audits or choosing low-bid
suppliers for materials. These cuts can be viewed as a positive aspect in terms of reducing
overhead, however, it negatively impacts customer satisfaction and reduces any new business the
company would have been able to attain. Instead of cutting costs in key areas that in the long run
can negatively affect the business, organizations should be improving their performance by
reducing shortcomings in other areas of the business (I.e. cycle time, warranty costs, billing,

Pavan Patel
(201) 850-0167

IE 673-851
Professor Paul Ranky
NJIT Fall 2015

etc.). Overall, poor quality cost cutting is one of the main drivers that are embedded in the total
quality concept of continual improvement, it is a necessary function that gives businesses an
edge in the competitive marketplace.


What are the quality characteristics of world-class organizations?

World-class organizations utilize a set of 15 areas (according to the American

Management Association) that help them compete in the workplace. Of those 15 areas, there are
certain ones that directly impact quality: Customer service, quality control and assurance,
innovation, team-based approach to work, partnerships and alliances, and reengineering of
processes. In addition, there are a number of areas related to human resources and subsequently
of those there are ones directly related to quality: worker productivity, employee training and
development, codes of workplace conduct, conflict resolution, employee satisfaction and
management-employee relations. Focusing on these areas enables a business to be on the track of
becoming a world-class organization and become a key player in the global competitive


Responsibility and total quality.

Every human makes mistakes whether they are small or big ones. It is no doubt that
mistakes can hurt a company, from billing errors to late deliveries, etc., however, taking
responsibility for such mistakes can sometimes be an issue amongst members of an organization.
This is because our society has been molded by fear of taking responsibility of such mistakes that
people begin to blame others instead of taking fault, and as such these are unethical traits that are
common in the workplace. Some typical unethical behaviors include the separation of employers
and employees into they distinction instead of we. Blaming upper management for any faults
that occur during work is an example of unethical behavior. In a total quality environment, it is
imperative for individuals or maybe even groups to accept responsibility for actions. This helps
builds characteristics of trust, integrity and other aspects of ethical behavior.


Discuss some models for ethical quality decisions.

In an organization there is a framework of models that contain information which aide in

making ethical decisions. There are several models that organizations can choose from, and
based upon the views of the shareholders those are implanted. Some examples are:

Categorical Imperative Model = Also known as the black & white model. There is
no gray areas therefore whatever is right is right, and wrong is wrong.

Pavan Patel
(201) 850-0167

IE 673-851
Professor Paul Ranky
NJIT Fall 2015

Market-Ethic Model = this model states that legal actions that helps an
organization gain profits is ethical. Organizations should establish a framework of
profit and loss because over time the marketplace will reject unethical behavior.
Organizational Ethic Model = this model deals with the loyalty to an organization.
It is based on the fact that decisions are made with the upmost ethical behavior
which would further an organizations interest.
Professional Ethic Model = this model is based on the code of ethics that is shared
between peers. The ethical integrity can be valid if another professional peer can
approve of it.

10. What is the engineering managers role in quality ethics?

Managers have a high responsibility for enforcing and exemplifying acceptable ethical
behavior. They also need to establish high ethical standards, setting examples and exceeding
those standards, and taking immediate action if they come across unethical behavior. There are 3
approaches managers can use to implement ethical behavior:

Best Ratio Approach = this approach is based on the belief that all individuals are
good and they will tend to behave ethically unless there are situations that would
steer them in the wrong path. In this approach (also known as situational ethics),
managers would promote ethical behavior and sustain a good ratio of good to bad
behavior and ethical to unethical behavior.
Black-and-White Approach = This approach deals with what is right is right and
what is wrong is wrong, no matter what the conditions are. Managers
responsibility would be to make ethical decisions that would be difficult
otherwise, but these are fair and impartial choices that managers would have to
make regardless of what the outcome is and without worrying about short-term
Full-Potential Approach = this approach is based on making decisions where it is
monitored how the outcome will affect an individuals ability to reach full
potential. The basis to this approach is that each individuals full potential can be
valued between the confines of morality. The managers role is to determine
which approach to use because to select which one is the best is an ongoing
debate and it is upto the values of each organization to establish that.

Sustainable Green Focus:

Our entire planet is one big ecosystem which is sustainable through the support of one
another. The downfall or lack of support for one part this ecosystem can cause a decline in the
entire system. We can make big differences in the smallest of decisions. We as a company can
cut overhead costs, something as small as cutting paper products (e.g. using water bottles from
home or bringing in silverware) or even reducing our carbon footprint by installing energy-

Pavan Patel
(201) 850-0167

IE 673-851
Professor Paul Ranky
NJIT Fall 2015

saving bulbs or implementing the habit of turning off electronics. Collectively we can keep our
ecosystem healthy and clean, as you can see in the videos provided. Not only are we able to
make sure there is a sustainable and green future for generations to come, it also shows to our
current and new consumers that we have the dedication and support to keep our world running
effectively. It would only take a few minutes of your life to look at the videos mentioned below,
now you tell me if we dont do something now and keep at it, will our Earth withstand the
destructive path we are on?

Article References:


IE 673-851 Social Networking Discussion:

Group Members: Pavan Patel, Matthew Boghdady, Adewuyi Thompson

Link 1: http://www.redorbit.com/news/science/1113407984/red-wine-could-soon-be-poweringcars-082115/

Pavan's Comments: Biofuel research has become increasingly popular these days, it's imperative
to find different ways to replace the use of fossil fuels as our primary source of fueling our
machinery. Although, it is imperative to learn the effects of acquiring the main component in
Biofuel (ethanol) as it can have a negative impact on our environment.
Thompson's Comments: The concept that wine leftovers could become Biofuel would be
absolutely great in the global economy. As it would offset the balance to corporations in the oil
community and open new avenues focus resources on developing ways to enhance the
production of biofuel. It would solve a couple of things such as reducing the tons of millions of
waste that are produce each year, provide opportunities else where, and lessen the damage that
we are doing to the global economy.

Pavan Patel
(201) 850-0167

IE 673-851
Professor Paul Ranky
NJIT Fall 2015

Matthew's Comments: The idea of finding different alternatives in fuel for our vehicles is a very
beneficial and interesting topic. Wine waste, in this case, was converted to ethanol and used to
power certain cars and other transportation vehicles. Using waste to power vehicles really helps
the global economy because it decreases waste, and decreases immediate need for oil biofuels.
Not only wine waste should be analyzed but other waste should be inspected and tested to see if
it could also help decrease our reliance on oil. Converting waste to a usable product should really
help the economy in any situation.

Link 2: http://www.manufacturing.net/news/2015/08/us-bottled-water-sales-could-surpass-sodaby-2017?et_cid=4770157&et_rid=54661085&location=top

Pavan's Comments: Seeing an increase in water bottle production is a relief due to the disease
known as Obesity that plagues America. Marketing healthy options that are widely available,
help the general public to turn to safe and effective beverage consumption. While it may cost the
big names in the soda industry a chunk of their business it is an overall improvement to the
health standard.

Thompson's Comments: The advertising to the health benefits of water has reached a global
awareness, which has increased the awareness to the soda companies to change how they are
doing business. They were able to factor that soda production is decreasing and get into the
water business with the data that they have collected, if they have not already done so.

Matthew's Comments: The fact that water is beginning to take traction over soda is very good
news. Water is significantly healthier than soda and the increase in consumption of water over
soda is a very good sign that people are becoming more and more conscious of his or her health.

Link 3: http://smartblogs.com/leadership/2015/08/25/common-sense-is-not-common/?

Pavan's Comments: There are different styles for employers (managers, supervisors) to handle
their employees effectively. In a managerial position, it is important to lead your team in a way to
produce results while keeping them happy. Not only will morale be boosted day to day by
encouraging and acknowledging all of your employees, but the department as a whole will help
in the success of the company.

Pavan Patel
(201) 850-0167

IE 673-851
Professor Paul Ranky
NJIT Fall 2015

Thompson's Comments: I agree with the article that common is sense is not common, but that is
pretty much a general part of life. But in the work place it does present a problem as it can and
does affect the work environment. Common sense in the workplace should be developed by the
leaders who should be developing the organizational culture that sets the standards on whats
acceptable and whats not.

Matthew's Comments: Ive seen it myself where managers and executives both are only focused
on results. Working together, creating a good work environment, helping young employees, help
with training, or even collaboration does not factor in or mean anything when it comes to an
employees yearly review. There are no rewards for being friendly or trying to make sure
everyone is collaborating to create the best possible product. Managers nowadays are only
focused on efficiency and profits which, as the article mentions, is surviving, not thriving.
Common sense within the work environment is almost completely gone.

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