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Haslett-Art Teacher

Lesson Title/Topic: Career in Graphic Design (logo design), 6th Grade

Target Concept: Students will learn about a career in graphic design and will

complete a logo from concept to completion. The student will master the
understanding of what it is like to be a graphic designer with 70 percent

Standards/Rationale: College and Career Readiness Standard

Lesson Objectives:

The student will create a logo using

the procedures of a graphic designer.
In the process the student will learn
about graphic design as a career.

Produce a final logo and show the

design process from concept to


Tracing paper, grid paper, un-ruled index cards, pencils, markers, examples of
logos, info graphics about graphic design, inspiration board and presentation
of a graphic design career on Prezi.
Lesson Cycle: (Direct instruction)

The teacher will:
Focus/Mental Set:

Greet students at the door and have

slideshow set to first slide that reads
Graphic Designer. Also have the
Inspirational Board set up with
examples of the assignment. Ask
students if they have ever imagined
making money being an artist.
Teacher Input:

The student will:

Students will come in and observe the

first slide of the slideshow and see
different logos printed on the
Inspiration Board.

1. Play Prezi presentation, stopping to 1. The students will watch the Prezi
mention some of the major points in presentation on graphic design
graphic design.

2. Leave final slide up (Guide to a
2. The student will be able to look at
Successful Graphic Designer) during

the rest of the class so students can

be reminded of good characteristics
of a graphic designer, such as Keep it
Simple. The Sky is the Limit.
Practice Makes Perfect. Explain that
we will be making logos of our initials
and show examples.

3. Give a brief explanation of the
relationship between the client and
the graphic designer and the art
director. Hand out the information
sheet for the student to play the role
of client.
Guided Practice:

the final slide the rest of class to stay

focused on what a successful graphic
designer is. Students will look over
initial logo.

3. Student fills out info sheet. In 3
minutes, they will list three words
that describe themselves; list their
favorite color; favorite sport or
hobby; and favorite animal.

1. Show students examples of what a 1. The students will decide if they will
sketch is. Show use of tracing paper
use tracing paper, graph paper or
and grid paper and let them decide
both to work on their sketches.
how they would like to sketch. Offer

letters to trace if they would rather

not use freehand.

2. Instruct the student to hand their
2. Student will trade info sheets and
info sheet to the person on their left. start sketching a logo for their
Now it is their job to be a graphic
classmate, keeping in mind the
designer. They will learn to make the classmates interest so it best
logo original by reading what their
represents the classmate.1. The
classmate is interested in, making it
students will sketch ideas for the
unique only to them.
logo. Once they have completed 2-3

sketches, they will show the teacher

(Art Director) their designs.

3. Remind the students there is no
3. Student along with the Art
right or wrong way to sketch. Keep it Director will choose one design to
Simple. The Sky is the Limit.
become their final artwork.
Practice Makes Perfect.

4. Review the students initial
sketches and help them decide which
logo will become their final logo for
the project.

Independent Practice:

Show students how to transfer their Transfer final logo onto cardstock.
logo onto cardstock to have a finished Trace the outline with permanent
look to present to the client. (They
marker. Add color to final design.
can either carbon copy it onto the
cardstock or they can freehand the
final logo.)


Explain to students they need to Be

Confident (see final slide) in their
designs. Explain why I designed my
logos the way I did. Our designs are
purposeful. They are what our clients
asked for.

Students will display the final design
and reveal which classmate they
designed the logo for.


Enrichment: Take an existing popular Re-teach: Teach students that graphic
design is around us everywhere we look.
logo, like Target, and change it. Ask
Show the students examples of logos and
the student what would improve an
designs. Have the students go through
already famous logo? Change the
magazines and cut our there favorite
color? Change the font? Why would
logos. Once they have a several to choose
this make the logo better?
from, we will discuss what drew their
attention to the logos. Talk to the
students about making their personal
logo similar the style they are drawn to.

Allow students to use one letter (letter of Technology: Use Prezi to present the
their first name) that is already printed. career. Using info graphics to cover a lot
Student will decorate the pre-printed
of information in a short amount of time.
letter to come up with a design using
colors and embellishments on a pre-
existing letter. Follow IEP and 504 plan
for each student.

Prezi: https://prezi.com/opcse0dpcya8/graphic-designer/

Guide to a Successful Graphic Designer:

Client Information Sheet:

Examples of logos:

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