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Abdulaziz Alammar
Instructor: Ella Fran Voltz
UWRT 1102
Dec 2nd 2015

Journal 4
Each of us has many beliefs. One of my many beliefs is that I believe
we were created for a purpose. The reason I believe in this is mainly because
of my religion, Islam. In The holy book of Islam (The Holy Quran) the merciful
lord told us that we were created for a reason, which is to worship him.
Worshiping god can be done in many different forms, when I feed the poor I
am worshiping God, when I help my fellow human I am worshiping God,
when I plant a tree I am worshiping God, when I am seeking education I am
worshiping God, and when I am asking him for help in my life I am
worshiping God. Now believing that the reason of our existence is worshiping
God does not mean that we shouldnt be enjoying our lives or having fun, or
taking care of our own lives, but we should never forget the true meaning
and purpose of our creation. This belief started since I was a child. As many
know, Parents can and usually have the biggest Impact or effect on their
childrens beliefs. I was raised in a religious environment, which in my
opinion is the best way to be raised. For example, I was always taught to ask


God for help in any kind of problems or issues that I had in my life. When I
became in age for school, my parents enrolled me in a religious school,
which meant more religion related classes and more religious teaching than
regular schools. Also, we focused on studying the Holy Quran and the
sayings of the prophet Mohammed (Peace be upon him) more than other
schools. While growing up, my beliefs were growing with me. I began to learn
the true meaning of religion. I began to appreciate what my parents have
taught me and helped me understand throughout my life. I started reading
and reading and I wanted to learn more and more about religions and what is
its importance and impact on our lives.

Coming to The United States was one of my biggest life changing

events. Almost everything was very different here; culture, religions, and
people, etc Therefore, it was an interesting, and somewhat difficult
experience for me to adapt to the new lifestyle of The US. One of the major
things that I had to do and I thought was very interesting and beneficial for
me was to meet many different people from many different religions,
cultures, and nationalities. Meeting those people and making many new
friends from all over the world made me learn a lot about other religions and
As a Biology major, I learned a lot about biological concepts and
theories. One of most important and trusted theories in biology is the
evolution theory. This theory suggests many things, one of them is that all


living beings (I prefer to use creatures) came from a common ancestor,

which was a form of a unicellular marine life. However, even though I dont
completely reject the evolution theory, I do reject the concept of the
common ancestor. I reject it because it conflict with most religions in the
world, and suggests that religions are hoax and manmade bullshit to
achieve political or economic goals. Also, it doesnt approve of the existence
of supernatural powers such as deities. For that reason, I do not accept this
part or concept of the evolution theory. On the other hand, I do believe that
evolution exists, but in the acceptable way that doesnt conflict with the
existence of deities or supernatural powers in general. This concept that I
have mentioned is for example, the evolution of a birds or any other species
that had evolved to become many other subspecies due to the long-term
different environmental factors. Unfortunately though, because I am a
biology major, I find that many people in this field, both students and
professors, do not believe in the existence of a god. They sometimes even
make fun of the idea. I assume they believe that we should solely rely on
science to explain the universe, and discard or eliminate any unexplainable
or intangible aspects in life.

In conclusion, I believe in many things in my life, many of them are

related to religions. I believe that religions are the most important thing in
our lives, and that they do not conflict with science. I believe that religions
do not slow the development of humans, science, or technology. I believe


that humanity started with Adam and Eve, and that we didnt evolve from
apes. I believe that most religions, especially Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
share many common beliefs and values, and that their similarities are not
there by coincidence. Finally, I strongly believe that we were created for a
purpose, and that we didnt randomly appear on this planet for no reason.

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