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Trobiani 1

Jordyn Trobiani
English 101
My Growth as a Writer
This semester I embarked on a new chapter in my life. I made the decision to
leave my zoned traditional high school and enroll in N.S.H.S. This school is a school
that allows high school juniors and seniors to take college classes while still in high
school and graduate from high school with an associates degree. The very first
class that I took in my new high school was an English 101 class. Prior to this class I
had little understanding of how to improve my writing and strengthen myself as a
writer. Although my writing struggled during some parts of this class, it improved
overall and I feel that I gained a larger understanding of English and writing. My
writing has improved throughout the course of this semester. I started the semester
with one very strong essay. My second essay was not strong and showed me the
areas I needed to improve on in my writing. My third and fourth essays
demonstrated how I applied the feedback from my previous essays and improved
my scores. Overall, my first college course as a high school junior has been a huge
learning experience. I have learned different ways to improve and strengthen my
writing and I now know the resources available to help me succeed.
My very first essay in my English class was a three page essay where students
were asked to tell a story about their personal experience with literature. This was

one of my strongest essays and I received a 94%. I chose to write this essay on
personal experiences from my very early child hood. I explained my
Trobiani 2
experiences growing through my education and different figures influenced me. I
talked about my very first idolized character Winnie the Pooh, who I worshiped as
a child. I went through how I grew and became motivated as a reader and writer. I
talked about the struggled and successes I experienced and described everything in
fairly vivid detail. I followed all of the instructions and I feel that the only mistakes I
made may have been grammatical or sentence structure errors. While I did do a
good job in telling my personal story, I could have improved my essay in the
technical aspect.
The second project of the year was an analysis of a commercial or
advertisement. For me personally this essay showed the flaws of my writing. To be
short, this essay was a disaster. Not only did I not fully address the prompt correctly,
I also saved my essay in the wrong file type and this changed the entire visual
format of my essay. There were some grammatical errors and Issues with spelling
and punctuation. I felt that the topic of my essay was strong and a good idea, but I
did not organize my ideas well and the essay did not reach its full potential. I
received a 68% on this essay and that was a big realization for me that I needed to
focus more on my writing and make sure I always write to the best of my ability.
After this essay I made a big effort improving my writing and making all my
assignments show that I am strong as a writer.
The third essay of the semester is where I believe my writing started to show
some improvement. This essay was a report on a specific career choice that a

student is interested in. I personally wrote my essay on the career choice of a

Pediatrician. This essay improved drastically grammatically and only a few errors
were present. I believe that this essay showed my improvement because I followed
the feedback I received from my last essay and applied it to this one. The main
point of feedback is to reflect on it and use it to your advantage. I believe that with
this essay I did use my prior feed-back well and my writing improved. I received a

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