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LEA 302
Professor. Tanya Maddox
October 29,2015
Donyelle Blagburn


What personal morals and values came into play with your decisions? Did anything
particular stand out to you?
Plenty of morals and values came into play when deciding who stayed and who gets
kicked off. Values, for the simple fact that certain lifestyle that are look down upon in
society often come with life or death repercussions. For example, Lola was a suicidal
stripper who could only offer lap dances and depressing thoughts on a trip towards
survival. Along with adding morals on safety to help decide. However, one thing stood
out to me which I found funny and interesting. Some of our group members were just
concern on saving themselves no matter their circumstance, while others die on the hill,
knowing their person wouldnt be an asset but rather a liability on the boat.
Can people change their morals and values? If so what does it take?
Absolutely! I feel it take time as well as a new and mature outlook on life. When youre
younger you are conditioned and told to think a certain way. However, once someone is
able to form their own perspective and view on situations it may be liable to change. One
could be raised to believe that all African Americans are thugs, on welfare, and up to no
good so it become a part of your innate morals. Instead one could encountered and assess
an African American and there the total opposite, your morals instantly change. So it
takes time and maturity to change ones moral and values.
How can alcohol and drug use/abuse affects ones morals and values? Give examples.
Alcohol and drug use/abuse can cause major detrimental effects on someones morals and
values. With morals and values they mainly deal with decision making. Drugs prohibit
you from making conscious and responsible decisions. For example, a female may get
drunk to the point where she is unconscious. Her morals may be set to not have


intercourse until shes married. Being that she has abused alcohol those morals may go
out the window when shes around an attractive male in a vulnerable state.
How do morals and values come into play with regard to substance use/abuse and
It all depends on the situation and how imbedded your morals and values may be. It one
doesnt have any morals and values if wouldnt really affect the abuse and or recovery.
Everybody knows right from wrong and that drugs are bad, yet people still do them. How
strong a persons moral compass determines the choices she makes in life. However, if
one does have establish morals and values prior to the abuse and recovery, it can be hard
to bounce back into these ideals. Or maybe ones morals and values could even be a
driving force or pathway to follow in re-establishing yourself.
Based on this discussion and exercise, what might you need to work on?
Personally, staying true to who I am. Often times the outside influences force us to conform to
one belief or ideology rather than doing what makes you happy. At this stage in my life people
my age are finding themselves for some it takes longer. When you stay true to yourself and are
confident in who you are outside influences arent able to impact you. In this particular time in
my life, I have made a pivotal change that requires some adaption, yet having self-awareness. As
well as, not allowing my emotion get the best of me in situations, but instead fully evaluating
every situation in order to make a proper response. To be responsive and not reactive.


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