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Qu te gusta hacer?

Unit Plan
Subject: Spanish 1A
Pacing: 1-3 Weeks
Unit designed for a class average of 15-20 students

Student Learning Goals

The qu te gusta hacer unit will help students be able to:
Grammar and Vocabulary:
Make personal connections to the language by identifying real-life activities that

they do every day, and talk about them in Spanish

Engage in meaningful conversations with other students about objects or activities
they genuinely like or dislike, therefore making the language more real to them.
Make connections to people that they see and relate to in their everyday lives,
understand their heritage, and see how the latin or hispanic culture is not as
detached, unrelated, or alien as they had previously thought.
Understand the importance of learning a foreign language by reading a recentlypublished article about how important it is, in our society, to be at least bilingual.

Student Learning Objectives

By the end of this unit, students will be able to:
Grammar and Vocabulary:
Identify and utilize vocabulary that relates to different hobbies and activities in reallife conversations
Use the verb gustar to state objects that they like or dont like
Use the verb gustar to state activities and hobbies that they like and dont like to
Along with gustar, students will learn about the personal a that is used to talk
about likes and dislikes
Learn subject pronouns in Spanish (I, you, he, she, they, we)
Students will be able to use and demonstrate knowledge of above content orally,
inter-personally, aurally, and written: all in real-life contexts.
Learn indirect and direct articles

Students will be able to learn about famous celebrities in the United States
that surprisingly have hispanic or latin roots that they were not presently
aware of, and how they incorporate their heritage into their work.
Students will read, annotate, and then write a self- and societal reflection on
an article that addresses the interpreter deficit in California, where hospitals
desperately need trilingual people who speak English, Spanish, and one of
many indigenous Mexican languages to help patients who are immigrating
from Central America.
This will be funnelled into talking about why learning a foreign language is
extremely important to any discipline that you choose to go into

Prior Knowledge
It is understandable that, being Spanish 1A, many students are coming in
with little to no prior Spanish knowledge. However, coming into this unit,
students have gone through one other unit in the book; the previous unit

was titled leccin preliminar, which was the preliminary unit to the book,
and in this unit they learned:

Greetings and farewells

Buenos das, buenas tardes, buenas noches
Cmo est(s)?, Que pasa?
Adis, hasta luego, hasta maana, buenas noches
Asking who someone was
Quien es?
Ex.: Es Ral?
Asking for someones name
Cmo te llamas?, Cmo se llama?
Introducing themselves and others, and using formalities
Me llamo
Se llama
Te presento a
Le presento a
Mucho gusto, encantado
El gusto es mo, igualmente
Learning the meaning, conjugation, and use of the verb ser (to be)
Soy, eres, es, somos, son
Using the verb ser and de to tell where you or someone else is from
Ex.: Soy de Michigan
If any student is still struggling with concepts that were learned in
this last unit (that are serving as a base to be built upon), these
concepts are consistently being used in the activities we do with the
new unit, and will automatically get practice. If the activities need
to be modified with less repetitions or limited grammar and vocab,
that can easily be done by eliminating some grammar and vocab
requirements for activities or projects and only focus on the
struggling area, while still engaging in the activity, group work,
assessment, etc.

State Standards Met

1.1 Interpersonal conversation
Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings
and emotions, and exchange opinions.
1.2 Understand/Interpret language
Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of
1.3 Present information
Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or
readers on a variety of topics.
3.1 Knowledge of other disciplines
Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the
world language.
3.2 Point of View
Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only
available through the world language and its cultures.
4.1 Compare languages, pronunciation
Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through
comparisons of the language studied and their own.
4.2 Compare cultures
Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons
of the cultures studied and their own.

Resources Needed
Avancemos! Content book
Students will be able to check out the classroom book from the Media Center, which
we will utilize for activities, supplemental information, and some cultural
Paper handouts, worksheets, supplementary resources
Anything that students will need in physical paper form will be sent to the copy
center in the high school 3-4 days before the day of the lesson, that way if they are
behind schedule there is a cushion time for possible setbacks.
If copies need to be made last-minute, they can be done on the teachers personal
copy machine that is in the teachers lounge. This is only to be done in last-minute
Google Classroom
All of the powerpoints that are used in grammar, vocabulary, and culture
instruction, as well as any supplemental material we use online, will be posted on
the Spanish 1A Google Classroom for the students to access. Students can easily
access the classroom from their phones or any device that has internet access.
If there is every a day in which the chromebooks are needed for the students, a
Chromebook cart can be reserved from the Media Center several days before the

Wipe-off boards
There will be many times in class when students will use personal wipe-off boards,
dry erase markers, and erasers to use when doing writing exercises. They will
always be in a stack in the back of the class.
Fly swatters (2)
When we play games to quickly review short grammar or vocabulary concepts,
students will be divided into 2 teams and play the flyswatter game. There will
always be 2 flyswatters to use at the back of the class for this activity.
For certain lesson plans or in-class activities, the students phones are needed. For
example, on review days the class will utilize Kahoot to work with quick recognition
of vocabulary and grammar concepts. Almost all students can access internet on
their phone, however, if there is a students who cannot there will be 3-4
Chromebooks available for them to use.
In class the students are heavily recommended not to use Google Translate or any
other technological resource to do translating, but rather the Spanish-English
dictionaries that are always available in class.
Pens, Pencils, Markers
When students work on creative activities, there are always writing utensils that are
available for their use.

Schedule of Lessons
** Depending on how quickly the students pick up and understand the new
material, the pacing of the unit may be quicker than expected (my class only
took roughly 1.5 weeks)
Week layout
Day 1 (Introductory Lesson)
To start the lesson out, I will introduce the concept by telling them the goal is to
create an eHarmony account about yourself using the grammar and vocabulary
acquired. This peaks their interest and think it is humorous.
Introduction of culture unit about celebrities of Hispanic or Latino descent (starting
with Zoe Saldana)
Introduction of unit vocabulary and grammar concept through powerpoint
I model grammar use
Students will practice using activities in the book, interpersonal conversations, and
written practice
Start eHarmony activity
Day 2
Culture: Sofa Vergara
I will review new grammar and vocabulary from yesterday, modeling more
examples on board
Lesson: students will be introduced to the verb gustar and infinitives to start

structuring sentences about telling likes and dislikes

Students will continue to work on eHarmony account, and then present themselves
to the class
If time, students will play the flyswatter game to review vocab from yesterday
Day 3
Culture: Joaquin Phoenix
Review: gustar, infinitives
Lesson: pronouns, personal a
Day 4
Culture Quiz (summative)
Lesson: learn phrases that we use to talk about liking or disliking one thing more or
less than another thing
Lesson: ser
Practice: personal a and pronouns
Day 5
Review: ser (wipe-off boards) (formative)
Review vocabulary, pronouns, and gustar by playing wipe-off board games
Explain and give rubric for culminating activity: Presentacin Personal
Day 6
Culture: Foreign Language article and annotations
Vocab quiz (summative)
Review: ser, personal a
Lesson: indefinite and definite articles
Class time to work on culminating activity
Day 7
Review: pronouns (fly swatter game) (formative)
Review: personal a (book activity)
Review: ser and location
Presentation of culminating activity, Presentacin Personal
Day 8
Culture: Immigration
Review: ser, personal a, articles, pronouns (jeopardy) (formative)
Day 9
TEST (summative)
Formative and Summative Assessments
Tests and quizzes are what I considered to be summative assessments.
Kahoot, Jeopardy, review games, worksheets, etc. are what I considered to be
formative assessments.
Differentiated Instruction:
As seen above, the information and concepts that are learned are done
repetitively and reviewed continuously to make sure that students grasp
the concepts efficiently, confidently, and to mastery. If there are any
further misconceptions, the schedule for this unit is flexible enough to
spend more time on certain concepts if necessary. However, If there are
only certain students who are struggling, they are free to use any
supplemental resources (Chromebooks, further activities, handouts) that

they need to master the content. They will also be provided with any
instruction, material, or reference that would further help them in any
way. For students who struggle to read, write, or see, materials are
available to be presented in varied media formats, or enlarged to meet
their specific needs. Each of the individual lessons are presented,
designed, and executed in such a way that meets the needs of multiple
learning styles. Information is presented in a powerpoint format so that
students who are audio, visual, or kinesthetic learners grasp each
concept. I then model the practice multiple times for them on the board.
After this, the activities that we do in class support different learning
styles as well, from reading and writing activities, to interpersonal
speaking activities, to group work, to drawing the concept creatively, to
class games, to presentational speaking. Each of these methods not only
supports classroom differentiation, but also state standards and different
depths of concept comprehension.

Culminating Activity:
Presentacin Personal
For their culminating activity, students will be giving a presentation to the class that
is essentially a larger version of the eHarmony activity. The activity will be created
in Google Drive, using Google Slides, and will then be uploaded onto the Google
Classroom page. I will post an assignment on Google Classroom that allows
students to create their own slideshow and then simply turn it into the drop box on
the assignment, that way all the presentations are in one place when the students
are ready to present.
Resources needed:
Notebook, writing utensil
Spanish-English dictionary (optional)
Rubric/outline for presentation:
Visual presentation
Presentation must include at least 2 pictures of student that they feel represents
who they are/what they are
If student is uncomfortable with a picture of themselves, they may choose a
different picture of something that still represents themselves in some way
Prior knowledge
Students will need to introduce themselves using the grammar and vocabulary
learned in the leccin preliminar
Students, after introducing themselves, will also need to tell where they are from,
using ser

Students must demonstrate knowledge of articles, personal a, and gender and
number agreement
Must include at least 5 of their own likes, including activities and objects
Must include at least 5 of their own dislikes, including activities and objects
Students then must talk about 3 likes and dislikes of someone that is important to
them (family member, friend, celebrity), and therefore verb conjugation will need to
be in agreement.
Students will need to utilize a variety of the vocabulary learned in the unit, and they
may not use the same vocab word or concept twice.
If students want to look up an object or activity that they may not have learned but
still want to use in the presentation (i.e. ice skating) they may use the dictionaries
that are at the back of the room.
When the Google Slide is created in a visually appealing and creative way, they will
turn in the slideshow to the assignment drop box on Google Classroom.
Students will stand in front while giving presentation
Presentation is worth 35 points

In teaching this unit, there are several possible challenges that might
surface. Starting on the more literal level, there are times where technology
may not be reliable. For example, the internet might not be working, or there
was an issue with scheduling the Chromebook cart. When this happens, it is
simple to improvise by always have a backup activity that would have done
the same thing as with technology. Such backup activities can include, but
are not limited to: in-class games, worksheets, activities in the book, or class
discussions that are based on the grammar concept that was set for that day.
When thinking of more social/emotional/mental issues in class, Spanish can
present many different challenges to students that they have never had to
face before. For example, students may be unmotivated to learn a language
that they see no importance of knowing, or they may be hesitant to making
themselves vulnerable to making mistakes in another language. When these
situations arise, and students do not want to participate or speak aloud in
class, this is an issue that needs to be prevented rather than dealt with after
it happens. It is best, in these situations, to set the expectations and culture
of the classroom right away. Telling students verbally that mistakes are
welcome and rejoiced in, after all we learn more from mistakes than we do
from getting it right. If this attitude is set, then students feel more
comfortable and open to speaking and learning in the classroom. As far as
seeing the need to learn the language, this is why we do culture lessons and

read real-life articles so students can make connections to the real-world and
their everyday lives. It is important, as a teacher, that we are able to answer
why something is important, especially in a foreign language. Perhaps the
most important aspect of Spanish is the ability to guide students to making
the real-world connections and empowering them to see beyond their own

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