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Larissa Vasquez
Mr. Ring
17 September 2015

Epilepsys Impact on the Life of an Adolescent

Devinsky, Orrin. "Risk Factors for Poor Health-Related Quality of Life in Adolescents
with Epilepsy." Wiley Online Library. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Sept. 2015.
This source provided information on the effect Epilepsy has on the transition of
adolescents. It focused on what the medical disorder can impair, and the things it can limit
adolescents from doing. Such as participating in competitive sports or driving a car. This website
is reliable because it has information studied by NYU School of Medicine and Yale Universitys
Department of Neurology and Psychiatry. This website is credible because it also has a list of
resources where all outside information was found. This source provided information about how
an adolescents behavior is transformed, which is very useful when writing a paper on the impact
Epilepsy has the life on an adolescent.
S., Marin. "The Impact of Epilepsy on the Adolescent Adolescent." NCBI. PubMed,
n.d. Web. 17 Sept. 2015.
This sources main topic was on the long term effects Epilepsy has on adolescents- what
happens to them later on in life after being diagnosed at such a young age. This source stated that
many adolescents with Epilepsy are more likely to get into alcohol and drug abuse. They may
also experiment with their own medication. This source talks about the likelihood of adolescents
falling into a depression because of the unpredictable nature of epilepsy, and their lack of control

over it. This source will be helpful given the information about how epilepsy affects an
adolescent's later life.
Brennan, Dan, ed. "Epilepsy in Teenagers: Depression, Dating, Driving, and More."
Epilepsy Health Center. WebMD, n.d. Web. 21 Sept. 2015.
This source provide information on the struggle that teenagers go through after being
diagnosed with epilepsy. It listed the increased number of insecurities that a teen would have;
including embarrassment, the fear of having a seizure in public, and telling their
boyfriend/girlfriend they have epilepsy. This source will be helpful when writing about how
epilepsy will effect an average teens life- making it especially difficult to deal with things that
are already hard for a normal teenager.
"How Does Epilepsy Affect Daily Life?" Everyday Health. Everyday Health Media, n.d.
Web. 22 Sept. 2015.
With the information provided in this source, it is easy to see that epilepsy affects every
aspect of a persons everyday life- from behavior and emotions, to education and employment.
This source stated that around 56 percent of students with epilepsy finish high school. This
information shows how difficult it is for students with epilepsy to go through school. Epilepsy
makes it a challenge to be in public places for long hours with such an unpredictable disorder. It
also states that epilepsy restricts the person's independence. With the risk of seizures, many states
and the District of Columbia will not issue a driver's license unless they can document that they
have gone a specific amount of time with having a seizure. Although people with epilepsy can
still participate in recreational activities, they have to monitor themselves in order decrease the
risk of dehydration, overexertion, or hypoglycemia.

"Growing up with Epilepsy." Massachusetts General Hospital. General Hospital, n.d.
Web. 22 Sept. 2015.
This source was very helpful in providing information about what it's like to grow up
after being diagnosed with Epilepsy at a very young age. The part the I found to be most
important would be the impact of seizures. Seizures are abnormal surges of electricity in the
brain that disrupt connections between neurons. These disruptions make the retrieval of
memories and information difficult. Regular disruptions may also affect new connections,
making it very difficult to acquire new skills or information. This source also stated that the
effect of seizures on learning depends on the frequency of seizures, the location of seizure
activity in the brain, and how much of the brain is involved. This information will be very
helpful when writing about the effect of seizures.

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