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Mea we A ea Nee, 5) SX : ’ prey GEOGRAPHIC.” MAGAZINE. | MAY, 1916 SES ora me ms vey Fae CONTENTS Sixteen Pages in Photogravure ¢|| Further Explorations in the Land of the Incas || by the National Geographic Society 0, 7 Mstatane vumass misc | Staircase Farms of the Ancients a 6. FcooK PUBLISHED BY THE RC NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY HUBBARD MEMORIAL HALL WAS! IN, D.C. NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY HUBBARD MEMORIAL HALL SUCTEENTH AND M STHEETS; WASHINGTON, D.C, O.HOTITTWANN racsinenT JOHN EPILLSEURY + Vice raxsibeNt LHERT H.GROSVENOK, vintcron motor JOHN JOY EDSON +s TREASURER Lele hilspbecncal Ou aoFOHOE f-B EICHELBERGER . “quviaranr retasumee JOHN OLIVER LAGORCE . associate EDItoR GEORGE W. HUTCHISON, ASRISTANT SEERETART OPAUSTIN, 5... | StcRETARY «WILLIAM J SHOWALTER assistant eniron BOARD OF MANAGERS yo1a-1916 i9ts1917 1ste-1978 ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL CHApLes J. Batt, ANKLIN Ke LANE Navetstor of the telewtione ‘maiden? American Security ceretary of the {mterinr J. Howane Gore eee Hewiy F. BLOUNT Hoof. Emeritus Mathematics, low tov Ei ‘Vice Pratldeat Americin Se The leo. Waskimgtan Uni. President Washington Loan & Ts AE VE GEEEE runt Compart Arctic Explorer, Major Gert DAVID FAIRCHILD Ts Srey Agricultura! Lx RTH. GRosvenoRr ets Oar . itor of Notional Geowrap ©. HART Merriam ‘PRuperick V. CaviLu eracine Meter Nitinnal Academy ot marly, Drasden tof Wath diese ond Sine: Poitendsh Tiigacn “Atndorny oF serene Director af U.S Geoloxical 0. P, AUSTIN sony Epcos “ ae suis ‘Tsnmty Chiat Thorens ob OH TITTMANN sy boas R. Purkam Navi UNS. Coast and Geadetsa ‘Commis S. Berens ot RUDOLPH KAUFFMANN: The Miupnatig ler Tha Evening Georag Stiras, Ip a Pormatly Memibur U, S. T. L. Macnonatn eres, Catan Nata Whid!oame Hhotorraper Bh Bo Reese, ‘. D, Nowrit Geax Squires Formerly Otrector U.S, tare New York eau af Censue au rane, Halyseise dons M, WiLgon To carry out the purpose for which it was founded twenty-seven years ago, namely, ‘the increase and diffusion of geographic knowledge,’ the ‘National Geographic Society publishes this Magazine, All receipts from the publication are invested in the Magazine itself or expended directly to promote geographic knowledge and the study of geography. Articles or photographs from members of the Society, or other friends. are desired. For material that the Society can use, adequate remunera- tion is made. Contributions should be accompanied by an addressed return envelope and postage, und he addressed : GILBERT H. GROSVENOR, Eorror CONTRIBUTING EDITORS A. W. Greery ALEXANDER Gramam Bun, C. Harr Mrrgiam Davin, Q. H. Trrrmany Muon M, Sarre Ronewt Houser CHarman N. H. Darton WALTER T, SWINGLE Feaxe M. CHapman eon. 1) we Bexriye Clae Mall Balter Society. Wackitgton, LG Ath (Calta remeewnet ft thie Poc-Otice at 4a 96 hy National © Too Late! THE: world runs on inexorable time schedule. Yet quired toown an ateurate wateh, Hf his watch varies ‘who can say what Time really is? We get it a certain number of seconde a month, it means buy from the stars but where do the stars get it? a new watch or get a new job. A lara proportion ‘When yoo come to think of something awe-inspiring in havin yest pocket d mechanism 30 di fine, so perfect, that it actually knows and measures Time—the power above the stars! Do you own such # watch? ‘There are certain types of men who haven't much respect for Time, ‘Time is nothing in the life of = tramp. Men of little chanicter, wasters and dreamers rather pride themeelveson their contempt of Time, Sooner or later, that ghostly, implacable hand reaches out antl turns them back, ‘Any wateh will do for the man who is content to-dritt ina fow.minutes late, but what agup there is between hin and the man who has disciplined himself to. keep hack ‘af the secondsl ‘The Hamilton Watch ts known as the Rallroad Timekeeper of America, That title -was hones everything to a railroad man. ‘To him, the words, Late," are ominous They mean to him ture, danger, death, A railroad man ix re= of railroad men own Hamilten Watches. ‘That ix becausethey have learned, by com paring notes, that the Mamiltom comes closest [0 absolute accuracy—te- Star Time ‘Hamilton Watches are a3 thin and beauti- ful us you could possibly desite. But after all, a watch is nct a trinket to be selected for its looks. A fine watch is a wonderful instrument and must be jarlged solely by its performance inaccisrate measuring of Time. ‘Buy a Hamilton, not, morely because it Ia beaiitifal, hut for the deeper reason that you can depend on it for the rest of your life: to tell you accurate time—Ster Time, Send for ithe Hamittin Bouk— “The Tim ebeeper Havditon Watshes tell far 0.00, 420 00, $90.00 mas ‘Haale Mustersacce i Rend at sire jeweler hall 309 nd 3 bay HAMILTON WATCH COMPANY Dept, 35 LANCASTER, PENNSYLVANIA ‘“Montion the Geographte—tt identites you."* ee ee ANNOUNCING A Mid-Year Model - Best Combining th from 257 Show Models 26 Extra Features Unique to the Mitchell—Paid for by Factory Savings ory efficiemey 1 how on the ‘This iste tell y has cut 10,000 cos hell car How we build it for half what it wonld have cost, even in 1910, Ht less than How we build it for other factories can | Aud how, by 26 extras which John W. Bate The Efficiency Expert In 1903-—Wwhen Mitchell cars were first Id vings, we give you ua don’t find in other cars y was then 70 years old, And we Our wehicle fact Tt was a model efficiency plant. Mention the Geaxraphic—t 4 ke motor-car plant of its kind in Ameri sturted the most effic 10,000 Costs Reduced Mr 10,000 moter-car costs: hew tol In due ie 13. years Bate has re- Linore this plant—covering 45 {come through withont He equipped it with He built this wh Icres — sn CAFS Cl the Joss of a second. 72 Lal ng machines—the most effi- cient mac that are wu in this in dustry He has eliminated from the Mitchel! ce of them almost every’ ca 84 drop forgings, w also 256 steel nite are three mpings, fhe ses SS =Se ee tities: you." SS SE else, No other factory which builds cars of this class cam compare with it. Not One Cent Wasted Some motor-car makers buy “all theit parts. Most makers buy the larger share. Hut 98 per cent of this Mitchell car is built in this model plant, ‘Thus we save under others from 20 to-40) per cent: Part of this saviny is shown in our price. Ne other high-grade Six of the Mitelell size Sella ot the Mitchell price. ‘The rest of the saving. pays for 26 extrus, We give you 26 features which others don't er. No car in our class has more than tivo of them. No car ot any price has more than four, Go see these extra feattires, You will wait every one of them. And you will not, we think, buya ear which omits them. 257 Cars in One ‘This new Mitchell model cate out April 15—from four to eight months later than other cirrent models, This modet was completed after’ the New There our experts and de- And York signers examined 237 new models, they picked out the best of the few styles in all of them—from ours and from others—in body de sign and equipment. show. A2Tanch. wheethane $132 Thus the New Mitchell combines the best things brought out at the Ste-cylinler powerfl Nith-tnewl motor— rear. Complete modeta eaulement.bnelude ‘ng motor driven tire para Lu. by Rae. foe Paw senger Toucing Car or SPamenger Kisadsler. 7- Passenter Body, S25 extra. New Mitchell ‘Eight. SLA fm by Kacine- New York show. Its lines and its Imx- uries—its new ideas in equipment—are the finest shown. All this in addition to the 26 tmique fe tures which other cars don't offer. Where Mitchell is First In vase of riding the Mitchell car stands first. Any Mitchell dealer cam prove that in five minutes, No other car iu the world contains the Bate cantilever springs. ‘The Mitchel! rides the roughest rond as a boat rides waves, ‘This comfort will as- found you ‘the Mitchell stands first as regards dura- bility Six Mitchell cars have uveraged 164,572 miles each, In ordinary driving that is more than 30 years" service, ‘The Mitchell is the easiest car to drive: ‘That's becanse of its oversize stecring parts, fitted with ball bearings. ‘The Mitchell is toug and roomy—127- inch wheelbase. It is powerful. Inevery way it gives greater value than any other Sixes, because of our fuctory economies. Anu it includes 26 feathres—all. costly and important — which other cars don’t offer Amiabd cnet on 7 Let the nearest Mitebell dealer show these extras toyou. He kas this new model mow. If you don't know him, ask us for his name. Letts Molo Ea: ‘Racine, Wis. U.S.A. SSS ee “'Monting the Geographic —tt identiger you."* At the Top Firestone TRUCK TIRES WHEN experts needed material for the world's biggest telescope on Mt. Wilson, California, Firestone was the tire equipment that proved equal to tackling the mountain trail. Firestone Tire and Rubber Company “America’s Largest Exclasive Tire and Rim Makers” Akron, Ohio—Branches and Dealers Everywhere. ‘Mention the Geographic: Right first cost, low after costs, nt insurance, and quick completion, are also econo nerete Buildi xy generally are in wltimats cost. ‘They are fireproof and cure lowest insurance tates. Rigid—less wear on machinery. tle or no Tepairs—very important. Vermin-proof and easily cleaned. Quickly constructed—minimum delay of business. are not aways lowest in Book for Business Men ‘Consult your architect about We have a book—for executi buildings in many different ind takes to complete, ete, Sent free on request—use coupon below. The Atlas Portland Cement Company How Worle Chlargs Fiuladelphia Boston St Loolt Minneapolis Des Mot of concrete for you, WN, Vi, Cara Exchangs Ds My. Winton Gola Ste Name of my Architee: + Mention the Geographic—Lt identifies you, Why Fs GLACIER NATIONAL PARK Ge ACTER PARK F tion Paradi World's mas uty of its 250 hed as America’s Vaca Tr surpasses the n mountain splend re b CoR ‘Mention the Gaographic—It identifies yor Try It, A bonbon dish filled with these airy tit-bits. You'll find that you can't resist it. ‘The writer keeps Puffed Grains on his desk—Puffed Wheat, Puffed Rice, or Corn Puffs. Within an hour it's empty. So, Mrs. Housewife, it will be with you, if you place them on yournvniting desk, For these bubble-like morsels, crisp and flaky, are real food tonfections. ‘They taste like nut meats puffed. Bonbons for Breakfast 4 ples to peeve theese hon fact oftener than youddn, Let them make moce tichite or theyare supertoads. Ne element jn ther is warred Puffed Wheat =" 12¢ Puffed Rice» 15c Corn Puffs—Bubbles of Corn Hearts—|5c ' QUAKER OATS COMPANY SOLE MAKERS ‘Mention the Geographte—it filentisies you.'* Front Wheel Control Weed Chains on front tires of motor cars are as necessary as flanges on front wheels of locomotives The front wheel keep the newspaper eolum: The Scientifie front as well is the greatest cause of the many automobile accidents which prinkled with harrowing accounts. Appreciating this fact Americanin the following editorial advocates the use of Tire Chaina on the ar wheels: ty of automabileownersfit chains | front wheel holds its grip on the road, but that ‘id appear taconsider | he becomes helpless whenever the {raat wheel atuscidentsfromakid- | elides. ‘The sume conditions are truc in thecae y» | ofan automobile, but in nn exaggerated degree, nd the average speed both tend to make the grip of the front wheels 61 and a skidding front wh: reat from a broken st ha 3 a result from the driver to-control the cours aching. Any eld bicycle rider known that he can retain the Possibilities of disaster. seaitrol of his machine and maintain his balance: | facts, it ia apparent that chaina arc fully as when the rear whoel skids badly a long as the | necessary on the front wheels 3 oa the rear.”” bility of the Touse Weed Chaiss only on rear tires means to have your ear only half protected, Put Weed Chains omall four tites at the first indication of slippery going and you will have quadruple protection against injury, death, car damage and law suits. Weed Chains Are Sold for All Tires by Dealers Everywhere AMERICAN CHAIN GO. Inc.. BRIDGEPORT, CONN. BS Sole Manufacturers of Weed Anti-Shid Chaine 5} In Canada—DOMINION GHAIN CO., Ltd., Niagara Falls, Ontario. “Mention the Geographic—tt identifies you." DENBY TRUCKS FOP? TRAIL OF PAVESIENT One of a fleet of 33 Denby trucks sold for U. S. Parcels Post Service in New York City by Monahan Express Company Denby Prices leton . . . $1020 14s oa ae $1575 2ton. . . 1790 2\4-ton . . 2090 DENBY MOTOR TRUCK CO. DETROIT MICHIGAN “Mention tho Geographic—Ty identifies you."* No: offien word adeqtiataly de scribes the everlasting qual: the mainificent endurance—of Barre Granite. Forever! ‘And Gut is what we want to dhink of the memorials erucred by the binds of smenithat wind and rain and the revapies of Time dance destroy nar sar tie — that they will endure until an end wares to temporal thinks Barre Granlie seems to have been de aisaed by Nature ns the material with ‘which to perpetuate memories. Its fine ‘rain and unilbrrutesturesicsrare beautys ‘quality which lendsttvel topolisking and the sstptor aarti reed from imine ections—all thase points of superiors make i ideal for ie appointed purpoae. BARRE GRANITE ‘es Non se ais alee memori: ssbhout the country; yet it i available for. those whow. means aquite porch of less expensive momar. ‘Your dealer will be ux ptoased fo firrnish Sallinformation rebardini§ asinall marker ushewilla larheund expensive stemorial, ae atvarris at Bh Petitial br of Barre rant, Barre Quarriers and Manufacturers Ass'n Dept.8, BARRE,VERMONT “The Granite Center of tho World” ‘One of DENVER'S ‘Vacation Trips See Denver's New Move fain Parka. and” Rocky ject magiticent ‘Trib ‘Pealiey, Roepe. nal sie seclog Tripm inelaging 14 Senetsy trl =, Write Today For Free Picture Book’ THEDENYE® TOURIST BURERU THe Mixa Teat Tans 5 Tue Heart Twat Fees are equally touched ud stirred by Swe profound pretation of ‘The Holy Bible Tr veill ely you jomally toa mm ional unde: ‘of the Ward —to a eleare love of rable slfishriesp of hel 1 the fife of the judgment can 's Works or Heaveriand the proces ‘Man; ad of what the fim Swedenbor; 5 cents each volume, The 4 Exide’ Batteries “Extde” “Hycap Shee oehee Mention the Goographie—tt DURAND Steel Lockers CLEAN-CUT appear- ance is imparted to any office by this well-designed Durand Steel Locker. It holds wraps conveniently and compactly within one-third the space required by or- dinary lockers, and does away with unsightly hooks and hat-racks. ST lossk deel said EGER wee ain into these durable lockers. They are fire- pfool, vermin-proof, and well ventilated. They harmonize with the best quality of | office furniture. Write today for farther information. We ore alo manufacturers of steel shelving, steel bins, and general steel! Factory equipment. DURAND STEEL LOCKER Co. 1507 Ft. Dearboro Hk. Blix. 907 Vanderbilt Bldg ‘Chieage New York. “Mention the Geographic—It identifies you. Your House Is Not Well Built Unless. It Is Well Weather Stripped Why? | Well, just look, at those cracks all around the window sashes and doors even when they are shut. Perhaps you don't realize that these cracks average one-eighth inch in width and twenty feet in length for each window and door, or the equiva- lent of thirty square inches of opening. Jest as if an entire brick was left out of the wall. Multiply that_area by the number of windows and outside doors you have and you'll appreciate what damp: and cold com get in, What draughts are created_—what amount of dust and dict and soot comes through. You can't sall your house weather-proof until all Jeaky’ windows and doors have been MONARCH METAL WEATHER STRIPS Unquestionably the best ‘designed, mont effective and lastingly satisfactory weather mips, Can be inntalled in ai opening—used with ou They adjust themselves auismatic- ally toxny thrinking or warping and silence rattling windows. ‘Consult Your Architect. Hekzow MONARCH Stina, “Whe thay are hie sod effclent tian way uthers, Licensees or theit representatives ‘Wrns un for FREE, tttustrated boouier Gbecribing Méonatca Metal Weather Berio Monarch Metal Weather Strip Company 4127 Forest Park Boulevard St, Le The car of “Her” choice Paige-Detroit Motor Car Company 1212 MeKiasies Ave, Detrait tion the Geographic—tt identiies you.'* “DIAMONDS ==" FROM JASON WEILER & SON Diamand Importers, Boston, Masa, and save This lid calls halt! to flies, dogs, rats, roaches. Summer Picks up Dust Like A | Vacuum Cleaner That fine, clinging dust that settles on furniture, tables, pianos, mantels, picture frames, vases—on. everything ut home a ice —can st be oved with a Dustlers. Dust Cloth with 3-in-One The Universal Oil made dustle Jason Weiler & Son Boston, Mass. ‘Three-in-One Oil Cos 42UF. Brundway, New Yori ‘Mention the Geogruphic—It identities you"? CHANDLER SIX #1295 ‘Ve Cannot Describe the Bearty of the New eud Greater Chandler wv Chandler tou chy we do. seen it visit tho, Chandler silesrooma foray und. get a mew Iden of miter eur peaitty ‘This new touring ear is the most heuuti- fal cur of the yea can hardly be anyatgumentaste that. Some: redaon vo be biased might dispute th you are unprejudiced—yotr will Jo : f line and beauty of fine agiwe with what Testhousandsat theautamobite shows hu Positively, They have whl the fs the most beautiful car of the go and sex it waln a ‘The old style design, wit froat: $01 ts projectin ook odd even now. For the Chandler cha by the Murvelon: hiven proven right ¥ Te is free fro In spite of higher p entering into it, the C! for hizhes Send far s copy of the New Chander Catalogue CHANDLER MOTOR CAR COMPANY 1405-1435 E. 13ist St., Cleveland, Onio. New York Office, IBM Meouteeay Cable, Address ‘"Montion the Geographic—It identigas you.'* nan the Chandler au-eowl type will be old-fashioned aut of date beforg the seasm ¢ backs of tho abruptly above the You will be tho atple of the car and you i can depent on it mechan nll the power, spoed, 1 inand-day-out dery in neatatany price, 5. distinguished sr Motor, hns ch three years of service in the hand of thdusands of pany hint of expe free fram any hint of untried over. “Chanmetor" A Confidence Based on Knowledge and Record In 1914-15 all forms of in- vestment were subjected ta @ severe test, During this period banks in- creased their percentage of holdings of Public Utility Bands, The record of such bonds shows them entitled to in- creasing confidence on the part of individual investors The Best Income with Safety can be derived from purchasing such bonds at present prices, Send for List AN-37, N. W. Halsey & Co. New York ‘ladelphia — Chileapa Bylot edd SO Cleveland pater St. Lous K.N.&K. Travelers’ Checks save time and the annoyances of iden- tifteation. Known and hon- ored everywhere. Conveni- ent, safe, economical, Denominations of $10, 520, 550, and $100—at « premium of $0. on one hundred dollars’ worth. Get them from your banker or crite for fall particulars, Knanth ‘Narhod & Kuhne Equitable Building New York City Tn thiee dletinguished Ametionna allepoak in highest terms of the bene f fitsof insurance kat hu five penrwod POSTAL LIVE peutection, | Let the Postal solve your life insurance problem ‘The Ports! employe nosipnn fh al writes all the atai! ate officially: appre Ta National Gearraphis” ft Mise “Postar [are [xyezance Garay FARGO Oravelers Checks ‘Mention the Geographle—It identifies you!" 6PerCent Investment Secured by Producing Farm Lands First Mortgage Bonds of $100, $500and$1,000 Denominations Value of security nearly three times loan, Net income last year equiva- lent to 40% of the entire bond issue. Obligation of responsible indi- vidual, Location in rich, established section, convenient to active markets, Ask for Circular No. 916 D Peabody, Houghteling & Co. (Established 1865) 10 So. La Salle St, Chiceao 4 Write Today for This The Nee Bock on MUNICIPAL BONDS Learn for yourself th logic of this Kind of in wesrment. Learn why they duerre your frst consideration whether you are a large or small investar. Thousands of experienced confine their purchases st municipal The interestiny book explat nein office for this iam Ru in Company / Municipal ay tac foudWuSte Bends ambien Sta CMeate Siecineait 15 South La Sale Steel a2 Ui Diversified 5AM July Investments First Mortgage Serial Real tate Bonds, imued an duarded under the Straus Plan, yielding 513% not, offer you x safe investment for July funds. with opportunity far wide diversification, ‘You may select securities in $1.000 ond $500 denominations eorwiiseg hug We bweos ar GH Saka cach bond secured by a direct firet mortgage on a high grade building and land in a different city, auch ss New York Philadelphis Chicago Nowiark Detroit Minneapolis ‘Thus you may avoid putting all dei Since we first ie own funds in every hood inne we offer, the safeguards which protesturin the purchase of these sceuritics are’ the safeguards ich protect the investurs whe purchase them, from us. The full meaning of our ree- ommendation of these sale ine vestments may he indicated by the fuct that na investor has ever lost a dollar of principal or interest on amy security per chased of this House, funded 7 grees gas Biverye Yale tn vestor shou ‘Write teday for Cireular No. E656 s.W. **Moution the Geographlo—Tt identities you."* SOFT silky be IVORY SOAP: | Bet “Mention the Geographic—it identities you" Vol. XXIX, No. 5 WASHINGTON May, 1916 THIE NATIONAL oo eee MAGAZINE URTHER EXPLORATIONS IN rHR LAND OF THE INCAS The Peruvian Expedition of 1913 of the National Geographic Society and Yale University By Hiram Binenan. Director oF FE WILL te remeinbered that it was in 1yit we citnmenced. systematic exploration in