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Acutonics sound healing has the potential to benefit you in many ways:

Sound HealingClarity of life purpose and path

Clearing of unhealthy thought and behavior patterns
Heal core issues and limiting beliefs
Address past and present life traumas
Support recovery from illness and healing from chronic conditions
Restore healthy energy flow through the realignment of your energy fields
Relieve emotional distress, including depression and anxiety
Reduce stress and unleash creativity
Increase self-awareness
Connect with the essence of your soul
Increase the effectiveness of other forms of medical treatment
Assist during life transitions: relationship, home, and job changes
loss and grief
new personal goals and phases of life

Vindecarea cu sunet in sistemul Acutonic are potenialul de a aduce nenumarate

beneficii, printre care:

Clarificarea misiunii personale i a modului de abordare a acesteia

Vindecarea gndirii nesntoase i a tiparelor de comportament
Vindecarea credinelor limitative i a aspectelor eseniale
Acceseaz traume ale vieii prezente sau ale vieilor trecute
Susine recuperarea dup o boala

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